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Water resources protection from nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) contamination is an important public concern and a major national environmental issue. The abilities of the SOIL-SOILN model to simulate water drainage and nitrate N fluxes from orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) were evaluated using data from a 3-yr field experiment. The soil is classified as a Hagerstown silt loam soil (fine, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludalf). Nitrate losses below the 1-m depth from N-fertilized grazed orchardgrass were measured with intact soil core lysimeters. Five N-fertilizer treatments consisted of a control, urine application in the spring, urine application in the summer, urine application in the fall, and feces application in the summer. The SOIL-SOILN models were evaluated using water drainage and nitrate flux data for 1993-1994, 1994-1995, and 1995-1996. The N rate constants from a similar experiment with inorganic fertilizer and manure treatments under corn (Zea mays L.) were used to evaluate the SOILN model under orchardgrass sod. Results indicated that the SOIL model accurately simulated water drainage for all three years. The SOILN model adequately predicted nitrate losses for three urine treatments in each year and a control treatment in 1994-1995. However, it failed to produce accurate simulations for two control treatments in 1993-1994 and 1995-1996, and feces treatments in all three years. The inaccuracy in the simulation results for the control and feces treatments seems to be related to an inadequate modeling of N transformation processes. In general, the results demonstrate the potential of the SOILN model to predict NO3-N fluxes under pasture conditions using N transformation rate constants determined through the calibration process from corn fields on similar soils.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in a subsurface flow riparian wetland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Riparian wetlands are transition zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments that have the potential to serve as nutrient filters for surface and ground water due to their topographic location. We investigated a riparian wetland that had been receiving intermittent inputs of NO3- and PO4(3-) during storm runoff events to determine the mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in the wetland soils. Few studies have shown whether infrequent pulses of NO3- are sufficient to maintain substantial denitrifying communities. Denitrification rates were highest at the upstream side of the wetland where nutrient-rich runoff first enters the wetland (17-58 microg N2O-N kg soil(-1) h(-1)) and decreased further into the wetland. Carbon limitation for denitrification was minor in the wetland soils. Samples not amended with dextrose had 75% of the denitrification rate of samples with excess dextrose C. Phosphate sorption isotherms suggested that the wetland soils had a high capacity for P retention. The calculated soil PO4(3-) concentration that would yield an equilibrium aqueous P04(3-) concentration of 0.05 mg P L(-1) was found to be 100 times greater than the soil PO4(3-) concentration at the time of sampling. This indicated that the wetland could retain a large additional mass of PO4(3-) without increasing the dissolved P04(3-) concentrations above USEPA recommended levels for lentic waters. These results demonstrated that denitrification can be substantial in systems receiving pulsed NO3- inputs and that sorption could account for extensive PO4(3-) attenuation observed at this site.  相似文献   
A new technique is presented for the rapid, high-resolution identification and quantification of multiple trace gases above soils, at concentrations down to 0.01 microL L(-1) (10 ppb). The technique, selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS), utilizes chemical ionization reagent ions that react with trace gases but not with the major air components (N2, O2, Ar, CO2). This allows the real-time measurement of multiple trace gases without the need for preconcentration, trapping, or chromatographic separation. The technique is demonstrated by monitoring the emission of ammonia and nitric oxide, and the search for volatile organics, above containerized soil samples treated with synthetic cattle urine. In this model system, NH3 emissions peaked after 24 h at 2000 nmol m(-2) s(-1) and integrated to approximately 7% of the urea N applied, while NO emissions peaked about 25 d after urine addition at approximately 140 nmol m(-2) s(-1) and integrated to approximately 10% of the applied urea N. The monitoring of organics along with NH3 and NO was demonstrated in soils treated with synthetic urine, pyridine, and dimethylamine. No emission of volatile nitrogen organics from the urine treatments was observed at levels >0.01% of the applied nitrogen. The SIFT method allows the simultaneous in situ measurement of multiple gas components with a high spatial resolution of < 10 cm and time resolution <20 s. These capabilities allow, for example, identification of emission hotspots, and measurement of localized and rapid variations above agricultural and contaminated soils, as well as integrated emissions over longer periods.