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In many freshwater ecosystems, the contents of NO3- and SO4(2-) have increased, whereas O2 has been depleted due to the increased acid and nutrient loads. These changes may affect carbon turnover and the dynamics of the major greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, and N2O. We studied the effects of O2, NO3-, and SO4(2-) availability on carbon mineralization, and fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O in the sediments of hyper-eutrophic Lake Kev?t?n, Finland. Undisturbed sediment cores from the deep (9 m) and shallow (4 m) profundal were incubated in a laboratory microcosm with oxic and anoxic water flows with NO3- or SO4(2-) concentrations of 0, 30, 100, 300, and 2000 microM. The carbon mineralization rate (i.e., the sum of released CO2-C and CH4-C) was not affected by the oxidants. However, the oxidants did change the pathways of carbon degradation and the release of CH4. All of the oxidants depressed CH4 fluxes in the shallow profundal sediments, which had low organic matter content. In the deep profundal sediments rich in organic matter, the CH4 release was reduced by O2 but was not affected by SO4(2-) (the effect of NO3- was not studied). There was an increase in N2O release as the overlying water NO3- concentration increased. Anoxia and highly elevated NO3- concentrations, associated with eutrophication, increased drastically the global warming potential (GWP) of the sedimentary gases in contrast to the SO4(2-) load, which had only minor effects on the GWP.  相似文献   
Exposure to diesel exhaust was evaluated in summer and winter by measuring vapour and particle phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Fifteen PAHs were simultaneously determined from the air samples obtained from truck drivers collecting household waste and maintenance personnel at a waste handling centre. The major compounds analysed from the personal air samples of exposed workers were naphthalene, phenanthrene and fluorene. The total PAH exposure (sum of 15 PAHs) of garbage truck drivers ranged from 71 to 2,660 ng m(-3) and from 68 to 900 ng m-3 in the maintenance work. The exposure of garbage truck drivers to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) ranged from the mean of 0.03 to 0.3 ng m(-3) whereas no B[a]P in control samples or in those collected from maintenance workers was detected. A statistically significant difference in diesel-derived PAH exposure between the garbage truck drivers and the control group in both seasons (in summer p = 0.0022, degrees of freedom (df) 70.5; and in winter p < 0.0001, df = 80.4) was observed. Also, a significant difference in PAH exposure between the garbage truck drivers and the maintenance workers (in summer p < 0.0001, df = 50.1; and in winter p < 0.0001, df = 44.2) was obtained.  相似文献   
While the self-heating and spontaneous combustion of coal is a known challenge at coal mines and storage sites, there are known methods for mitigating this challenge for typical open stockpile storage. However, closing the storage will reduce access for corrective action, and it is then important to manage the storage and its transport system with added attention without unduly adding cost or hindering availability. This paper aims to discuss the risk, prevention and extinguishing of fires in closed coal storage facilities, particularly in light of the experience with the Salmisaari underground rock storage facility in Finland. The observed autoignition events have indicated an array of contributing factors, some of which are unique to underground silo storage facilities. On the other hand, many features of the storage facilities can be compared with other extant closed storage systems. The factors affecting fire risk are described and the associated fault and event trees are outlined for autoignition at underground storage. Drawing upon the experiences with past events of self-heating and spontaneous combustion, recommendations are given on cost-effective preventive, corrective and other mitigating action for minimising fire risk and promoting storage availability.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of two bioaerosol generation systems(dry and wet generation) for the aerosolization of microorganisms isolated from the International Space Station, and to calibrate the produced bioaerosols to fulfill the requirements of computational fluid dynamics model(CFD) validation. Concentration, stability, size distribution, agglomeration of generated bioaerosol and deposition of bioaerosols were analyzed. In addition, the dispersion of non-viable particles in the air was studied.Experiments proved that wet generation from microbial suspensions could be used for the production of well-calibrated and stabile bioaerosols for model validation. For the simulation of the natural release of fungal spores, a dry generation method should be used. This study showed that the used CFD model simulated the spread of non-viable particles fairly well. The mathematical deposition model by Lai and Nazaroff could be used to estimate the deposition velocities of bioaerosols on surfaces, although it somewhat underestimated the measured deposition velocities.  相似文献   
