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Seventy-two squares of 100 ha were selected by stratified random sampling with probabilities proportional to size (pps) to survey landscape changes in the period 1996–2003. The area of the plots times the urbanization pressure was used as a size measure. The central question of this study is whether the sampling with probabilities proportional to size leads to gain in precision compared to equal probability sampling. On average 1.03 isolated buildings per 100 ha have been built, while 0.90 buildings per 100 ha have been removed, leading to a net change of 0.13 building per 100 ha. The area with unspoiled natural relief has been reduced by 2.3 ha per 100 ha, and the length of linear relicts by 137 m per 100 ha. On average 74 m of linear green elements have been planted per 100 ha, while 106 m have been removed, leading to a net change of −31 m per 100 ha. For the state variables ‘unspoiled natural relief', ‘ linear relicts', ‘removed linear green elements', and ‘new – removed linear green elements' there is a gain in precision due to the pps-sampling. For the remaining state variables there is no gain or even a loss of precision (`new buildings', ‘removed buildings', ‘new – removed buildings', ‘new linear green elements'). Therefore, if many state variables must be monitored or when interest is not only in the change but also in the current totals, we recommend to keep things simple, and to select plots with equal probability. 相似文献
Mapping the Spatial Variability of Plant Diversity in a Tropical Forest: Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Hernandez-Stefanoni JL Ponce-Hernandez R 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,117(1-3):307-334
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of plant species is essential to conservation and forest managers in order to identify
high priority areas such as vulnerable species and habitats, and designate areas for reserves, refuges and other protected
areas. A reliable map of the diversity of plant species over the landscape is an invaluable tool for such purposes. In this
study, the number of species, the exponent Shannon and the reciprocal Simpson indices, calculated from 141 quadrat sites sampled
in a tropical forest were used to compare the performance of several spatial interpolation techniques used to prepare a map
of plant diversity, starting from sample (point) data over the landscape. Means of mapped classes, inverse distance functions,
kriging and co-kriging, both, applied over the entire studied landscape and also applied within vegetation classes, were the
procedures compared. Significant differences in plant diversity indices between classes demonstrated the usefulness of boundaries
between vegetation types, mapped through satellite image classification, in stratifying the variability of plant diversity
over the landscape. These mapped classes, improved the accuracy of the interpolation methods when they were used as prior
information for stratification of the area. Spatial interpolation by co-kriging performed among the poorest interpolators
due to the poor correlation between the plant diversity variables and vegetation indices computed by remote sensing and used
as covariables. This indicated that the latter are not suitable covariates of plant diversity indices. Finally, a within-class
kriging interpolator yielded the most accurate estimates of plant diversity values. This interpolator not only provided the
most accurate estimates by accounting for the indices' intra-class variability, but also provided additional useful interpretations
of the structure of spatial variability of diversity values through the interpretation of their semi-variograms. This additional
role was found very useful in aiding decisions in conservation planning. 相似文献
Using Ion-Exchange Resins to Study Soil Response to Experimental Watershed Acidification 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Szillery JE Fernandez IJ Norton SA Rustad LE White AS 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,116(1-3):383-398
Ion-exchange resins (IER) offer alternative approaches to measuring ionic movement in soils that may have advantages over
traditional approaches in some settings, but more information is needed to understand how IER compare with traditional methods
of measurement in forested ecosystems. At the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM), one of two paired, forested watersheds
is treated bi-monthly with S and N (28.8 and 25.2kgha−1yr−1 of S and N, respectively). Both IER and ceramic cup tension lysimeters were used to study soil solution responses after ∼11
years of treatment. Results from both methods showed treatments resulted in the mobilization of base cations and Al, and higher
SO4—S and inorganic N in the treated watershed. Both methods indicated similar differences in results associated with forest
type (hardwoods versus softwoods), a result of differences in litter quality and atmospheric aerosol interception capacity.
