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Human activities are accelerating global biodiversity change and have resulted in severely threatened ecosystem services. A large proportion of terrestrial biodiversity is harbored by soil, but soil biodiversity has been omitted from many global biodiversity assessments and conservation actions, and understanding of global patterns of soil biodiversity remains limited. In particular, the extent to which hotspots and coldspots of aboveground and soil biodiversity overlap is not clear. We examined global patterns of these overlaps by mapping indices of aboveground (mammals, birds, amphibians, vascular plants) and soil (bacteria, fungi, macrofauna) biodiversity that we created using previously published data on species richness. Areas of mismatch between aboveground and soil biodiversity covered 27% of Earth's terrestrial surface. The temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome had the highest proportion of grid cells with high aboveground biodiversity but low soil biodiversity, whereas the boreal and tundra biomes had intermediate soil biodiversity but low aboveground biodiversity. While more data on soil biodiversity are needed, both to cover geographic gaps and to include additional taxa, our results suggest that protecting aboveground biodiversity may not sufficiently reduce threats to soil biodiversity. Given the functional importance of soil biodiversity and the role of soils in human well-being, soil biodiversity should be considered further in policy agendas and conservation actions by adapting management practices to sustain soil biodiversity and considering soil biodiversity when designing protected areas.  相似文献   
In-situ partitioning of butyltin compounds in estuarine sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in-situ solid/pore-water partitioning of tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) was determined for an estuarine sediment profile collected from a commercial marina. Total butyltin levels exceeded sediment quality guideline values, and were 220-8750 microg/kg for TBT, 150-5450 microg/kg for DBT and 130-4250 microg/kg for MBT. Pore-water butyltin concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 2.35 microg/l for TBT, 0.07-3.25 microg/l for DBT, and 0.05-0.53 microg/l for MBT. The partitioning of butyltin compounds between the sediment solid-phase and pore-water was described by an organic carbon normalised distribution ratio (D(OC)). The observed D(OC) values were similar for TBT, DBT and MBT, and were 10(5)-10(6) l/kg. Values for the Butyltin Degradation Index (BDI) were larger than 1 at depths greater than 10 cm below the sediment/water-column interface. This indicates that substantial TBT degradation has occurred in the sediments, and suggests that natural attenuation may be a viable sediment remediation strategy.  相似文献   
Detection of soil element deficiencies is time consuming, requiring a major commitment for field work and analysis. Bees concentrate some elements in their honey which could allow soil element concentrations to be predicted without having to take large numbers of soil samples. We measured 14 element concentrations in soil, sunflower, acacia flower and honey samples from two different regions of Hungary. Across sites, the elements with significant correlation coefficients between honey and soil concentrations, in descending order of probability, were Cu > Ba >Sr = Ni > Zn > Mn = Pb >As. Bioconcentration from soil to honey was similar for areas with acacia and sunflower flowers. In the macroelements, it was the greatest for K, S and P and least for Mg and Na, and in the microelements, greatest for B, then Zn, then Cu, then As, Mo and Sr and least for Fe, Ba, Mn and Pb. It is concluded that in acacia and sunflower-growing regions, honey can give an accurate estimate of soil element concentrations for Cu and Ba and provides relevant information for Sr, Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb and As.  相似文献   
A combination of toxicity tests, chemical analyses, andToxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) were used toinvestigate receiving water toxicity in the Calleguas Creekwatershed of southern California. Studies were conductedfrom 1995 through 1999 at various sites to investigatecauses of temporal variability of toxicity throughout thissystem. Causes of receiving water toxicity varied by siteand species tested. Investigations in the lower watershed(Revolon Slough, Santa Clara Drain, Beardsley Wash)indicated that toxicity of samples to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia due to elevated concentrations ofthe organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, while causes ofintermittent toxicity to fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) and the alga Selanastrum capricornutum wereless clear. Investigations at sites in the middle and upperreaches of the watershed (Arroyo Simi and Conejo Creek)indicated that the pesticide diazinon was the probable causeof receiving water toxicity to Ceriodaphnia. Elevatedammonia was the cause of toxicity to fathead minnows in theupper watershed sites. Results of these and previousstudies suggest that biota are impacted by degraded streamquality from a variety of point and non-point pollutionsources in the Calleguas Creek watershed. Water qualityresource manager's efforts to identify contaminant inputsand implement source control will be improved with thefindings of this study.  相似文献   