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The number of stream restoration and enhancement projects being implemented is rapidly increasing. At road crossings, a transition must be created from the restored channel through the bridge or culvert opening. Given conflicting design objectives for a naturalized channel and a bridge opening, guidance is needed in the design of the transition. In this paper we describe the use of vanes, cross vanes, and w‐weirs, commonly used in stream restoration and enhancement projects, that may provide an adequate transition at bridges. Laboratory experiments were conducted on vanes and cross vanes to provide a transition for single span bridge abutments and on w‐weirs to provide a transition for double span bridges which have a pier in mid‐channel. The results of the experiments provided design criteria for transitions using each of the three structures. Prior field experience provided guidance on appropriate applications in terms of the stream and bridge characteristics.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Powder River Basin in Wyoming has become one of the most active areas of coalbed methane (CBM) development in the western United States. Extraction of methane from coalbeds requires pumping of aquifer water, which is called product water. Two to ten extraction wells are manifolded into one discharge point and product water is released into nearby unlined holding ponds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemistry, salinity, and sodicity of CBM product water at discharge points and associated holding ponds as a function of watershed. The product water samples from the discharge points and associated holding ponds were collected from the Cheyenne River (CHR), Belle Fourche River (BFR), and Little Powder River (LPR) watersheds during the summers of 1999 and 2000. These samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sulfate (SO42‐), and chloride (C1‐). From the chemical data, practical sodium adsorption ratio (SARp) and true sodium adsorption ratio (SARt) were calculated for the CBM discharge water and pond water. The pH, EC, TDS, alkalinity, Na, Ca, Mg, K, SARp, and SARt of CBM discharge water increased significantly moving north from the CHR watershed to the LPR watershed. CBM discharge water in associated holding ponds showed significant increases in EC, TDS, alkalinity, Na, K, SARp, and SARt moving north from the CHR to the LPR watershed. Within watersheds, the only significant change was an increase in pH from 7.21 to 8.26 between discharge points and holding ponds in the LPR watershed. However, the LPR and BFR exhibited larger changes in mean chemistry values in pH, salinity (EC, TDS), and sodicity (SAR) between CBM product water discharges and associated holding ponds than the CHR watershed. For instance, the mean EC and TDS of CBM product water in LPR increased from 1.93 to 2.09 dS/m, and froml,232 to 1,336 mg/L, respectively, between discharge and pond waters. The CHR exhibited no change in EC, TDS, Na, or SAR between discharge water and pond water. Also, while not statistically significant, mean alkalinity of CBM product water in BFR and LPR watersheds decreased from 9.81 to 8.01 meq/L and from 19.87 to 18.14 meq/L, respectively, between discharge and pond waters. The results of this study suggest that release of CBM product water onto the rangelands of BFR and LPR watersheds may precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in soils, which in turn may decrease infiltration and increase runoff and erosion. Thus, use of CBM product water for irrigation in LPR and BFR watersheds may require careful planning based on water pH, EC, alkalinity, Na, and SAR, as well as local soil physical and chemical properties.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The lower reaches of the Arroyo Colorado have historically failed to meet their use under subsection 303(b) of the U.S. Clean Water Act due to fecal coliform bacteria and low dissolved oxygen (DO). Fish kills, especially at the tidal confluence at the Port of Harlingen, Texas, have been reported. Oxygen demand from sediment (SOD) for a river typically has two states‐diffusion limited SOD (SOD) and potential SOD (pSOD), expressed when sediment is resuspended through increased flow or other disturbances. The objective of this research was to measure SOD in the Arroyo Colorado River in situ, estimate pSOD ex situ, and evaluate the relationship between SOD and the depositional environment. We measured SOD and pSOD in the Arroyo Colorado River at up to eight sites over three sampling events. We identified the sample sites based on a modified Rosgen geomorphic index for streambed stabilization. Sites with high sediment deposition potential had high SOD. The average values of SOD between sites were 0.62 g/m2/day (standard deviation 0.38 g/m2/day) and ranged from 0.13 to 1.2 g/m2/day. Potential SOD values ranged from as low as 19.2 to as high as 2,779 g/m3 sediment/ day. Potential SOD can serve as an indicator of the possible impact of SOD from resuspended sediment in stream systems.