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Sagitta elegans and S. setosa are the two dominant chaetognaths in the North-East (NE) Atlantic. They are closely related and have a similar ecology and life history, but differ in distributional ranges. Sagitta setosa is a typical neritic species occurring exclusively above shelf regions, whereas S. elegans is a more oceanic species with a widespread distribution. We hypothesised that neritic species, because of smaller and more fragmented populations, would have been more vulnerable to population bottlenecks resulting from range contractions during Pleistocene glaciations than oceanic species. To test this hypothesis we compared mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase II DNA sequences of S. elegans and S. setosa from sampling locations across the NE Atlantic. Both species displayed very high levels of genetic diversity with unique haplotypes for every sequenced individual and an approximately three times higher level of nucleotide diversity in S. elegans (0.061) compared to S. setosa (0.021). Sagitta setosa mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes produced a star-like phylogeny and a uni-modal mismatch distribution indicative of a bottleneck followed by population expansion. In contrast, S. elegans had a deeper mtDNA phylogeny and a multi-modal mismatch distribution as would be expected from a more stable population. Neutrality tests indicated that assumptions of the standard neutral model were violated for both species and results from the McDonald-Kreitman test suggested that selection played a role in the evolution of their mitochondrial DNA. Congruent with these results, both species had much smaller effective population sizes estimated from genetic data when compared to census population sizes estimated from abundance data, with a factor of ~108–109 difference. Assuming that selective effects are comparable for the two species, we conclude that the difference in genetic signature can only be explained by contrasting demographic histories. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that in the NE Atlantic, the neritic S. setosa has been more severely affected by population bottlenecks resulting from Pleistocene range shifts than the more oceanic S. elegans.  相似文献   
Capture success of many predator species has been shown to decrease with increasing prey group size and it is therefore suggested that predators should choose to attack stragglers and/or small groups. Predator choice in the laboratory has shown mixed results with some species preferentially attacking large groups and others preferring to attack stragglers over groups. Such predator choices have not been tested in the field. In our study we presented a binary choice between a shoal of guppies and a single guppy to predators in pools in the Arima river, Trinidad. We observed attacks in 11 different pools from a total of 53 predators (20 acara cichlids, Aequidens pulcher, 32 pike cichlids, Crenicichla frenata, and one wolf-fish, Hoplias malabaricus) and found that all predators showed a strong preference for the shoal of guppies in terms of both first choice and total number of attacks. We discuss the implications of these preferences with regards to predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   
Misuse of alcohol is a significant public health problem, potentially resulting in unintentional injuries, motor vehicle crashes, drownings, and, perhaps of greatest concern, serious acts of violence, including assaults, rapes, suicides, and homicides. Although previous research establishes a link between alcohol consumption increased levels of violence, studies relating the density of alcohol outlets (e.g., restaurants, bars, liquor stores) and the likelihood of violent crime have been less common. In this paper we test for such a relationship at the small area level, using data from 79 neighborhoods in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. We adopt a fully Bayesian point of view using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computational methods as available in the popular and freely available WinBUGS language. Our models control for important covariates (e.g., neighborhood racial heterogeneity, age heterogeneity) and also account for spatial association in unexplained variability using conditionally autoregressive (CAR) random effects. Our results indicate a significant positive relationship between alcohol outlet density and violent crime, while also permitting easy mapping of neighborhood-level predicted and residual values, the former useful for intervention in the most at-risk neighborhoods and the latter potentially useful in identifying covariates still missing from the fixed effects portion of the model.  相似文献   
The biology of the endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) at sea is poorly understood. As research has been almost exclusively limited to studies of nesting females, the movements of male turtles and the timing and location of mating activity have remained unknown. We report on the first deployments of satellite tags on male leatherbacks. Male migration to and residency in waters adjacent low-latitude nesting beaches in the western Atlantic suggest that this is where mating occurs, and return migration to these areas reveals male fidelity for breeding sites. Rate of travel decreased markedly after arriving in coastal breeding areas, where males remained for up to 96 days before assuming northward migrations. The initiation of these northward migrations coincided with peak nesting activity in adjacent nesting colonies. Data from satellite-linked time-depth recorders attached to two males revealed diel dive patterns in breeding areas and marked differences in diving behaviour between migratory and breeding periods in one turtle. When male turtles were in waters adjacent nesting colonies, their movements differed from those reported for nesting females, with females ranging farther from shore. Our results suggest that male leatherbacks may be vulnerable to entanglement in coastal fishing gear in waters adjacent nesting beaches.Communicated by R.J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   
The ivory tree coral Oculina varicosa (Leseur, 1820) is an ahermatypic branching scleractinian that colonizes limestone ledges at depths of 6–100 m along the Atlantic coast of Florida. This paper describes the development of embryos and larvae from shallow-water O. varicosa, collected at 6–8 m depth in July 1999 off Fort Pierce, Florida (27°32.542 N; 79°58.732 W). The effect of temperature on embryogenesis, larval survival, and larval swimming speed were examined in the laboratory. Ontogenetic changes in geotaxis and phototaxis were also investigated. Embryos developed via spiral cleavage from small (100 µm), negatively buoyant eggs. Ciliated larvae developed after 6–9 h at 25°C. Embryogenesis ceased at 10°C, was inhibited at 17°C, and progressed normally at 25°C and 30°C. Larval survival, however, was high across the full range of experimental temperatures (11–31°C), although mortality increased in the warmest treatments (26°C and 31°C). Larval swimming speed was highest at 25°C, and lower at the temperature extremes (5°C and 35°C). An ontogenetic change in geotaxis was observed; newly ciliated larvae swam to the water surface and remained there for approximately 18 h, after which they swam briefly throughout the water column, then became demersal. Early larvae showed no response to light stimulation, but at 14 and 23 days larvae appeared to exhibit negatively phototactic behavior. Although low temperatures inhibited the development of O. varicosa embryos, the larvae survived temperature extremes for extended periods of time. Ontogenetic changes in larval behavior may ensure that competent larvae are close to the benthos to facilitate settlement. Previous experiments on survival, swimming speeds, and observations on behavior of O. varicosa larvae from deep-water adults indicate that there is no difference between larvae of the deep and shallow populations.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Goal and Scope