Decisions about iconic species such as the wolf provide a key index of human–nature relations. The gray wolf's reintroduction in the USA has been controversial, particularly at the interface of state versus federal management. This essay analyzes discourse surrounding this controversy, focusing on how wolves are characterized as ecological and social actors in official correspondence and management plans. I interpret this textual evidence by drawing from social theory regarding sovereignty, discipline, and population, including studies on bordering practices imposed on humans. As with humans, bordering practices in the case of the wolf may illuminate how political forces impose physical and discursive limits upon mobile bodies motivated to move across political borders by powerful exigencies of need. The essay seeks to amplify understanding about how regimes of power enact difference from “others” whose presence strongly influences the health of ecosystems and economies.  相似文献   
The study was designed to determine seasonal differences in personal exposures to respirable suspended particles (RSP) and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for nonsmokers in Bremen, Germany. The subjects were office workers, either living and working in smoking locations or living and working in nonsmoking locations. One hundred and twenty four randomly selected nonsmoking subjects collected air samples close to their breathing zone by wearing personal monitors for 24 h or, in some cases, for 7-day periods during the winter of 1999. The investigation was repeated in the summer with 126 subjects, comprised of as many of the studied winter population (89 subjects) as possible. Saliva cotinine analyses were undertaken to verify the nonsmoking status of the subjects. Subjects wore one personal monitor while at work and one while away from the workplace on weekdays, and a third monitor at the weekend. Collected air samples were analysed for RSP, nicotine, 3-ethenylpyridine (3-EP) and ETS particles. The latter were estimated using ultraviolet absorbance (UVPM), fluorescence (FPM) and solanesol (SolPM) measurements. ETS exposure was consistently higher in the winter than in the summer, this pattern being particularly evident for subjects both living and working with smokers. The highest median 24-h time weighted average (TWA) concentrations of ETS particles (SolPM, 25 microg m(-3)) and nicotine (1.3 microg m(-3)) were recorded for subjects performing weekday monitoring during the winter. These were significantly higher than equivalent levels of ETS particles (SolPM, 2.4 microg m(-3)) and nicotine (0.26 microg m(-3)) determined during the summer. There were no appreciable differences between winter and summer percent workplace contributions to median TWA ETS particle and nicotine weekday concentrations, the workplace in Bremen, in general, contributing between 35% and 61% of reported median concentrations. Workers, on average, spent one-third of their time at work during a weekday, indicating that concentrations were either comparable or higher in the workplace than in the home and other locations outside the workplace. Median 24-h weekend ETS particle and nicotine concentrations for smoking locations were not significantly different from equivalent weekday levels during the winter, but were significantly lower during the summer. Based upon median 24-h TWA SolPM and nicotine concentrations for the winter, extrapolated to 1 year's ETS exposure, those subjects both living and working in smoking locations (the most highly exposed group) would potentially inhale 13 cigarette equivalents/year (CEs/y). However, based on a similar extrapolation of summer measurements, the same group of subjects would potentially inhale between 1.3 and 1.9 CEs/y. The most highly exposed subjects in this study, based upon 90th percentile concentrations for those both living and working in smoking locations during the winter, would potentially inhale up to 67 CEs/y in the winter and up to 22 CEs/y in the summer. This clearly demonstrates that seasonal effects should be taken into account in the design and interpretation of ETS exposure studies. Air sampling over a 7-day period was shown to be technically feasible, and subsequent RSP, ETS particle and nicotine levels determined by 7-day monitoring were not found to be significantly different from equivalent levels determined by 24-h monitoring. However, the longer sampling period resulted in the collection of an increased quantity of analytes, which improved the limits of quantitation (LOQ) and allowed a more accurate determination of low level ETS exposure. This was reflected by a reduced percentage of data falling below the LOQ for 7-day monitoring compared with 24-h monitoring. The use of a liquid chromatographic method with tandem mass spectrometric detection for saliva cotinine measurement afforded a greatly improved LOQ and greater accuracy at low concentrations compared with the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method used in previous studies by these authors. In this study, 17 subjects out of 180 tested (9.4%) were found to have saliva cotinine levels exceeding the selected threshold of 25 ng ml(-1) used to discriminate between smokers and nonsmokers.  相似文献   