Free sialic acid storage disorders, Salla disease (SD) and Infantile sialic acid storage disease (ISSD), are lysosomal storage diseases due to impaired function of a sialic acid transporter, sialin, at the lysosomal membrane. Several mutations of the sialin gene, SLC17A5, are known, leading either to the severe neonatal/infantile disease or to the milder, adult-type developmental disorder, Salla disease. Free sialic acid accumulation in lysosomes causes increased tissue concentration and consequently elevated urinary excretion. Prenatal diagnosis of SASD is possible either by determination of free sialic acid concentration or by mutation analysis of the SLC17A5 gene in fetal specimen, in chorionic villus biopsy particularly. Both techniques have been successfully applied in several cases, sialic acid assay more often in ISSD cases but mutation analysis preferentially in SD. Sialic acid assay of amniotic fluid supernatant or cultured amniotic fluid cells may give erroneous results and should not be used for prenatal diagnosis of these disorders. The present comments are mainly based on our experience of prenatal diagnosis of SD in Finnish families. A founder mutation in SLC17A5 gene, 115C-> T, represents 95% of the disease alleles in the Finnish SD patients, which provides a unique possibility to apply mutation analysis. Therefore, molecular studies have successfully been used in 17 families since the identification of the gene and the characterization of the SD mutations. Earlier, eight prenatal studies were performed by measuring the free sialic acid concentration in chorionic villus samples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
 We use a combination of the marginal value theorem (MVT) of Charnov (1976), and a group foraging model featuring information sharing to address patch residence in an environment where food occurs in discrete patches. We shall show that among equal competitors the optimal patch time for the individual that finds the food patch is shorter than that for the non-finder among equal competitors, T E < T N. This is the case if the patch-finder commences food harvesting in the patch earlier and manages to monopolise a fraction of the prey items (finder's advantage) before the other individuals come to take their benefit. When individuals differ in their food-searching abilities so that some of them (producers) contribute proportionally more to food-searching than others (scroungers), and differ in ability to compete for the food found, a difference emerges between producer and scrounger individuals in the optimal patch time. Within a patch we always have the finder's advantage (T E < T N) regardless of phenotype. Between patches a suite of optimal patch times for encountering individuals emerges depending on the performance of producers and scroungers when changing from solitary feeding to feeding in a group. The optimal patch time for individuals that are affected more severely by competition is shorter than that for individuals of the phenotype with better competitive ability. When both phenotypes are affected similarly no difference in optimal patch times emerges. Received: 13 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 28 September 1996  相似文献   
Phosphorus removal in a wetland constructed on former arable land   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorus in surface runoff water may cause eutrophication of recipient water. This study clarifies the mechanisms of P removal in the wetland of Hovi, Finland, constructed on arable land in 1998. Before the construction, the surface soil (removed in the construction) and subsoil (the current wetland bottom) were analyzed for Al and Fe oxides (Al(ox) and Fe(ox)) reactive in P sorption, and for the distribution of P between various pools as well as for P exchange properties. Retention of P from runoff water within the wetland was studied from 1999 to 2001 in situ and factors affecting the P removal (O2 availability and P concentration in water) were investigated in a laboratory microcosm. The processes taking place in the wetland diminished by 68% the total P load and by 49% the dissolved reactive P load. Desorption-sorption tests indicated that without removal of the surface soil, there would have been a risk of the wetland being a source of P, since the equilibrium P concentration of the soil removed was high compared with the mean P concentration of the inflowing water. The subsoil contained less P and high amounts of reactive oxides, which could bind P. Evidently, the P sorption by Al(ox) played an important role in a first phase removal of P, since the wetland retained P efficiently even under anoxic conditions, where Fe tends to be reduced. Fine-textured, mineral soil on the bottom of the wetland (subsoil of the former arable land) seemed to be very efficient in retaining P from agricultural runoff.  相似文献   
Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part I: Hydroecological status and trends   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) include valuable ecosystems such as springs, wetlands, rivers, lakes and lagoons. The protection of these systems and services they provide is highlighted by international agreements, i.e. Ramsar convention on wetlands, and regional legislation, i.e. the European Water Framework Directive. Groundwater provides water, nutrients and a relatively stable temperature. However, the role of groundwater in surface ecosystems is not fully understood. The ecosystem can depend on groundwater directly or indirectly, and the reliance can be continuous, seasonal or occasional. This has implications for the vulnerability of ecosystems, as some may be easily affected by external pressure. Conceptual models and quantitative assessments of how groundwater interacts with the environment are needed. GDEs are also threatened by different land use activities and climate change. Hence, we need to understand how GDEs are affected by changes in groundwater quantity and quality, as severe groundwater changes have been observed in many regions. This study examines key aspects of GDEs (hydrogeology, geochemistry and biodiversity) in order to improve conceptual understanding of the role of groundwater in such ecosystems. The status and baseline of different types of GDEs are discussed, with particular emphasis on past evidence of environmental change and potential thresholds and threats in GDEs in various parts of Europe with different land use, climate and geology.  相似文献   
Recent investigations have indicated that animals are able to use chemical cues of predators to assess the magnitude of predation risk. One possible source of such cues is predator diet. Chemical cues may also be important in the development of antipredator behaviour, especially in animals that possess chemical alarm substances. Tadpoles of the common toad (Bufo bufo) are unpalatable to most vertebrate predators and have an alarm substance. Tadpoles of the common frog (Rana temporaria) lack both these characters. We experimentally studied how predator diet, previous experience of predators and body size affect antipredator behaviour in these two tadpole species. Late-instar larvae of the dragonfly Aeshna juncea were used as predators. The dragonfly larvae were fed a diet exclusively of insects, R. temporaria tadpoles or B. bufo tadpoles. R. temporaria tadpoles modified their behaviour according to the perceived predation risk. Depending on predator diet, the tadpoles responded with weak antipredatory behaviour (triggered by insect-fed predators) or strong behaviour (triggered by tadpole-fed predators) with distinct spatial avoidance and lowered activity level. The behaviour of B. bufo in predator diet treatments was indistinguishable from that in the control treatment. This lack of antipredator behaviour is probably related to the effective post-encounter defenses and more intense competitive regime experienced by B. bufo. The behaviour of both tadpole species was dependent on body size, but this was not related to predator treatments. Our results also indicate that antipredator behaviour is largely innate in tadpoles of both species and is not modified by a brief exposure to predators. Received: 22 August 1996 / Accepted after revision: 31 January 1997  相似文献   
Risk Analysis of Hunting of Seal Populations in the Baltic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vulnerabilities of grey seal ( Halichoerus grypus) and ringed seal ( Phoca hispida) populations in the Baltic Sea were evaluated for potential opening of the populations for hunting. We used ecological risk analysis to assess the effects of environmental and demographic stochasticity and uncertain and partly missing population data on the modeled outcomes. The impact of different harvesting strategies on the long-term sustainability of seal populations was analyzed with four different models with increasing complexity and population detail. It appears the simpler the population model used, the more overconfident results it gave with regard to the hunting policy to be adopted. Therefore, it proves risky in population management decisions to rely on simplistic calculations based on growth rate and estimated population size alone. This is even more so if the population estimates have a wide error margin. Due to an unknown, but presumably positive number of seal kills in the Baltic at present, the sustainable harvest is likely to be close to zero for both seal species. Our risk analysis strongly suggests refraining from Baltic seal hunting now, with their current population sizes, and in the future if the development of population numbers cannot be assessed accurately enough.  相似文献   
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