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The objective of this study was to examine the effect of biosurfactant on sorption of phenanthrene (PHE) onto the original or H2O2-treated black loamy soil (typic isohumisols) and red sandy soil (typic ferralisols). The sorption isotherms were performed with the original and "soft" carbon-removed soils in the presence and absence of biosurfactant (200 mg/L). The sorption and degradation of biosurfactant were investigated. The result showed that organic matter played an important role in PHE sorption onto the black loamy and red sandy soils, and the PHE sorption isotherms on the "soft" carbon-removed soils exhibited more nonlinearity than those on the original soils. The values of partition coefficient (Kd) on the original black loamy soil with or without 200 mg/L biosurfactant were 181.6 and 494.5 mL/g, respectively. Correspondingly, in the red sandy soil, Kd was 246.4 and 212.8 mL/g in the presence or absence of biosurfactant, respectively. The changes of Kd suggested that biosurfactant inhibited PHE sorption onto the black loamy soil, but facilitated PHE sorption onto the red sandy soil. The nonlinearity of PHE sorption isotherm was decreased in the presence of biosurfactant. Site specific sorption might occur during PHE sorption onto both the original and the "soft" carbon-removed soils in the presence of biosurfactant. It was noted that biosurfactant could also be sorbed onto soils. The maximal sorption capacity of the red sandy soil for biosurfactant was (76.9 ± 0.007) μg/g, which was 1.31 times that of black loamy soil. Biosurfactant was degraded quickly in the two selected soils, and 92% of biosurfactant were mineralized throughout the incubation experiment for 7 d. It implied that biosurfactant should be added frequently when the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soils was conducted through PAH desorption approach facilitated by biosurfactant. 相似文献
以普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为受试生物,采用批量培养法考察了不同质量浓度的硼酸和四硼酸钠对藻细胞生物量、ρ(Chla)、ρ(蛋白质)以及MDA(丙二醛)含量的96 h急性毒性效应,初步探讨了硼化合物对普通小球藻的毒性作用. 结果表明:在2种硼化合物胁迫下藻细胞的生长受到抑制,尤其是当ρ(硼)≥40 mg/L时抑制作用极其显著(P<0.01);ρ(硼)为0~80 mg/L时,硼酸和四硼酸钠对藻细胞生长的最大抑制率分别为89.42%和86.72%,硼的抑制作用呈明显的剂量-效应关系,并且随暴露时间延长而减弱,96 h时藻细胞恢复生长. 硼酸和四硼酸钠对藻细胞的96 h-EC50(半数有效浓度)分别为82.03和71.19 mg/L(以硼计);与对照组相比,二者对普通小球藻的毒性效应表现为,随着暴露时间的延长,ρ(Chla)降低、ρ(蛋白质)先减后增、MDA含量升高. 研究显示,硼化合物对普通小球藻的毒性作用,可能是由于短期内引发藻细胞产生活性氧自由基并造成膜脂质和其他生物大分子的氧化损伤所致. 相似文献
