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Even though females prefer particular components of a male display, their preferences may not be expressed during mate choice. Here, we quantified female preference patterns in the frog Crinia georgiana for call rate, pulse number and dominant frequency using two-speaker trials. Females typically chose signals emitted at a higher rate, with more pulses (when variation was extreme) and with an average dominant frequency. The results for pulse number and call rate agree with a previous field study which found that these two call components explained significant variation in male mating success. In contrast, the strong preferences for average dominant frequencies detected here disagree with the previous field study which failed to find any relationship between dominant frequency and male mating success. To explain the discrepancy we investigated whether the patterns of female preference for dominant frequency changed when another property, call rate, was varied simultaneously. Most females chose the call with an average dominant frequency when offered a choice between a call with an average dominant frequency and call rate or a non-average dominant frequency (±2 SD) and high call rate. When the differences in dominant frequency were reduced (±1 SD), females showed no clear preference for either signal. Accordingly, female preference patterns for one call component can vary with the expression of another. These results do not explain why dominant frequency did not account for any variation in male mating success under field conditions.Communicated by T. Beschlitz  相似文献   
Summary. Many aquatic prey are known to use chemical alarm cues to assess their risk of predation. In fishes, such alarm cues can be released either through damage of the epidermis during a predatory attack (capture-released) or through release from the predator feces (diet-released). In our study, we compared the importance of capture- versus diet-released alarm cues in risk assessment by fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) that were na?ve to fish predators. We utilized two different fish predators: a specialized piscivore, the northern pike (Esox lucius) and a generalist predator, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Handling time of pike consuming minnows was much shorter than for trout consuming minnows, likely resulting in less epidermal damage to the minnows during attacks by pike. In accordance with this, minnows showed a less intense antipredator response to capture-released cues from pike than capture-released cues from trout. This represents a paradox in risk assessment for the minnows as they respond to the specialized piscivore, the more dangerous predator, with a less intense antipredator response. In contrast, the minnows showed a stronger antipredator response to the specialized piscivore than to the generalist when given diet cues. This work highlights the need for researchers to carefully consider the nature of the information available to prey in risk assessment.  相似文献   
We used spatial simulation models to evaluate how current and two alternative policies might affect potential biodiversity over 100 years in the Coast Ranges Physiographic Province of Oregon. This 2.3-million-ha province is characterized by a diversity of public and private forest owners, and a wide range of forest policy and management objectives. We evaluated habitat availability for seven focal species representing different life histories. We also examined how policies affected old-growth stand structure, age distributions relative to the historical range of variability, and landscape patterns of forest types. Under the current policy scenario, the area of habitat for old-growth forest structure and associated species increased over time, the habitat for some early-successional associates remained stable, and the area of hardwood vegetation and diverse early-successional stages declined. The province is projected to move toward but not reach the historical range of variation of forest age classes that may have occurred under the wildfire regimes of the pre-Euroamerican settlement period. Ownership explained much of the pattern of biodiversity in the province, and under the current policy scenario, its effect increased over time as the landscape diverged into highly contrasting forest structures and ages. Patch type diversity declined slightly overall but declined strongly within ownerships. Most of the modeled change in biodiversity over time resulted from policies on public forest lands that were intended to increase the area of late-successional forests and species. One of the alternative policies, increased retention of wildlife trees on private lands, reduced the contrast between ownerships and increased habitat availability over time for both early- and late-successional species. Analysis of another alternative, stopping thinning of plantations on federal lands, indicated that current thinning regimes improve habitat for the Olive-sided Flycatcher, but the no-thinning alternative had no effect on the habitat scores for the late-successional species in the 100-year simulation. A comparison of indicators of biological diversity suggests that using focal species and forest structural measures can provide complementary information on biodiversity. The multi-ownership perspective provided a more complete synthesis of province-wide biodiversity patterns than assessments based on single ownerships.  相似文献   
