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ABSTRACT: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples representing 151 taxa were collected in August 1995 to examine the linkage between land use, water quality, and aquatic biointegrity in seven tributaries of the Blackfoot River watershed, Montana. The tributaries represent silvicultural (timber harvesting), agricultural (irrigated alfalfa and hay and livestock grazing), and wilderness land uses. A 2.4 km (1.5 mile) reach of a recently restored tributary also was sampled for comparison with the other six sites. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to characterize the seven subwatersheds and estimate soil erosion, using the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation, and sediment delivery. The wilderness stream had the highest aquatic biointegrity. Two agricultural streams had the largest estimated soil erosion and sediment delivery rates, the greatest habitat impairment from nonpoint source pollution, and the most impoverished macroinvertebrate communities. The silvicultural subwatersheds had greater rates of estimated soil erosion and sediment delivery and lower aquatic biointegrity than the wilderness reference site but evinced better conditions than the agricultural sites. A multiple-use (forestry, grazing, and wildlife management) watershed and the restored site ranked between the silvicultural and agricultural sites. This spectrum of land use and aquatic biointegrity illustrates both the challenges and opportunities that define watershed management.  相似文献   
Humankind has adopted an arrogant and ultimately self-defeating attitude toward nature that places technological mastery over nature at the forefront of our approach to many environmental problems. This "techno-arrogance" fails to recognize limitations on, and ramifications of, attempted control of nature. An example of techno-arrogance is the flawed attempt to recover Pacific salmonid fisheries through technological application in the form of hatcheries. Countless salmon stocks have declined precipitously over the last century as a result of overfishing and widespread habitat destruction. A central feature of recovery efforts has been to build many hatcheries to produce large quantities of fish to restock streams. This approach addresses the symptoms but not the causes of the declines (an example of a halfway technology), because the habitats remain largely unsuitable for salmon. There are at least six reasons why the hatchery approach will ultimately fail: (1) data demonstrate that hatcheries are not solving the problem—salmon continue to decline despite decades of hatchery production; (2) hatcheries are costly to run, and divert resources from other efforts, such as habitat restoration; (3) hatcheries are not sustainable in the long term, requiring continual input of money and energy, (4) hatcheries are a genetically unsound approach to management that can adversely affect wild populations; (5) hatchery production leads to increased harvest of declining wild populations of salmon; and (6) hatcheries conceal from the public the truth of real salmon decline. I recommend that salmonid management turn from the symptoms to the causes of decline. Overharvest and habitat destruction must be directly addressed in a major, landscape-level effort, on a scale comparable to the hatchery program, if salmonid fisheries are to remain a part of the ecological recreational, commercial and asthetic arenas in the long term.  相似文献   
Using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction analysis and starch-gel electrophoresis of the CK-A2 locus product, we examined genetic variation in 311 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from 11 native, 5 hatchery-derived, and 8 hybrid populations in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Native southern Appalachian fish were genetically distinct from hatchery-derived fish. Southern and hatchery-derived fish were reliably distinguished based on three mtDNA restriction sites. Native southern haplotypes differed from hatchery-derived haplotypes by an average of 0.84%. Northern hatchery-derived haplotypes varied little in mtDNA compared to native southern haplotypes. Introgression of mtDNA haplotypes and the CK-A2 locus varied among populations, and introgression of allozyme and mtDNA markers was positively correlated. Continued introductions of nonnative strains of brook trout in the southern Appalachians could simplify the genetic structure of native brook trout populations and eliminate unique genotypes.  相似文献   
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (UE3), intact human chorionic gonado-trophin (intHCG), and the free β subunit of chorionic gonadotrophin (FβHCG) were investigated in a series of 21 chromosomally abnormal and 14 open neural tube defect pregnancies ascertained from a series of 14 000 prospectively collected maternal serum samples at 6–14 weeks' gestation. In 16 cases of Down's syndrome, significant reductions were found for AFP (0.65 multiples of the normal median) and UE3 (0.67 MOM). IntHCG levels were unaltered (0.97 MOM) but a significant increase was found for FβHCG (1.96 MOM). Significant correlations were found for AFP and UE3 in the controls and for int HCG and FβHCG in both the control and the Down's syndrome pregnancies. In a group of five trisomy 18 pregnancies, median MOMs were for AFP 0. 71 , for UE3 0. 34 , for intHCG 0. 27 , and for FβHCG 0.15. None of 13 pregnancies with open neural tube defects at 8-13 weeks gestation had elevated maternal serum AFP levels, whereas matched second-trimester samples from the same pregnancies at 16-18 weeks gestation all had significantly elevated AFP levels. Thus, biochemical screening for chromosome abnormalities may be practicable in the first trimester using free β human chorionic gonadotrophin in combination with AFP and maternal age. However, a separate screening protocol using AFP at 15-18 weeks gestation would still be required for effective detection of neural tube defects.  相似文献   