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Historical trends in annual discharge characteristics were evaluated for 11 gauging stations located throughout Iowa. Discharge records from nine eight‐digit hydrologic unit code (HUC‐8) watersheds were examined for the period 1940 to 2000, whereas data for two larger river systems (Cedar and Des Moines Rivers) were examined for a longer period of record (1903 to 2000). In nearly all watersheds evaluated, annual base flow, annual minimum flow, and the annual base flow percentage significantly increased over time. Some rivers also exhibited increasing trends in total annual discharge, whereas only the Maquoketa River had significantly decreased annual maximum flows. Regression of stream discharge versus precipitation indicated that more precipitation is being routed into streams as base flow than as storm flow in the second half of the 20th Century. Reasons for the observed stream flow trends are hypothesized to include improved conservation practices, greater artificial drainage, increasing row crop production, and channel incision. Each of these reasons is consistent with the observed trends, and all are likely responsible to some degree in most watersheds.  相似文献   
There is critical need for a practical indicator to assess the potential for phosphorus (P) movement from a given site to surface waters, either via surface runoff or subsurface drainage. The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS), which relates a measure of P already adsorbed by a soil to its P adsorption capacity, could be a good indicator of that soil's P release capability. Our primary objective was to find a suitable analytical protocol for determining DPS and to examine the possibility of defining a threshold DPS value for Florida's sandy soils. Four farmer-owned dairy sprayfields were selected within the Suwannee River basin and soil profiles were randomly obtained from each site, as well as from adjacent unimpacted sites. The soil samples were divided either by horizon or depth, and DPS was determined for each soil sample using ammonium-oxalate (DPS(Ox)), Mehlich-1 (DPS(M1)), and Mehlich-3 (DPS(M3)) extracts. All methods of DPS calculations were linearly related to one another (r2 > 0.94). Relationships between water-soluble P and DPS indicate that the respective change points are: DPS(Ox) = 20%, DPS(M1) = 20%, and DPS(M3) = 16%. These relationships include samples from Ap, E, and Bt horizons, and various combinations thereof, suggesting that DPS values can be used as predictors of P loss from a soil irrespective of the depth of the soil within a profile. Taking into consideration the change points, confidence intervals, agronomic soil test values, and DPS values from other studies, we suggest replacing Mehlich-1 P values in the Florida P Index with the three DPS categories (DPS(M1) = <30, 30-60, and >60%) to assign different P loss ratings in the P Index.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Long term data on surface water quality can sometimes be assembled by combining data collected by different agencies at different times and assuming that between agency differences in data quality are insignificant. The objective of this paper was to assess the quality of riverine nitrate (NO3) concentrations in Illinois measured and reported by four agencies from 1967 to 1974 by comparing median values for similar sampling locations and periods. A total of 17 river reaches were identified for which two agencies reported NO3 concentrations during similar periods. Nonparametric comparison of median values and analysis of covariance with discharge as a covariant produced similar results. Nitrate concentrations reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from 1967 to 1971 were not statistically (P > 0.05) different from values reported by the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) for two of three river reaches. Additionally, NO3 concentrations reported by USGS from 1972 to 1974 were not statistically different than concentrations reported by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for four of five river reaches. From 1969 to 1971, NO3 concentrations reported by the Illinois Department of Public Heath and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IDPH/IEPA) were less than one‐fourth the magnitude of values reported by ISWS. The median NO3 concentrations measured by the Central Illinois Public Service (CIPS) were significantly greater than those measured by USGS and IDPH/IEPA in the three comparable sampling locations. The use of NO3 concentrations measured by CIPS and IDPH/IEPA prior to 1972 is not recommended.  相似文献   
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