Excessive phosphorus loading to inland freshwater lakes around the globe has resulted in nuisance plant growth along the waterfronts, degraded habitat for cold-water fisheries, and impaired beaches, marinas, and waterfront property. The direct atmospheric deposition of phosphorus can be a significant contributing source to inland lakes. The atmospheric deposition monitoring program for Lake Simcoe, Ontario, indicates roughly 20% of the annual total phosphorus load (2010–2014 period) is due to direct atmospheric deposition (both wet and dry deposition) on the lake. This novel study presents a first-time application of the genetic algorithm (GA) methodology to optimize the application of best management practices (BMPs) related to agriculture and mobile sources to achieve atmospheric phosphorus reduction targets and restore the ecological health of the lake. The novel methodology takes into account the spatial distribution of the emission sources in the airshed, the complex atmospheric long-range transport and deposition processes, cost and efficiency of the popular management practices, and social constraints related to the adoption of BMPs. The optimization scenarios suggest that the optimal overall capital investment of approximately $2M, $4M, and $10M annually can achieve roughly 3, 4, and 5 tonnes reduction in atmospheric P load to the lake, respectively. The exponential trend indicates diminishing returns for the investment beyond roughly $3M per year and that focusing much of this investment in the upwind, nearshore area will significantly impact deposition to the lake. The optimization is based on a combination of the lowest cost, most beneficial and socially acceptable management practices that develops a science-informed promotion of implementation/BMP adoption strategy. The geospatial aspect to the optimization (i.e., proximity and location with respect to the lake) will help land managers to encourage the use of these targeted best practices in areas that will most benefit from the phosphorus reduction approach.
Implications: Excessive phosphorus loading to inland freshwater lakes around the globe has resulted in nuisance plant growth along the waterfronts, degraded habitat for cold water fisheries, and impaired beaches, marinas and waterfront property. This novel study presents a first-time application of the Genetic Algorithm methodology to optimize the application of best management practices related to agriculture and mobile sources to achieve atmospheric phosphorus reduction targets and restore the ecological health of the lake. The novel methodology takes into account the spatial distribution of the emission sources in the airshed, the complex atmospheric long-range transport and deposition processes, cost and efficiency of the popular management practices and social constraints related to the adoption of BMPs. 相似文献
Changes in the toxicity levels of beach sediment, nearshore water, and bottom sediment samples were monitored with the Microtox® Test to evaluate the two in situ oil spill treatment options of natural attenuation (natural recovery--no treatment) and sediment relocation (surf washing). During a series of field trials, IF-30 fuel oil was intentionally sprayed onto the surface of three mixed sediment (pebble and sand) beaches on the island of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway (78°56′ N, 16°45′ E). At a low wave-energy site (Site 1 with a 3-km wind fetch), where oil was stranded within the zone of normal wave action, residual oil concentrations and beach sediment toxicity levels were significantly reduced by both options in less than five days. At Site 3, a higher wave-energy site with a 40-km wind fetch, oil was intentionally stranded on the beach face in the upper intertidal/supratidal zones, above the level of normal wave activity. At this site under these experimental conditions, sediment relocation was effective in accelerating the removal of the oil from the sediments and reducing the Microtox® Test toxicity response to background levels. In the untreated (natural attenuation) plot at this site, the fraction of residual oil remaining within the beach sediments after one year (70%) continued to generate a toxic response. Chemical and toxicological analyses of nearshore sediment and sediment-trap samples at both sites confirmed that oil and suspended mineral fines were effectively dispersed into the surrounding environment by the in situ treatments. In terms of secondary potential detrimental effects from the release of stranded oil from the beaches, the toxicity level (Microtox® Test) of adjacent nearshore sediment samples did not exceed the Canadian regulatory limit for dredged spoils destined for ocean disposal. 相似文献
A method for investigating in-situmethylation and mobility of mercury has beendeveloped and applied to forest soil. The methodis based on additions of stable 199Hgisotopes to forest soil plots followed bysampling and analysis of isotope ratios of totalmercury and MeHg using ICP-MS. Initial resultsindicate that a fraction (30%) of the mercuryadded to the forest soils is immobilised over atime scale of 16 months. A small but significantfraction of the mercury is methylated during thesame time scale. Higher methylation rates werefound in wetland soil than in dry forest podzolsoil. 相似文献
Plutonium uptake by Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) and Helianthus annuus (sunflower) from soils with varying chemical composition and contaminated with Pu complexes (Pu-nitrate [239Pu(NO3)4], Pu-citrate [239Pu(C6H5O7)], and Pu-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Pu-DTPA [239Pu-C14H23O10N3]) was investigated. Sequential extraction of soils incubated with applied Pu was used to determine the distribution of Pu in the various soil fractions. The initial Pu activity levels in soils were 44.40-231.25 Bq g(-1) as Pu-nitrate Pu-citrate, or Pu-DTPA. A difference in Pu uptake between treatments of Pu-nitrate and Pu-citrate without chelating agent was observed only with Indian mustard in acidic Crowley soil. The uptake of Pu by plants was increased with increasing DTPA rates, however, the Pu concentration of plants was not proportionally increased with increasing application rate of Pu to soil. Plutonium uptake from Pu-DTPA was significantly higher from the acid Crowley soil than from the calcareous Weswood soil. The uptake of Pu from the soils was higher in Indian mustard than in sunflower. Sequential extraction of Pu showed that the ion-exchangeable Pu fraction in soils was dramatically increased with DTPA treatment and decreased with time of incubation. Extractability of Pu in all fractions was not different when Pu-nitrate and Pu-citrate were applied to the same soil. More Pu was associated with the residual Pu fraction without DTPA application. Consistent trends with time of incubation for other fractions were not apparent. The ion-exchangeable fraction, assumed as plant-available Pu, was significantly higher in acid soil compared with calcareous soil with or without DTPA treatment. When the calcareous soil was treated with DTPA, the ion-exchangeable Pu was comparatively less influenced. This fraction in the soil was more affected with time of incubation. The lowest extractable Pu was from a pH 6.55 Crockett soil that contained the highest clay compared to the other two soils. Extractable soil Pu was largely affected by soil pH and the amounts of clay, salt, metal oxide, and carbonate. 相似文献
