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柴油车的黑碳排放对空气质量和气候变化有重要影响,但我国柴油车黑碳排放清单编制仍有较大局限性. 为进一步提高柴油车黑碳排放清单编制精度,采用整车转毂台架和热光折射的方法研究不同排放标准、行驶工况和负载状况对重型柴油货车黑碳排放的影响. 结果表明:我国排放标准升级对重型柴油货车的黑碳排放有重要影响,从国Ⅰ、国Ⅱ排放标准升级到国Ⅲ、国Ⅳ和国Ⅴ排放标准,黑碳在颗粒物中的占比由41%左右逐步提至72%左右. 行驶工况对重型柴油货车的黑碳排放也有一定影响,车辆在C-WTVC (中国重型商用车燃料消耗量测试工况)下的黑碳排放占比较VECC (重型车典型道路行驶工况)下高5%~10%. 与半载状态相比,重型柴油货车在满载状态下黑碳排放占比更高,国Ⅲ、国Ⅳ重型柴油货车满载状态下黑碳排放占比较半载状态高7%~8%,国Ⅱ重型柴油货车满载状态下黑碳排放占比较半载状态高15%左右. 研究显示,柴油货车黑碳排放清单编制要综合考虑排放标准、驾驶特征、负荷状况等对黑碳排放的影响,不宜使用固定系数利用颗粒物排放因子外推黑碳排放因子.   相似文献   
As the global concerns regarding climate change and the related environmental adversities continue to persist alongside rapid development of the world economies, the United Nations declared a set of compressive sustainable development goals (SDG) that are to be realized by the end of 2030. These goals are specifically conceptualized to collectively facilitate the attainment of sustainable socioeconomic development while concurrently improving the quality of the global environment. Hence, this study assesses the interlinkages between economic growth, environmental pollution, financial development, and renewable energy use in light of the objectives of SDG8, SDG13, SDG10, and SDG7 by considering the BRICS nations as a case study. Although the previous studies, in this regard, have predominantly focused on specifically scrutinizing the determinants of these four macroeconomic variables of concern, not much importance was shown to map the interrelationships among these variables. The econometric analysis conducted in this study utilizes quarterly frequency data covering the period from 1990-Q1 to 2020-Q4. Overall, the findings from causality and variance decomposition analyses reveal that in the long run these variables are influenced by each other which, in turn, also verifies the cross-linkages between the four SDG of concern. Besides, the causality-related findings appear to be robust when alternate causality estimators are employed. Therefore, based on these critically important causal relationships, a set of interactive SDG-related policies is recommended.  相似文献   
近年来用生物可降解塑料(BPs)替代传统塑料(CPs)被认为是应对塑料污染危机的有效途径。由于BPs比CPs更容易分解成微纳米塑料(MNPs),因此生物可降解微纳米塑料(BMNPs)的生物毒性效应是当前关注的焦点,但相关研究仍处于起步阶段。本文从BMNPs本身、渗滤液及其与其他污染物形成复合污染物3个方面入手,系统总结了BMNPs生物毒性效应的国内外研究进展,重点关注BMNPs与传统微纳米塑料(CMNPs)之间的差异。本文总结的研究显示,与CMNPs相比,BMNPs的生物毒性效应表现为减弱、无显著变化和显著增强的研究结果分别占总研究结果的21%、25%和54%。其中BMNPs的生物毒性效应显著增强主要原因在于,首先BMNPs表面比CMNPs更加粗糙复杂,对被测生物表现出更强的机械性损伤能力。其次,进入生物体内的BMNPs会被生物分解成更小尺寸的塑料,更容易进入生物体的组织和细胞,产生更大的危害效应。此外,BMNPs更容易被微生物所吸收,通过影响微生物的正常生理功能,对相关生物和生态系统造成一系列连锁负面影响。再者,BMNPs在分解、降解和老化过程中能更快地释放出添加剂,并且释放出的某些化合物具有更强的生物可利用性。最后,与CMNPs相比,BMNPs与其他污染物产生的复合生物毒性效应更强,这与BMNPs特殊的表面和内部结构造成其对污染物拥有更强的吸附和解吸能力有关。本文还通过梳理上述研究存在的不足,对未来BMNPs生物毒性效应的研究、检测和评价等方面进行了展望,以期为BPs污染的有效防治和生态风险评估,以及MNPs相关产品的管理和认证提供科学支撑。  相似文献   
随着畜禽规模化养殖的发展,畜禽抗生素用量不断增加,且随着畜禽粪便扩散到土壤、水体中;植物吸收、积累并转化抗生素,从而对植物生长和生理代谢产生影响。本文综述了畜禽抗生素应用及污染现状,详述了近年来四环素类、磺胺类和喹诺酮类等畜禽抗生素对大田作物、蔬菜果树、湿地植物、农田杂草、水生植物及藻类的种子萌发、根、叶的形态和生理代谢的生态毒理效应的研究进展,着重综述了畜禽抗生素对这些植物光合作用和抗氧化系统的生态毒理效应的研究进展。以期为污水的植物修复、粮食蔬菜的生物安全以及生态环境安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   
