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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Two sets of hybrid constructed wetlands (HCWs) with the first-stage aeration were used to treat actual domestic sewage in this paper, where the...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - PEN is a widely used triazole fungicide, usually used to control grape white rot. In the process of agricultural use, PEN will be scattered to the...  相似文献   
对美人蕉叶片水浸提液进行液液萃取得到美人蕉有机酸组分,研究了美人蕉有机酸组分对铜绿微囊藻化感抑制作用,实验结果表明,美人蕉有机酸组分对铜绿微囊藻生长具有低促高抑作用,13.3 g/L和20.0 g/L处理组6 d 后抑制率分别达到98.57%和99.37%,铜绿微囊藻在高浓度美人蕉有机酸组分下,叶绿素含量逐渐降低,总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性出现先增大后减小,说明美人蕉有机酸组分可能通过对铜绿微囊藻抗氧化酶系统逐渐损伤,最终藻类死亡.通过气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析,鉴定出美人蕉有机酸组分共含有32种有机酸成分,其中饱和脂肪酸18种、不饱和脂肪酸7种、芳香酸5种以及酚酸2种.  相似文献   
为了解海沟河小流域耕地重金属污染现状,采集海沟河小流域耕地表层土壤样品,采用反距离权重插值方法,结合遥感影像解译和ArcGIS地统计方法,分析海沟河小流域耕地重金属Cd、Pb、Hg、Cu、As浓度分布。结果表明:Cd、Pb、Hg、Cu、As平均浓度分别为0.307、23.422、0.041、21.544和12.235 mg∕kg,均高于黑龙江省土壤背景值;Cd浓度超过GB 15618—1995《土壤环境质量标准》二级标准,其余重金属浓度均满足一级标准。重金属空间分布为As浓度自东向西逐渐减小;Cd浓度与As相反,为自东向西逐渐增大。采用潜在生态风险指数法对耕地重金属潜在生态风险进行评价,结果表明,Cd、Hg的潜在生态风险等级分别为高度和中等,Pb、Cu和As为轻度,海沟河小流域耕地潜在生态风险为中等。  相似文献   
为了提高我国重污染区域PM2.5浓度预报准确率,基于4套国家级以及区域环境气象业务中心发展和维护的空气质量数值预报模式,通过均值集成、权重集成、多元线性回归集成和BP-ANNs集成分别建立集成预报,在实时预报效果评估基础上,建立了最优多模式集成预报。对2015—2016年预报效果进行评估,结果表明:相对于单个空气质量数值预报模式,均值和权重集成对预报偏差的改进幅度有限,但多元线性回归、BP-ANNs和最优集成能较大幅度降低预报偏差;最优集成预报与观测值间的归一化平均偏差(NMB)和均方根误差(RMSE)分别为-10%~10%和10~70 μg/m 3,且在更多的站点表现出强相关性,但依然低估了高污染等级的PM2.5浓度。对2018年2月25日—3月4日京津冀地区污染过程进行评估,结果表明:最优集成能较好预报出该过程中PM2.5浓度的变化趋势和量级;在北京、石家庄和郑州3个代表城市中,预报和观测值间的NMB和相关系数(R)分别为-26%~-4%和0.49~0.77;最优集成对轻度污染及中度污染的TS评分为0.39~0.73,重度污染及以上TS评分为0.13~0.30,能为预报员提供客观参考,但对污染峰值的预报能力还需进一步改进。  相似文献   
The concentration and bioavailability of heavy metals in composted organic wastes have negative environmental impacts following land application. Aerobic composting procedures were conducted to investigate the influences of selected parameters on heavy metal speciation and phytotoxicity. Results showed that both of sewage sludge (SSC) and swine manure (SMC) composting systems decreased the pH, the content of organic matter (OM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and total amounts of Cu, Zn and Pb. Sequential extraction showed that readily extractible fractions of exchangeable and carbonate in Cu and Zn increased during SSC composting but decreased during SMC composting, thus their bioavailability factors (BF) enhanced in SSC but declined in SMC. The fraction of reducible iron and manganese (FeMnOX) of Cu and Zn in SSC and FeMnOX-Cu in SMC decreased, but FeMnOX-Zn in SMC gradually increased in the process of compost. In contrast, the changes of Pb distributions were similar in two organic wastes. Pb was preferentially bound to the residual fraction and its BF decreased. The evolution of heavy metal distributions and BF depended on not only total metal concentrations but also the other properties, such as pH, decomposition of OM and decline of DOC. The germination rate (RSG), root growth (RRG) and germination index (GI) of pakchoi (Brassica Chinensis L.) increased during the composting process. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that GI, which could represent phytotoxic behavior to the plants, could be poorly predicted by BF or total amount of metals, i.e., BF-Zn, T-Cu. However, the inclusion of other physicochemical parameters (pH, OM and DOC) could enhance the linear regression significances (R).  相似文献   
田明远 《四川环境》1997,16(3):7-10
我国经济发展必须符合可持续发展的战略方针,可持续发展是传统发展方式的一种新变革,它在保证经济增长的同时,要求与生态环境保护相适应,以达到提高人民生活质量和健康水平的目的。我国在过去20多年来,环境影响评价在协调环境与发展的关系中起了重要作用。本文则着重论述可持续发展的战略观点对环境影响评价在思想、内容和方法上所赋予的新的任务和要求,环境影响评价必须适应这一变革、以迎接人类社会面临的严重挑战。  相似文献   
The effect of low frequency pulse current on decreasing the polarization and energy consumption during the process of electrodialytic soil remediation was investigated in the present work. The results indicated that the transportation of cations through the cation exchange membrane was the rate controlling step both in constant and pulse current experiments, thus responsible for the major energy consumption. After 180 h, a decrease in both the initial ohmic resistance in each pulse cycle and the resistance caused by concentration polarization of the anion exchange membrane were seen in the pulse current experiment compared to the constant current experiment. At the cation exchange membrane, only the resistance caused by concentration polarization decreased. In the soil compartment, an average of +60 mV overpotential caused by the polarization of the electric double layer of the clay particles was obtained from the Nernstian behavior simulation of the relaxation process, which was significantly lower than the ohmic voltage drop induced by pore fluid resistance. Therefore, the ohmic polarization was the major contributor to the energy consumption in the soil compartment and diminished by pulse current.  相似文献   
CANON工艺如能处理低氨氮城市生活污水,将大幅度降低市政污水处理能耗.故以纤维载体为填料,在CSTR反应器中同时接种亚硝化污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥启动CANON反应器,且在CANON系统前端添加ABR除碳系统,构建ABR除碳-CANON耦合工艺,研究ABR除碳-CANON耦合工艺除碳脱氮性能,并采用MiSeq高通量测序技术分析污泥中微生物菌群结构的变化情况.结果表明,通过同时接种亚硝化污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥,控制DO为0. 5~2 mg·L-1、HRT为6h、p H值为8左右等措施,在55 d内成功启动CANON系统,TN去除率为81%~87%,氨氮负荷为0. 195 kg·(m3·d)-1. ABR除碳系统出水有机物浓度(120 mg·L-1)不会对后续CANON系统产生不利影响,一体式ABR除碳-CANON工艺TN去除率在74%~87%,出水COD平均浓度为40 mg·L-1.同时,CANON系统启动后变形菌门(Proteobacteria)得到了显著提升,鞘脂杆菌纲(Sphingobacteria)所占比例下降为6. 8%,CANON系统中亚硝化菌和厌氧氨氧化菌不断淘汰劣势菌群成为反应器内优势菌群,一体化ABR除碳-CANON工艺对城市污水具有良好的脱氮除碳效果.  相似文献   
用亨盖特(Hungate)厌氧技术,以甲醇为唯一碳源获得了甲烷八叠球菌的富集培养物,以甲醇或乙酸钠(或两者各50%)为碳源滚管培养,获得了以甲烷八叠球菌的分离培养物。用聚乙烯醇(PVA)为包埋剂对甲烷八叠球菌sp固定化,并对其特性进行了研究。结果表明:固定化甲烷八叠球菌与非固定化甲烷八叠球菌的总产气量相似,但两者的产气特性有明显不同。固定化甲烷八叠球菌产气迟于非固定化甲烷八叠球菌,固定化甲烷八叠球菌的产气集中,在产气的6天中,平均日产气量30.88mL甲烷,最高产气量可达2.80mL甲烷/h,在产气高峰两天中的产气量占总产气量的66.0%。非固定化甲烷八叠球菌产气平稳,平均日产气量为8.91mL甲烷。固定化甲烷八叠球菌的电子显微镜观察结果表明,细胞在固定介质中多呈较大包囊存在,包囊直径30~50μm。  相似文献   
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