Previous studies have proposed that Pardosa astrigera L. Koch (Lycosidae) can be used as a biological indicator of heavy metal contamination in soil. In this study, we estimated
the bioaccumulation levels and the bioconcentration factors (BCF) of four heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in adult female
P. astrigera collected from various field sites according to heavy metal content gradient and broods. The relationship between heavy metal
content in the soil and that in spiders was different depending on the heavy metals and the broods. However, heavy metal content
in P. astrigera increased with increasing heavy metal content in the soil. While the heavy metal content in the soil was in the order of
Zn > Pb > Cu > Cd, its content in P. astrigera was in the order Zn > Cu > Cd > Pb. The BCF for Cd in both of the broods was distinctly higher than those of the other heavy
metals evaluated. These results indicate that P. astrigera may be useful as a biological indicator of Cd soil contamination. 相似文献
A new statistical testing approach using a weighted logrank statistic is developed for rodent tumorigenicity assays that have a single terminal sacrifice but not cause-of-death data. Instead of using cause-of-death assignment by pathologists, the number of fatal tumors is estimated by a constrained nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation method. For data lacking cause-of-death information, the Peto test is modified with estimated numbers of fatal tumors and a Fleming–Harrington-type weight, which is based on an estimated tumor survival function. A bootstrap resampling method is used to estimate the weight function. The proposed testing method with the weight adjustment appears to improve the performance in various situations of single-sacrifice animal experiments. A Monte Carlo simulation study for the proposed test is conducted to assess size and power of the test. This testing approach is illustrated using a real data set. 相似文献
Chemicals such as those used for scent marking, or visual cues such as color badges, can transmit information pertaining to
different aspects of individual, group and species recognition and attributes. Here, we show that complex acoustic cues, such
as calls also have the capacity for such information transfer. Although songs are usually attributed to birds, rock hyraxes
(Procavia capensis) engage in a rich and complex vocalizing behavior that we term ‘singing’. Previous studies on various species have shown
that a specific vocalization can closely reflect a specific attribute. Using a series of multiple regressions, we show that
a single complex vocalization by the adult male rock hyrax closely reflects numerous individual traits, possibly encoding
various types of biologically important information (multiple-messages hypothesis). Our study reveals that hyrax songs provide
accurate information regarding body weight, size and condition, social status and hormonal state of the singer. We also show
that these independent data are sent in a sequential manner, a pattern that probably allows a better partition of the messages
embedded in the song. Our results imply that animals, through complex individual vocalizations, can potentially advertise
multiple individual attributes in the same manner as that produced by chemical scent marking.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
For effective wastewater reclamation and water recovery, the treatment of natural and effluent organic matters (NOM and EfOM), toxic anions, and micropollutants was considered in this work. Two different NOM (humic acid of the Suwannee River, and NOM of US and Youngsan River, Korea), and one EfOM from the Damyang wastewater treatment plant, Korea, were selected for investigating the removal efficiencies of tight nanofiltration (NF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with different properties. Nitrate, bromate, and perchlorate were selected as target toxic anions due to their well known high toxicities. Tri-(2-chloroethyl)-phosphate (TCEP), oxybenzone, and caffeine, due to their different Kow and pKa values, were selected as target micropollutants. As expected, the NF membranes provided high removal efficiencies in terms of all the tested contaminants, and the UF membrane provided fairly high removal efficiencies for anions (except for nitrate) and the relatively hydrophobic micropollutant, oxybenzon. Through the wetlands, nitrate was successfully removed. Therefore, a fair process of combining membranes with an engineered wetland could be proposed for sustainable wastewater reclamation and optimum control of contaminats. 相似文献
This study develops a modified method of TRIZ to improve safety in chemical process design. This method is modified by the theory of TRIZ, which is inventive problem solving theory, for retrofit design of chemical process considering safety.The original TRIZ is difficult to access to chemical process safety due to inapplicability and ambiguity of terminology in classification of these parameters. It is necessary to be modified TRIZ for chemical process safety. This study reorganized thirty-nine parameters of the TRIZ into six categories such as mechanic, operator, process upset, design, natural hazard and material. The modified TRIZ is tested to jacketed reactor and polyethylene reactor. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the evaluation of cyclic hardening models within the stress–strain behavior of aluminum alloy AC4C-T6 that can be used to LNG cargo pump operating in cryogenic temperature. To insure the strength assessment of LNG cargo pump, material model of cyclic hardening and plasticity for aluminum alloy AC4C-T6 is investigated through FEA (Finite Element Analysis) with various hardening options including linear and non-linear hardening, isotropic and kinematic hardening, and combined hardening model. Monotonic tensile and cyclic tensile experiments for AC4C-T6 alloy were performed at room temperature and temperature of ?165 °C. Parameters of each hardening model are obtained from the experimental data; thus five hardening models are numerically simulated thereafter. Appropriate hardening models which describe the cyclic stress–strain relationship are investigated through the simulations of cyclic hardening behavior by FEA. In order to verify the predicted behavior of cyclic hardening obtained by FEA, the results of FEA and those measured by experiments are compared. 相似文献