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Fire influences the distribution of fauna in terrestrial biomes throughout the world. Use of fire to achieve a mosaic of vegetation in different stages of succession after burning (i.e., patch‐mosaic burning) is a dominant conservation practice in many regions. Despite this, knowledge of how the spatial attributes of vegetation mosaics created by fire affect fauna is extremely scarce, and it is unclear what kind of mosaic land managers should aim to achieve. We selected 28 landscapes (each 12.6 km2) that varied in the spatial extent and diversity of vegetation succession after fire in a 104,000 km2 area in the semiarid region of southeastern Australia. We surveyed for reptiles at 280 sites nested within the 28 landscapes. The landscape‐level occurrence of 9 of the 22 species modeled was associated with the spatial extent of vegetation age classes created by fire. Biogeographic context and the extent of a vegetation type influenced 7 and 4 species, respectively. No species were associated with the diversity of vegetation ages within a landscape. Negative relations between reptile occurrence and both extent of recently burned vegetation (≤10 years postfire, n = 6) and long unburned vegetation (>35 years postfire, n = 4) suggested that a coarse‐grained mosaic of areas (e.g. >1000 ha) of midsuccessional vegetation (11–35 years postfire) may support the fire‐sensitive reptile species we modeled. This age class coincides with a peak in spinifex cover, a keystone structure for reptiles in semiarid and arid Australia. Maintaining over the long term a coarse‐grained mosaic of large areas of midsuccessional vegetation in mallee ecosystems will need to be balanced against the short‐term negative effects of large fires on many reptile species and a documented preference by species from other taxonomic groups, particularly birds, for older vegetation. Mosaicos de Fuego y la Conservación de Reptiles en una Región Propensa al Fuego  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the public and occupational exposure to radon and metal-bearing particles in museums and public buildings located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For this study, four buildings were selected: two historic buildings, which currently house an art gallery and an art museum; and two modern buildings, a chapel and a club. Integrated radon concentration measurements were performed using passive radon detectors with solid state nuclear track detector-type Lexan used as nuclear track detector. Air samplers with a cyclone were used to collect the airborne particle samples that were analyzed by the particle-induced X-ray emission technique. The average unattached-radon concentrations in indoor air in the buildings were above 40 Bq/m3, with the exception of Building D as measured in 2009. The average radon concentrations in indoor air in the four buildings in 2009 were below the recommended reference level by World Health Organization (100 Bq/m3); however, in 2011, the average concentrations of radon in Buildings A and C were above this level, though lower than 300 Bq/m3. The average concentrations of unattached radon were lower than 148 Bq/m3 (4pCi/L), the USEPA level recommended to take action to reduce the concentrations of radon in indoor air. The unattached-radon average concentrations were also lower than the value recommended by the European Union for new houses. As the unattached-radon concentrations were below the international level recommended to take action to reduce the radon concentration in air, it was concluded that during the period of sampling, there was low risk to human health due to the inhalation of unattached radon in these four buildings.  相似文献   
We present data indicating that three species of cerambycid beetles (subfamily Cerambycinae) produce the common cerambycine pheromone component (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one as well as an alkan-2-one component, a possible new motif for cerambycid pheromone components. GC/MS analyses of headspace volatiles produced by male beetles indicated that Cyrtophorus verrucosus (Olivier) produced (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one but also nonan-2-one at ~18 % of the hydroxyketone component, whereas Orwellion gibbulum arizonense (Casey) and Parelaphidion aspersum (Haldeman) produced decan-2-one at ~40 and 7 % of the amount of the hydroxyketone, respectively. In field bioassays, adult C. verrucosus were attracted by (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one alone, but attraction was significantly enhanced by nonan-2-one. This effect was lost if the quantity of nonan-2-one exceeded 100 % of the hydroxyketone, suggesting that beetles could discern ratios of the two chemicals and were most strongly attracted to those approximating the blend produced by males. We suggest that nonan-2-one plays a role in the species specificity of the pheromone signal of C. verrucosus, and that decan-2-one plays a similar role in the semiochemical communication of O. g. arizonense and P. aspersum.  相似文献   
The age and shell growth rate of deep-sea hydrothermal bivalves were investigated for the first time using in situ chemical staining combined with high-resolution micro-increment analysis. A staining chamber developed for this purpose was applied to a patch of Bathymodiolus thermophilus mussels at 2,500 m depth at the 9°47′N vent field on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) in May 2010. This approach minimizes disturbance of the mussels in their habitat. Bathymodiolus thermophilus grows according to a circalunidian rhythm, with one increment formed each day, and displays tide-related growth rate variability. Based on the von Bertalanffy growth rate model, the largest shell collected (SL = 20.5 cm) would be 10.0 year old, with a growth rate of 4.2–1.1 cm year?1 as the shell ages. This fast growth rate is consistent with the instability of the environment in this section of the EPR and observed recolonization rates and could reflect a specific adaptation of this species.  相似文献   
Research into the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine organisms has greatly increased during the past decade, as realization of the potential dramatic impacts has grown. Studies have revealed the multifarious responses of organisms to OA conditions, indicating a high level of intra- and interspecific variation in species’ ability to accommodate these alterations. If we are to provide policy makers with sound, scientific input regarding the expected consequences of OA, we need a broader understanding of these predicted changes. As a group of 20 multi-disciplinary postgraduate students from around the globe, with a study focus on OA, we are a strong representation of ‘next generation’ scientists in this field. In this unique cumulative paper, we review knowledge gaps in terms of assessing the biological impacts of OA, outlining directions for future research.  相似文献   
