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Over the past few decades, four distinct and largely independent research and policy communities--disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, environmental management and poverty reduction--have been actively engaged in reducing socio-economic vulnerability to natural hazards. However, despite the significant efforts of these communities, the vulnerability of many individuals and communities to natural hazards continues to increase considerably. In particular, it is hydro-meteorological hazards that affect an increasing number of people and cause increasingly large economic losses. Arising from the realisation that these four communities have been largely working in isolation and enjoyed only limited success in reducing vulnerability, there is an emerging perceived need to strengthen significantly collaboration and to facilitate learning and information exchange between them. This article examines key communalities and differences between the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities, and proposes three exercises that would help to structure a multi-community dialogue and learning process.  相似文献   
为合理评估并有效控制管道与周边区域的相互影响,提出1种油气管道周边区域划分与距离设定方法。通过数据统计与事故案例分析,归纳了油气管道安全运行面临的4项问题,结合管道与周边区域相互影响类型及范围,提出将周边区域沿管道中心线依次划分为管道通行区、规划控制区和应急响应区。根据法律规定、实际事故后果影响范围和典型事故后果数值计算结果,提出了上述3个区域的距离设定原则与计算方法,并针对当前油气管道周边区域管理存在的问题提出了分区域管控建议。研究结果表明:所提出的方法有助于控制管道与周边区域的相互影响,保障管道安全运行和周边区域公共安全。  相似文献   
How many species have gone extinct in modern times before being described by science? To answer this question, and thereby get a full assessment of humanity's impact on biodiversity, statistical methods that quantify undetected extinctions are required. Such methods have been developed recently, but they are limited by their reliance on parametric assumptions; specifically, they assume the pools of extant and undetected species decay exponentially, whereas real detection rates vary temporally with survey effort and real extinction rates vary with the waxing and waning of threatening processes. We devised a new, nonparametric method for estimating undetected extinctions. As inputs, the method requires only the first and last date at which each species in an ensemble was recorded. As outputs, the method provides estimates of the proportion of species that have gone extinct, detected, or undetected and, in the special case where the number of undetected extant species in the present day is assumed close to zero, of the absolute number of undetected extinct species. The main assumption of the method is that the per‐species extinction rate is independent of whether a species has been detected or not. We applied the method to the resident native bird fauna of Singapore. Of 195 recorded species, 58 (29.7%) have gone extinct in the last 200 years. Our method projected that an additional 9.6 species (95% CI 3.4, 19.8) have gone extinct without first being recorded, implying a true extinction rate of 33.0% (95% CI 31.0%, 36.2%). We provide R code for implementing our method. Because our method does not depend on strong assumptions, we expect it to be broadly useful for quantifying undetected extinctions.  相似文献   
采用毛细管GC 结合安捷伦7000A 三重串联四极杆GC/MS(G7010AA)系统的多反应监测(MRM)模式分析了大气颗粒物中的硝基多环芳烃(nitro-PAHs).传统硝基多环芳烃的分析方法是在样品前处理之后,使用单四极杆GC/MS 的选择离子监测SIM 模式或者多维GC/MS,但基于MS/MS 检测模式超强的选择性,可直接分析大气颗粒物的粗提物.实际样品中的硝基多环芳烃可以检测到pg·μL-1 的级别,相对应于大气样品中pg·m-3级的含量.  相似文献   
Bird collisions with buildings are responsible for a large number of bird deaths in cities around the world, yet they remain poorly studied outside North America. We conducted one of the first citywide fine-scale and landscape-scale analyses of bird–building collisions in Asia and used maximum entropy modeling (as commonly applied to species distribution modeling) in a novel way to assess the drivers of bird–building collisions in the tropical city-state of Singapore. We combined 7 years of community science observations with publicly available building and remote sensing data. Drivers of bird–building collisions varied among taxa. Some migratory taxa had a higher relative collision risk that was linked to areas with high building densities and high levels of nocturnal blue light pollution. Nonmigratory taxa had a higher collision risk in areas near forest cover. Projecting our results onto official long-term land-use plans, we predicted that future increases in bird–building collision risk stemmed from increases in blue light pollution and encroachment of buildings into forested areas and identified 6 potential collision hotspots linked to future developments. Our results suggest that bird–building collision mitigation measures need to account for the different drivers of collision for resident and migratory species and show that combining community science and ecological modeling can be a powerful approach for analyzing bird–building collision data.  相似文献   
Protected areas are a key instrument for conservation. Despite this, they are vulnerable to risks associated with weak governance, land-use intensification, and climate change. We used a novel hierarchical optimization approach to identify priority areas for expanding the global protected area system that explicitly accounted for such risks while maximizing protection of all known terrestrial vertebrate species. To incorporate risk categories, we built on the minimum set problem, where the objective is to reach species distribution protection targets while accounting for 1 constraint, such as land cost or area. We expanded this approach to include multiple objectives accounting for risk in the problem formulation by treating each risk layer as a separate objective in the problem formulation. Reducing exposure to these risks required expanding the area of the global protected area system by 1.6% while still meeting conservation targets. Incorporating risks from weak governance drove the greatest changes in spatial priorities for protection, and incorporating risks from climate change required the largest increase (2.52%) in global protected area. Conserving wide-ranging species required countries with relatively strong governance to protect more land when they bordered nations with comparatively weak governance. Our results underscore the need for cross-jurisdictional coordination and demonstrate how risk can be efficiently incorporated into conservation planning. Planeación de las áreas protegidas para conservar la biodiversidad en un futuro incierto  相似文献   
Climate change is a key threat to biodiversity. To conserve species under climate change, ecologists and conservation scientists suggest 2 main conservation strategies regarding land use: supporting species’ range shifts to enable it to follow its climatic requirements by creating migration pathways, such as corridors and stepping stones, and conserving climate refugia (i.e., existing habitat areas that are somewhat buffered from climate change). The policy instruments that could be used to implement these conservation strategies have yet to be evaluated comprehensively from an economic perspective. The economic analyses of environmental policy instruments are often based on ecological effectiveness and cost-effectiveness criteria. We adapted these general criteria to evaluate policy instruments for species’ conservation under climate change and applied them to a conceptual analysis of land purchases, offsets, and conservation payments. Depending on whether the strategy supporting species’ range shifts or conserving climate refugia is selected, the evaluation of the policy instruments differed substantially. For example, to ensure ecological effectiveness, habitat persistence over time was especially important for climate refugia and was best achieved by a land-purchase policy instrument. In contrast, for the strategy supporting range shifts to be ecologically effective, a high degree of flexibility in the location of conserved sites was required to ensure that new habitat sites can be created in the species’ new range. Offset programs were best suited for that because the location of conservation sites can be chosen comparatively freely and may also be adapted over time.  相似文献   
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