煤矿区废水渗漏是下游沉积物中重金属的主要来源之一,持久影响着周边水生态健康。本研究以重庆市某煤矿区周边水系为研究区域,利用内梅罗综合污染指数(P综合)和污染负荷指数(PLI)分析沉积物中重金属污染程度及其主要污染因子。以当地大量养殖的美国青蛙(Rana grylio)蝌蚪为试验动物,通过筛选生物标记物,利用生物标记物综合指数(IBRv2)指示沉积物重金属复合污染程度及其生态毒性效应,并分析其因果关系。结果显示,该煤矿废水渗漏导致周边水域沉积物中Zn、Cu、Cr、Ni、Mn含量显著提高,且以Cu、Zn为主。与对照组比较,3个样地沉积物重金属污染对蝌蚪超氧化物歧化酶活性、总抗氧化能力、丙二醛和谷胱甘肽含量、微核率影响显著(P<0.05),IBRv2与P综合和PLI显著相关。结果表明,IBRv2法能够很好地反映出煤矿区下游沉积物重金属综合污染程度及其对受试生物的生态毒性效应,且明确了二者之间具有直接的因果关系,导致综合生物效应的主要化学污染因子为Cu、Zn、Cr。同时,表明了该煤矿区主要污染来源于洗煤厂区域的废水排放。本研究可为煤矿区水环境污染的生物监测技术开发与生物标记物优选提供数据支持。  相似文献   
再生水已成为缺水地区的重要非常规水源. 但是,再生水中的营养性污染物质往往高于地表水水质要求,易导致受纳水体出现富营养化污染. 本文选取了一个仅以再生水为水源补充的城市水体进行研究. 根据水生植物生长状况,划分为修复程度不同的区域,使用普通克里金插值法获取了再生水流入后的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)等污染物的空间分布与变化,分析了水生植物修复的效能与机制. 结果显示,水生植物能够在再生水流入下游之前削减57.9%的TN,且在春、夏季修复效果更加突出. 植物修复区域最高削减了78.3%的TP,挺水植物区对TP的修复效果较为稳定. 但受高温影响,沉水植物区对TP的削减率从最高的63.4%下降到了夏季的6.61%. 由于沉积物的持续释放,植物修复对COD的去除效率比对TN和TP低,仅在沉水植物区表现了相对较好的修复效果.  相似文献   
● Converting xylose to caproate under a low temperature of 20 °C by MCF was verified. ● Final concentration of caproate from xylose in a batch reactor reached 1.6 g/L. ● Changing the substrate to ethanol did not notably increase the caproate production. ● Four genera, including Bifidobacterium , were revealed as caproate producers. ● The FAB pathway and incomplete RBO pathway were revealed via metagenomic analysis. Mixed culture fermentation (MCF) is challenged by the unqualified activity of enriched bacteria and unwanted methane dissolution under low temperatures. In this work, caproate production from xylose was investigated by MCF at a low temperature (20 °C). The results showed that a 9 d long hydraulic retention time (HRT) in a continuously stirred tank reactor was necessary for caproate production (~0.3 g/L, equal to 0.6 g COD/L) from xylose (10 g/L). The caproate concentration in the batch mode was further increased to 1.6 g/L. However, changing the substrate to ethanol did not promote caproate production, resulting in ~1.0 g/L after 45 d of operation. Four genera, Bifidobacterium, Caproiciproducens, Actinomyces, and Clostridium_sensu_stricto_12, were identified as the enriched caproate-producing bacteria. The enzymes in the fatty acid biosynthesis (FAB) pathway for caproate production were identified via metagenomic analysis. The enzymes for the conversion of (Cn+2)-2,3-Dehydroxyacyl-CoA to (Cn+2)-Acyl-CoA (i.e., EC and EC in the reverse β-oxidation (RBO) pathway were not identified. These results could extend the understanding of low-temperature caproate production.  相似文献   