The correlation between lysimeter and IER data for individual analytes varied greatly. Significant correlations were evident
for Na (r=0.75), Al (r=0.65), Mn (r=0.61), Fe (r=0.57), Ca (r=0.49), K (r=0.41) and NO3—N (r=0.59). No correlation was evident between IER and soil solution data for NH4—N and Pb. Both IER and soil solution techniques suggested similar interpretations of biogeochemical behavior in the watershed. 相似文献
Viglizzo EF Frank F Bernardos J Buschiazzo DE Cabo S 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,117(1-3):109-134
The generation of reliable updated information is critical to support the harmonization of socio-economic and environmental
issues in a context of sustainable development. The agro-environmental assessment and management of agricultural systems often
relies on indicators that are necessary to make sound decisions. This work aims to provide an approach to (a) assess the environmental
performance of commercial farms in the Pampas of Argentina, and (b) propose a methodological framework to calculate environmental
indicators that can rapidly be applied to practical farming. 120 commercial farms scattered across the Pampas were analyzed
in this study during 2002 and 2003. Eleven basic indicators were identified and calculation methods described. Such indicators
were fossil energy (FE) use, FE use efficiency, nitrogen (N) balance, phosphorus (P) balance, N contamination risk, P contamination
risk, pesticide contamination risk, soil erosion risk, habitat intervention, changes in soil carbon stock, and balance of
greenhouse gases. A model named Agro-Eco-Index was developed on a Microsoft-Excel support to incorporate on-farm collected data and facilitate the calculation of indicators
by users. Different procedures were applied to validate the model and present the results to the users. Regression models
(based on linear and non-linear models) were used to validate the comparative performance of the study farms across the Pampas.
An environmental dashboard was provided to represent in a graphical way the behavior of farms. The method provides a tool
to discriminate environmentally friendly farms from those that do not pay enough attention to environmental issues. Our procedure
might be useful for implementing an ecological certification system to reward a good environmental behavior in society (e.g.,
through tax benefits) and generate a commercial advantage (e.g., through the allocation of green labels) for committed farmers. 相似文献
Chou CJ 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,119(1-3):571-598
Statistical analyses were applied at the Hanford Site, USA, to assess groundwater contamination problems that included (1) determining local backgrounds to ascertain whether a facility is affecting the groundwater quality and (2) determining a ‘pre-Hanford' groundwater background to allow formulation of background-based cleanup standards. The primary purpose of this paper is to extend the random effects models for (1) assessing the spatial, temporal, and analytical variability of groundwater background measurements; (2) demonstrating that the usual variance estimate s
2, which ignores the variance components, is a biased estimator; (3) providing formulas for calculating the amount of bias; and (4) recommending monitoring strategies to reduce the uncertainty in estimating the average background concentrations. A case study is provided. Results indicate that (1) without considering spatial and temporal variability, there is a high probability of false positives, resulting in unnecessary remediation and/or monitoring expenses; (2) the most effective way to reduce the uncertainty in estimating the average background, and enhance the power of the statistical tests in general, is to increase the number of background wells; and (3) background for a specific constituent should be considered as a statistical distribution, not as a single value or threshold. The methods and the related analysis of variance tables discussed in this paper can be used as diagnostic tools in documenting the extent of inherent spatial and/or temporal variation and to help select an appropriate statistical method for testing purposes. 相似文献
Kumar A Baroth A Soni I Bhatnagar P John PJ 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,116(1-3):1-7
Anupgarh is the most fertile area of Rajasthan state where a variety of seasonal crops are grown. The availability of three
manmade canals has enhanced the agricultural activities in this area. The farmers use huge amounts of pesticides to increase
the crop productivity. Exposure of humans to these hazardous chemicals occurs directly in the fields and indirectly due to
consumption of contaminated diet, or by inhalation or by dermal contact. The organochlorine pesticides are reported to be
lipophilic and their presence in human milk and blood has been documented in different parts of the world. Blood and milk
samples were collected from lactating women who were divided into four groups on the basis of different living standards viz
residence area, dietary habits, working conditions and addiction to tobacco. The level of total organochlorine pesticides
in blood ranged from 3.319mg/L—6.253mg/L while in milk samples it ranged from 3.209Mdash;4.608 mg/L. The results are in concurrence
with the reports from other countries. 相似文献
Gustavo Ratto Fabián Videla J. Reyna Almandos Ricardo Maronna Daniel Schinca 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,121(1-3):325-340
