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Most agricultural information is reported by government sources on a state or county basis. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate use of geospatial data, the 2002 Agricultural Cropland Data Layer (CDL) for the mid-Atlantic region, to characterize agricultural, environmental, and other scientific parameters for the Chincoteague Bay subbasin using geographic information systems. This study demonstrated that agriculture can be characterized accurately on subbasin and subwatershed bases, thus complimenting various assessment technologies. Approximately 28% of the dry land of the subbasin was cropland. Field corn was the largest crop. Soybeans, either singly or double-cropped with wheat, were the second most predominant crop. Although the subbasin is relatively small, cropping practices in the northern part were different from those in the southern portion. Other crops, such as fresh vegetables and vegetables grown for processing, were less than 10% of the total cropland. A conservative approximation of the total pesticide usage in the subbasin in 2002 was over 277,000 lbs of active ingredients. Herbicides represented the most frequently used pesticides in the subbasin, both in number (17) and in total active ingredients (over 261,000 lbs). Ten insecticides predominated in the watershed, while only small quantities of three fungicides were used. Total pesticide usage and intensity were estimated using the CDL. Nutrient inputs to cropland from animal manure, chemical fertilizer, and atmospheric deposition were modeled at over 30 million pounds of nitrogen and over 7 million pounds of phosphorous. Crops under conservation tillage had the largest input of both nutrients.  相似文献   
Abstract: Some species have insufficient defenses against climate change, emerging infectious diseases, and non‐native species because they have not been exposed to these factors over their evolutionary history, and this can decrease their likelihood of persistence. Captive breeding programs are sometimes used to reintroduce individuals back into the wild; however, successful captive breeding and reintroduction can be difficult because species or populations often cannot coexist with non‐native pathogens and herbivores without artificial selection. In captive breeding programs, breeders can select for host defenses that prevent or reduce pathogen or herbivore burden (i.e., resistance) or traits that limit the effects of parasitism or herbivory on host fitness (i.e., tolerance). We propose that selection for host tolerance may enhance the success of reintroduction or translocation because tolerant hosts generally have neutral effects on introduced pathogens and herbivores. The release of resistant hosts would have detrimental effects on their natural enemies, promoting rapid evolution to circumvent the host resistance that may reduce the long‐term probability of persistence of the reintroduced or translocated species. We examined 2 case studies, one on the pathogenic amphibian chytrid fungus ( Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis [Bd]) and the other on the herbivorous cactus moth ( Cactoblastis cactorum) in the United States, where it is not native. In each case study, we provide recommendations for how captive breeders and managers could go about selecting for host tolerance. Selecting for tolerance may offer a promising tool to rescue hosts species from invasive natural enemies as well as new natural enemies associated with climate change‐induced range shifts.  相似文献   
The supply of freshwater to estuarine ecosystems is a critical factor in maintaining the overall health and organization of coastal marshes. Specifically along the Texas Gulf coast, the coupled effects of decreased freshwater inflows to the estuary and natural processes (e.g., precipitation, wind, and tides) can exert significant salt-stress on coastal marsh vegetation. In this project we sought to quantitatively link the inflow of freshwater to the estuary (San Antonio Bay) with Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) coastal marsh salinity and assess the influence of salinity and inundation on Carolina wolfberry (Lycium carolinianum Walt.) phenology (leaf and fruit abundance). The Carolina wolfberry is one of the more common high marsh plant species found at ANWR and has been shown to be a key food source for endangered Whooping Cranes which inhabit the coastal marshes of the ANWR each fall/winter. Results from our study show that periods of decreased freshwater inflows to the estuary correlated with increased marsh salinity at the ANWR. Wolfberry plants at ANWR marsh sites displayed increased fruit abundance during years which had lower mean summer time salinity (June, July, and August) in San Antonio Bay; conversely, during years of increased bay salinity during the same summertime months, wolfberry plants showed decreased fruit abundance. Through the continued validation of the relationship between inflows and coastal marsh salinity, we hope to provide additional insight into how wolfberry phenology varies inter-annually across both salinity and inundation regimes and how freshwater inflows may affect food availability for the endangered Whooping Crane.  相似文献   