In soil samples taken from several locations throughout Bavaria, the detection of p,p′-DDT by GC/MS was impeded by a superimposed peak. The authenticity of this compound, which has been identified as dichlorocarbazole by mass spectra databases, is confirmed and some characteristics of its occurrence in soils are described.


The authenticity of the unknown compound has been checked by comparing the low resolution mass spectra and chromatographic retention times with those of standard compounds. Some methodical studies concerning extraction and clean-up were also carried out.

Results and Conclusion

Mass spectra and retention of the unknown compound are identical with that of the 3,6-dichlorocarbazole standard compound; additionally, a second chlorocarbazole was found with mass spectrum and retention similar to 3-chlorocarbazole. In many topsoils (A-horizons) and subsoils (B-horizons) from 200 locations of different land-uses, the dichlorocarbazole could be detected. In contrast to PAH and other POPs, maximum concentrations occurred in the A- and upper B-horizons of forest soils rather than in the organic layers. Assuming the environmental distribution properties of the chlorocarbazoles to be similar to those of the PAH, this could indicate that the chlorocarbazoles are not deposited from the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities but might be generated by natural processes in situ.

Recommendation and Perspective

To our knowledge, the occurrence of chlorocarbazoles in soils of unpolluted sites has not been previously described. Their widespread occurrence in relatively high concentrations and their detection using analytical standard procedures is surprising and requires further examination.  相似文献   
Field experiments were done in two sites, Yixing and Changshu, Jiangsu province, China, to study P movement and leaching in flooded paddy soils. P movement in soil was investigated by using the KH2 32PO4 tracker method, and the amount of P leached from the soil layer in different depths was estimated by measuring P concentrations in the soil solution and saturated hydraulic conductivities in field. Determination was done about one month after P application. There was 46% and 42% of total 32P retained in the 0–5cm layer of soil in the Yixing site and in the Changshu site respectively. The 32P retained in the 25–30 cm layer was only about 1–2% of the total 32P added. Furthermore, 8.01% of 32P in the soil of Yixing site and 16.8% of 32P in the soil of Changshu site was lost from the layer 0–30cm soil. The seasonal amounts of P leached from the top soil layer and from bottom layer are about 4.5–5.8% and 1.6–2.1% of the total P application, respectively. Changes of total P concentrations in soil solutions during rice growth showed that the fertilizer P applied before flooding of the paddy fields suffered a flash leaching loss and a slow leaching loss. We concluded that the fertilizer P could quickly move in the flooded paddy rice field and parts of it can enter into surface water and ground water. Unless the P application is well managed the risk of P loss and consequently environmental pollution exist.  相似文献   
从摇篮到摇篮设计是一种建筑学的生态智能设计理念,它涉及到完全健康的、可恢复的居住区的材料、建筑物和模式的相关产业.与从摇篮到坟墓体系不同,从摇篮到摇篮设计把人类系统看作是营养循环系统,其中的每一种物质都能够支撑生命.作为生物养分设计的材料在使用后为大自然提供了营养物;通过生产-恢复-再造的产业闭路系统技术养分得以循环.依据选择安全、健康因素的科学建议,从摇篮到摇篮设计把对材料的利用发挥到了极致.本着对自然、文化、气候负责的精神,在工业化国家和发展中国家,它推出的建筑物与社区规划都创造了多种多样的经济、社会和生态价值.  相似文献   
