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This study investigated the ability of a 10-yr-old constructed wetland to treat metal-contaminated leachate emanating from a coal ash pile at the Widows Creek electric utility, Alabama (USA). The two vegetated cells, which were dominated by cattail (Typha latifolia L.) and soft rush (Juncus effusus L.), were very effective at removing Fe and Cd from the wastewater, but less efficient for Zn, S, B, and Mn. The concentrations were decreased by up to 99% for Fe, 91% for Cd, 63% for Zn, 61% for S, 58% for Mn, and 50% for B. Higher pH levels (>6) in standing water substantially improved the removing efficiency of the wetland for Mn only. The belowground tissues of both cattail and soft rush had high concentrations of all elements; only for Mn, however, did the concentration in the shoots exceed those in the belowground tissues. The concentrations of trace elements in fallen litter were higher than in the living shoots, but lower than in the belowground tissues. The trace element accumulation in the plants accounted for less than 2.5% of the annual loading of each trace element into the wetland. The sediments were the primary sinks for the elements removed from the wastewater. Except for Mn, the concentrations of trace elements in the upper layer (0-5 cm) of the sediment profile tended to be higher than the lower layers (5-10 and 10-15 cm). We conclude that constructed wetlands are still able to efficiently remove metals in the long term (i.e.,>10 yr after construction).  相似文献   
以11种上海常见绿化植物的盆栽幼苗为对象,在上海顾村垃圾填埋场就填埋气对这些植物幼苗生长和生理特征的影响进行了初步分析和比较。研究测定的形态指标和生理指标主要包括:生长势、存活率、株高变化、叶绿素含量和脯氨酸含量。结果表明:1)距离填埋气排放口越近的植物生长越差,存活率越低,株高变矮。2)距离填埋气排放口越近的植物叶绿素含量越小,脯氨酸含量越高。3)狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)等植物出现了受害后的恢复性生长,暗示了其对垃圾填埋气良好的适应性,而蚊母树(Distylium racemosum)存活率低且生长势差,暗示了其对垃圾填埋气的极度不适应。本研究的结果可以为在高浓度填埋气环境下对垃圾填埋场进行近自然植被恢复提供一定的研究基础。  相似文献   
通过对宝钢厂区4种不同污染程度区内,不同林分和不同树种下土壤0~20cm、20~40cm基本理化性质和有机碳含量的测定,分析城市工业环境下林地土壤有机碳含量的特征,以实现合理的绿化布局,提高绿地减碳效益。结果表明:工业区林地土壤有机碳具有"表聚作用";清洁区内落叶阔叶林土壤有机碳含量高,建议多种柳树;轻度污染区内针阔混交林含量高,针阔混交后土壤有机碳含量明显高于针叶林和常绿阔叶林,建议多种雪松+广玉兰和雪松+香樟;中度污染区和严重污染区内常绿阔叶林有机碳含量高,建议分别多种蚊母和女贞,同时严重污染区应丰富植被类型。  相似文献   
This paper documents zootherapeutic practices in Northeast Brazil. It is primarily based on field surveys carried out in fishing villages located in the States of Maranhão and Paraíba, where dwellers provided information on snake species used as medicine, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and the illnesses to which the remedies were prescribed. The species used as medicinal drug and their respective families were: Crotalus durissus (rattlesnake), Bothrops leucurus (‘lance head’, a venomous snake), and Lachesis muta (bushmaster) of the family Crotalidae; and Boa constrictor (boa constrictor), Epicrates cenchria (‘salamanta’), and Eunectes murinus (anaconda) of the family (Boidae). These zootherapeutical resources were used for the cure of 14 illnesses. The most commonly cited species were Crotalus durissus (n=26) e Boa constrictor (n=6), Apparently, the medicinal use of snakes does not pose a threat for their population in the studied sites.  相似文献   
天目湖沙河水库热分层变化及其对水质的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
为揭示亚热带水库热分层的季节性变化特征、影响因素及水质效应,以最大水深11 m的江苏溧阳天目湖沙河水库为例,基于对水库坝前区(TM1)3~11月逐时的水温监测及对该水库2009~2016年相关水质和气象指标监测,分析了该水库热分层的形成和消失时间、驱动因素及其对水质的影响.结果表明,天目湖沙河水库呈典型的亚热带单循环混合模式:春季随着太阳辐射的增强,水温逐渐升高,当表层水温升至21℃左右时,热分层稳定形成,在整个5~9月期间水体热分层十分稳定;秋季随着太阳辐射的减弱,水温逐渐降低,当表层水温降至19℃左右时,热分层基本消失,在10~4月期间水体呈混合状态.热分层期间,表层和底层的水温差随太阳辐射的增强而增加;日均气温超过30℃的情况下,水体热分层更加稳定;夏季强降雨过程降低了水体表层的温度、减弱了上层5 m水体的温度分层,但对5 m以下深度的热分层状况基本无影响.水温分层对水库水质产生一定的影响:热分层期间,底层水体处于厌氧状态,底层水体氨氮浓度明显增加;热分层消失后,底层水体溶解氧、总磷及悬浮颗粒物含量均增加.研究表明,对于四季分明的亚热带中等深度的水库而言,水体热分层主要受太阳辐射的控制,稳定的热分层有利于蓝藻门相关种属藻类的生长,热分层形成及消散阶段改变了沉积物的营养盐释放及供给水体的强度,对水体水质形成冲击.在水库水质监控及生态保护管理中,应关注热分层过程的不利影响,并探索相关灾害的防控技术.  相似文献   
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