This article presents and discusses SO2 (ppbv) concentration measurements combined with meteorological data (mainly wind speed and direction) for a five-year campaign (1996 to 2000), in a site near an oil refinery plant close to the city of La Plata and surroundings (aprox. 740.000 inh.), considered one of the six most affected cities by air pollution in the country. Since there is no monitoring network in the area, the obtained results should be considered as medium term accumulated data that enables to determine trends by analyzing together gas concentrations and meteorological parameters. Preliminary characterization of the behaviour of the predominant winds of the region in relation with potential atmospheric gas pollutants from seasonal wind roses is possible to carry out from the data. These results are complemented with monthly averaged SO2 measurements. In particular, for year 2000, pollutant roses were determined which enable predictions about contamination emission sources. As a general result we can state that there is a clear increase in annual SO2 concentration and that the selected site should be considered as a key site for future survey monitoring network deployment. Annual SO2 average concentration and prevailing seasonal winds determined in this work, together with the potential health impact of SO2 reveals the need for a comprehensive and systematic study involving particulate matter an other basic pollutant gases. 相似文献
A new approach to Assess Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition by Way of Standardized Exposition of mosses
A standardized method of moss exposition for assessing variations in nitrogen deposition was tested in the western part of
Germany. Six pleurocarpous moss species were transplanted to two sites differing in their deposition rates but being comparable
as to their climatic conditions. The mosses were exposed in standardized containers over a period of 12 months; the focus
of interest was the effect of N deposition on nitrogen content and on 15N natural abundance (δ15N-values). Within the first nine months only trends could be observed. However, after one year all species tested showed significantly
higher N concentrations at the highly polluted site. Besides, more negative δ15N-values possibly reflecting the higher ammonium input were detected at this site. Surprisingly, most of the plants though
being kept in plastic containers without a favourable substratum did not show any conspicuous deficiency symptoms. The potential
advantages of a standardized moss exposition for N monitoring purposes are discussed. It is concluded that the method presented
here can yield significant results in particular if the number of testing sites is increased. 相似文献
Abstact The present study was designed to evaluate indirect, non-invasive, on-line measurement of biofilm thickness using an electrical capacitance technique. Several assays were carried out and the results showed that, at a frequency of 1 kHz, electrical capacitance could be used to measure biofilm thickness indirectly (with a correlation coefficient of 0.9495). The reproducibility revealed by the assays was also highly satisfactory.However, in contrast to what was expected, there was an inverse relationship between electrical capacitance and biofilm thickness, i.e. electrical capacitance diminished with the increase in the biofilm thickness.The tests were also carried out at different frequencies (1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz) 相似文献
Weyer PJ Smith BJ Feng ZF Kantamneni JR Riley DG 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2006,116(1-3):81-90
Nitrate contamination of water sources is a concern where large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers are regularly applied to soils.
Ingested nitrate from dietary sources and drinking water can be converted to nitrite and ultimately to N-nitroso compounds,
many of which are known carcinogens. Epidemiologic studies of drinking water nitrate and cancer report mixed findings; a criticism
is the use of nitrate concentrations from retrospective drinking water data to assign exposure levels. Residential point-of-use
nitrate data are scarce; gaps in historical data for municipal supply finished water hamper exposure classification efforts.
We used generalized linear regression models to estimate and compare historical raw water and finished water nitrate levels
(1960s--1990s) in single source Iowa municipal supplies to determine whether raw water monitoring data could supplement finished
water data to improve exposure assessment. Comparison of raw water and finished water samples (same sampling date) showed
a significant difference in nitrate levels in municipalities using rivers; municipalities using other surface water or alluvial
groundwater had no difference in nitrate levels. A regional aggregation of alluvial groundwater municipalities was constructed
based on results from a previous study showing regional differences in nitrate contamination of private wells; results from
this analysis were mixed, dependent upon region and decade. These analyses demonstrate using historical raw water nitrate
monitoring data to supplement finished water data for exposure assessment is appropriate for individual Iowa municipal supplies
using alluvial groundwater, lakes or reservoirs. Using alluvial raw water data on a regional basis is dependent on region
and decade. 相似文献