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在剖析下垫面条件变化对流域极端水文事件演变影响的基础上,构建了流域极端水文事件综合应对技术框架,并阐述其中的关键研究命题。结果表明,自然植被条件能够提高流域干旱之前土壤含水量并降低干旱过程中土壤蒸发速率,在一定程度上起到减缓干旱的强度和持续时间的作用;水利工程通过调节流域水资源的时空分布,增加可利用水资源量,能够缓解甚至规避流域干旱事件,但同时可能加剧坝址下游地区的干旱程度。自然植被条件将延长降水坡面产-汇流历时、降低洪峰流量,对极端降水洪涝事件具有一定的消减作用;此外,流域水土保持和修建水利工程等下垫面条件改变有利于河道行洪过程,能够起到缓解洪涝事件的作用。基于下垫面条件变化的流域极端水文事件综合应对技术框架包括旱涝事件监测、机理识别、影响评价和综合应对四个方面的内容,其中的关键研究命题主要为下垫面条件变化对流域极端水文事件影响的定量评估、面向流域极端水文事件合理的水土资源配置及其集成管理等。  相似文献   
针对隧道渗漏水病害问题,提出了一种新型隧道虹吸排水处置方法。通过室内物理模型试验,分析了虹吸排水作用对隧道围岩地下水的影响。结果表明:虹吸排水系统对地下水位的分布影响较大,虹吸管处地下水位变化尤为明显。降雨强度是影响虹吸排水流量的重要因素,降雨强度增大,虹吸排水流量先增大后维持最大流量不变,降雨所需疏干时间增长。围岩渗透系数与虹吸管径是影响地下水位分布与虹吸排水效果的重要因素,围岩渗透系数与虹吸管径越大,地下水位整体降深越大,虹吸排水流量维持在最大流量的稳定时间越短,地下水疏干时间越短,虹吸排水效果越好。  相似文献   
Guangzhou city in South China has experienced an accelerated urban development since the 1980s. This paper examines the impact of the urban development on urban heat islands through a historical analysis of urban-rural air temperature differences. Remote sensing techniques were applied to derive information on land use/cover and land surface temperatures and to assess the thermal response patterns of land cover types. The results revealed an overriding importance of urban land cover expansion in the changes in heat island intensity and surface temperature patterns. Urban development was also related to a continual air temperature increase in the 1980s and 1990s. The combined use of satellite-derived vegetation and land cover distributions with land surface temperature maps provides a potential useful tool for many planning applications. The city's greening campaigns and landscaping designs should consider the different cooling effects of forest, shrubs and grassy lawns for temperature control and should plant more tall trees.  相似文献   
翁棣 《化工环保》2003,23(5):283-286
研究了在有或无紫外线 (UV)照射的条件下臭氧 (O3 )对磺基水杨酸废水的处理效果。用O3 与UV协同处理磺基水杨酸废水比仅用O3 和仅用UV的处理效果好得多 ,其COD去除率大于后二者的COD去除率之和。试验选用的动态O3 /UV法处理磺基水杨酸废水的工艺条件为 :O3 发生器放电功率 90 %× 180W ,UV功率 14W ,废水循环流速 10 0mL/min ,处理时间 90min。在此条件下 ,废水COD去除率可达 80 %左右。在上述的O3 发生器放电功率、UV功率、废水循环流速条件下 ,处理 1min时废水变澄清  相似文献   
本文根据汕头市城市现状,提出了汕头市地震灾害评估方案。包括利用GIS建立地区小区划数据库,房屋基本数据库,生命线系统基本数据库,基本图形数据库,地震灾害评估知识库和地震灾害评估决策系统。  相似文献   
本研究对太湖上游集水区重要城市常州城区河网的12条主要河流开展了城市主要河道沉积物中的重金属分布状况及特征调查,采用Hakanson生态风险指数法对沉积物中的主要重金属对所在水域的污染程度及对水域和周围环境造成的潜在风险影响进行了评价。结果显示,常州河道沉积物已受到严重污染,不同类型河道的沉积物污染程度趋势为:城区>郊区>城市外围河道,其中以Hg的污染最重。  相似文献   
Manganese oxide-loaded and -doped ceria as well as the corresponding barium-modified oxide catalysts were prepared for soot oxidation in the presence of NOx, and were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and NO temperatureprogrammed oxidation measurements. The activity of catalyst depended strongly on the NO2 production capacity, and the importance of surface nitrates was weakened without heat transfer limitations. The formation of perovskite-type oxides after the high-temperature calcination caused the loss of NOx storage capacity for the Ba-modified catalysts, but did not seem to affect the NO oxidation activity obviously. The addition of barium did not prevent the phase separation of MnOx-CeO2 solid solutions, whereas it inhibited the sintering of oxide crystallites effectively. This, as well as the relatively high surface area, resulted in a small increase in soot oxidation temperature for the thermally aged Ba/Mn-Ce catalyst.  相似文献   