Alga-lysing bacteria have been paid much attention to in recent years. In this study, the alga-lysing strain P05 which was isolated from an immobilizing biosystem was immobilized by coke and elastic filler, forming two biological reactors. The removal efficiencies of algae, NH3-N and organic matter using the two reactors were studied. The results showed that strain P05 was an ideal algal-lysing bacteria strain because it was easy to be immobilized by coke and elastic filler which are of cheap, low biodegradability and the simple immobilization procedure. After 7 d filming, the biological film could be formed and the reactors were used to treat the eutrophic water. These two reactors were of stability and high effect with low cost and easy operation. The optimal hydraulic retention time (HRT) of each reactor was 4 h. The algae removal rates were 80.38% and 82.1% (in term of Chl-a) of coke reactor and filler reactor, respectively. And that of NH3-N were 52.3% and 52.7%. The removal rates of CODMn were 39.03% and 39.64%. The strain P05 was identified as Bacillus sp. by PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene, BLAST analysis, and comparison with sequences in the GenBank nucleotide database. 相似文献
为明确宁夏回族自治区(简称“宁夏”)大气中甲醛的含量及分布,基于OMI遥感反演数据,分析了2006—2015年宁夏甲醛柱浓度的时空分布,同时选取工业产值、机动车保有量、煤炭消耗量以及气温、地形地貌和风向等人为和自然因素进行相关性分析.结果表明:研究区内2006—2015年甲醛柱浓度整体呈上升趋势,年均增速为1.078×1015 molec/(cm2·a),其中2006—2011年逐年增大,2012—2015年呈波动上升趋势,并于2015年达到近10年的最高值;甲醛柱浓度季节性特征为夏季>冬季>秋季>春季;宁夏甲醛柱浓度月均值变化趋势整体上呈“W”型.空间上甲醛柱浓度高值区主要分布在宁夏中东部及南部地区,而北部及西部地区甲醛柱浓度相对较低.在人为因素中煤炭消耗量与甲醛柱浓度的相关性最高,相关系数达到0.88;在自然因素中甲醛柱浓度与气温相关系数达到0.63,地形地貌和风向对甲醛污染区域的分布有一定影响.研究显示,人为因素是影响宁夏甲醛柱浓度的主要因素. 相似文献
辽宁省沿海港口群是环渤海港口群中重要的集群力量,但近年在发展过程中出现了重复建设、功能定位不明确和竞争无序等问题.针对这些问题,从辽宁港口整合的必要性,整合的方式、途径、重点等方面论述了辽宁港口整合道路的一般性选择,重点提出分区域渐进性整合策略. 相似文献
通过IPCC的质量平衡方法对填埋、好氧堆肥、厌氧发酵产沼发电、“压榨预处理+干组分焚烧+湿组分厌氧发酵”等不同厨余垃圾处理组合模式进行了碳减排潜力分析.研究发现,“压榨预处理+干组分焚烧+湿组分厌氧发酵”组合模式碳减排潜力最大,相对于填埋处理, CO2减排量为947.6kgCO2/t.以深圳市为例,如果2011年厨余垃圾全部进行“压榨预处理+干组分焚烧+湿组分厌氧发酵”,全年可实现上网发电4.5亿kW·h,同时减少CO2排放量201.4万t. 相似文献
环境突发事件中挥发性有机物监测仪器解析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
简要介绍了挥发性有机物便携式监测仪器,评价了其在处置环境突发事件中所起的作用,并结合案例说明仪器的使用。 相似文献
上海郊区农田,林地,湿地(池塘)三类典型生境是两栖类最主要的栖息地,生境的差异以及两栖类生态特征的不同造成了两栖类在分布上的差异。2014年和2016年5~8月对上海郊区三类典型生境的30个研究样点两栖类生物多样性进行调查,并运用单因素方差分析对三类生境的两栖类群落结构进行比较,通过层次聚类法分析不同生境的两栖类组成相似性。结果显示:(1)两年间共记录到上海郊区两栖类动物1目4科4属5种5 397只,其中泽陆蛙(Fejervarya multistriata),金线侧褶蛙(Pelophylax plancyi)为优势种。黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculata),中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans),饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla fissipes)为常见种。这5种两栖类都为广型分布种。(2)三类生境的两栖类物种丰富度无显著性差异,而两栖类多度差异显著。(3)泽陆蛙,饰纹姬蛙的种群密度在三类生境中差异显著,且在农田生境中最高。黑斑侧褶蛙,金线侧褶蛙的种群密度在三类生境中差异显著且在池塘生境中最高。中华蟾蜍在三类生境中的种群密度无显著性差异。(4)聚类结果为30个研究样点中林地生境与池塘生境被聚为一类,农田生境被单独聚为一类。建议通过对不同生境的保护与恢复达到对上海郊区两栖类生物多样性保护的目的。 相似文献