Post-settlement events can significantly alter the density distribution of settlers and subsequently the adult population structure. The temporal and inter-annual variability of settlement and the effects of mortality on recruitment were investigated across 2 years in the vicinities of Cabo de Palos–Islas Hormigas Marine Reserve by visual census and light trap sampling. Settlement was seasonal with greater species richness and abundance in summer. Although temporal synchronization was observed between larval supply and settlement, densities of settlers could not be predicted from post-larval abundances. Timing of settlement was consistent between years but with high inter-annual variation in abundance. High mortality (~80 %) and general decoupling between post-larval and settlement stages suggest that early mortality is driving such patterns. Nevertheless, indications of habitat-mediated mortality were found for benthic species such as Symphodus and Diplodus, highlighting the importance of habitat in shaping population demography.  相似文献   
Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including nickel and chromium are often present in soils overlying basalt at concentrations above regulatory guidance values due to the presence of these elements in underlying geology. Oral bioaccessibility testing allows the risk posed by PTEs to human health to be assessed; however, bioaccessibility is controlled by factors including mineralogy, particle size, solid-phase speciation and encapsulation. X-ray diffraction was used to characterise the mineralogy of 12 soil samples overlying Palaeogene basalt lavas in Northern Ireland, and non-specific sequential extraction coupled with chemometric analysis was used to determine the distribution of elements amongst soil components in 3 of these samples. The data obtained were related to total concentration and oral bioaccessible concentration to determine whether a relationship exists between the overall concentrations of PTEs, their bioaccessibility and the soils mineralogy and geochemistry. Gastric phase bioaccessible fraction (BAF %) ranged from 0.4 to 5.4 % for chromium in soils overlying basalt and bioaccessible and total chromium concentrations are positively correlated. In contrast, the range of gastric phase BAF for nickel was greater (1.4–43.8 %), while no significant correlation was observed between bioaccessible and total nickel concentrations. However, nickel BAF was inversely correlated with total concentration. Solid-phase fractionation information showed that bioaccessible nickel was associated with calcium carbonate, aluminium oxide, iron oxide and clay-related components, while bioaccessible chromium was associated with clay-related components. This suggests that weathering significantly affects nickel bioaccessibility, but does not have the same effect on the bioaccessibility of chromium.  相似文献   
Ria Formosa Lagoon is the most important bivalve production region of the South Portuguese coast. However, the microbial contamination has been increasing in the northwest area of the lagoon. This study assesses the microbiological contamination of clams Ruditapes decussatus from the most contaminated area for 1 year period. Escherichia coli levels were weekly determined and related with variations in several environmental parameters: precipitation, atmospheric temperature, solar radiation, wind velocity, humidity and tide height. Highest E. coli levels in clams were associated with periods of heaviest rainfall and lowest temperature, mainly due to diffuse sources of faecal discharges. A seasonal trend was observed: microbial contamination in clams was lowest in summer, with highest temperatures, intense solar radiation and dry weather and higher in the remaining seasons, especially in winter due to the runoff of faecal contaminated waters. Several measurements not only to protect the quality of the lagoon, but also to protect public health were recommended. The most imperative will be to detect and extinguish the diffuse contamination sources. Otherwise it might be necessary to implement an interdiction period of bivalve harvesting after heavy rainfalls.  相似文献   
This study aims to assess niche segregation among the five main toothed whales that frequent the NW Iberian Peninsula waters: the common dolphin, the harbour porpoise, the bottlenose dolphin, the striped dolphin and the long-finned pilot whale. We used cadmium (Cd) and stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) as ecological tracers to assess degree of segregation in diet/trophic level and in foraging habitat, over various time-scales. δ13C values highlighted different habitats, while Cd concentrations highlighted feeding differences between oceanic and neritic species. Moreover, δ15N values suggest different trophic levels of prey targeted within oceanic and neritic species. Hence, results revealed long-term ecological segregation among five toothed whales that coexist in the NWIP and demonstrated the ability of ecological tracers to discriminate ecological niches among closely related species.  相似文献   
Polyandry is widespread, but its adaptive significance is not fully understood. The hypotheses used to explain its persistence have rarely been tested in the wild and particularly for large, long-lived mammals. We investigated polyandry in fallow deer, using female mating and reproduction data gathered over 10 years. Females of this species produce a single offspring (monotocous) and can live to 23 years old. Overall, polyandry was evident in 12 % of females and the long-term, consistent proportion of polyandrous females observed, suggests that monandry and polyandry represent alternative mating strategies. Females were more likely to be polyandrous when their first mate had previously achieved high numbers of matings during the rut or was relatively old. However, polyandry was not related to the following factors: female age, the stage of the rut, the dominance ranks of mates, or the number of daily matings achieved by males. Polyandrous and monandrous multiple-mating females were not more likely than single-mating females to be observed with an offspring during the following year, and there were no significant differences in offspring size between these females. These results provide support for a fertility insurance hypothesis, with females remating if fertilization from the first mating was uncertain due to possible sperm depletion. The potential for different female mating strategies among large, polygynous mammals has generally been overlooked. Our findings highlight the complexity of female reproductive strategies and the possible trade-offs between fertilization success, preferences for high-quality males, and potential costs of polyandry, particularly for monotocous species.  相似文献   
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