Many of the world's most productive aquatic ecosystems usually contain turbid water. Paradoxically, many fish species that live in these habitats are also those that often rely on vision to detect their predators and their prey. For these fish, turbidity will reduce the distance at which predator-prey interactions occur, and there should be a reduction in the opportunity for behavioural modification to control the risk of predation. Under these conditions, we predict that most antipredator behaviour will become ineffective and that predator-prey interactions in turbid water will be primarily characterised by the direct effects of predator consumption of prey, rather than behavioural modification reducing the growth rates of prey. This hypothesis was tested in two laboratory experiments. The first experiment investigated how water turbidity, risk of predation, and their interaction affect habitat choice decisions by fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). These data demonstrate that fathead minnows reduce their use of dangerous habitats, but that this effect is diminished in turbid water. A second experiment examined mortality patterns when these fish were preyed upon by yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in clear and turbid water. Absolute mortality rates were unaffected by visibility, but patterns of mortality were random in turbid water and skewed towards smaller individuals in clear water. Combined, these results support our hypothesis and suggest that the impact of predation risk will be reduced in turbid aquatic ecosystems. Received: 23 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 18 November 1996  相似文献   
Because behavioral variation within and among populations may result from ecological, social, genetic and phenotypic differences, identifying the mechanism(s) responsible is challenging. Observational studies typically examine social learning by excluding ecological and genetic factors, but this approach is insufficient for many complex behaviors associated with substantial environmental variation. Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia show individual differences in foraging tactics, including possible tool use with marine sponges and social learning may be responsible for this diversity. However, the contributions of ecological factors to the development of these foraging tactics were not previously investigated. Here, we determined the relationship between ecological variables and foraging tactics and assessed whether differences in habitat use could explain individual differences in foraging tactics. We monitored 14 survey zones to identify how foraging tactics were spatially distributed and matched behavioral data to the ecological variables within each zone. Three of four foraging tactics were significantly correlated with ecological characteristics such as seagrass biomass, water depth, presence of marine sponges and season. Further, individual differences in habitat use were associated with some tactics. However, several tactics overlapped spatially and previous findings suggest demographic and social factors also contribute to the individual variation in this population. This study illustrates the importance of environmental heterogeneity in shaping foraging diversity and shows that investigating social learning by ruling out alternative mechanisms may often be too simplistic, highlighting the need for methods incorporating the relative contributions of multiple factors.  相似文献   
Male migratory birds tend to be more faithful than females to previous breeding sites, suggesting sex differences in costs or benefits of dispersal. In Illinois, greater site fidelity by male yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was associated with reduced reproductive success the following year for dispersers relative to non-dispersers. Dispersing females suffered no reduction in reproductive success the following year. Males that attracted few social mates, and thus had low reproductive success, were more likely to disperse, whereas females dispersed in response to low-patch reproductive success, regardless of their individual performance. Males that dispersed appeared to be successful acquiring territories because none was observed as a floater. The rate of dispersal by males in this low-density population was greater than in more dense populations where dispersing males may be less successful at acquiring territories. Despite success at obtaining territories, males that dispersed acquired territories on the periphery of wetlands where fewer females nested, resulting in lower reproductive success. In the second year after dispersing, however, males moved onto more central territories where they acquired larger harems. Thus, dispersal by males may be a long-term strategy requiring at least 2 years for benefits to be realized. Long-term success was enhanced because dispersing males moved to wetlands on which reproductive success was higher than on the wetlands they left. In addition to demonstrating that both individual and patch reproductive success affect dispersal decisions, these data indicate that when evaluating costs and benefits of dispersal, researchers should use a time frame beyond 1 year.  相似文献   