● pz-UiO-66 was synthesized facilely by a solvothermal method. ● Efficient capture of copper from highly acidic solution was achieved by pz-UiO-66. ● pz-UiO-66 exhibited excellent selectivity and capacity for copper capture. ● Pyrazine-N in pz-UiO-66 was shown to be the dominant adsorption site. The selective capture of copper from strongly acidic solutions is of vital importance from the perspective of sustainable development and environmental protection. Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted the interest of many scholars for adsorption due to their fascinating physicochemical characteristics, including adjustable structure, strong stability and porosity. Herein, pz-UiO-66 containing a pyrazine structure is successfully synthesized for the efficient separation of copper from strongly acidic conditions. Selective copper removal at low pH values is accomplished by using this material that is not available in previously reported metal–organic frameworks. Furthermore, the material exhibits excellent adsorption capacity, with a theoretical maximum copper uptake of 247 mg/g. As proven by XPS and FT-IR analysis, the coordination of pyrazine nitrogen atoms with copper ions is the dominant adsorption mechanism of copper by pz-UiO-66. This work provides an opportunity for efficient and selective copper removal under strongly acidic conditions, and promises extensive application prospects for the removal of copper in the treatment for acid metallurgical wastewater.  相似文献   
研究氯化多氟烷基醚磺酸(6:2 chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate,商品名F-53B)对人肝癌细胞HepG2和Hep3B的毒性效应,并初步探讨其作用机制。选择常用的全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctane sulfonate,PFOS)和全氟辛酸(perfluorooctanoic acid,PFOA)与F-53B同时进行毒性评估,检测细胞形态、细胞活力、凋亡、活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS),过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、凋亡相关因子(BaxCaspase-3PARPCaspase-9等)表达水平。F-53B对细胞活性具有明显的抑制作用且毒力显著大于PFOS,并呈剂量依赖性;F-53B显著诱导ROS释放和细胞凋亡,并降低了抗氧化酶CAT活性;进一步证明促凋亡相关因子(BaxCaspase-3PARPCaspase-9)表达增加,抑制凋亡因子Bcl-2表达水平降低。F-53B可诱导细胞凋亡和氧化应激,且线粒体内在途径可能参与细胞毒性作用。  相似文献   
易力  雷丽红  杜美慧  李筝  王悦 《环境化学》2021,40(10):3236-3245
由于塑料的大量使用,并且大部分塑料在自然界中难以降解,使得塑料垃圾对环境造成了巨大的负面影响。本研究从黄粉虫肠道和土壤分离能降解聚苯乙烯泡沫及聚乳酸塑料的菌株。黄粉幼虫以6∶1的麸皮与塑料配比饲喂21 d,对其肠道菌株进行分离、培养。同时对混杂有破裂、发脆、老化塑料的土壤菌株进行分离、培养。而后利用扫描电镜切片观察和菌数量测定,筛选对聚苯乙烯泡沫及聚乳酸这两种塑料有降解特性的菌株。最后设计混菌体系,优化出最佳的降解组合。结果从黄粉虫肠道和土壤中分离筛选出5种降解效果好的菌株,分别为Klebsiella sp.G-1、Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PLA-2、Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. N-2、Bacterium strain G-2和Escherichia coli strain L-1。并得到5个对聚苯乙烯泡沫降解性更好的混菌体系:A5Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PLA-2、Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. N-2)、A10Escherichia coli strain L-1、Bacterium strain G-2)、B1Klebsiella sp. G-1、Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PLA-2、Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. N-2)、B2Klebsiella sp. G-1、Klebsiella pneumoniae strain PLA-2、Escherichia coli strain L-1)和C4Klebsiella sp. G-1、Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. N-2、Escherichia coli strain L-1、Bacterium strain G-2)。研究结果表明,黄粉虫肠道及土壤环境中存在对聚苯乙烯泡沫及聚乳酸塑料有一定降解性的细菌,且混菌体系对聚苯乙烯泡沫的降解效果要优于单株菌。  相似文献   
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