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GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Lake Shkodra/Skadar is the largest lake in the Balkans region and located on the border between Albania to the south and Montenegro to the north. Because of the wide range of endemic, rare or endangered plant and animal species it supports, Lake Shkodra/Skadar and its extensive associated wetlands are internationally recognised as a site of significance and importance (Ramsar site). In recent years, social and economic changes in both Albania and Montenegro have lead to unprecedented levels of urban and industrial effluent entering the lake. Of particular concern is the increasing input of toxic hydrophobic organic pollutants (HOPs) into the lake and the degree to which these compounds are available for uptake by aquatic biota. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been shown to sample the readily bioavailable fraction (dissolved phase) of waterborne HOPs and in doing so provide relevant data for exposure assessment. The aim of the current study was to use SPMD-based sampling in conjunction with appropriate bioassays and chemical analysis to identify readily bioavailable HOPs in the lake. METHODS: SPMDs were constructed and deployed at three sites in the Albanian sector and three sites in the Montenegrin sector of Lake Skadar/Shkodra for 21 days. Following the dialytic recovery of target analytes and size exclusion chromatographic clean-up, aliquots of SPMD samples were subjected to GC-MS scan analysis for major components, GC-MS SIM analysis for 16 priority pollutant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PP-PAHs) and assayed for EROD-inducing, estrogenic and mutagenic potential using rainbow trout liver cells (RTL-W1), the yeast estrogen screen (YES) and the Ames Test, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A total of 39 compounds were tentatively identified in SPMD samples from the six sampling sites. Alkylated PAHs were the most abundant and ubiquitous compounds present along with various sterols and sterol derivatives. Numerous other compounds remain unidentified. 15 of the 16 targeted PP-PAHs were present in samples from one or more of the sampling sites indicating these compounds are both readily bioavailable and widely distributed in Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Total PP-PAH concentrations ranged between 3991 ng/SPMD and 10695 ng/SPMD. Bioassays carried out on SPMD samples revealed significant EROD-inducing and estrogenic potential at five of the six sampling sites indicating toxicologically relevant compounds are readily available for uptake by resident aquatic biota. EROD-inducing potential was positively correlated with targeted PP-PAH concentration (r2 = 0.74). However, comparison of bioassay- and analytically-derived toxicity equivalents revealed targeted PP-PAHs were responsible for less than 0.06% of the total EROD-inducing potential. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK: The combination of SPMD-based sampling with appropriate bioassays and chemical analysis provided an effective tool for the identification of environmentally relevant waterborne pollutants in Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Our results show that toxicologically relevant HOPs including EROD-inducing and potentially estrogenic compounds are widely distributed in the lake and readily available for uptake by aquatic biota. Our results also suggest that alkylated PAHs rather than parent compounds may be of greater toxicological relevance in the lake. As anthropogenic influences continue to increase, SPMD-based sampling is expected to play a central role in future research concerned with the identification, monitoring and assessment of the risk posed by HOPs to Lake Shkodra/Skadar's aquatic biota.  相似文献   
Schwebstoffgebundene Schadstoffe werden durch Sedimentation der Wasserphase und damit der Verfügbarkeit für viele aquatischen Organismen entzogen. W?hrend bei durchschnittlichen hydrologischen. Verh?ltnissen die Freisetzung von Schadstoffen aus stabil gelagerten Sedimenten meist weitgehend unterbunden wird, besteht bei Hochwassereignissen die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung von kontaminierten Ablagerungen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein kombiniertes ?kotoxikologisches und hydraulisches Untersuchungssystem zur Untersuchung der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung und des Erosionsrisikos von Sedimenten vorgestellt. Der integrierte Ansatz wurde am staugeregelten Neckar angewendet, um das Sch?digungspotenzial und die Gefahr einer Remobilisierung an Sedimentbohrkernen der Stauhaltung Lauffen sowie an Schwebstoffen zweier extremer Hochwasser zu überprüfen. Für die Bohrkernsegmente unterhalb einer Erosionsdiskordanz konnte eine sprunghafte Zunahme der ?kotoxikologischen Belastung ermittelt werden. Bei Hochwasserereignissen mit einer 5-j?hrlichen Wiederkehrwahrscheinlichkeit (=HQ5) k?nnen prinzipiell alle Sedimente, auch die st?rker kontaminierten und erosionsresistenteren Altsedimente, remobilisiert werden. W?hrend der Hochwasserereignisse (HQ15 bis HQ20) kam es zu einer deutlichen Erh?hung des cytotoxischen und mutagenen Sch?digungspotenzials der Schwebstoffe im Vergleich zu einem mittleren Hochwasser im Jahre 1995/96 (HQ1) Dies schien zumindest teilweise auf die Remobilisierung hochkontaminierter Altsedimente zurückzuführen zu sein.  相似文献   