A MnOx–NbOx–CeO2 catalyst for low temperature selective catalytic reduction(SCR) of NOx with NH3 was prepared by a sol–gel method, and characterized by NH3–NO/NO2 SCR catalytic activity, NO/NH3 oxidation activity, NOx/NH3 TPD, XRD, BET, H2-TPR and in-situ Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy(DRIFTS). The results indicate that the Mn Ox–Nb Ox–CeO2 catalyst shows excellent low temperature NH3-SCR activity in the temperature range of 150–300℃. Water vapor inhibits the low temperature activity of the catalyst in standard SCR due to the inhibition of NOx adsorption. As the NO2 content increases in the feed, water vapor does not affect the activity in NO2 SCR. Meanwhile, water vapor significantly enhances the N2 selectivity of the fresh and the aged catalysts due to its inhibition of the decomposition of NH4NO3 into N2O.  相似文献   
逆境对木兰科树种伤害机理的研究已受到广泛重视,但关于木兰科树种抗逆性机制的研究和综合评价缺乏系统性.文章论述了近年来逆境对木兰科树种伤害机理的研究进展,特别是对其光合生理的影响,主要包括植物生物量、净光合速率(Pn)、细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)、气孔导度(Gs)、叶绿素含量(Chl)、蒸腾速率(Tr)及叶绿素荧光等参数,并概述了逆境对木兰科树种细胞膜稳定性和渗透调节作用的影响.提出应加强逆境胁迫下木兰科树种抗性机制的研究,并结合实际的栽培环境,运用多个生理生态指标,对木兰科树种的环境适应性进行综合评价,以期科学指导木兰科树种的保护栽培和引种驯化.  相似文献   
It is commonly acknowledged that ecosystem responses to global climate change are nonlinear. However, patterns of the nonlinearity have not been well characterized on ecosystem carbon and water processes. We used a terrestrial ecosystem (TECO) model to examine nonlinear patterns of ecosystem responses to changes in temperature, CO2, and precipitation individually or in combination. The TECO model was calibrated against experimental data obtained from a grassland ecosystem in the central United States and ran for 100 years with gradual change at 252 different scenarios. We primarily used the 100th-year results to explore nonlinearity of ecosystem responses. Variables examined in this study are net primary production (NPP), heterotrophic respiration (R(h)), net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE), runoff, and evapotranspiration (ET). Our modeling results show that nonlinear patterns were parabolic, asymptotic, and threshold-like in response to temperature, CO2, and precipitation anomalies, respectively, for NPP, NEE, and R(h). Runoff and ET exhibited threshold-like pattern in response to both temperature and precipitation anomalies but were less sensitive to CO2 changes. Ecosystem responses to combined temperature, CO2, and precipitation anomalies differed considerably from the responses to individual factors in terms of response patterns and/or critical points of nonlinearity. Our results suggest that nonlinear patterns in response to multiple global-change factors were diverse and were considerably affected by combined climate anomalies on ecosystem carbon and water processes. The diverse response patterns in nonlinearity have profound implications for both experimental design and theoretical development.  相似文献   
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