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粉末活性焦强化A/A/O工艺处理煤气化废水的中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤气化废水水质复杂,是一种典型的难降解工业废水,而常规A/A/O工艺生化处理效率不高,严重制约了此类废水的处理和回用.因此,试验进行了粉末活性焦强化A/A/O工艺处理煤气化废水的中试研究,向好氧池投加粉末活性焦形成生物膜-悬浮污泥复合系统,并将剩余污泥回流至系统前段对原水进行预处理.研究结果表明,在活性焦投加量为250 mg·L-1,系统总HRT为105 h的优化条件下,CODCr、氨氮、总氮的去除率分别为97.4%、98.1%和80.5%,出水浓度分别为76 mg·L-1、0.3 mg·L-1和22.4 mg·L-1,达到《循环冷却水用再生水水质标准》(HG/T3923—2007)中CODCr≤80 mg·L-1、NH3-N≤15 mg·L-1、TN≤30 mg·L-1的要求.进一步机理研究表明,向好氧池中投加的粉末活性焦可作为微生物载体和菌胶团核心,投加活性焦后,好氧池的活性污泥浓度增加了57.9%.含焦剩余污泥对原水进行吸附预处理,石油类和SS的去除率分别为34.8%和61.5%,降低了废水对生化系统的毒害作用和冲击负荷,从而提高了系统的整体效率.  相似文献   
为研究虎杖种植后池塘水质变化和水体微生物群落碳源利用能力,该研究于室外构建了吉富罗非鱼养殖池塘5%虎杖生态浮床,2017年6-9月持续测定水质,利用Biolog技术分析池塘水体微生物群落结构及功能特征。结果表明6-7月生长期间虎杖种植能有效削减池塘水体中TN、TP、Chl.a浓度,在温度较高的8、9月虎杖种植塘TP显著降低(P<0.05);7-9月虎杖种植塘水体微生物AWCD值显著增加(P<0.05),多样性McIntosh和Richness(除9月)指数均显著提高(P<0.05),且水体微生物对聚合糖类、氨基酸类、醇类的代谢能力显著提高(P<0.05)。在吉富罗非鱼养殖池塘种植虎杖,可在改善水质的基础上提高水体微生物群落多样性指数及对碳源的利用能力。  相似文献   
以过一硫酸氢盐(PMS)作为氧化剂,利用化学吸收氧化法去除甲硫醇(CH3SH)恶臭气体.研究了p H(2~13)对CH3SH吸收过程、PMS氧化降解CH3SH过程的影响.结果表明,PMS不同于H2O2,在p H小于CH3SH p Ka(10.3)的弱碱性条件(p H=8~10)下,也可以有效去除CH3SH,而此时H2O2对CH3SH没有去除效果.可能的原因是,在弱碱性条件(p H=8~10)下PMS或可能产生的活性物种在气液相界面直接快速氧化CH3SH分子.  相似文献   
Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the phosphorus(P) adsorption and desorption on five drinking water treatment residuals(WTRs) collected from different regions in China. The physical and chemical characteristics of the five WTRs were determined. Combined with rotated principal component analysis, multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the inherent properties of the WTRs and their P adsorption capacities. The results showed that the maximum P adsorption capacities of the five WTRs calculated using the Langmuir isotherm ranged from 4.17 to8.20 mg/g at a p H of 7 and further increased with a decrease in p H. The statistical analysis revealed that a factor related to Al and 200 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Al(Alox) accounted for 36.5% of the variations in the P adsorption. A similar portion(28.5%) was attributed to an integrated factor related to the p H, Fe, 200 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Fe(Feox), surface area and organic matter(OM) of the WTRs. However, factors related to other properties(Ca,P and 5 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Fe and Al) were rejected. In addition, the quantity of P desorption was limited and had a significant negative correlation with the(Feox+ Alox) of the WTRs(p 〈 0.05). Overall, WTRs with high contents of Alox, Feoxand OM as well as large surface areas were proposed to be the best choice for P adsorption in practical applications.  相似文献   
为了解根外追肥对常绿阔叶树种养分再吸收的影响,以7.5年生刨花楠(Machilus pauhoi,MP)人工林为研究对象,设置不同的氮(N)、磷(P)梯度对叶片进行根外追肥,并分别于6月、9月、12月对成熟新叶与衰老叶进行采样,测定其N、P含量,计算其N、P再吸收效率;采用双因素方差分析法分析不同喷施处理与不同季节对刨花楠叶片N、P再吸收效率的影响.结果表明:(1)除低N且N、P配施与中N且N、P配施处理外,其余N、P喷施处理对刨花楠叶片N、P再吸收效率有显著影响(P<0.05);同一处理组内刨花楠在不同季节,其叶片N、P再吸收效率也存在显著差异(P<0.05)(单施P除外);(2)生长旺季时叶面喷施N肥能够促进叶片对P元素的吸收,叶面喷施P肥能够促进叶片对N元素的吸收;N、P再吸收效率之间呈显著正相关(P<0.05);(3)叶片在衰老过程中存在明显的N再吸收现象.可见不同喷施处理对于不同季节的叶片N、P再吸收效率的影响机制不同.本研究结果可为探讨亚热带珍稀常绿阔叶树种养分循环利用以及贫瘠立地环境植物养分保存机制等提供理论依据.  相似文献   
长期施肥对旱地土壤杂草种子库生物多样性影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨长期施肥对旱地土壤杂草种子库生物多样性的影响,我们在安徽蒙城地区的一个长期肥料试验定位监测点开展了相关研究。采用镜检法对旱地土壤表层(0~15 cm)中土壤杂草种子的种类进行鉴定并计数,记录杂草种子22种,隶属15科。不同施肥处理区杂草种子丰富度以NP1/2K区最高(14.7种),PK区最低(10.7种);其中陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)、栗米草(Mollugo pentaphylla)、醴肠(Eclipta prostrata)、泽星宿菜(Lysimachia candida lindl)四种杂草的种子密度较大,分别在不同的处理区占据优势;从整个试验区来看,烟台飘拂草(Fimbristylis stauntoni)在所有处理中的密度都比较大,处于优势地位。长期不同施肥方式下,农田土壤杂草种子库的物种多样性有显著差异:PK区Shanon-Wiener指数大于其他处理区,但是Simpson优势度指数最低;NPK区Simpson优势度指数最高;PK、CK区Pielou均匀度指数大于其他处理区。田间杂草种子库的群落结构及其物种组成也发生了一定的变化,Whittaker指数表明,与不施肥处理相比较,半量的P和缺N的影响最显著,缺P次之,缺K和平衡施肥则没有显著影响。Sorenson群落相似性指数和Bray Curtis指数聚类分析结果表明,与不施肥相比较,长期施用N、P、K肥能显著改变旱地土壤杂草种子库的组成。本研究表明长期平衡施肥处理更有利于维持和保护旱地土壤杂草种子库的生物多样性。  相似文献   
