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ABSTRACT: Remote sensing offers an attractive alternative to conventional data collection employed in the estimation of certain hydrologic model parameters. In this investigation, the standard error of parameters estimated from Landsat data are examined. Relationships between the standard error and the size of the spatial-modeling units are developed that allow extending results to larger areas. Based upon the investigations conducted, a generalized model of the error relationships could not be developed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Yearly runoff efficiencies (total runoff/total precipitation), threshold retentions (precipitation needed to initiate runoff), and runoff-efficiencies-after-thresholds were determined for several water-harvesting catchment treatments at the Granite Reef test site. This information was found to be useful for showing (1) overall performance of catchments with time; (2) the distribution of the precipitation among runoff, surface retention, and infiltration; (3) why, how, and when certain treatments weathered and failed; (4) when to repair treatments; and (5) how to design catchments (size, site preparation, material selection, etc.). New impermeable membranes with smooth surfaces yielded nearly 100% of the precipitation. An asphalt-fiberglass treatment continues this high efficiency after 10 years of weathering – polyethylene after 8; efficiency of butyl sheeting was high initially but decreased rapidly after 9 years weathering. A standard roofing treatment retained up to 30% of the precipitation in the gravel covering. A concrete catchment lost as much as 50% of the total precipitation through micropores and surface cracks. Silicone treatments rapidly lost repellancy and efficiency, while paraffin treatments have weathered 5 years with little loss of efficiency.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: While the correlation coefficient and standard error of estimate are frequently used when comparing models of seasonal water yield, the following criteria may be more important in selecting one model from among several alternatives: rationality of the regression coefficients, the distribution of the residual errors, and the correctness of indicators of the relative importance of the predictor variables. These criteria were used to compare seasonal water yield models that were calibrated using multiple regression, stepwise regression, principal components regression, polynomial regression using a principal components rotation, and constrained pattern search. Hydrologic data from the Upper Sevier River basin in southern Utah were used to illustrate the comparative analysis process. The prediction equations used the April-July streamflow volume as the criterion variable.  相似文献   
This study documents the effects of power utility right-of-way construction and maintenance on the vegetation of a wooded wetland in North Reading, Massachusetts, USA. Neither activity had a substantial, long-term negative impact. Except for differences in size and maturity, the vegetation recovered in two years from nearly total destruction caused by construction. Maintenance that included the periodic removal of high-growing species led to the formation of a plant association different from the one occurring naturally, but as diverse and species rich.  相似文献   
Reclamation of wastes contaminated by copper,lead, and zinc   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Waste materials containing toxic levels of copper, lead, and zinc, such as mine and smelter wastes, present difficult conditions for the establishment of vegetation. This article reviews the many attempts which have been made to reclaim these wastes. Inert wastes from mining and quarrying operations, such as slate quarry waste and certain colliery shales, seem to be good materials for reclaiming wastes contaminated by copper, lead, and zinc. Organic wastes, such as sewage sludge and domestic refuse, may provide only a temporary visual improvement and stabilization of the toxic materials.Nontolerant plant materials may often be planted directly on modern waste materials, which are less toxic than they were in the past. However, tolerant plant materials are needed for revegetating waste materials produced by early and more primitive extraction methods.  相似文献   
Fishermen were aggregated into high-, mid-, and low-consumptive groups according to the importance they placed on catching fish. Analysis of variance indicated that each consumptive group was unique in the importance it placed on other fish-related variables. Low-consumptive fishermen rated most other aspects of the fishing experience, such as interacting with nature, relaxation, and escaping the daily routine, more important than did high-consumptive fishermen. Low-consumptive fishermen also fished more frequently and were generally more satisfied with their most recent fishing trip than were high-consumptive-oriented fishermen. The three groups can be viewed as different fishing constituencies. By understanding their characteristics, we can gain additional insights into the impacts of management decisions on recreational fishermen and their experiences.  相似文献   
As a result of the current decline of oil prices, exploration decisions are more carefully analysed than ever before. At the same time various governments have introduced incentives to reinvest in exploration and development in order to maintain or increase activity. As a result, most exploration decisions are now being analysed as "incremental investments". This has the effect of "trapping" investments in areas where profits are currently being made. This in turn creates serious problems for those developing countries which would like to attract exploration. The paper analyses issues related to sliding scale formulae based on the ROR, and the economic impact of the size of the area to which fiscal terms apply.  相似文献   
This study analyses the behaviour of high technology and new firms in the Newbury District of Berkshire in terms of employment, location, genealogy, and local economic impact. It finds that encouraged by good communications networks and a ‘resident electronics establishment’, the direct, as opposed to the indirect, employment consequences are generally encouraging, but not widely replicable. Moreover, the general picture of employment growth masks important differences in labour demand across occupations, particularly with respect to ‘traditional male’ skilled manual workers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: After input from various interested agencies, three miles of creek were relocated to facilitate the construction of Interstate 70 through Tenmile Canyon west of Denver. The 0.5.million dollar project was designed to provide fish habitat of equal value to that present before construction or, if possible, to improve this habitat. Construction techniques were designed to minimize damage to flora and fauna. After the channels were excavated, rock and log fish habitat structures were constructed. Two years after construction, a 4 percent chance flood occurred at the project area which made almost 75 percent of the habitat structures ineffective. Pool-riffle ratios and quantity and quality of spawning areas remained essentially unchanged throughout the period. Population estimates indicated an increase in the number of fish in the postconstruction period compared to preconstruction numbers. Fish biomass estimates for the project area were comparable for the two periods. Aquatic invertebrate populations were unchanged as indicated by comparison of three pre- and postconstruction indices.  相似文献   
The body of information presented in this paper is directed to air pollution engineers who are concerned with the effect of indirect sources on ambient concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO). Data taken under controlled conditions are used to empirically derive and calibrate a model for predicting CO concentrations in the vicinity of roadway intersections and other points of possible vehicular congestion. Since the predicted free flow CO contribution of vehicles traveling at normal road speeds is relatively low, it is concluded that idling vehicles at points of congestion are the major cause of CO violations, and that state and federal programs should place more emphasis on relieving congestion and reducing idling emission rates in new vehicles.  相似文献   
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