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As part of a longitudinal cohort study, now in its second decade, we determined PCDDs/Fs dl-PCBs and PBDEs in serum of adolescents with known perinatal PCDD/F exposure. Of the original cohort, 33 adolescents aged 14-19 years, who had been studied previously during their neonatal (n=60), toddler and pre-pubertal period (n=41) agreed to participate in the current follow-up. PCDD/F-, dl-PCB- and PBDE congeners were measured using GC/MS. Current serum levels of PCDD/Fs determined in our cohort were relatively low (mean of 2.2pg/g) compared to the perinatal exposure. No correlation between perinatal exposure and current serum PCDD/F was found. Planar PCB TEQ levels were 2.2pg/g. Current summation operatorPBDE levels were 8.7ng/g lipid. There was one outlier with a summation operatorPBDE of 74ng/g lipid. The presence of this high value indicates that the exposure pathway is different from PCDD/F and PCB, most likely by dust and food contaminated with dust. Concluding we can say that current PCDD/F levels are quite low compared to the perinatal PCDD/F exposure of the cohort. PBDE levels however are relatively high compared to other European countries, more research on possible health effects of these levels, especially for subjects with outlier concentrations, should be performed.  相似文献   
Nematodes belonging to the family Oncholaimidae are known to aggregate at sites of organic pollution. The oncholaimidAdoncholaimus thalassophygas (De Man, 1876), collected from the Weser Estuary, FRG, in 1989, has the capability to take up acetate at naturally occurring concentrations. Under almost axenic conditions, ca 2.3 to 3.0 ng sodium acetate was taken-up per worm within 24 h, when an ambient concentration of 0.33 mmol was offered. The concentration factor was ca 8.5 to 11.1. The results suggest that a highly motile oxybiotic nematode may benefit from the fermentation products of anoxic habitats.Contribution No. 251 of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   
Thiobacilli may either attack coal-contained pyrite directly or contribute to its oxidation via catalysing the oxidation of ferrous salts by oxygen dissolved in water. The part played by either of the above mechanisms during pyrite removal from hard coals is discussed. This is followed by a review of experiments meant to identify the influence of coal rank, grain size, pyrite genesis and content, on pyrite removal efficiency over time. The paper reports on experiments to determine the seepage rate of the nutritive solution with bacteria, termed “biopulp”, in coal heaps. Investigations into the alteration of coal properties due to pyrite removal are dealt with. Concluding, plant dimensions and the costs of pyrite removal, as derived from two designs of relevant plants, are presented.  相似文献   
The gene transfer from glyphosate tolerant soybean to Bradyrhizobium japonicum was evaluated in a free-air lysimeter experiment under natural conditions and increasing selection pressure, to monitor for the probability of horizontal gene transfer (HGT). A large volume lysimeter study that offers conditions comparable to normal farming was conducted in 2004 and 2005 with Roundup Ready® (RR) soybean and Roundup® application according to agricultural practice. Analysis of nodules showed, as expected, the presence of the transgenic 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS). However, in bacteroids that were isolated from nodules and then cultivated for several rounds in the presence of high levels of glyphosate, the EPSPS gene could no longer be detected. This indicates no stable HGT transfer of the whole EPSPS gene under field conditions.  相似文献   
In this contribution, we propose fishery driven predator release as the cause for the largest grazing event ever observed in the NE Atlantic. Based on the evolving appreciation of limits to population connectivity, published and previously unpublished data, we discuss whether overfishing caused a grazer bloom of the sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) resulting in overgrazing of more than 2000 km2 kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) forest along Norwegian and Russian coasts during the 1970 s. We show that coastal fisheries likely depleted predatory coastal fish stocks through modernization of fishing methods and fleet. These fish were important predators on urchins and the reduction coincided with the urchin bloom. From this circumstantial evidence, we hypothesize that coastal predatory fish were important in regulating sea urchins, and that a local population dynamics perspective is necessary in management of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
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