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Vaillant N Monnet F Sallanon H Coudret A Hitmi A 《Journal of environmental quality》2004,33(2):695-702
The objectives in this work were to investigate a conceptual layout for an inexpensive and simple system that would treat primary municipal wastewater to discharge standards. A commercial hydroponic system was adapted for this study and the wastewater was used to irrigate wooly digitalis (Digitalis lanata Ehrh.) and foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.). These plants are medicinal and produce cardenolide compounds. Influent and effluent samples were collected once a month for six months and analyzed to determine the various parameters relating to water quality. The legal discharge levels for total suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were reached for the two tested plants after 48 h of wastewater treatment; the removal was 82, 93, and 79%, respectively, for wooly digitalis and 92, 92, and 84%, respectively, for foxglove. Similar results were obtained during a 6-mo period although the sewage composition varied widely. The system tended to be unable to remove N and P to concentrations below regulated levels. Compared with the nutrient solution composition, the wastewater was more concentrated in Na+ and Cl- and less in N, K+, and Ca2+. These variations can lead to the decline of wooly digitalis plants. Foxglove developed a significant root system to increase mineral absorption wastewater being used as the unique nutritive source. After 10 wk all the wooly digitalis seedlings were dead. Despite this fact, however, the root system remained in place for a significant time (< 4 mo), thus continuing to filter wastewater and to be used as a bacterial support thus making it possible to have a security period to replace the dead plants. 相似文献
Lola Loussert Fabien Vidal Olivier Parant Safouane M. Hamdi Christophe Vayssiere Paul Guerby 《黑龙江环境通报》2020,40(5):519-527
For the past decades, growing attention has been given to aspirin use during pregnancy. It favors placentation by its proangiogenic, antithrombotic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, low doses of aspirin are prescribed in the prevention of placenta-mediated complications, mainly preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. However, questions regarding its clinical application are still debated. Aspirin is effective in preventing preeclampsia in a high-risk population. Most guidelines recommend that risk stratification should rely on medical history. Nevertheless, screening performances dramatically improve if biochemical and biophysical markers are included. Concerning the appropriate timing and dose, latest studies suggest aspirin should be started before 16 weeks of pregnancy and at a daily dose of 100 mg or more. Further studies are needed to improve the identification of patients likely to benefit from prophylactic aspirin. Besides, the role of aspirin in the prevention of fetal growth restriction is still questioned. 相似文献
We model the climate change issue as a pollution control game with the purpose of comparing two possible departures from the business as usual (BAU) where countries noncooperatively choose their emission levels. In the first scenario, players have to agree on a global emission cap (GEC) that is enforced by a uniform taxation scheme. They still behave strategically when choosing emission levels but are now subject to the coupled constraint imposed by the cap. The second scenario consists of the implementation of an international cap and trade (ICT) system. In this case, players decide on their emission quotas, and emission trading is allowed. A three heterogenous player quadratic game serves as a basis for the analysis. When the cap is binding, among all the coupled constraints Nash equilibria, we select a particular normalized equilibrium by solving a variational inequality. Comparing the normalized equilibrium with the Nash equilibria of the BAU and the ICT, we first show that if the cap is appropriately chosen, then the GEC system improves all players’ payoffs, relative to the BAU. The GEC system may thus be unanimously approved whereas the ICT is not, because moving from the BAU to the ICT is costly for one player. Second, for some values of the cap, all players get a higher payoff under the GEC than under the ICT. Therefore, the GEC outperforms the ICT both in terms of feasibility and efficiency. 相似文献
Rabah Mehaddi Samuel Vaux Fabien Candelier Olivier Vauquelin 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2015,15(6):1115-1134
Manel Ghorbel Marguerite Munoz Fabien Solmon 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2014,36(5):935-951
