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The metabolic rates of high and low shore estuarine populations of Bathyporeia pilosa Lindström and an open coast population of B. pelagica (Bate) have been determined over a range of temperatures during January and February, and June and July, 1968. Changes in oxygen uptake have also been measured monthly at 15°C. During the winter, oxygen uptake was in the order: high shore B. pilosa>low shore B. pilosa>B. pelagica. During the summer, high shore B. pilosa and B. pelagica had similar metabolic rates, but both were significantly higher than low shore B. pilosa. Both populations of B. pilosa had lower metabolic rates in summer than in winter, whereas the metabolic rate of B. pelagica remained much the same. Seasonal changes in metabolic rate are closely correlated with reproductive cycles. The possible influences of environmental parameters are discussed.  相似文献   
Features of the intertidal zonation on the rocky shores of the Galapagos Islands are described and discussed in relation to environmental factors, in particular temperature — which varies with regional hydrology and climatology. Owing to the thermal properties of the coastal waters and to the nature of the substrate (mainly basalt), intertidal organisms are exposed to a wide range of temperatures, which fluctuate with tide, day, and season. As a result, life is mostly restricted to the lowest levels of the shore; the middle- and upper-level populations are sparse. Local variations (biofacies) resulting from water agitation are described. Biota consist of tropical, subtropical, and warm-temperate components. Tropical species dominate in sheltered areas and in middle and upper shores.

Contribution No. 164, the Charles Darwin Foundation.  相似文献   
Egg production and hatching success of the copepod Temora longicornis were measured in laboratory experiments and in the field (North Sea). In the laboratory, ingestion of four algal species (Thalassiosira weissflogii, Phaeocystis globosa, Isochrysis sp. and Dunaliella tertiolecta) was followed and the content of fatty acids in the algae was determined. The two food types (T. weissflogii and Isochrysis sp.) that provided the highest ingestion of carbon and long chain fatty acids also resulted in the highest egg production rate (Er) and hatching success (H%). In contrast, D. tertiolecta led to both low ingestion of carbon and long chain fatty acids, resulting in low reproductive success. There was a positive relationship between the amount of eicosapentaenoic fatty acid [20:5(n-3), EPA] ingested and Er and H%, and of the ratio between docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic fatty acid [22:6(n-3)/20:5(n-3), DHA/EPA] in the ingested food and H%. In the field, chlorophyll a and specific fatty acids were measured and protists were enumerated, in order to investigate the link between these factors and the reproductive success of T. longicornis. Hatching time was found to be related to temperature and exceeded 120 h at 6°C. No relationship was found between chlorophyll a and reproductive success (Er or H%). Er correlated with the concentration of diatoms and ciliates, which were the dominating protists in early spring, indicating that food quantity was the limiting factor for Er. As in the laboratory experiments, H% was dependent on the fatty acid DHA and the ratio of DHA/EPA, which indicates that the quality of eggs (H%) is linked to the quality of food.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   
Allocation of parental investment is predicted to be equal at the population level between both sexes of offspring, and should lead to sex ratio biases in species that exhibit a sex-difference in parental care. Sex-differences in parental care are rarely quantified. We measured daily energy expenditure in free-living nestlings of the extremely sexually size dimorphic European sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), using the doubly labelled water method. These data were combined with measured growth characteristics to estimate daily and total metabolised energy intake of male and female young during the nestling stage. Females reached an asymptotic body mass 1.6 times higher than males. This resulted in a total metabolised energy an estimated 1.4 times higher for the nestling stage. Furthermore, we observed a decline in daily metabolised energy with an increase in brood size, which was significantly stronger for females than for males. These results are discussed in the context of Fishers equal allocation theory. Empirical evidence of a sex ratio bias at the end of parental care, with an overall excess of males, is lacking in this species. Consequently, our data do not support the idea of equal allocation between the sexes. The observed sex difference in daily metabolised energy in response to brood size may give scope for sex ratio bias at the level of the individual brood.  相似文献   