Particularly in microbiological laboratories and areas in intensive medical use, regular and thorough disinfection of surfaces is required in order to reduce the numbers of bacteria and to prevent bacterial transmission. The conventional methods of disinfection with wiping are not effective in the longer term, cannot be standardized, are time- and staff-intensive and use aggressive chemicals. Disinfection with hard ultraviolet C (UVC) light is usually not satisfactory, as the depth of penetration is inadequate and there are occupational medicine risks. Photocatalytic oxidation on surfaces coated with titanium dioxide (TiO2) might offer a possible alternative. In the presence of water and oxygen, highly reactive OH-radicals are generated by TiO2 and mild ultraviolet A (UVA). These radicals are able to destroy bacteria, and may therefore be effective in reducing bacterial contamination. Direct irradiation with UVC however can produce areas of shadow in which bacteria are not inactivated. Using targeted light guidance and a light-guiding sheet (out of a UVA-transmittant, Plexiglas, for example), as in the method described in the present study, bacterial inactivation over the entire area is possible. The effectiveness of the method was demonstrated using bacteria relevant to hygiene such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecium. For these bacteria, a reduction efficiency (RE) more than 6log10 steps in 60 min was observed. Using Candida albicans, a RE of 2log10 steps in 60 min was seen. Light and scanning electron microscopic examinations suggest that the germ destruction achieved takes place through direct damage to cell walls caused by OH-radicals.  相似文献   
The grey top-shell, Gibbula cineraria is a common member of temperate to cold water kelp forest communities, but its longevity and the age structure of its populations remains unresolved. Combined measurements of shell growth rates (sclerochronology) and oxygen isotope composition allow analysis of rate and timing of shell growth. Eight specimens were analyzed from the southern North Sea (near Helgoland, German Bight). Three age groups were identified but external measurements (width, height, ornamentation patterns and number of whorls) and shell weight are not adequate for ontogenetic age discrimination. Stable oxygen isotope data is consistent with shell growth during the interval from April to December in isotopic equilibrium with seawater, and growth increments exhibit strong tidal controls with fortnightly bundles well preserved. Reliable environmental proxy data (water temperature) can be extracted from the shell aragonite using conventional stable oxygen isotope analyses, with a temporal resolution of days attainable during intervals of maximum growth, but annual extremes are not always recorded in the shell. While demonstrating the utility of G. cineraria as a environmental and potential paleoenvironmental proxy for kelp forest habitats, its longevity has been significantly overestimated.  相似文献   
In October 2003, the EU Commission presented the proposal for a new Chemicals Regulation. In late autumn 2005, Parliament and Council were working on finding their position on the Commission’s proposal. From November 2004 to April 2005, a simulation was carried out at EU level aiming to test the workability of registration under REACh. Based on a strategic partnership, the European Chemical Industry Council together with other industry associations, the EU Commission and a number of Member States had launched this project. 53 manufacturers or users of chemicals and competent authorities of 13 EU Member States took part in the simulation: eight registration cases were dealt with in parallel. The participants had to conduct the registration of a substance (including preparatory work) and the dossier evaluation by the authorities. The simulation was performed in a ’free-flow mode’, which means, that the participants worked without any guidance on how to practically implement the duties and tasks as laid down in the draft regulation. In the final phase of the project, the three strategic parners worked towards a common understanding on potential workability problems and suitable options for solutions. This process resulted in a report including a set of agreed recommendations on 12 identified workability issues The recommendations are mostly related to the co-operation between registrants, the sharing of responsibilities and communication between manufactures and down-stream users as well as technical and scientific aspects of dossier compilation., In addition, the recommendations address the need to develop a common understanding across Europe regarding the role of authorities in evaluating the registration dossiers and developing suitable tools for the evaluation. In addition to the set of practical recommendations, SPORT has demonstrated that useful insights in the workability of a new piece of legislation can be gained from simulating the key processes in practise already during the legislative process. Such pilot trials could be seen as a contribution toBetter Regulation, one of the strategic goals of the EU Commission.  相似文献   
The current picture of fatal injuries in Sweden is dominated by falls, which account for about 40%. Furthermore, falls are by far the most dominating cause of hospital in-patient care (57%). The aetiologic mechanisms behind falls and fractures are complicated, with a multifactorial causal pattern.The Lidköping Accident Prevention Programme — one of the few comprehensive community intervention programs in the world — provides an opportunity to discuss links between a multifactorial intervention program and related injuries in the elderly. The incidence of femoral fractures in Lidköping shows a significantly declining trend for females (− 6.6% per year) and a − 5.4% decline for males during the study period of 1987–1992. The control area of Skaraborg County showed a minor decrease and Sweden as a whole showed an increasing trend during the same period.In spite of the methodological problems of attributing effects in quasi-experiments, there is some support for the claim that the declining trend in the trial area was largely the result of the intervention program. This conclusion is further strengthened by the recently published report from the USA showing that a multiple-risk-factor intervention strategy resulted in a significant reduction in the risk of falling among elderly persons in the community.  相似文献   
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