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Four variants of the Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) have been constructed to sample a broad size spectrum of oceanic animals from microzooplankton to micronekton. The systems differ in mouth opening dimensions (ranging from 1/4 to 20 m2), the number of nets carried (from 5 to 20), and the mesh size of the netting (from 64 m to 3.0 mm). A new electronics package enables an operator to send commands down a single conductor, armored cable to open/close the nets and provides 12-bit resolution for the environmental (temperature, depth, conductivity) and net operation data (flow, net-frame angle, net-bar release), which are transmitted up the cable to the deck unit at 2-s intervals. A microcomputer system, interfaced to the deck unit, calculates salinity, volume filtered by a net, net trajectory velocity, and vertical velocity. The data are printed out and stored on disc, and profiles of temperature and salinity versus depth are plotted during the course of the tow. Analysis of the relationship between the geometry of the MOCNESS under tow and the past and present methods used to estimate the water filtered by a net revealed that significant bias is introduced when the ascent or descent angle of a net is disregarded. The bias is a function of the ratio of vertical velocity to net trajectory velocity and results in an underestimate of volume filtered while shooting a net and an overestimate while hauling.  相似文献   
To test the effect of petroleum hydrocarbons on predation by the seastar Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862) on the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.), we exposed the predator with the prey to six concentrations of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Cook Inlet crude oil. Seastars and mussels were collected at Auke Bay, Alaska, in November 1980. During a 28 d exposure in a flow-through system, seastars were more sensitive to the WSF than mussels: the LC50 for the seastars was 0.82 ppm at Day 19 and, although no mussels were exposed to WSF for more than 12 d, none died. Daily feeding rates (whether in terms of number of mussels seastar-1 d-1 or dry weight of mussels seastar-1 d-1) were significantly reduced at all concentrations above 0.12 ppm. At 0.20, 0.28 and 0.72 ppm WSF, daily feeding rates (in terms of dry weight of mussels) were, respectively, 53, 37, and 5% of the control rate; at the two highest concentrations (0.97 and 1.31 ppm WSF), the seastars did not feed. Seastars at concentrations greater than 0.12 ppm WSF grew slower than individuals from the control group and the 0.12 ppm-treatment group combined. These laboratory results show that E. troschelii is more sensitive to chronic low levels of the WSF of crude oil. The possibility that such oil pollution could reduce predation and permit M. edulis to monopolize the low intertidal zone of southern Alaska remains to be studied.  相似文献   
Immunoreactive metallothionein has been demonstrated in formalin fixed sections of rat and human tissue using a DNP hapten sandwich staining procedure and antibody to zinc-induced rat liver metallothionein II.MT was found in rat liver, duodenum, jejunum and ileum and in human liver and ileum both intracellularly in hepatocytes and enterocytes and extracellularly in portal vessels, sinusoids and canaliculi in the liver and in the lamina propria of the intestine.Changes in intensity of staining were related in the rat to the feeding/fasting status of the animal and whether exogenous zinc had been administered. In man least MT was found in the ileum of patients with Crohn's disease and most in patients with non-inflammatory bowel disease.These results confirm that MT is an important physiological metal-binding protein in man and animals and is concerned in zinc transport and binding in rats.  相似文献   
Digestion times and assimilation efficiencies are critical factors used in calculations of carbon and nitrogen budgets. Digestion times of natural copepod prey differed significantly among 4 genera of siphonophores (P>0.001), from a minimum of 1.6 h to a maximum of 9.6 h. Assimilation efficiencies, in contrast, were uniformly high; 87 to 94% for carbon and 90 to 96% for nitrogen. Nitrogen assimilation was consistently greater than carbon assimilation. Assimilation efficiencies calculated according to dry weight substantially underestimated assimilation of carbon and nitrogen, while calculations using ash-free dry weights and ash-free to dry weight ratios approached values for carbon assimilation. These values are appreciably higher than most of the assimilation efficiencies previously measured for a few other planktonic carnivores. These results indicate very efficient digestion of food by siphonophores in oceanic environments where prey densities are low.  相似文献   
The carbon flow through the sediments at a station located in 18.3 m of water off the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, California (USA) was determined. The parameters studied [and their mean rates of input (+) or output (-) to the benthos] were macro-detritus (+0.028 gC m-2day-1), fallout of particulate debris (+3.3 gC m-2day-1), benthic net photosynthesis during the day (-0.06 gC m-2 daylight period-1), burial (0 gC m-2day-1), benthic respiration at night (-0.28 gC m-2 night period-1), and resuspension (-3.0 gC m-2day-1). Resuspension of sediment at this station was found to have a controlling effect on the sediment organic carbon content. Benthic photosynthesis was able to provide 79% of the organic carbon required by the benthos for respiration during the daylight hours. A carbon-flow diagram linking together all of the above measurements is presented.  相似文献   
