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烷烃条件下CF2ClBr的紫外光解离机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以气相色谱、红外光谱为主要分析手段,对气态CF2ClBr在CR2ClBr-C6H12体系中的紫外光解离进行了研究,结果表明,在253.7nm紫外光照射下,该体系的主要光解产物为HCVF2Cl、HBr以及C6H12的聚合物,体系中CF2ClBr的解离近似精同缀反应,解离反应的速率常数为2.877×10^-6s^-1表观量子产率约0.1,基于此,对该光解反应的机理做了分析。  相似文献   
Mineral dust is one of the major aerosols in the atmosphere. To assess its impact on trace atmospheric gases, in this work we present a laboratory study of the effect of temperature on the heterogeneous reaction of NO2 on the surface of ambient Chinese dust over the temperature range from 258 to 313 K. The results suggest that nitrogen dioxide could mainly be adsorbed on these types of Chinese mineral dust reversibly with little temperature dependence. Similar to a previous study on NO2 uptake on mineral aerosols, the uptake coefficients are mainly on the order of 10− 6 for the Chinese dust, when BET areas are taken into account. HONO was observed as a product, and its formation and decomposition on Chinese mineral dust during the uptake processes were also studied. The complete dataset from this study was compiled with previous literature determinations. Atmospheric implications of the heterogeneous reaction between NO2 and mineral dust are also discussed, in an effort to understand this important heterogeneous process.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of combining subsoil and incorporation of corn stover on soil profile, soil physicochemical properties, and corn yield. A five-year field trial was conducted that consisted of two treatments arranged in a completely random design and replicated three times. Two soil management operations were tested: subsoil + corn stover incorporation (plow construction [PC] treatment) and conventional rotary tillage (control check [CK] treatment). Compared with rotary tillage, it was found that combining subsoil and corn stover incorporation significantly affected corn grain yield in all seasons. Further, combining subsoil and corn stover incorporation significantly increased the thickness of the plow layer, quantity of plow layer soil, thickness of the plow pan and soil bulk density, as well as soil organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium. Evidence indicates that reconstructing the soil plow layer through combination of subsoil and corn stover incorporation improved soil structure, nutrient content, and corn yield. It is of interest that farmers are now applying subsoil and returning crop straw instead of solely relying on rotary tillage.  相似文献   
物种敏感性分布法(SSD,Species Sensitivity Distribution)是一种相对于传统评价因子法具有更高置信度的统计学外推方法,在环境质量基准制定及生态风险评价中得到广泛应用。本文对近年来国内外重金属和有机污染物的物种敏感性分布研究成果进行了综述,阐述了在水体、土壤和沉积物等环境介质中应用SSD方法开展生态风险评价的研究现状,从SSD模型选择、毒性数据点筛选等方面对影响SSD模型不确定性的因素进行探讨,并对SSD方法在生态风险评价领域的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
目的改进现阶段地面指控站对临近空间高超声速飞行器的通信和测控效果。方法采用计算流体动力学技术模拟钝锥体在不同高超声速飞行条件下的头身部绕流流场特性,并运用相关公式建立钝锥等离子体鞘套电磁模型。然后运用改进的移位算子时域有限差分方法计算电磁波经过等离子体鞘套的传播特性。结果计算结果表明,电磁波在等离子体鞘套内的传播特性在频率处于最大等离子体频率附近时发生转折,电磁波通过等离子体鞘套的透射效果与飞行工况和入射波条件密切相关。相对其他入射角度,当电磁波垂直于飞行体物面入射到等离子体鞘套尾部时的电磁波衰减较小。飞行高度增加或飞行速度减小时,等离子体鞘套对电磁波的衰减效应将减弱。结论该研究可为有效测控临近空间高超声速飞行器、缓解再入通讯中断现象提供一定的技术突破方法。  相似文献   
• The resistance of phage PhiX174 to nZVI was much stronger than that of MS2. • The nZVI damaged the surface proteins of both bacteriophages. • The nZVI could destroy the nucleic acid of MS2, but not that of PhiX174. •The phage inactivation was mainly attributed to the damage of the nucleic acid. Pathogenic enteric viruses pose a significant risk to human health. Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI), a novel material for environmental remediation, has been shown to be a promising tool for disinfection. However, the existing research has typically utilized MS2 or f2 bacteriophages to investigate the antimicrobial properties of nZVI, and the resistance difference between bacteriophages, which is important for the application of disinfection technologies, is not yet understood. Here, MS2 and PhiX174 containing RNA and DNA, respectively, were used as model viruses to investigate the resistances to nZVI. The bacteriophage inactivation mechanisms were also discussed using TEM images, protein, and nucleic acid analysis. The results showed that an initial