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Possible contaminants produced by the Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) marine oil complex in the vicinity of the Cayo Arcas (Mexico) coral reef ecosystem were evaluated by analyzing sediments and sea water for hydrocarbons and metal elements. We found that the concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons in the sea water were generally low, with the highest values detected near the oil station; the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was generally below the detection limit. The hydrocarbons found in the sediments seem to have a pyrogenic origin, and were probably produced by marine traffic in the study area. The total PAH concentration did not exceed the NOAA criteria, although levels of some individual PAHs did. The only metal detected in the sea water at high concentrations was nickel. The Ni/V ratio in the sediments indicates the contribution of crude oil to the system. The high content of Ni and Zn was attributed to the ballast waters from the oil tankers that load at the station's monobuoys. The presence of fine sediments that commonly originate from terrestrial ecosystems supported this assumption.  相似文献   
Chemical signals are important for mate and species recognition. If variation in chemical signals occurs between populations of the same species, these differences could later preclude mating between populations and lead to speciation. In the Iberian wall lizard, Podarcis hispanica, the lipophilic fraction of femoral secretions of males is mainly a mix of steroids and fatty acids. Among steroids, the most abundant compounds are cholesterol and cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol, which are implicated in intraspecific communication and sexual selection. Interpopulational differences in chemical signals of males, and in response to these chemicals, could contribute to reproductive isolation between populations, which would explain the known genetic differences between these populations. Chemical analyses indicated that five distinct populations of this lizard from Madrid (Central Spain) differed in the proportions of two steroids (cholesterol and cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol) in femoral secretions. Moreover, lizards discriminated and had high chemosensory responses (i.e., high tongue-flick rates) to these steroids, but showed interpopulational differences. Lizards from populations with cold temperatures and high relative humidity (i.e., northern Madrid) elicited higher responses to these steroids, whereas the converse occurred for lizards from populations occupying dry and hot habitats (i.e., southern Madrid). Interestingly, the magnitude of the chemosensory responses to cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in each population mirrored the abundance of this compound in secretions of males of that population. These results suggest that the importance of cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in males’ secretions might be lower for lizards from the southern populations. These differences in the relative importance of chemical signals could explain reproductive isolation and cryptic speciation between populations of this lizard.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine postfire regeneration of tree, shrub, and dwarf shrub species, in relation to levels of damage in four planted pine forests (Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster) in Andalusia. A prefire vegetation map was used for detailing species composition, vertical structure, and density and another for detailing the extent and intensity of fire damage. Between 3 and 7 years after the fires, an inventory was made of the vegetation in each area, using the step-point method. The information thus obtained was used to determine the amount of cover in the dwarf/shrub and tree layers, the frequency of species in each of the layers, floristic richness, and diversity (Shannon index). The botanical composition of the dwarf and shrub layer was analyzed using TWINSPAN. Variables were poorly correlated with level of fire damage, which suggests that the forests in this study followed the autosuccession model. Because of the artificial origin or seminatural condition, regeneration of the dominant tree species is poor, and it seems unlikely that forests will recover to their prefire state. Therefore action is recommended to restore these ecosystems.  相似文献   
Chemo-ecological studies on hexactinellid sponges from the Southern Ocean   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hexactinellids (glass sponges) are an understudied class with syncytial organization and poor procariotic associations, thought to lack defensive secondary metabolites. Poriferans, though, are outstanding sources of bioactive compounds; nonetheless, a growing suspicion suggests that many of these chemicals could be symbiont-derived. In Polar latitudes, sponges are readily invaded by diatoms, which could provide natural products. Hexactinellids are typical of deep waters; but in Antarctica, they dominate the upper shelf providing shelter and food supply to many opportunistic mesograzers and macroinvertebrates, which exert strong ecological pressures on them. Aiming to examine the incidence of defensive activities of hexactinellids against consumption, feeding experiments were conducted using their lipophilic fractions. Antarctic hexactinellid and demosponge extracts were tested against the asteroid Odontaster validus and the amphipod Cheirimedon femoratus as putative sympatric, omnivorous consumers. Hexactinellids yielded greater unpalatable activities towards the amphipod, while no apparent allocation of lipophilic defenses was noted. After chemical analyses on the lipophilic fractions from these Antarctic glass sponges, quite similar profiles were revealed, and no peculiar secondary metabolites, comparable to those characterizing other poriferans, were found. Instead, the lipidic compounds 5α(H)-cholestan-3-one and two glycoceramides were isolated for their particular outspread presence in our samples. The isolated compounds were further assessed in asteroid feeding assays, and their occurrence was evaluated for chemotaxonomical purposes in all the Antarctic samples as well as in glass sponges from other latitudes by NMR and MS. Characteristic sphingolipids are proposed as chemical markers in Hexactinellida, with possible contributions to the classification of this unsettled class.  相似文献   