Summary. The larvae of the hawkmoth species Hyles euphorbiae have a conspicuous aposematic colouration and show gregarious behaviour. It has thus been suggested that they sequester phorbol esters from their food plants which include different species of the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) for chemical protection against predators. To test this hypothesis in more detail, we fed larvae an artificial diet with three doses of 12-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), then examined the faeces and the larval tissues, such as integument, haemolymph and gut of the caterpillars for the presence of TPA. In order to determine the ability of the larvae to detoxify phorbol esters, other larvae were directly injected with a TPA solution and analysed in the same manner. Our study indicates that the larvae of Hyles euphorbiae do not sequester phorbol esters. Upon oral application TPA was not found in the larval integument or the haemolymph. Instead, it was mostly metabolised (about 70–90%). Nevertheless, about 10-30% were retained and recovered in the faeces. The larvae were also able to metabolise and thus detoxify the phorbol ester when TPA was injected directly into the body. These hawkmoth caterpillars are relatively large and have a gut full of plant material, which they regurgitate into the direction of the predator when attacked in nature. Since phorbol esters are very potent toxins and irritants, we postulate that the gut content (and especially the plant slurry disgorged as regurgitant from the anterior gut) alone could be aversive for a potential predator, even if some metabolism has taken place. Thus, although H. euphorbiae caterpillars do not actively sequester phorbol esters, their aposematic colouration appears to be based on chemical defence through phorbol esters retained in the gut.  相似文献   
In the fiddler crab (Uca beebei) males build a small mud pillar next to their burrow which increases their attractiveness to females. Three hypotheses were tested to explain inter-male variation in pillar-building. (1) The benefits of pillar-building are density dependent. The experimental addition of vertical structures did not support this hypothesis as there was no change in the level of pillar-building. (2) There are two classes of males (pillar-builders and non-pillar-builders). This could either be due to an alternative mating strategy, or because pillar building is age or size-dependent. There was also no support for this hypothesis. (3) Pillar-building is an honest signal of male quality dependent on body condition. A food supplementation experiment was performed. Addition of food affected several aspects of male behaviour and resulted in a two fold increase in the number of pillars built between control and food treatments (P < 0.001). However, the percentage of males building pillars did not increase significantly. Pillar building in this species has been attributed to sensory exploitation. Our results indicate that a trait which may well have evolved through sensory exploitation also appears to be condition-dependent. We emphasise that showing that an ornament or behaviour is condition-dependent does not necessarily mean that it evolved through good gene processes. However, in terms of its current selective value, pillar building may be maintained through female choice because it acts as a signal of male condition.  相似文献   
Femtosecond time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) is applied in order to prepare and monitor laser-induced vibrational coherences (wave packets) of different samples mainly in its electronic ground state but also in excited states. The time evolution of these wave packets gives information on the dynamics of molecular vibrations. In a first example the femtosecond (fs) CARS transients of iodine are investigated. By changing the relative delay between the applied laser pulses of this non-degenerated four-wave mixing technique, both the wavepacket motion on the electronically excited and the ground states can be detected as oscillations in the coherent anti-Stokes signal. Second we report on selective excitation of the vibrational modes in the electronic ground state of polymers of diacetylene by means of a femtosecond time-resolved CARS scheme. This selectivity is achieved by varying the phase shape (chirp) and the relative delay between the exciting laser pulses.  相似文献   
Objective: The few observational studies of the prevalence of high beam use indicate the rate of high beam use is about 25% when vehicles are isolated from other vehicles on unlit roads. Recent studies were limited to 2-lane rural roads and used measurement methods that likely overestimated use. The current study examined factors associated with the rate of high beam use of isolated vehicles on a variety of roadways in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area.

Methods: Twenty observation sites were categorized as urban, rural, or on a rural/urban boundary and selected to estimate the effects of street lighting, road curvature, and direction of travel relative to the city on high beam use. Sites were selected in pairs so that a majority of traffic passing one site also passed through the other. Measurement of high beams relied on video data recorded for 2 nights at each site, and the video data also were used to derive a precise measure of the proximity of other traffic. Nearly 3,200 isolated vehicles (10 s or longer from other vehicles) were observed, representing 1,500-plus vehicle pairs.

Results: Across the sample, 18% of the vehicles used high beams. Seventy-three percent of the 1,500-plus vehicle pairs used low beams at each paired site, whereas 9% used high beams at both sites. Vehicles at rural sites and sites at the boundaries of Ann Arbor were more likely to use high beams than vehicles at urban sites, but use in rural areas compared with rural/urban boundary areas did not vary significantly. Rates at all sites were much lower than expected, ranging from 0.9 to 52.9%. High beam use generally increased with greater time between subject vehicles and leading vehicles and vehicles in the opposing lane. There were mixed findings associated with street lighting, road curvature, and direction of travel relative to the city.

Conclusion: Maximizing visibility available to drivers from headlights includes addressing the substantial underuse of high beam headlamps. Advanced technologies such as high beam assist, which switches automatically between high and low beam headlamps depending on the presence of other traffic, can help to address this problem.  相似文献   

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