This work presents a modeling approach to simulate spatial distribution of metal contamination in aerosols with evaluation of health hazard. This approach offers the advantage to be non-intrusive, less expensive than sampling and laboratory analyses. It was applied to assess the impact of metal-bearing dust from mining wastes on air quality for a nearby community and agricultural lands in Jebel Ressas (Tunisia) locality. Dust emission rates were calculated using existing parameterization adapted to the contamination source composed of mining wastes. Metal concentrations were predicted using a Gaussian model (fugitive dust model) with, as input: emission rates, dump physical parameters and meteorological data measured in situ for 30 days in summertime. Metal concentration maps were built from calculated PM10 particle concentrations. They evidence the areas where Pb and Cd concentrations exceeded WHO guidelines (0.5 and 0.005 µg/m3, respectively). Maximum concentrations of Pb and Cd in PM10 are, respectively, of 5.74 and 0.0768 µg/m3 for measured wind speed values up to 22 m/s. Preferential areas of contamination were determined in agricultural lands to the NW from the source dump where Pb and Cd exceeded guidelines up to a distance of 1,200 m. The secondary spreading directions were SW and E, toward the village. Health hazard prospecting shown that a major part of the village was exposed to contaminated dust and that daily hazard quotient (HQ) values reached locally 118 and 158, respectively, for Pb and Cd during the study period. However, HQ variations in the village are high, both temporally and geographically. 相似文献
Edwin Quarello Fabien Guimiot Jean-Marie Moalic Michel Simoneau Yves Ville Anne-Lise Delezoide 《黑龙江环境通报》2007,27(10):926-931
Objective To investigate the involvement of the genes encoding for COL6A1, COLA2 and super-oxide dismutase (SOD) in the mechanism for the retention of subcutaneous fluid in fetuses with trisomy 21. Methods During a 7-month period (November 2004–May 2005), human fetal skin from the nuchal region was obtained from euploid fetuses and from fetuses with trisomy 21 following abortions and terminations of pregnancy. Cell cultures were performed from nuchal skin. Quantification of COL6A1, COL6A2, COL6A3 and SOD mRNAs were performed using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Results Twelve fetuses were studied between 13–15 and 19–20 weeks of gestation including 7 cases of trisomy 21. A significant overexpression of genes of interest was demonstrated in trisomy 21 fetuses when compared with euploid fetuses, in the first and in the second trimester of pregnancy (p < 0.0001). Conclusion This study demonstrates a homogeneous overexpression of the genes encoding for α1 and α2 chains of Collagen type VI, and SOD in nuchal skin of human trisomy 21 fetuses. Persistence of this overexpression in the second trimester of pregnancy, despite the absence of an enlarged nuchal translucency (NT), may characterize some compensatory mechanisms. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Plant-trait-based modeling assessment of ecosystem-service sensitivity to land-use change 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fabien Quétier Sandra Lavorel Wilfried Thuiller Ian Davies 《Ecological applications》2007,17(8):2377-2386
Evidence is accumulating that the continued provision of essential ecosystem services is vulnerable to land-use change. Yet, we lack a strong scientific basis for this vulnerability as the processes that drive ecosystem-service delivery often remain unclear. In this paper, we use plant traits to assess ecosystem-service sensitivity to land-use change in subalpine grasslands. We use a trait-based plant classification (plant functional types, PFTs) in a landscape modeling platform to model community dynamics under contrasting but internally consistent land-use change scenarios. We then use predictive models of relevant ecosystem attributes, based on quantitative plant traits, to make projections of ecosystem-service delivery. We show that plant traits and PFTs are effective predictors of relevant ecosystem attributes for a range of ecosystem services including provisioning (fodder), cultural (land stewardship), regulating (landslide and avalanche risk), and supporting services (plant diversity). By analyzing the relative effects of the physical environment and land use on relevant ecosystem attributes, we also show that these ecosystem services are most sensitive to changes in grassland management, supporting current agri-environmental policies aimed at maintaining mowing of subalpine grasslands in Europe. 相似文献
Mathieu Muller Julie Jimenez Maxime Antonini Yves Dudal Eric Latrille Fabien Vedrenne Jean-Philippe Steyer Dominique Patureau 《Waste management (New York, N.Y.)》2014,34(12):2572-2580
The design and management of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge (SS) require a relevant characterisation of the sludge organic matter (OM). Methods currently used are time-consuming and often insufficiently informative. A new method combining chemical sequential extractions (CSE) with 3D fluorescence spectroscopy was developed to provide a relevant SS characterisation to assess both OM bioaccessibility and complexity which govern SS biodegradability. CSE fractionates the sludge OM into 5 compartments of decreasing accessibility. First applied on three SS samples with different OM stability, fractionation profiles obtained were in accordance with the latter. 3D fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that the bioaccessible compartments were mainly constituted of simple and easily biodegradable OM while the unaccessible ones were largely made of complex and refractory OM. Then, primary, secondary and anaerobically digested sludge with different biodegradabilities were tested. Complexity revealed by 3D fluorescence spectroscopy was linked with biodegradability and chemical accessibility was correlated with sludge bioaccessibility. 相似文献