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are new kinds of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and their potential threats to the equilibrium and sustainability of marine ecosystems have raised worldwide concerns. Here, two kinds of PBDEs, tetra-BDE (BDE-47) and deca-BDE (BDE-209) were applied, and their toxic effects on the swimming behavior, population growth and reproduction of Brachionus plicatilis were investigated. The results showed that: (1) The actual concentrations of BDE-47 and -209 in the seawater phase measured by GC–MS (Gas Chromatography−Mass Spectrometer) were much lower than their nominal concentrations. (2) In accordance with the 24-hr acute tests, BDE-209 did not show any obvious swimming inhibition to rotifers, but a good correlation did exist between the swimming inhibition rate and BDE-47 concentration suggesting that BDE-47 is more toxic than BDE-209. (3) Both BDE-47 and -209 had a significant influence on the population growth and reproduction parameters of B. plicatilis including the population growth rate, the ratio of ovigerous females/non-ovigerous females (OF/NOF), the ratio of mictic females/amictic females (MF/AF), resting egg production and the mictic rate, which indicate that these parameters in B. plicatilis population were suitable for monitoring and assessing PBDEs. Our results suggest that BDE-47 and -209 are not acute lethal toxicants and may pose a low risk to marine rotifers at environmental concentrations for short-term exposure. They also accumulate differently into rotifers. Further research data are needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the effects caused by PBDEs and to assess their risks accurately.  相似文献   
Urban sewage sludge treatment has become a severe problem due to its large quantities and enrichment with heavy metals, refractory organic contaminants and pathogenic bacteria. Accordingly, it is essential to develop an effective and low-cost intense dewatering technique to decrease sludge water content so that it can be easily treated by subsequent incineration, landfilling or composting. In this study, a new intense sludge dewatering technique using conditioner of coagulant and flocculant (polyacrylamide) mixture and the diaphragm filter press was developed and investigated systematically by measuring the water content, calorific value and coliform bacteria in the sludge and investigating the dewatering efficiency under different conditions. The results showed that the water content of the sludge was effectively reduced from 80 % to the minimum of 43.6 % by adding conditioners and subsequent dewatering using the diaphragm press. Moreover, the low calorific value of dewatered sludge increased significantly from that of the original sludge, and was conducive to subsequent incineration. The water content of the dewatered sludge cake decreased to less than 25 % after being kept in the open air for 9 days. Therefore, it is proposed that this technique be applied to large-scale engineering applications.  相似文献   
挥发性有机物(VOCs)来源广泛、组成复杂,是臭氧(O3)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的重要前体物,且其中一些组分对人体健康存在潜在威胁。VOCs的主要排放方式包括点源、面源和无组织源排放,排放过程具有瞬时性,难以控制和监测。与传统的离线监测和在线监测相比,走航监测技术具有监测范围大、响应快速、机动性强的特点,但中国VOCs的走航监测研究还鲜有报道。该研究通过使用装载了单质谱分析仪与便携式气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)的走航车对珠三角沿海城市某工业集聚区进行VOCs走航监测,走航过程中对环境空气中的TVOCs进行快速监测并对TVOCs质量浓度高值点进行采样及VOCs组分的成分和浓度分析。该次走航共监测到32种优控污染因子和CW加油(加气)站、JH加油站、G空调电器生产企业的两器车间及南门货场等多个TVOCs质量浓度高值点,并通过分析进一步判断VOCs排放源。结合监测结果和实地调研推断:加油站的VOCs高值主要来源于油气挥发及机动车尾气排放;G空调企业的VOCs高值则主要来源于两器车间的喷涂、烘干、洗网工序及厂区内的机动车尾气排放。尽管VOCs走航监测技术目前还存在一定不足,该方法的应用能够为掌握区域VOCs污染现状及分布特征提供新的技术手段,为实现VOCs精细化管控提供新的思路。  相似文献   
采用柠檬酸溶胶-凝胶法制备了串珠状InNbO4光催化剂,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)、紫外-可见漫反射(UV-vis DRS)和比表面积测定仪(BET)等手段对样品进行了表征.以盐酸达克罗宁为模型污染物考察了样品的可见光催化活性.结果表明,合成的串珠状InNbO4为单斜相结构,禁带宽度约为2.91 eV,比表面积为74.1 m2·g-1.串珠状InNbO4具有较高的光催化活性,在可见光下,pH值为7.35,催化剂用量为0.5 g·L-1时,能够有效地降解起始浓度为25 mg·L-1的盐酸达克罗宁溶液,并且降解速率可用一级动力学方程来描述.  相似文献   
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