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<正>中年级的语文阅读教学,既要完成本学段的学习目标,又要为高年级的阅读教学作准备,起着承上启下的作用,是学生语文学习的一个重要阶段。但是纵观中年段的语文课文安排,我们不难发现:有一些是原老教材的高年级课文,移到了中年级,如《太阳》《小英雄雨来》《西门豹》《一个中国孩子的呼声》等。这些文章篇幅长、内容深,对于中年级孩  相似文献   
商界领袖们投入几乎所有的时间在经济和政治系统内运作,遵守着这些系统内部的“游戏规则”。他们很少考虑这样构一些问题,比如:这些规则正确吗?究竟是什么潜在的假设在指导着经济和政治系统?商业最终的目标和意图是什么?我们是在实现这个目:际和意图的过程中吗?如果不是,原因何在?什么需要改变?  相似文献   
We report the occurrence of multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) in two consecutive pregnancies in a young, Caucasian, non-consanguineous couple. In the first pregnancy, the maternal serum α-fetoprotein was elevated. A sonogram showed growth delay, cystic renal disease, and oligohydramnios; the parents decided to terminate the pregnancy. Postmortem examination confirmed the cystic renal disease and showed hepatic steatosis, raising the suspicion of a metabolic disorder. The diagnosis of MADD was made by immunoblot studies on cultured fibroblasts. In the subsequent pregnancy, a sonogram at 15 weeks' gestation showed an early growth delay but normal kidneys. The maternal serum and amniotic fluid concentrations of α-fetoprotein were elevated, and the amniotic fluid acylcarnitine profile was consistent with MADD. In vitro metabolic studies on cultured amniocytes confirmed the diagnosis. A follow-up sonogram showed cystic renal changes. These cases provide additional information regarding the evolution of renal changes in affected fetuses and show a relationship with elevated α-fetoprotein, which may be useful in counseling the couple at risk. MADD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elevated α-fetoprotein and cystic renal disease. Early growth delay may be an additional feature. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An increased use of wood products and an adequate management of forests can help to mitigate climate change. However, planning horizons and response time to changes in forest management are usually long and the respective GHG effects related to the use of wood depend on the availability of harvested wood. Therefore, an integral long-term strategic approach is required to formulate the most effective forest and wood management strategies for mitigating climate change.The greenhouse gas (GHG) dynamics related to the production, use and disposal of wood products are manifold and show a complex time pattern. On the one hand, wood products can be considered as a carbon pool, as is the forest itself. On the other hand, an increased use of wood can lead to the substitution of usually more energy-intense materials and to the substitution of fossil fuels when the thermal energy of wood is recovered. Country-specific import/export flows of wood products and their alternative products as well as their processing stage have to be considered if substitution effects are assessed on a national basis.We present an integral model-based approach to evaluate the GHG impacts of various forest management and wood use scenarios. Our approach allows us to analyse the complex temporal and spatial patterns of GHG emissions and removals including trade-offs of different forest management and wood use strategies. This study shows that the contributions of the forestry and timber sector to mitigate climate change can be optimized with the following key recommendations: (1) the maximum possible, sustainable increment should be generated in the forest, taking into account biodiversity conservation as well as the long-term preservation of soil quality and growth performance; (2) this increment should be harvested continuously; (3) the harvested wood should be processed in accordance with the principle of cascade use, i.e. first be used as a material as long as possible, preferably in structural components; (4) waste wood that is not suitable for further use should be used to generate energy. Political strategies to solely increase the use of wood as a biofuel cannot be considered efficient from a climate perspective; (5) forest management strategies to enhance carbon sinks in forests via reduced harvesting are not only ineffective because of a compensatory increase in fossil fuel consumption for the production of non-wooden products and thermal energy but also because of the Kyoto-“cap” that limits the accountability of GHG removals by sinks under Article 3.3 and 3.4, at least for the first commitment period; (6) the effect of substitution through the material and energy use of wood is more significant and sustained as compared with the stock effects in wood products, which tend towards new steady-state flow equilibria with no further increase of C stocks; (7) from a global perspective, the effect of material substitution exceeds that of energy recovery from wood. In the Swiss context, however, the energy recovery from wood generates a greater substitution effect than material substitution.  相似文献   