Standing crop, population size, and species diversity of the macrobenthic organisms in an estuarine channel were studied before and after dredging. A new suction-corer which sampled an area 0.1 m2 to a depth of 30 cm was used in order to insure the inclusion of large, deep-dwelling animals. Eleven months after dredging, biomass and number of species and specimens had not recovered to pre-dredging levels. Colonization began with relatively large, swiftly moving forms such as the errant polychaete Nereis succinea and the crab Neopanope texana sayi. Stations in silt and mud regions recovered more slowly than those in sandier sediments. Most of the dominant and subdominant species had not recovered 11 months after dredging, and the previously abundant polychaetes Notomastus latericeus and Clymenella torquata had virtually disappeared. Only relatively uncommon lamellibranchs such as Tellina agilis, Lyonsia hyalina and Mulinia lateralis increased after dredging. Distribution of sediment types changed as the result of modified tidal velocities in the channel. Mud and silt were removed by the dredge, exposing the sand underneath, and sandy stations became muddier as the result of lowered current velocities. Marked changes in species composition reflected this change in sediment character. Eleven months after dredging no evidence of succession was found, but colonization had begun. Values of all three parameters studied were reduced to small fractions of pre-dredging levels, although species diversity in sandy sediments exceeded pre-dredging levels.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the use of yolk reserves during post-embryonic development was performed on three teleostean fishes of aquacultural interest: the sea bream Sparus aurata, the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, and the pike-perch Stizostedion lucioperca. The first part of the work was devoted to the structural development of the periblast, the vitellus and the oil globule during the endotrophic and endo-exotrophic phases of larval life. Observations using transmission electron microscopy revealed a perivitelline circulation system closely related to the liver, and suggested an important function of the periblast in the utilization of reserves. In the second part of the study, cytochemical reactions revealed the way in which the reserves are resorbed. Glycogen contained in the periblast at hatching was utilized during the endotrophic period. The successive appearance of lipoprotein particles in the periblast endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and perivetelline circulation zone is consistent with the mobilization of yolk and oil globule components. Comparison of fed and fasting individuals revealed that fasting tended to slow down rather than increase the utilization of reserves.  相似文献   
Loss of two pesticides with different mobility characteristics, bentazone (Koc approximately 34) and propiconazole (Koc approximately 1800), were studied at three agricultural fields (Askim, Bj?rnebekk and Syverud) in SE Norway. A conservative tracer (Br) was used to follow the flow of water. The loss of pesticides varied among the fields, depending on hydrological characteristics and soil properties. The loss of pesticides was higher from two artificially levelled silty clay loam soils with poor aggregate stability (Askim and Bj?rnebekk) compared to a loam/silt loam soil with increased content of organic carbon and better aggregate stability (Syverud). The total accumulated loss was <0.5% from all fields. The highest pesticide concentrations were measured at the first runoff episode after application for both the mobile (bentazone) and less mobile pesticide (propiconazole) in the surface runoff. In the drainage water, the peak for the less mobile pesticide coincided with the Br tracer, while the peak for mobile pesticide appeared earlier than the Br tracer. Rapid movement of water, particles and pesticides through soils indicate flow through macropores. Larger proportions (in percent of total applied) of both the mobile and the strongly sorbed pesticides were lost through the drainage as compared to the loss through surface runoff at Askim. Here, it is suggested that macropore flow contribute to the increased loss of pesticides through the drainage. At Syverud, high infiltration capacity reduces the amount of water available for surface runoff, and somewhat higher loss of the mobile pesticide was registered in the drainage compared to the surface runoff. For the strongly sorbed pesticide, however, propiconazole was neither detected in surface nor in drainage water at Syverud. Generally, there was a higher percentage loss of the mobile compared to the strongly sorbed pesticide in both surface and drainage water, which is in agreement with the pesticides mobility characteristics in soil. An exception was, however, the erodible soil Bj?rnebekk, where a higher fraction of propiconazole was lost in the surface runoff compared to bentazone. Large amounts of sediment transport from the Bj?rnebekk field probably contributed to enhanced transport of the strongly sorbed pesticide.  相似文献   
The age, growth and mortality of the lanternfish Lampanyctodes hectoris (Gunther) were investigated by examining the otoliths, length-frequency data, and seasonal abundance of fish collected from continental slope waters of eastern Tasmania between April 1984 and June 1985. Although L. hectoris can live to 3 yr old, it has a high annual mortality (79%) and few live past their first year. Growth, described here by a variation of the Von Bertalanffy model, takes place mainly in the first six months of life and only during late spring and summer. The hypothesis of daily deposition of primary growth increments in myctophids was supported by comparing the back-calculated birth dates of daily-aged individuals of L. hectoris with the spawning season of this species.  相似文献   
Dispersion of displaying male sage grouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The degree to which male sage grouse select lek sites and females select nesting sites to maximize proximity to the other sex was examined by contrasting male dispersions with the dispersions and movements of females in the months preceeding incubation. Wintering females exhibit highly overlapping ranges due to shared use of central refuging areas. In late winter and early spring, females move an average 9 km from wintering areas to select nest sites and males begin occupying leks. Pooled evidence suggests that females select nest sites independently of male dispersion whereas males adjust lek occupation so as to maximize proximity to females. Relevant observations include females visiting nest sites before leks, moving further to select a nest site than to select a lek, and increasing their distance to leks as a result of selecting nest sites. In addition, males avoid leks until females have moved to within 5 km of the arenas, abandon early season leks as local female densities drop, and exhibit dispersions in which mean ratios of females/male are similar across leks. Contrasts between predicted and observed dispersions of males showed that hotspot settlement models are adequate to explain male dispersions on very coarse scales (2 km or greater); on finer scales, habitat preferences of males and tendencies for males to cluster tightly must be invoked in addition to hotspots to explain specific lek sitings.  相似文献   
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