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We studied the effect of chlorfenvinphos dermal absorption on the morphological picture of blood, on the histological and fine structure of tail skin, and on the histological structure of internal organs (lungs, heart, liver, spleen, and kidney) of rats. This study was conducted on 25 white Wistar rats, the tail skin of which was—or was not—hydrated before exposure. Rat tails were soaked in 0.5% or 0.05% chlorfenvinphos for 1 hr day for 3 months. Evident tendencies for a decrease in the absolute level of leukocytes and for an increase in the absolute level of erythrocytes in all experimental animals were observed. Histopathological changes in the internal organs were mildly manifested in only a few rats, mainly as liver and pulmonary hyperaemia. Rat tail skin at the direct exposure site showed hyperceratosis, intensive desquamation, and compensatory hyperplasia.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess handgrip and 5 other types of force in 52 women and to determine if handgrip force reflected general upper limb force capabilities correlated with age. The women were divided into subgroups according to age: 20-25, 45-50 and 55-65 years. Maximum forces of the right upper limb were measured in 6 types of force activities. In most tests the values of force showed statistically significant differences between the 20-25 group and the groups aged 45-50 and 55-64 years. The results did not show any differences related to age or to force activities that involved the small muscles of the forearms and hands. Thus handgrip force cannot always be considered an indicator of total force capabilities.  相似文献   
The impact of industrial heavy metal pollution on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) populations was investigated. Sampled pine stands, which were located in Upper Silesia (southern Poland) in an area strongly polluted by heavy metals, consisted of resistant and sensitive trees. To evaluate the adaptation process, genetic structure and diversity was tested using isozyme analysis. Higher levels of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu were detected in needles of sensitive trees compared with resistant ones. With respect to morphology, Scots pines were more distinctly impaired than black pines. Although black pines had lower heavy metal concentrations, levels in 1-year-old needles, other than Cu, significantly exceeded “reference plant” values (Markert 1994). In both species, resistant trees demonstrated a lower degree of genetic variation than metal-sensitive trees with respect to some enzyme loci (SHDH A, PGI, PGM, MDH C and DIA). This observation was corroborated in sensitive trees by the smaller number of identified alleles and alleles per locus, absence of private alleles and significant excess of homozygotes in relation to expected Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium values. Assuming that only resistant trees of both species survive under conditions of prolonged soil contamination, the observed genetic structure implies that remaining populations will be depleted of some alleles of unknown adaptive value to future selection pressures. Genetic changes induced by heavy metals suggest an important role for specific enzymes—FEST, SHDH A and B, GOT B and PGI—in the adaptation process. Our results may serve as a basis for selection and propagation of individuals appropriate for re-cultivation of areas chemically degraded by industrial activity.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to assess dietary risk resulting from consumption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with tea infusions. To this end, levels of 28 PAHs in black, green, red and white teas available on the Polish retail market have been assessed. Profiles and correlation between concentrations of individual PAHs have been identified. A model study on transfer of PAHs from tea leaves into tea preparations has been conducted. Relatively high concentrations of 28 evaluated PAHs have been found in 58 tested samples of black, green, red and white teas sampled on the Polish retail market. Total concentration ∑28PAH ranged from 57 to 696 µg kg?1 with mean 258 µg kg?1 (dry tea leaves). The most mature tea leaves fermented to a small degree contained relatively the highest PAH levels among all four tested tea types. Relatively low PAH transfer rates into tea infusions and limited volumes of the consumed tea keep the risks associated with PAH dietary intake at a safely low level.