Specimens of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister, were collected subtidally and intertidally from an estuary in Washington State, USA in June and September 1980, and January, April, May and July, 1981. Gut contens of freshly collected crabs were analyzed by the Index of Relative Importance; for each prey taxon, this method measured frequency of occurrence, percentage of total biomass, and percentage of total numbers consumed. The most important higher taxon eaten was fish; however, the most important prey genus was the shrimp Crangon spp. There was greater predation on Crangon spp. at night at the intertidal site, and during winter and spring when the shrimp were most abundant there. Feeding activity, as indicated by a weight-specific gut-fullness index, showed no consistent diel pattern. There were significant ontogenetic changes in feeding patterns: first-year crabs preyed primarily on very small bivalves or small crustaceans including their conspecifics; second-year crabs preferred Crangon spp. and fish, and third-year crabs preyed less on Crangon spp. and more on fish. Such changes in feeding habits with ege could be purely due to mechanics of food handling, but might also reduce competition among age groups of crabs, possibly partitioning resources within the estuary. Findings are discussed in terms of optimal foraging and compared to other similar studies.Contribution No. 599, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA  相似文献   
Specimes of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians, collected from shallow-water eel-grass beds near Beaufort, North Carolina (USA) in September 1979, were exposed to 0.7 ppm cadmium in flowing seawater for 5 d. This exposure resulted in a massive extrusion of the calcified concretions of most of the kidney epithelial cells, although marked morphological damage consisting of cytoplasmc degeneration was apparent in only a few focal areas of the kidney. In addition, unique cytoplasmic membrane-bound bodies were observed in epithelial cells of cadmium-treated but not control scallop kidneys. In some cells, these bodies appeared to fuse with the main concretion vacuole. Kidneys of cadmium-treated scallops accumulated cadmium to 200 ppm on a wet wt basis; of this 60% was associated with concretions (2 000 ppm dry wt) and 38% with the membranous pellet obtained after ultracentrifugation at 105 000 g for 1 h. Approximately 2% of total kidney cadmium was associated with the cytosolic fractions but, unlike zinc or manganese, which were bound to either high or low molecular weight species, a large component of the cadmium in this fraction was bound to a protein peak of approximately 21 000 daltons. Results of this study indicate that kidney concretions of A. irradians play a major role in the control of renal cadmium accumulation and excretion and hence the toxicity of cadmium to this organism.  相似文献   
In 1994, the sinking of the ‘Apollo Sea’ off the West coast of South Africa led to the deposition of ca. 2 500 tons of heavy fuel oil over 150 km of coastline. The impact of the spill on rocky shore invertebrates, rock-pool fish fauna and rock lobsters was assessed by conducting surveys shortly after the spill, and again two months later. Where possible, results of these surveys were compared with existing data from before the sinking of the Apollo Sea. Among the fish fauna of rock-pools, changes in total density of fishes were largely due to changes in the abundance ofClinus superciliosus and were within the range of natural variation for the species and the community as a whole. Community structure of the rock-pool fish fauna also remained unaffected. At three of four impacted rocky shore sites no changes could be detected in overall benthic community structure, although the winkleNodilittorina africana was affected. At the fourth site, a boulder beach, statistical analysis showed distinct differences in community structure between heavily and lightly contaminated areas, as well as between all areas compared with previously existing data. There were also significant changes in the lightly oiled areas between the first and second surveys after the spill. Oil-fouled lobster were found at one of three sites investigated. Ca. 7 % of the seabed in this particular area was polluted. Antennae and forelegs of almost all lobsters in the vicinity of the oil were fouled. Examination of the gut-contents confirmed that oil inhibits the ability of lobster to feed. Although there was no evidence that mortalities of lobster were caused by the spill, growth rates may be reduced by the decreased feeding rate. Overall, the impact of the spill was strikingly less than might have been predicted from the effects of other oil spills. Nomenclature: Names of fish species follow Smith & Heemstra (1986).  相似文献   
