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We developed a systematic process to evaluate state/tribal bioassessment programs to provide information about the rigor of the technical approach. This is accomplished via on-site interviews to produce an evaluation that assigns one of four levels of rigor as an outcome. Level 4 is the most rigorous and reflects a technical capacity to accurately determine incremental condition and support management programs. The remaining three levels are less able to assess incremental condition and are appropriate for only some management support needs. Accurately determining impairment and diagnosing pollution-specific stressors are fundamental tasks that states/tribes must accomplish to provide management support. This goal is fulfilled to varying degrees by most states/tribes. The evaluation employs a checklist and a sliding scale of rigor for 13 technical elements. Feedback is provided to each state/tribe via a technical memorandum that describes the technical components of the monitoring program, highlights strengths, and recommends improvements for specific technical issues. This can be used to refine the bioassessment and monitoring programs to better support management programs. The results of 14 state/tribal evaluations are included here. The majority (nine states, one tribe) revealed that most operate at level 2 with developmental activities that will elevate the level of program rigor already underway. Two states operate level 4 programs and each have numeric biocriteria and refined designated uses in their water quality standards. This is the ultimate goal of the process of engaging states in the development of bioassessment programs in the U.S.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton and water quality long term trends are presented from a 20-year monitoring program of Chesapeake Bay and several of its major tributaries. Increasing phytoplankton biomass and abundance are ongoing within this estuarine complex, with diatoms the dominant component, along with chlorophytes and cyanobacteria as sub-dominant contributors in the tidal freshwater and oligohaline regions. Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cryptomonads are among the major flora downstream in the tributaries and within the Chesapeake Bay. Water quality conditions within the three tributaries have remained rather stable over this time period; while there are long term trends of reduced nutrients, increasing bottom oxygen, and decreasing water clarity for the lower Chesapeake Bay. Of note is an increasing trend of cyanobacteria biomass at 12 of the 13 stations monitored at tributary and Chesapeake Bay stations, plus the presence of 37 potentially harmful taxa reported for these waters. However, the overall status of the phytoplankton populations is presently favorable, in that it is mainly represented and dominated by taxa suitable as a major food and oxygen source within this ecosystem. Although potentially harmful taxa are present, they have not at this time exerted profound impact to the region, or replaced the diatom populations in overall dominance.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Though evidence exists on the association between diazinon (DZN), an organophosphate pesticide, with hyperglycemia, contrasting reports also exist....  相似文献   
Monitoring data from the UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network are used to investigate the relationships between ambient levels of ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as a function of NOx, for levels ranging from those typical of UK rural sites to those observed at polluted urban kerbside sites. Particular emphasis is placed on establishing how the level of ‘oxidant’, OX (taken to be the sum of O3 and NO2) varies with the level of NOx, and therefore to gain some insight into the atmospheric sources of OX, particularly at polluted urban locations. The analyses indicate that the level of OX at a given location is made up of NOx-independent and NOx-dependent contributions. The former is effectively a regional contribution which equates to the regional background O3 level, whereas the latter is effectively a local contribution which correlates with the level of primary pollution. The local oxidant source has probable contributions from (i) direct NO2 emissions, (ii) the thermal reaction of NO with O2 at high NOx, and (iii) common-source emission of species which promote NO to NO2 conversion. The final category may include nitrous acid (HONO), which appears to be emitted directly in vehicle exhaust, and is potentially photolysed to generate HOx radicals on a short timescale throughout the year at southern UK latitudes. The analyses also show that the local oxidant source has significant site-to-site variations, and possible reasons for these variations are discussed. Relationships between OX and NOx, based on annual mean data, and fitted functions describing the relative contributions to OX made by NO2 and O3, are used to define expressions which describe the likely variation of annual mean NO2 as a function of NOx at 14 urban and suburban sites, and which can take account of possible changes in the regional background of O3.  相似文献   