Subsistence hunting presents a conservation challenge by which biodiversity preservation must be balanced with safeguarding of human livelihoods. Globally, subsistence hunting threatens primate populations, including Madagascar's endemic lemurs. We used population viability analysis to assess the sustainability of lemur hunting in Makira Natural Park, Madagascar. We identified trends in seasonal hunting of 11 Makira lemur species from household interview data, estimated local lemur densities in populations adjacent to focal villages via transect surveys, and quantified extinction vulnerability for these populations based on species-specific demographic parameters and empirically derived hunting rates. We compared stage-based Lefkovitch with periodic Leslie matrices to evaluate the impact of regional dispersal on persistence trajectories and explored the consequences of perturbations to the timing of peak hunting relative to the lemur birth pulse, under assumptions of density-dependent reproductive compensation. Lemur hunting peaked during the fruit-abundant wet season (March–June). Estimated local lemur densities were roughly inverse to body size across our study area. Life-history modeling indicated that hunting most severely threatened the species with the largest bodies (i.e., Hapalemur occidentalis, Avahi laniger, Daubentonia madagascariensis, and Indri indi), characterized by late-age reproductive onsets and long interbirth intervals. In model simulations, lemur dispersal within a regional metapopulation buffered extinction threats when a majority of local sites supported growth rates above the replacement level but drove regional extirpations when most local sites were overharvested. Hunt simulations were most detrimental when timed to overlap lemur births (a reality for D. madagascariensis and I. indri). In sum, Makira lemurs were overharvested. Regional extirpations, which may contribute to broad-scale extinctions, will be likely if current hunting rates persist. Cessation of anthropogenic lemur harvest is a conservation priority, and development programs are needed to help communities switch from wildlife consumption to domestic protein alternatives.  相似文献   
Management activities such as law enforcement and community outreach are thought to affect conservation outcomes in protected areas, but their importance relative to intrinsic environmental characteristics of the parks and extrinsic human pressures surrounding the parks have not been explored. Furthermore, it is not clear which is more related to conservation outcomes—the management itself or local people's perceptions of the management. We measured objective (reports by park staff) and subjective (reports by local people) levels of community outreach and law enforcement based on responses to 374 questionnaires. We estimated mammal abundance and diversity of 6 protected areas based on data from 115 camera traps in Xishuangbanna, southwest China, a biodiversity hotspot with high hunting and land-conversion pressures. We then examined correlations among them and found that local people's perception of law enforcement was positively related to the local abundance of 2 large, hunted species, wild boar (Sus scrofa) (β = 15.22) and muntjac (Muntiacus vaginalis) (β = 14.82), but not related to the abundance of smaller mammals or to objective levels of enforcement. The subjective frequency of outreach by park staff to local communities (β = 3.42) and park size (β = 3.28) were significantly and positively related to mammal species richness, whereas elevation, human population density, and subjective frequency of law enforcement were not. We could not conclude that community outreach and law enforcement were directly causing increased mammal abundance and diversity. Nevertheless, the patterns we detected are some of the first empirical evidence consistent with the idea that biodiversity in protected areas may be more positively and strongly related to local perceptions of the intensity of park management than to either intrinsic (e.g., elevation, park size) or extrinsic (e.g., human population density) environmental factors.  相似文献   
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