In many semi-arid areas, estuaries are threatened because of freshwater impoundment. Estuaries are important sites for ecological diversity and, increasingly, for recreation. A system has been developed which rates estuaries according to their botanical importance. A formula allows a single numerical importance score to be calculated. The area cover of each estuarine plant community type (i.e. intertidal salt marsh, submerged macrophytes, reed/sedge swamps and supratidal salt marsh) and its importance in the estuary forms the basis of the score. The ‘ecological condition’ of the plant community and the community richness within the estuary are incorporated into the formula. The formula is effective in determining the botanical importance of estuaries. Further methods to determine the zoological, physical and socio-economic importance of estuaries need to be developed to allow the overall importance of estuaries to be determined.  相似文献   
Summary Life stages of the primitive Australian ithomiine butterflyTellervo zoilus and its larval hostplant, the apocynaceous vineParsonsia straminea, were quantitatively assayed for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs were found in all stages, mainly as N-oxides, being most concentrated in larvae and freshly-emerged adults. Although adults feed at various confirmed PA sources this probably does not compensate for losses, as wild-caught adults had considerably lower concentrations of PAs. The main alkaloid present in both freshly-emerged adults and in leaves of the host-plant was lycopsamine (1b), stored by butterflies in the N-oxide form. Its presence in higher proportion, in relation to intermedine (1a), in larvae, pupae and adults ofTellervo in relation to the host-plants suggests the inversion of intermedine to lycopsamine by the insects. No 14-member ring macrocyclic PAs were detected in either food-plant or butterflies. Several other PAs were found in wild-caught adults reflecting visits to other PA sources. PAs were also found in high concentrations in freshly-emerged individuals of the danaineEuploea core bred onParsonsia straminea. Wild-caughtDanaus affinis had high PA levels acquired from adult feeding. Freshly emergedEuploea raised onIschnocarpus frutescens andDanaus raised onIschnostemma carnosum (both PA-free) were preyed on by the orb weaving spiderNephila maculata, and showed no PAs. In all cases where PAs were present, most butterflies were liberated, usually cut out of the web unharmed, byNephila. The spider's response was not closely linked to PA concentration, however, and may also depend on hunger levels and previous experience with PA-containing butterflies. All control and other non-PA containing butterflies were consumed although rejection of some body parts of freshly-emergedDanaus affinis suggests that compounds other than PAs may be involved.  相似文献   
Defensive aggregation by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis has been invoked as the fulcrum for the transformation of macroalgal beds into coralline barrens in the northwest Atlantic. We critically examined some of the mechanisms contributing to aggregation behavior by experimentally manipulating sea urchins, purported predators and food during autumn 1983 and spring 1984 both in the laboratory and field. We utilized several approaches to examine a range of sea urchin responses to the presence of food, tethered predators, caged predators, crushed con-specifics in the field and predators in laboratory tanks. Some of the field cages had the property of allowing free passage to sea urchins while retaining lobsters; this allowed distinctions to be made between artifacts caused by cage walls or topographic barriers and unrestricted behavioral responses of sea urchins. The results falsified the hypothesis that aggregations of S. droebachiensis are elicited by predators. Except in the presence of algae, sea urchins always avoided decapod predators (but not sea stars) and fled from the vicinity of injured conspecifics. However, avoidance behavior was subordinate to feeding responses, demonstrated by mass migrations of sea urchins into cages (with lobsters) to feed on algae. We reaffirmed by observation and manipulation previous studies which showed that sea urchins aggregate only in the presence of food. Two types of sea urchin groupings were delineated: (1) surficial two dimensional associations, often caused by topographic or other features which inhibited dispersal and (2) cohesive three-dimensional aggregations induced by food.  相似文献   
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