Maintenance of Department of Defense (DoD) weapon systems, conducting battlefield training exercises as well as meeting military construction and/or demolition schedules, invariably generate fugitive air emissions, many of which are visible. Although there is no codified federal method for quantifying fugitive emissions opacity, many state and local air regulatory agencies have instituted enforceable fugitive emission opacity standards at DoD facilities. The current study focused on comparing the performance of the digital opacity compliance system (DOCS) with U.S. Environment Protection Agency Method 9 (Method 9) certified human observers in quantifying the visible opacity associated with fugitive emissions produced using a commercial fog generator. By systematically repositioning both DOCS cameras and Method 9-certified observers during field testing, differences in method performance as a function of observational locations were documented. At both the 30- and 300-ft off-set distances, opacity levels reported by the DOCS technology and Method 9-certified smoke readers were found to be statistically different at the 99% confidence level. Alternatively, at the 90- and 150-ft off-set distances, results suggested that there was an insignificant difference at the 99% confidence level between the two methods. Comparing the magnitude of the each method's standard deviation suggested that, at the 30-ft off-set distance, the DOCS technology was consistently more precise than Method 9-certified readers regardless of the observer's downwind distance. However, at the 90, 150, and 300-ft off-set distances, method precision seemed to vary as a function of both off-set and downwind distance. The primary factor affecting the consistency in opacity measurements appeared to be the impact of ground-level air turbulence on fog plume dispersion and transport. Field observations demonstrated that localized wind shear played a critical and decisive role in how and to what extent fugitive emissions opacity could be determined, regardless of the method selected.  相似文献   
Size-resolved particulate matter (PM) emitted from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) was characterized using filter-based samplers, cascade impactors, and scanning mobility particle size measurements in the summer 2002. Thirty LDGVs, with different engine and emissions control technologies (model years 1965-2003; odometer readings 1264-207,104 mi), were tested on a chassis dynamometer using the federal test procedure (FTP), the unified cycle (UC), and the correction cycle (CC). LDGV PM emissions were strongly correlated with vehicle age and emissions control technology. The oldest models had average ultrafine PM0.1 (0.056- to 0.1-microm aerodynamic diameter) and fine PM1.8 (< or =1.8-microm aerodynamic diameter) emission rates of 9.6 mg/km and 213 mg/km, respectively. The newest vehicles had PM0.1 and PM1.8 emissions of 51 microg/km and 371 microg/km, respectively. Light duty trucks and sport utility vehicles had PM0.1 and PM1.8 emissions nearly double the corresponding emission rates from passenger cars. Higher PM emissions were associated with cold starts and hard accelerations. The FTP driving cycle produced the lowest emissions, followed by the UC and the CC. PM mass distributions peaked between 0.1- and 0.18-microm particle diameter for all vehicles except those emitting visible smoke, which peaked between 0.18 and 0.32 microm. The majority of the PM was composed of carbonaceous material, with only trace amounts of water-soluble ions. Elemental carbon (EC) and organic matter (OM) had similar size distributions, but the EC/OM ratio in LDGV exhaust particles was a strong function of the adopted emissions control technology and of vehicle maintenance. Exhaust from LDGV classes with lower PM emissions generally had higher EC/OM ratios. LDGVs adopting newer technologies were characterized by the highest EC/OM ratios, whereas OM dominated PM emissions from older vehicles. Driving cycles with cold starts and hard accelerations produced higher EC/OM ratios in ultrafine particles.  相似文献   
Ozonation of oil sands process water removes naphthenic acids and toxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naphthenic acids are naturally-occurring, aliphatic or alicyclic carboxylic acids found in petroleum. Water used to extract bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands becomes toxic to various organisms due to the presence of naphthenic acids released from the bitumen. Natural biodegradation was expected to be the most cost-effective method for reducing the toxicity of the oil sands process water (OSPW). However, naphthenic acids are poorly biodegraded in the holding ponds located on properties leased by the oil sands companies. In the present study, chemical oxidation using ozone was investigated as an option for mitigation of this toxicity. Ozonation of sediment-free OSPW was conducted using proprietary technology manufactured by Seair Diffusion Systems Inc. Ozonation for 50min generated a non-toxic effluent (based on the Microtox bioassay) and decreased the naphthenic acids concentration by approximately 70%. After 130min of ozonation, the residual naphthenic acids concentration was 2mgl(-1): <5% of the initial concentration in the filtered OSPW. Total organic carbon did not change with 130min of ozonation, whereas chemical oxygen demand decreased by approximately 50% and 5-d biochemical oxygen demand increased from an initial value of 2mgl(-1) to a final value of 15mgl(-1). GC-MS analysis showed that ozonation resulted in an overall decrease in the proportion of high molecular weight naphthenic acids (n> or = 22).  相似文献   
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