The worst-case scenario dietary intake values were 7.62/0.82/0.097 ng kg?1 b.w. day?1 (estimated on the basis of the maximum found concentrations 696/113/23 µg kg?1 and maximum observed transfer rates 24/16/9%) for ∑28PAH/∑PAH4/B[a]P, respectively. MOE values calculated using the above worst case estimates exceeded 700,000 and 400,000 (BMDL10 0.07 and 0.34 mg kg?1 b.w. day?1) for B[a]P and PAH4, respectively. Both B[a]P and PAH4 concentrations may be used as indicators of total PAH concentration in tea leaves; PAH4 slightly better fits low molecular weight PAHs. Several correlations between various PAHs/groups of PAHs have been identified, the strongest one (R2 = 0.92) between PAH4 and EU PAH 15+1.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate radon in the vicinity of geologic fault zones within the Krakow region of Poland, and to determine the influence of such formations on enhanced radon concentrations in soil. Radon ((222)Rn and (220)Rn) concentration measurements in soil gas (using ionization chamber AlphaGUARD PQ2000 PRO and diffusion chambers with CR-39 detectors), as well as radioactive natural isotopes of radium, thorium and potassium in soil samples (using gamma ray spectrometry with NaI(Tl) and HPGe detectors), were performed. Site selection was based on a geological map of Krakow. Geophysical methods (ground penetrating radar and shallow acoustic seismic) were applied to recognize the geological structure of the area and to locate the predicted courses of faults. Elevated levels of radon and thoron in soil gas were found in the study area when compared with those observed in an earlier survey covering Krakow agglomeration. For (222)Rn, the arithmetic mean of registered concentration values was 39 kBq/m(3) (median: 35.5 kBq/m(3)). For (220)Rn, the arithmetic mean was 10.8 kBq/m(3) and median 11.8 kBq/m(3).  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with estimation of heat and power consumption in a conceptual plant to produce hydrogen from sucrose-containing or starchy biomass by fermentation. A hydrogen plant connected with a sugar factory is regarded as the basic option; the sugar factory serves as a source of sucrose-containing thick juice for the hydrogen plant, where this feedstock is processed to hydrogen. As another option, a stand-alone hydrogen plant in which starch must initially be converted to fermentable glucose solution is considered. The values of key process parameters are assumed on the basis of preliminary experimental data. For both options of the hydrogen plant, heat consumption is estimated taking heat recovery in a heat exchanger network into account. Power consumption is estimated by calculating power needed for pumping of liquid and gaseous process media.  相似文献   
Recent studies on climate responses in ectothermic (cold-blooded) vertebrates have been few in number and focussed on phenology rather than morphology. According to Bergmann’s rule, endothermic (warm-blooded) vertebrates from cooler climates tend to be larger than congeners from warmer regions. Although amphibians are ectothermic vertebrates, weather and climatic conditions may also impact on their morphology, and thereby affect their survival rates and population dynamics. In this paper, we show, in a unique long-term study during the period 1963–2003 in an agricultural landscape in western Poland, that the body length of two water frog parental species (males of both Rana ridibunda and R. lessonae) increased significantly. However, their hybridogenetic hybrid R. esculenta did not show similar changes. A significant relationship with a large-scale climatic factor, the winter North Atlantic Oscillation index, was found positive for R. ridibunda males and R. lessonae females, and negative for R. esculenta females. Our findings, the first for amphibians, are consistent with other studies reporting that recent climate change has affected the morphology of animals. However, we also show that changes in amphibian phenotype linked to climate may vary independently between (even very similar) species.  相似文献   
In this paper, we review the phenomenon of nectar resorption, focusing on its physiological and ecological meaning. Nectar resorption is a phenomenon that has long been known but was rarely reported until the1990s. It has more recently been demonstrated in several species by various direct and indirect methodologies. It has generally been demonstrated in senescent flowers as a phenomenon separate in time from, and independent of, nectar secretion. The significance of this type of resorption is generally recognized as a resource-recovery strategy, recycling at least some materials invested in nectar production. Nevertheless, nectar resorption can occur concomitantly with nectar secretion. Nectar production is therefore best considered as a unified process comprising nectar secretion and resorption. The modulation of these two opposite phases allows nectar concentration to be maintained in a range suitable for pollinators (nectar homeostasis). The mechanism of nectar resorption at the cell level has received little attention, and its molecular basis can only be hypothesized on the basis of recent studies concerning sugar sensing.  相似文献   
A territorial male can shift the location of its territory from year to year in order to increase its quality. The male can base its decision on environmental cues or else on its breeding experiences (when territory shift is caused by breeding failure in previous seasons). We tested these possible mechanisms of territory choice in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus), a territorial migrating passerine that occupies wetlands. This species bases its territory choices on an environmental cue: tall wetland vegetation cover. We found that the magnitude of territory quality improvement between seasons (measured as the area of tall wetland vegetation) increased throughout the early stages of a male's breeding career as a result of territory shifts dependent on the earliness of arrival. The distance the territory was shifted between seasons depended negatively on the previous year's territory quality and, less clearly, on the previous year's mating success. On the other hand, previous mating or nesting success had no influence on territory quality improvement between seasons as measured in terms of vegetation. The results imply that tall wetland vegetation is a long-term, effective environmental cue and that a preference for territories in which this type of landcover prevails has evolved into a rigid behavioral mechanism, supplemented by short-term individual experiences of breeding failure.  相似文献   
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