Atmospheric cycling of mercury and other pollutants has become a major concern as industrialized countries have eliminated point discharges, sometimes by relocating the industries to underdeveloped and developing countries where point sources have become problems. Such circumventions may be to no avail in the long run as pollution continues to elevate levels of methylmercury in fish in waterways that are remote from direct contamination as well as where the source can be readily identified. Much has been learned about the cycling of mercury in the environment since human disabilities and deaths at Minamata, Japan, initially drew attention to the problem of methylmercury poisoning from the consumption of contaminated seafood in the 1950s. In that instance, methylmercury produced industrially concentrated to toxic levels in fish. As this manufacturing process was not used outside Japan, concern did not become immediate in other developed nations until the 1960s when it was established that mercury was not only biomethylated by microorganisms but also biomagnified through the food chain. Point sources to the waterways may have been eliminated too late to return the levels in fish to background because of the geochemical cycling of mercury through the environment. Despite decreases in domestic, industrial and agricultural point source releases over the last two decades, large quantities from non-point sources such as fossil fuel combustion, smelters, and incinerators are still being released. Much of this mercury is transported from the atmosphere to aquatic ecosystems and stored in sediments until it is again released to the water and atmosphere.  相似文献   
Permethrin drift from two aerial applications at each of two sites in a potato growing area in Ontario were measured to a maximum distance of 61 m outside the treatment area. Droplet drift did not enter the adjacent surface water streams at either study site, since there was little or no wind on the four occasions. The concentration of the insecticide in soil as a result of drifting off site was significantly lower than the amount deposited on the treatment area. The spray drifting off-target was generally made up of droplets <100 m. Permethrin residues were detected in the water and sediment samples collected after treatment along the Bailey Creek and Beeton Creek; however, these levels did not cause lethal or sublethal effects to aquatic invertebrates and fish species. Based on the conditions and results of this study, it is concluded that a buffer zone of 65 m around sensitive and productive bodies of water would be effective and practical.  相似文献   
API separator sludge was solidified with various combinations of binders and absorbent soil additives. The binders utilized were Type I Portland Cement, Type C Flyash, and a 1:1 combination of the two. The soil additives used were bentonite, diatomite, Fuller's earth, and two brands of chemically altered bentonites, or organoclays. The effectiveness of the solidification materials was based on their effect on the physical and leaching characteristics of the sludge.It was determined the Portland cement and combination binders provided the sludge with adequate physical and strength characteristics. It was also determined the affinity of each additive for water had an important influence on the physical characteristics of the solidified sludge. The results of the leaching procedure indicated the binders alone reduced the leachability of organic constituents from the sludge by 1/5 to 1/10. It appeared the use of the additives with the binders may have further reduced the leachability of constituents from sludge, with the incorporation of the organoclay additives further reducing leachability by up to 1/2. Also, it appeared the absorbing capacity of the additives was directly related to their ability to reduce the leachability of organic constituents from the sludge.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare measured concentrations of rubber process dust and rubber fume originating from different sources in the British rubber manufacturing industry. Almost 8000 exposure measurements were obtained from industry-based survey results collected by the British Rubber Manufacturers' Association (BRMA), and covering the years 1977 to 2002, and from a series of small surveys contained in the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) National Exposure Database (HSE-NEDB) from 1980 to 2002. The analysis investigated temporal trends in the exposure concentrations and the underlying main factors responsible for these changes. Analyses were carried out using hierarchical linear mixed effects models. Average personal exposures to rubber process dust and rubber fumes were respectively a factor 2 and 4 higher for the HSE-NEDB data when compared to data originating from the industry (BRMA data). Personal exposure to rubber process dust decreased on average by 4.1% (95% CI 4.7-3.6) annually for the BRMA data and slightly less at 2.3% (95% CI 5.2-0.7%) per annum for the HSE-NEDB data. Personal exposure to rubber fume also showed a downward temporal trend of 2.9% (95% CI 3.6-2.3%) and 4.8% (95% CI 7.4-2.1%) annually for the BRMA and HSE-NEDB data, respectively. These trends differed considerably between departments. No major changes in the estimated temporal trends in exposure concentrations were observed after including the presence of local exhaust ventilation in the models for any department in the BRMA and HSE-NEDB datasets. Lack of information on the quality and status of the local exhaust ventilation is the most likely explanation for this. In conclusion, even though there were relatively similar downward time trends in both rubber process dust and fume concentrations in both datasets, the source of exposure data was an important determinant of average exposure concentrations present in the British rubber manufacturing industry. Lack of detailed auxiliary information on company size, reason for sampling, measurement strategy and other potentially important determinants of exposure prevented an explanation for the observed differences in exposure level.  相似文献   
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