The net uptake of zinc by the common mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) has been investigated under different natural and artificial salinity stresses. The effects of stable and fluctuating salinities on the uptake of zinc by the mussel are discussed in terms of three possible modes of action. Under certain highly-stressful conditions, salinity may affect the uptake of zinc by the mussel. This factor should be considered when the mussel is used as an indicator of environmental pollution by zinc in estuarine areas, or spurious conclusions may result.  相似文献   
An investigation of the mechanisms of detoxication of copper and zinc by the oyster Ostrea edulis (L) has been carried out using naturally occurring green-sick (contaminated by copper) and unpolluted oysters. Electron microprobe X-ray analysis of tissues in the electron microscope gives direct evidence for the structural compartmentation of copper and zinc in separate, specific, granular amoebocytes. The metals are immobilized in membrane-limited vesicles as different chemical compounds, copper being associated with sulphur and zinc with phosphorus. Chemical analyses of serum and tissues of normal and green-sick oysters indicate that (a) Cu and Zn are accumulated independently, (b) the Cu and Zn in the serum, while higher than in the surrounding sea water, are maintained at a 10-fold smaller level than the tissues, (c) toxicity is reduced by active uptake from the serum into granular amoebocytes, where it is further reduced by compartmentation in membrane-limited vesicles. It is calculated that the individual cell types may contain as much as 13,000 ppm Cu and 25,000 ppm Zn.  相似文献   
Most seabirds die outside the breeding season, but understanding the key factors involved is hampered by limited knowledge of nonbreeding distributions. We used miniature geolocating loggers to examine the movements between breeding seasons of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica from a major North Sea colony where numbers have declined in recent years, apparently due to increased overwinter mortality. The most intensively used region was the northwestern North Sea but most puffins also made excursions into the east Atlantic in the early winter. Ringing recoveries previously indicated that adults from British east coast colonies remained within the North Sea and hence were spatially segregated from those breeding on the west throughout the year. Updated analyses of ringing recoveries support results from geolocators suggesting that usage of Atlantic waters is a recent phenomenon. We propose that the increased adult mortality is related to changes in distribution during the nonbreeding period and reflects worsening conditions in the North Sea.  相似文献   
Considerable attention has focused on inter- and intraspecific variation in trophic niches of marine predators. Although this has revealed evidence for sexual segregation in distribution in some species, few studies have been able to address sex-related dietary specialisation. Stable isotope analysis of blood cells collected from albatrosses and petrels at South Georgia during chick-rearing indicated a difference in δ13C, suggesting that females fed to the north of males, only in two species with male-biased sexual size dimorphism; in no species did sexes differ in trophic level (δ15N). Based on a wider review, significant differences between sexes in isotope signatures were much more common in seabirds during the pre-laying or breeding than the nonbreeding period, presumably reflecting greater between-sex partitioning of resources when foraging ranges are more constrained and competition is greater. Sex differences, or their absence, were usually consistent across successive stages during the pre-laying and breeding periods, but not necessarily year-round nor between populations. Significant differences in isotope signatures between males and females were extremely rare in monomorphic species, suggesting a link between sexual size dimorphism and segregation in diet or distribution. Among the Southern Ocean albatrosses, sex differences in δ13C suggested the underlying mechanism was related to habitat specialisation, whereas in other size-dimorphic taxa (both male- and female-biased), sex differences were more common in δ15N than δ13C and therefore more consistent with size-mediated competitive exclusion or dietary specialisation.  相似文献   
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