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) content from seven commercial waterpipe charcoals were determined during the smoking process to estimate how much PAHs would not be trapped by the water trap and could reach the lungs of the smokers. Naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, phenanthrene and fluoranthene were the most abundant PAH compounds produced during smoking. Naphthalene was the highest in all of the smoke contents and levels of 5 to 405 μg/15 minutes could be inhaled by the smoker. The amounts of PAHs produced during the smoking events in absence of tobacco varied greatly among different brands of charcoal. The amount and composition of the emitted PAH were not related to the amount and composition of the original chemicals in the charcoal prior to burning. Our findings suggest that public health agencies should regulate smoked charcoal products alongside tobacco.  相似文献   
Paleoecological reconstructions of forest stand histories for two upland watersheds at Acadia National Park in Maine were completed to support related watershed chemistry studies. The project hypothesis was that forest type and fire history influence long-term cycling and storage of atmospheric mercury and nitrogen within watersheds. The reconstructions document differences in major vegetation composition and disturbance between the burned and unburned watersheds during the past several centuries. Pollen and charcoal stratigraphies from organic sediment accumulations in forested wet depressions indicate that the present experimental design of contrasting disturbance and forest histories has persisted during recent centuries. The unburned watershed has been dominated by spruce (Picea rubens) and fir (Abies balsamea) for 500 years or more and has not recently burned or been substantially cleared. The burned watershed is dominated by a heterogeneous forest of patchy hardwood, mixed wood, and softwood stands. A large portion of this watershed burned severely in 1947 and probably more than once in the 1800s, and has supported heterogeneous successional forests for 200 years or longer. Overall, these results support the underlying premise that the experimental design of this watershed research can be used to infer landscape controls on biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   
Chondrilla nucula is a common Caribbean demosponge that grows in a range of habitats, from coral reefs to mangrove swamps. On reefs, C. nucula grows as a thinly encrusting sheet, while in mangrove habitats it surrounds submerged mangrove roots as fleshy, lobate clumps. Previous feeding experiments using predatory reef fish revealed a high degree of variability in the chemical defenses of C. nucula. The present study was undertaken to determine whether a relationship exists between habitat, growth form, and chemical defense of C. nucula. Both laboratory and field feeding-assays of crude extracts confirmed that C. nucula possesses a chemical defense with high intercolony variability, but there was no significant variation in feeding deterrency between reef and mangrove habitats at either geographic location (Bahamas and Florida). Extracts of C. nucula collected during September and October 1994 from the Bahamas were significantly more deterrent than those collected during August 1993, May 1994, and May 1995 from Florida, and extracts of these spring and summer Florida collections were more deterrent than extracts of C. nucula collected in December 1994 and February 1995 in the same locations. There was no evidence that deterrent compounds were concentrated in the surface tissues of the sponge, or that chemical defense could be induced by simulated predation. Laboratory and field assays of the fractionated crude extract revealed that feeding deterrency was confined to the most polar metabolites in the extract. Field transplants were used to determine whether predation influenced the growth form of C. nucula. Uncaged sponges transplanted from the mangrove to the reef were readily consumed by spongivorous reef fishes. Lobate mangrove sponges became thinner after being caged on the reef for 3 mo, but encrusting reef sponges did not become thicker after being caged in the mangroves for the same period of time. Reef sponges that were caged for 3 to 15 mo thickened by only a small amount (<1 mm) compared to uncaged and open-caged (i.e. in cages lacking tops) sponges. Simulated bite marks on both reef and mangrove sponges were repaired at a rapid rate (0.8 to 1.6 mm d−1). Fish predation has an important impact on the distribution and abundance of C. nucula, but the thin growth form common to reef environments may be more the result of hydrodynamics than of grazing by spongivorous fishes. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 19 March 1998  相似文献   
Abstract: A systematic method for identification and estimation of regional scale stressor‐response models in aquatic ecosystems will be useful in monitoring and assessment of aquatic resources, determination of regional nutrient criteria and for increased understanding of the differences between regions. The model response variable is chlorophyll a, a measure of algal density, while the stressors include nutrient concentrations from the USEPA Nutrient Criteria Database (NCD) for lakes/ponds and reservoirs of the continental United States. The NCD has observations for both stressors and biological responses determined using methods that are not consistently available at the continental scale. To link multiple environmental stressors to biological responses and quantify uncertainty in model predictions, we take a multilevel modeling approach to