A gel permeation chromatographic (GPC) clean-up based method was developed for determination of selected organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in human serum. The method permits automation of the sample extract clean-up stage and is designed to work with small amounts of sample. Different working variables were studied in its development, including injection volume, flow rate, and fat amount as the most representative coextract. The method provides solvent and time savings. Initial extraction was performed using 96-well solid-phase disk extraction plates, and quantification was performed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection and mass spectrometry. Recoveries of PCB congeners 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180 and organochlorine pesticides HCB, β-HCH, γ-HCH, heptachlor epoxide, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDT at two spiking levels ranged from 55% to 115% with relative standard deviations ranging from 2.0% to 14.6%. Limits of quantification ranged from 0.06 to 0.16 ng mL−1 for PCBs and from 0.12 to 0.36 ng mL−1 for organochlorine pesticides. Finally, the method was applied to the analysis of 38 serum samples and the results were compared with those of another procedure validated at the laboratory.  相似文献   
The characterization of suitable microsites for tree seedling establishment and growth is one of the most important tasks to achieve the restoration of native forest using natural processes in disturbed sites. For that, we assessed the natural Quercus petraea forest expansion in a 20-year-old reclaimed open-cast mine under sub-Mediterranean climate in northern Spain, monitoring seedling survival, growth, and recruitment during 5 years in three contrasting environments (undisturbed forest, mine edge, and mine center). Seedling density and proportion of dead branches decreased greatly from undisturbed forest towards the center of the mine. There was a positive effect of shrubs on Q. petraea seedling establishment in both mine environments, which increase as the environment undergoes more stress (from the mine edge to the center of the mine), and it was produced by different shrub structural features in each mine environment. Seedling survival reduction through time in three environments did not lead to a density reduction because there was a yearly recruitment of new seedlings. Seedling survival, annual growth, and height through time were greater in mine sites than in the undisturbed forest. The successful colonization patterns and positive neighbor effect of shrubs on natural seedlings establishment found in this study during the first years support the use of shrubs as ecosystem engineers to increase heterogeneity in micro-environmental conditions on reclaimed mine sites, which improves late-successional Quercus species establishment.  相似文献   
Safe amendment rates (the predicted no-effect concentration or PNEC) of seven organic wastes were estimated from the species sensitivity distribution of a battery of soil biota tests and compared with different realistic amendment scenarios (different predicted environmental concentrations or PEC). None of the wastes was expected to exert noxious effects on soil biota if applied according either to the usual maximum amendment rates in Europe or phosphorus demands of crops (below 2 tonnes DM ha−1). However, some of the wastes might be problematic if applied according to nitrogen demands of crops (above 2 tonnes DM ha−1). Ammonium content and organic matter stability of the studied wastes are the most influential determinants of the maximum amendment rates derived in this study, but not pollutant burden. This finding indicates the need to stabilize wastes prior to their reuse in soils in order to avoid short-term impacts on soil communities.  相似文献   
Development of methodologies to assess the safety of reusing polluted organic wastes in soil is a priority in Europe. In this study, and coupled with chemical analysis, seven organic wastes were subjected to different aquatic and soil bioassays. Tests were carried out with solid-phase waste and three different waste eluates (water, methanol, and dichloromethane).Solid-phase assays were indicated as the most suitable for waste testing not only in terms of relevance for real situations, but also because toxicity in eluates was generally not representative of the chronic effects in solid-phase.No general correlations were found between toxicity and waste pollutant burden, neither in solid-phase nor in eluate assays, showing the inability of chemical methods to predict the ecotoxicological risks of wastes. On the contrary, several physicochemical parameters reflecting the degree of low organic matter stability in wastes were the main contributors to the acute toxicity seen in collembolans and daphnids.  相似文献   
Composting is a waste management technology that is becoming more widespread as a response to the increasing production of sewage sludge and the pressure for its reuse in soil. In this study, different bioassays (plant germination, earthworm survival, biomass and reproduction, and collembolan survival and reproduction) were assessed for their usefulness in the compost quality assessment.Compost samples, from two different composting plants, were taken along the composting process, which were characterized and submitted to bioassays (plant germination and collembolan and earthworm performance). Results from our study indicate that the noxious effects of some of the compost samples observed in bioassays are related to the low organic matter stability of composts and the enhanced release of decomposition endproducts, with the exception of earthworms, which are favored. Plant germination and collembolan reproduction inhibition was generally associated with uncomposted sludge, while earthworm total biomass and reproduction were enhanced by these materials. On the other hand, earthworm and collembolan survival were unaffected by the degree of composting of the wastes. However, this pattern was clear in one of the composting procedures assessed, but less in the other, where the release of decomposition endproducts was lower due to its higher stability, indicating the sensitivity and usefulness of bioassays for the quality assessment of composts.  相似文献   
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