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电子设备、仪器的广泛使用产生的电磁辐射已成为当今的重要污染之一。电磁辐射分为天然和人为两种,严重危害和影响着人类的生活和生产。人们要重视电磁辐射,从行政、科学技术、个人生活方面加强对电磁辐射的防范。  相似文献   
Oxy-fuel combustion is considered as one of the most promising technologies for carbon capture and storage (CCS). In this study, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code has been employed for the simulation of an air-fired coal combustion and an oxy-fired coal combustion with recycled flue gas in a 1 MWth combustion test facility. Reynolds–averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) solutions have been obtained for both cases. Results indicate that the CFD code with existing physical sub-models can provide a reasonable prediction for the air-fired combustion. However, the prediction for the oxy-fired case has not been as satisfactory as expected. In order to assess the impact of the turbulence treatment in CFD on the predictions, large eddy simulation (LES) has been performed for oxy-fired case and compared with the results from the RANS simulation and the available experimental data. Although the results suggest that LES can provide a more realistic prediction of the shape and the physical properties of the flame, there has not been significant improvement in the prediction of the temperature. In addition, the complexity of the problem requires more detailed experimental data for the validation of the LES. In order to improve the validity of numerical simulations for design purposes, further modelling improvements for oxy-coal combustion that are necessary for more accurate predictions are addressed. Based on this study, it is envisaged that the complexity in the oxy-coal combustion process requires more detailed analyses of the available physical sub-models.  相似文献   
石化废水深度处理用臭氧催化氧化体系的研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章就臭氧催化氧化体系在石化废水处理中的作用进行了深入研究,对催化剂载体、催化剂配伍体系以及臭氧的投加方式进行了优化筛选。根据实验,多元催化掺杂体系较一元催化体系氧化效果好,CODCr的去除率可由一元催化时的20%提高到多元催化时的33%;在臭氧的投加方式上,分段投加要优于单级投加,臭氧投加分配比例为6∶3∶1时,CODCr的去除率可由单一投加时的9%提高到分级投加时的19%。  相似文献   
为了研究以多粘菌素耐药基因(MCR-1)和新德里金属β-内酰胺酶-1基因(NDM-1)携带菌为代表的"超级细菌"在地表水中的环境行为,以长江南京段典型水域及邻近城市污水厂和自来水厂为研究对象,考察了MCR-1和NDM-1携带菌的耐药特性及其变化特征。结果发现,污水厂进水和生物处理单元2种细菌耐药能力均处于较高水平,随处理流程呈降低趋势,至消毒出水中不再被检出。长江中MCR-1携带菌耐粘菌素的半抑制浓度(EC50)较高,平均达37.89 mg·L-1,顺水流方向无显著降低。仅在下游朱家山河汇入口和长江大桥附近滨江公园检出较高耐药水平的NDM-1携带菌。2种细菌耐药水平受水体污染程度和人类活动影响较明显。自来水厂MCR-1携带菌数目较少,但其EC50平均可达32.75 mg·L~(-1),常规处理单元中未检出NDM-1携带菌。水处理工艺显著降低了细菌耐药水平,但排泥水中2种细菌均检出,且耐药水平相比进水显著提高。本研究可为评价水介质中超级抗性基因及其携带菌的环境风险提供参考。  相似文献   
Xue  Hongcheng  Ma  Qian  Diao  Mingjun  Jiang  Lei 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2019,19(1):203-230
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Subaerial landslide-generated impulse waves were investigated in a rectangular prismatic channel based on the Froude similarity criterion. Landslides were modeled...  相似文献   

With a growing awareness of environmental protection, the dust pollution caused by automobile foundry work has become a serious and urgent problem. This study aimed to explore contamination levels and health effects of automobile foundry dust. A total of 276 dust samples from six types of work in an automobile foundry factory were collected and analysed using the filter membrane method. Probabilistic risk assessment model was developed for evaluating the health risk of foundry dust on workers. The health risk and its influencing factors among workers were then assessed by applying the Monte Carlo method to identify the most significant parameters. Health damage assessment was conducted to translate health risk into disability-adjusted life year (DALY). The results revealed that the mean concentration of dust on six types of work ranged from 1.67 to 5.40 mg/m3. The highest health risks to be come from melting, cast shakeout and finishing, followed by pouring, sand preparation, moulding and core-making. The probability of the risk exceeding 10−6 was approximately 85%, 90%, 90%, 75%, 70% and 45%, respectively. The sensitivity analysis indicated that average time, exposure duration, inhalation rate and dust concentration (C) made great contribution to dust health risk. Workers exposed to cast shakeout and finishing had the largest DALY of 48.64a. These results can further help managers to fully understand the dust risks on various types of work in the automobile foundry factories and provide scientific basis for the management and decision-making related to health damage assessment.