the estimation of a linear model for prediction of log Chlorophyll a using predictors log TP and log TN. The multilevel modeling approach allows us to adjust the impact of covariates at all levels (observation, higher level groups) for the simultaneous operation of contextual and individual variability in the outcome. Here, we wish to allow separate regression coefficients for inference regarding similarities and differences between each of 14 ecoregions, and between the two water‐body types, lakes/ponds and reservoirs. We are also interested in the nuisance effects of the categorical variables indicating the type of nitrogen measurements (three levels) and the type of chlorophyll a measurements (four levels) used. Model‐based determination of nutrient criteria points to an apparent incompatibility of criteria developed for nutrient stressors and eutrophication responses using current Environmental Protection Agency’s guidance.  相似文献   
Abstract: Considerable effort has been exerted in attempts to understand the complex ecological effects of grazing. North American tortoises, by virtue of their distribution, provide a good model taxon through which to study how grazing effects vary with grazing regime, habitat, and climate. We studied the Texas tortoise (  Gopherus berlandieri ) , which is restricted primarily to privately owned rangelands of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. Management of this species is hampered by a lack of information on the effects of common land-use practices. We evaluated the effects of moderate grazing by cattle (short-duration, winter-spring rotational grazing regime; 6–28 animal-unit days/ha/year) on this tortoise by comparing two grazed and two ungrazed sites in the Western Rio Grande Plains, Texas ( U.S.A.), from April 1994 to October 1997. We made 132 captures of 106 individuals in the ungrazed pastures and 324 captures of 237 individuals in the grazed pastures. We also radiotracked 22 tortoises in the ungrazed pastures and 25 tortoises in the grazed pastures. Comparisons of relative abundance, body-size distribution, age distribution, body mass, sex ratio, adult survival, proportion of juveniles, and growth rates revealed no differences (  p > 0.05 for all parameters) between tortoises on grazed and ungrazed areas. Based on these results, we suggest that moderate grazing by cattle is not incompatible with maintenance of Texas tortoise populations. Our data were consistent with a general model of tortoise biogeography and tolerance of disturbance which suggests that Texas tortoises are tolerant to intermediate levels of disturbance. Generalities about the effect of cattle grazing on the four North American tortoises should be avoided unless they can be placed in the context of grazing regime, precipitation, habitat quality, and tortoise requirements.  相似文献   
横跨北极的地区,可更新资源和不可更新资源、人口密度、资产投资、住宅与交通基础设施的分布存在着很大差异,这些差异被公认为是研究当前和未来社会-生态系统变化的热点.由于当前政治和经济的稳定,芬诺斯堪的亚地区北部社会-生态系统呈现出相对良好的形势,而俄罗斯北部从苏联解体开始便一直经历着急速且消极的变化,这些变化反映了俄罗斯普遍存在的危机状态.北美洲虽然处在一个相对稳定有序的制度下,采取了一些措施用于防止和减轻与工业有关的环境退化,但大多即将出台的新发展计划仍将会显著扩大社会-生态系统受到潜在影响的空间范围.制度或管理条款与生态系统服务功能对环境变化的缓冲能力紧密相关.无论气候是否变暖,某些地理区域对外来破坏作用表现得特别脆弱,这有可能威胁到这些区域在将来提供产品和服务的能力.尽管某些地区的气候变化有可能会使这种形势恶化,但从长远来看,气候变化也有可能会使其恢复力得到加强.  相似文献   
Changes in the conditions in the 'warm pool' in the Pacific region are reflected in the changes in the local climate system of the Philippines. Both El Niñno and La Niñna episodes in the Pacific Oceans introduce high variability into the local climate pattern, especially rainfall, in the Philippines. Whereas El Niñno appears when annual rainfall is ≥10% lower than normal annual rainfall, La Niñna occurs when annual rainfall is at least equal to the normal. About 15.7 million ha of forest cover had been lost between 1903 and 1998, but only 1.64 million had been reforested in the same period, indicating the presence of unbelievably low ecological stability. Apart from this, the denuded forests freed about 8.24 × 109 Mg C into the atmospheric greenhouse pools. Neither deforestation nor reforestation was undertaken with deliberate regard to the occurrences of El Niñno or La Niñna. Very high rates of deforestation were observed to coincide with or precede strong El Niñno or Niñna episodes, thus confounding further the ecological instability of denuded forest systems, especially those with slope ≥18%. Similarly, the reforestation cycle indicates that saplings are at most 5 years old every time an El Niñno or a La Niñna occurs; in most reforestation schemes, saplings are only 1–2 years old when these events occur. These reforested areas are vulnerable to drought in El Niñno years and to high runoff erosion during La Niñna years. Because they are young, saplings in reforested areas dry easily and pose hazards to forest fires, which were observed to destroy larger tracts of forest cover during El Niñno more so when annual rain ≥10% below the normal. In retrospect, the study indicated that had forests been exploited with conscious regard to the recurrence of El Niñno or La Niñna episodes, ecological impacts could at least be toned down. In the same vein, reforestation should have been more successful it were implemented with due considerations to extreme climate variability. Once trees were planted, the weather elements become more crucial than politicians' meddling and other socio-economic factors to the growth and development of reforested sites.  相似文献   
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