A possible association of limb reduction defects with chorionic villus sampling (CVS) may be related to compromised umbilical blood flow from the trauma of the procedure. We hypothesized that because CVS may disrupt or compromise umbilical blood flow to the fetus, either by vasoconstriction, bradycardia, or emboli, we would detect these changes using Doppler velocimetry. A cohort of 21 consecutive consenting patients undergoing first-trimester elective CVS for prenatal diagnosis were entered into a prospective longitudinal study. Colour flow Doppler velocimetry was performed on fetal umbilical arterial blood flow immediately before and after CVS to measure the pulsatility index, fetal heart rate, per cent flow time, and maximum flow velocity. Measurements were obtained from three consecutive cardiac cycles in three different umbilical segments and averaged. Potentially confounding variables also recorded included gestational age, method of CVS, number of passes, number of aspirations, placental location, tissue sample size, and operator. Umbilical velocimetry values before and after CVS were compared using the paired t-test and showed no statistically significant differences. No differences were found when data were analysed by gestational age, sample size, method, number of aspirations, placental location, or operator. We were unable to detect any significant change in fetal umbilical arterial blood flow velocimetry or heart rate after performing CVS. Umbilical blood flow does not appear to be routinely compromised by CVS.  相似文献   
The possible effect of Alexandrium spp. containing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins on the hemocytes of oysters was tested experimentally. In one trial, eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, were exposed to bloom concentrations of the sympatric dinoflagellate, Alexandrium fundyense Balech, alone and in a mixture with a non-toxic diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grun) Fryxell et Hasle. Subsequently, another experiment exposed Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, to a mixed suspension of the sympatric, toxic species Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, with T. weissflogii. Measurements of numbers of oyster hemocytes, percentages of different cell types, and functions (phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and mortality) were made using flow-cytometry. During and after exposure, almost no significant effects of Alexandrium spp. upon hemocyte numbers, morphology, or functions were detected, despite observations of adductor-muscle paralysis in C. virginica and measured toxin accumulation in C. gigas. The only significant correlation found was between toxin accumulation at one temperature and higher numbers of circulating live and dead hemocytes in C. gigas. The PSP toxins are known to interfere specifically with sodium-channel function; therefore, the finding that the toxins had no effect on measured hemocyte functions suggests that sodium-channel physiology is not important in these hemocyte functions. Finally, because oysters were exposed to the living algae, not purified toxins, there was no evidence of bioactive compounds other than PSP toxins affecting hemocytes in the two species of Alexandrium studied.  相似文献   
Summary Data on Gyrinus picipes were collected to examine the influence of prey distribution and capture on search path configuration. All paths were analyzed before and after prey capture. Parameters measured were turning angles, step lengths, and step direction. Three indices of search efficiency were calculated: linear displacement, thoroughness, and straightness. Prey distribution had little impact on search configuration. However, prey capture caused significant reductions in step length, linear displacement, and straightness. Thoroughnnes and turning angle increased significantly after prey capture.A simulation model was developed to analyze influences of search parameters on search efficiency. Search paths, simulated using empirically derived parameters, did not differ from actual search paths indicating that the model accurately describes gyrinid search paths and may be used in these analyses. Actual search paths were compared to a simulated Brownian (random) search. Search paths before prey capture were significantly different from random, but Brownian search can describe search paths after prey capture. Comparisons of simulations using various input parameters indicate that step length has the greatest effect on search paths. Turning angles and direction are important before prey capture but not after. Offprint requests to: D.L. Winkelman at his current address  相似文献   
There has been much concern about widespread declines among amphibians, but efforts to determine the extent and magnitude of these declines have been hampered by scarcity of comparative inventory data. We resurveyed a transect of the Sierra Nevada mountains in western North America that was carefully studied in the early 1900s. Our comparisons show that at least five of the seven frog and toad species in the area have suffered serious declines. One species has disappeared from the area entirely and a second species, formerly the most abundant amphibian in the area, has dwindled to a few small remnant populations. These declines have occurred in a relatively undisturbed, protected area and show some of the same patterns noted in other reports of amphibian declines. Introduced predatory fish, possibly interacting with drought-induced loss of refuge habitats, have contributed to the decline of some species. However, the overall cause of these dramatic losses remains unknown.  相似文献   
Assemblage stability in stream fishes: A review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We quantified the stability of nine stream fish assemblages by calculating coefficients of variation of population size for assemblage members. Coefficients of variation were high and averaged over 96%; indicating that most assemblages were quite variable. Coefficient of variation (CV) estimates were not significantly affected by: (1) years of study, (2) mean abundance, (3) familial classification, or (4) mean interval between collections. We also detected minor regional differences in CVs. The high variability exhibited by many stream fish assemblages suggests that it may be difficult to detect the effects of anthropogenic disturbances using population data alone. Consequently, we urge managers to exercise caution in the evaluation of the effects of these disturbances. More long-term studies of the ecological characteristics of undisturbed stream fish assemblages are needed to provide a benchmark against which disturbed systems can be compared. We suggest that CVs are a better estimator of population/assemblage stability, than either Kendall's W or the standard deviation of the logarithms of numerical censuses. This conclusion is based on the following reasons. First, CVs scale population variation by the mean and, hence, more accurately measure population variability. Second, this scaling permits the comparison of populations with different mean abundances. Finally, the interpretation of CV values is less ambiguous than either of the aforementioned metrics.  相似文献   
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