concentration of 106 PFU/mL of MS2 could be completely inactivated within 240 min by 40 mg/L nZVI at pH 7, whereas the complete inactivation of PhiX174 could not be achieved by extending the reaction time, increasing the nZVI dosage, or changing the dosing means. This indicates that the resistance of phage PhiX174 to nZVI was much stronger than that of MS2. TEM images indicated that the viral particle shape was distorted, and the capsid shell was ruptured by nZVI. The damage to viral surface proteins in both phages was examined by three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). However, the nucleic acid analysis demonstrated that the nucleic acid of MS2, but not PhiX174, was destroyed. It indicated that bacteriophage inactivation was mainly attributed to the damage of nucleic acids.  相似文献   
Climate warming can substantially impact embryonic development and juvenile growth in oviparous species. Estimating the overall impacts of climate warming on oviparous reproduction is difficult because egg-laying events happen throughout the reproductive season. Successful egg laying requires the completion of embryonic development as well as hatching timing conducive to offspring survival and energy accumulation. We propose a new metric—egg-laying opportunity (EO)—to estimate the annual hours during which a clutch of freshly laid eggs yields surviving offspring that store sufficient energy for overwintering. We estimated the EO within the distribution of a model species, Sceloporus undulatus, under recent climate condition and a climate-warming scenario by combining microclimate data, developmental functions, and biophysical models. We predicted that EO will decline as the climate warms at 74.8% of 11,407 sites. Decreasing hatching success and offspring energy accounted for more lost EO hours (72.6% and 72.9%) than the occurrence of offspring heat stress (59.9%). Nesting deeper (at a depth of 12 cm) may be a more effective behavioral adjustment for retaining EO than using shadier (50% shade) nests because the former fully mitigated the decline of EO under the considered warming scenario at more sites (66.1%) than the latter (28.3%). We advocate for the use of EO in predicting the impacts of climate warming on oviparous animals because it encapsulates the integrative impacts of climate warming on all stages of reproductive life history.  相似文献   
土壤中残留的抗生素会干扰和改变土壤微生物群落组成、结构和功能,进而影响微生物驱动的地球化学循环过程,威胁着土壤生态系统的安全。土壤中不断累积的抗生素对固氮作用、硝化和反硝化作用等氮转化过程都产生了不同程度的影响。本文综述了抗生素对土壤氮转化过程的影响。结果表明,土壤中的抗生素因其浓度、类型以及暴露时间等因素的不确定性,对固氮作用和反硝化作用的影响规律不明确,但抗生素在多数试验浓度下能够抑制硝化作用,在环境浓度下能够促进N2O排放。本文还对今后有关抗生素影响土壤氮转化的研究方向作了分析和展望。  相似文献   
为了监测混凝土内部受拉开裂损伤,提出了混凝土内部拉应力监测压电智能骨料,并对其进行了动态拉应力标定试验研究。首先,制备4个压电智能骨料受拉试件,建立拉应力监测系统;其次,对压电智能骨料施加往复拉应力,标定得到其灵敏度系数;然后,对压电智能骨料试件施加单调荷载直至其受拉破坏,得到其抗拉强度及输出的电压信号,对比了破坏过程的实际与监测荷载。结果表明,往复荷载作用下,SA输出与输入荷载呈良好的线性关系,SA的灵敏度系数一致性较好;单调荷载作用下,各SA抗拉强度均高于混凝土抗拉强度。综上,压电智能骨料有潜力应用于混凝土内部的拉应力监测。  相似文献   
Drawing on the attention-based view and leadership theory, this study proposes a theoretical framework for the relationship between CEOs' attention load and firms' sustainability orientation, with supply chain leadership and CEOs' social capital playing mediating and moderating roles, respectively. We tested the theoretical framework by analysing panel data on 236 CEOs from 102 listed companies in the agricultural and food industries in China from 2012 to 2019. We find that (a) CEOs' attention load negatively affects firms' sustainable orientation; (b) this relationship is partially mediated by firms' supply chain leadership; and (c) CEOs' social capital positively moderates this mediating effect. Lower CEO attention loads are associated with increased supply chain leadership and higher sustainability orientation for the firm. Additionally, CEOs' social capital positively moderates the relationship between attention load and sustainability orientation. This study integrates the attention-based view and leadership theory into sustainable development research, investigating the translation mechanism of CEO attention to a firm's managerial orientation towards sustainability. It contributes to leadership theory by extending sustainable and ethical leadership from an intra- to inter-organisational context.  相似文献   
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