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During two consecutive summers, the first quantitative bay-wide survey (207 stations) of benthic invertebrates was conducted in Delaware Bay (USA). In 1972, 109 species were collected at 105 stations; and in 1973, 125 species were collected at 102 stations. A total of 169 different species were collected for both summers. The number of species and number of individuals increased with increasing salinity and increasing median grain size. These relationships were compared and were found similar to those in estuaries and bays throughout the world. Average density was 722 individuals m2, which is low compared to other estuaries. The relationship of low secondary production to pollution, macroscopic algae, sediment transport, predation, and hydrography is discussed. Deposit feeders comparised the major feeding type. Local species composition was similar to that in Chesapeake Bay, and dominant species occurred in estuaries throughout the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The benthic invertebrates of Delaware Bay were related to the cosmopolitan mode of estuarine faunas. Faunal assemblages were identified by cluster analysis. The assemblages were associated with sediment type and salinity. It was concluded that Delaware Bay comprises a mosaic of animal assemblages, some of which have relatively sharp boundaries similar to classical level bottom type communities, whereas the boundaries of others are almost impossible to detect, and these represent species distributed along an environmental continum.  相似文献   
Dry weight, total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents were studied in Anomalocera patersoni, Pontella mediterranea, P. lo biancoï and Labidocera wollastoni as a function of sex and developmental stage. 629 individuals were analysed over the year. Protein content was calculated from the nitrogen values, and results are presented as percent dry weight. C:H and C:N ratios were also determined. The lowest contents of carbon (32.4%) and nitrogen (9.3%) were determined for female L. wollastoni, the highest carbon content (43.3%) for female P. lo biancoï, and the highest nitrogen content (11.5%) for female P. lo biancoï and male A. patersoni. This range agrees with the data in the literature for marine copepods. According to available data on biochemical composition of zooplankton in relation to depth, the Pontellidae contain a high amount of proteins. The carbon:nitrogen ratio displays great stability within a species, indicating a constant elementary composition during development from copepodite to adult. Nevertheless, there is a statistically significant discrepancy between the C:N ratios for A. patersoni and P. mediterranea which is due to a higher rate of increase in carbon content in A. patersoni. As a whole, interspecific variations were small (C:N ranged between 3.4 and 3.8) compared to those recorded in true planktonic species. This appears to be an important characteristic of the Pontellidae, in contrast with other, more widely distributed copepods, and probably is related to the peculiarities of their biotope, the ultrasuperficial layer.  相似文献   
The feeding biology of Branchiostoma senegalense Webb from the North-West African shelf region off Mauritania was investigated. The hindgut contained almost exclusively seston components, ranging in size from less than 1 m (bacteria size) to 300 m. Numerous chloroplasts of ingested phytoplankton appeared to be undigested. Dunaliella salina was still alive when leaving the anus after 1 to 2 h. Detritus formed the greater part of the gut contents. The authors conclude that the lancelets feed mainly on detritus and thus are indiscriminate suspension feeders.  相似文献   
Isozyme changes in the xanthid crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) are described for 6 enzyme systems through all four zoeal stages, megalopa stage, and juveniles. There is considerable variation in the number of isozymes and their expression during the ontogeny of R. harrisii.Contribution No. 806 of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland, USA.  相似文献   
Larval stages of the estuarine mud crab Eurypanopeus depressus were exposed to either 10 ppb cadmium or 1.8 ppb mercury in a flow-through rearing system. Development time from the megalopa to juvenile crab was extended in the cadmium-exposed individuals. Cadmium elevated the swimming rates of the late zoeal stages, while mercury depressed swimming rates of the early stages. Increased mortality of Stage I zoeae was observed after 24 h exposure to cadmium; increased mortality was also noted for megalopa and early crab stages reared in cadmium.Contribution No. 212 of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research.  相似文献   
Oogenesis in polychaetes has, in most species, two main phases: a coelomic phase during which vitellogenesis occurs, and an ovarian phase. Details of the latter are known in very few species. Efficient reproduction requires coordination between these two phases of oocyte differentiation. The ovaries of Cirratulus cirratus (O. F. Müller) occur 2/segment throughout the fertile region of the body; 5 main stages of oocyte differentiation can be recognised on them: stem cells, oogonia, premeiotic oocytes, early oocytes and terminal oocytes. A quantitative study of the composition of the ovary throughout the reproductive cycle shows that the ovary size is approximately constant, but that the percentage of cells in the terminal oocyte stage is reduced to zero prior to spawning. This stage in oocyte differentiation is therefore a critical one, at which oogenesis may be arrested. The ovary alternates between a proliferative phase when the terminal oocytes are present, and a non-proliferative phase when they are absent. The overall rate of germ cell production for each ovary is low, less than 1 cell/ovary/day, and the, ovary tissue turnover time is greater than 2 years. A qualitative model describing the production of oocytes is presented, and the implications of the low rate of germ cell production are discussed. A low rate of germ cell proliferation, as in Cirratulus cirratus, implies that the rate of oocyte output into the coelom will be controlled by factors influencing the later stages of ovarian oocyte differentiation.  相似文献   
Distribution of chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids and abundance of phytoplankton in relation to certain environmental factors of the nearshore waters off the central west coast of India (latitudes 15°30 to 18°30N) were studied monthly at 7 stations during 1970/1971. Changes in the hydrographical factors and the biological processes occurring in the region during different months appear to be influenced by the pattern of upwelling along the northern and southern parts of the west coast of India. The pigment concentration shows a marked decrease in October, but is followed by a slow but steady rise, which reaches its maximum in April/May. A slightly smaller maximum is noticed in December/January. The composition of various chlorophyll pigments and carotenoids indicated the physiological state of phytoplankton populations during different months in the region investigated. Abundance of specific phytoplanktonic elements, consisting mainly of diatoms, in space and time, characterises the waters of the central west coast of India, indicating a clear succession of species.  相似文献   
Rate-temperature responses in scyphozoan medusae and polyps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of temperature on oxygen consumption and spontaneous rhythmic activity have been investigated in various stages of the life histories of 3 species of jellyfish from the Chesapeake Bay, USA. All 3 species clearly show the ability to acclimate positively to temperature change. Thermal sensitivity of metabolism in the winter medusa Cyanea capillata fulva is fairly low at temperature intervals which are experienced in nature. Polyps of the two summer medusae, Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Aurelia aurita, show reduced metabolic sensitivity at temperatures normally accompanying high developmental activity and the onset of strobilation.  相似文献   
Several species of phytoplankton were grown in unialgal, but not bacteria-free, cultures. These clones when exposed to varying salinities, from 5 to 35, showed a marked increase in their rates of photosynthesis at low salinities. The optimum requirement of salinity, however, varied in different species. Observations on the relative abundance of phytoplankton in an estuary, where the salinity changes were fairly large, confirmed that, within limits, waters with low salinities support a greater abundance of phytoplankton in nature. The wide adaptability of phytoplankton to changes in salinity corresponds to the conditions brought about by the monsoon system along the southwest coast of India, where large dilutions are associated with the enrichment of water with nutrients.  相似文献   
The mole crab Emerita holthuisi Sankolli occurred on two beaches, at Shertallai and at Cochin, in southwest India. Observations on the size-frequency of samples for Shertallai suggest that there were two main periods of recruitment, one in the pre-monsoon,months of February and March, and one during the monsoon, although there may have been some recruitment throught the year. At Cochin, E. holthuisi was present in the pre-monsoon period, but disappeared from the beach during the monsoon.  相似文献   
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