直接驯化嗜盐菌处理高盐废水的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从大连旅顺盐场底泥中筛选出适合高盐度的嗜盐菌,在序批式间歇反应器(SBR)中对其进行3.5%(质量分数)盐度的驯化,污泥混合液悬浮固体(MLSS)平均质量浓度达600mg/L。污泥比耗氧速率(SOUR)测量结果显示,内源呼吸阶段污泥SOUR为10.36mg/(g.h),外源呼吸阶段污泥SOUR达到29.09mg/(g.h),表明所筛选的嗜盐菌培养的污泥具有较高活性。利用培养的污泥进行高盐模拟废水处理试验,结果表明,对盐度为3.5%、COD为240~340mg/L的高盐废水,在每周期12h、曝气量0.6L/min、污泥MLSS为600mg/L、污泥龄为18d条件下,COD去除率达95%以上,NH4+-N去除率达61%,TP去除率达55%。改变进水有机负荷对出水COD去除影响不大,该系统耐有机负荷冲击能力较强;盐度负荷的改变对COD的去除影响不大,而NH4+-N去除率有明显变化,在3.5%和5.0%的盐度下,NH4+-N去除率分别为61%和31%。  相似文献   
The study reported in this paper examined the concentrations of nineteen perfluorochemicals (PFCs), including perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, carboxylates, and sulfonamides in samples collected from Hong Kong wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and sediments. The study was the first to use an external isolator column to assist in the quantification of PFCs in environmental samples without having to make internal modifications to a liquid chromatography system. Perfluorooctanesulfonate was found to be the dominant PFC pollutant in Hong Kong, and the WWTP sludge was the major sink of PFCs discharged from the urban areas. Compared to discharge influenced by industrial activities, much less perfluorooctanoate was found in waste streams. The significantly lower level of perfluorodecanesulfonate in WWTP sludge reflects the important influence of consumer products on PFC distribution. The dominance of even-chain length perfluoroalkyl carboxylates in all of the WWTP sludge samples investigated further suggests the strong aerobic degradation of fluorotelomer alcohols in WWTPs.  相似文献   
The neutralization of wastewater treatment residues is an issue for many countries. The European Union (EU) legal regulations have limited the use of the residues in agriculture and implemented a ban for their disposal. Therefore, urgent action should be taken to find solutions for the safe disposal of sewage sludge. The problem refers in particular to the new EU member countries, including Poland, where one can now observe an intensive development of sewage system networks and new sewage treatment plants. At the same time, these countries have few installations for thermal sewage sludge utilization (e.g., there is only one installation of that type in Poland). Simultaneously, there are many coal-fired mechanical stoker-fired boilers in some of these countries. This paper presents suggestions for the production of granulated fuel from sewage sludge and coal slime. Additionally, among others, lime was added to the fuel to decrease the sulfur compounds emission. Results are presented of research on fuel with two average grain diameters (approximately 15 and 35 mm). The fuel with such diameters is adapted to the requirements of the combustion process taking place in a stoker-fired boiler. The research was aimed at identifying the behavior of the burning fuel, with special attention paid to its emission properties (e.g., to the emissions of oxides of nitrogen [NO(x)], sulfur dioxide [SO2], and carbon monoxide [CO], among others). The concentration and emission values were compared with similar results obtained while burning hard coal. The combustion process was carried out in a laboratory stand where realization of the large-scale tests is possible. The laboratory stand used made simulation possible for a wide range of burning processes in mechanical stoker-fired boilers.  相似文献   
4A沸石去除水中Pb2+的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在静态条件下,研究了4A沸石对废水中Pb2+的吸附性能,并探讨了影响吸附的因素。实验表明:当温度为30℃,废水pH为5~6,0.01g4A沸石对100mg/LPb2+溶液10mL吸附20min,Pb2+的去除率可达到99%以上。在实验研究条件下,4A沸石对Pb2+的吸附符合Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程,相关系数为0.9819和0.9998。经计算,4A沸石对Pb2+的饱和吸附量为125mg/g。4A沸石吸附水中Pb2+达到吸附平衡的时间较短;溶液pH值的变化对吸附效果影响不显著;温度从室温略微升高,Pb2+的去除率略有增大。吸附在4A沸石上的Pb“可回收利用,处理后的4A沸石可以再生,且重复使用性能较好。  相似文献   
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