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叶绿素a浓度是反映湖泊富营养化状态的一个重要参数。以MODIS L1B数据为基础,结合叶绿素a浓度实测数据,基于经验分析法实现了西藏典型湖泊叶绿素a浓度反演研究,并探索了西藏典型湖泊2019年春、夏、秋季叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征。首先,利用叶绿素a浓度实测数据和MODIS L1B影像不同波段的反射率值进行组合试验,选择最佳波段组合建立模型;其次,分别选用2015年、2017年叶绿素a浓度实测值和反演值对模型进行对比验证;最后,利用叶绿素a浓度反演模型对西藏典型湖泊2019年春、夏、秋季叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明:在空间尺度上,西藏典型湖泊叶绿素a浓度整体上呈现出周围高、中部低的分布特征,且湖岸水体叶绿素a浓度变化较大;在季节尺度上,不同湖泊叶绿素a浓度的季节变化存在较大差异,格仁错和色林错的季节变化幅度较大,纳木错、塔若错和羊卓雍错的季节变化幅度较小。  相似文献   
Four microorganisms, Pseudomonas sp. (ER2), Aspergillus niger (ER6), Cladosporium herbarum (ER4) and Penicilluim sp. (ER3), were isolated from cucumber leaves previously treated with metalaxyl using enrichment technique. These isolates were evaluated for detoxification of metalaxyl at the recommended dose level in aquatic system. The effect of pH and temperature on the growth ability of the tested isolates was also investigated by measuring the intracellular protein and mycelia dry weight for bacterial and fungal isolates, respectively. Moreover, the toxicity of metalaxyl after 28 d of treatment with the tested isolates was evaluated to confirm the complete removal of any toxic materials (metalaxyl and its metabolites). The results showed that the optimum degree pH for the growth of metalaxyl degrading isolates (bacterial and fungal isolates) was 7. The temperature 30℃ appeared to be the optimum degree for the growth of either fungal or bacterial isolates. The results showed that Pseudomonas sp. (ER2) was the most effective isolate in metalaxyl degradation followed by Aspergillus niger (ER6), Cladosporium herbarum (ER4) and Penicilluim sp. (ER3), respectively. There is no toxicity of metalaxyl detected in the supematant after 28 d of treatment with Pseudomonas sp. (ER2). The results suggest that bioremediation by Pseudomonas sp. (ER2) isolate was considered to be effective method for detoxification of metalaxyl in aqueous media.  相似文献   
High-pressure homogenization (HPH) technology was applied as a pretreatment to disintegrate sewage sludge. The effects of homogenization pressure, homogenization cycle number, and total solid content on sludge disintegration were investigated. The sludge disintegration degree (DDCOD), protein concentration, and polysaccharide concentration increased with the increase of homogenization pressure and homogenization cycle number, and decreased with the increase of sludge total solid (TS) content. The maximum DDCOD of 43.94% was achieved at 80 MPa with four homogenization cycles for a 9.58 g/L TS sludge sample. A HPH sludge disintegration model of DDCOD= kNaPb was established by multivariable linear regression to quantify the effects of homogenization parameters. The homogenization cycle exponent a and homogenization pressure exponent b were 0.4763 and 0.7324 respectively, showing that the effect of homogenization pressure (P) was more significant than that of homogenization cycle number (N). The value of the rate constant k decreased with the increase of sludge total solid content. The specific energy consumption increased with the increment of sludge disintegration efficiency. Lower specific energy consumption was required for higher total solid content sludge.  相似文献   
<正>Mercury is a global pollutant due to its widespread use,emission,and long-range transport(Blum,2013;Pacyna et al.,2010).It is considered a priority pollutant due to its neurological toxicity,persistence,and bioaccumulation(Pacyna et al.,2010;Sharma et al.,2015).Mercury pollution can occur when products that contain mercury are improperly disposed of and mercury is released into the air,water,and soil(Zhang and Wong,2007).An estimated 22%of the annual world usage of mercury is in electrical equipment such as batteries,thermometers,and discharge lamps,and electronic devices such as monitors and  相似文献   
The growing recognition that climate change mitigation alone will be inadequate has led scientists and policymakers to discuss climate geoengineering. An experiment with a US sample found, contrary to previous research, that reading about geoengineering did not reduce conservatives’ skepticism about the existence of anthropogenic climate change. Moreover, depending on how it is framed, geoengineering can reduce support for mitigation among both conservatives and non-conservatives. When geoengineering is framed as a major solution, people worry less about climate change, leading to reduced mitigation support. When framed as disastrous, people perceived geoengineering as riskier, also leading to a decrease in mitigation support. A more moderate framing of geoengineering as a partial solution is less susceptible to moral hazard effects. Overall, results suggest that geoengineering will not lessen political polarization over anthropogenic climate change, and could undercut support for mitigation efforts. Instead, framing geoengineering as a small piece to solving a big puzzle seems to be the best strategy to weaken this potential moral hazard.  相似文献   
Russian Journal of Ecology - It has been shown that the main drivers of the dynamics of cladoceran and copepod abundances can be predators (fish), the quantity and/or quality of food in terms of...  相似文献   
Davidova  R.  Vasilev  V.  Boycheva  M.  Bakalova  J.  Ali  N. 《Russian Journal of Ecology》2019,50(2):200-207

The dynamics of nest-dwelling mites from the nests of the great tit in the protected area of Kamchia Mountain in Northeastern Bulgaria was investigated. The mite fauna inhabiting the nests of great tit differs significantly in terms of the degree of infestation, species richness, abundance and structure of communities in study years. There are statistically significant differences in the specimens’ number between 2014 and the other years 2012, 2013 and 2015. The mite species such as Dermanyssus gallinae, Androlaelaps casalis and Ornithonyssus sylviarum demonstrated significant changes in the abundance over the study years. A relation between the abundance of a species and the species diversity in the nests was not registered. Comparison of the annual dynamics of mites in the nests of great tit and the nests of semi-collared flycatcher for the same period of time and for the same environment, showed similarities—a significant fluctuation in the abundance of mites over the years and differences—in the species richness. Regarding the structure of the communities, both similarities and differences were recorded.

Russian Journal of Ecology - Abstract—The study of the effect of mycorrhiza symbiosis on the transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in soils is important in view of the necessity to...  相似文献   
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