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China contributes 23 % of global carbon emissions, of which 26 % originate from the household sector. Due to vast variations in both climatic conditions and the affordability and accessibility of fuels, household carbon emissions (HCEs) differ significantly across China. This study compares HCEs (per person) from urban and rural regions in northern China with their counterparts in southern China. Annual macroeconomic data for the study period 2005 to 2012 were obtained from Chinese government sources, whereas the direct HCEs for different types of fossil fuels were obtained using the IPCC reference approach, and indirect HCEs were calculated by input-output analysis. Results suggest that HCEs from urban areas are higher than those from rural areas. Regardless of the regions, there is a similarity in per person HCEs in urban areas, but the rural areas of northern China had significantly higher HCEs than those from southern China. The reasons for the similarity between urban areas and differences between rural areas and the percentage share of direct and indirect HCEs from different sources are discussed. Similarly, the reasons and solutions to why decarbonising policies are working in urban areas but not in rural areas are discussed.


Laboratorial scale experiments were performed to evaluate the efficacy of a washing process using the combination of methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MCD) and tea saponin (TS) for simultaneous desorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) and heavy metals from an electronic waste (e-waste) site. Ultrasonically aided mixing of the field contaminated soil with a combination of MCD and TS solutions simultaneously mobilizes most of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the analyte metal (Pb, Cu, and Ni) burdens. It is found that 15 g/L MCD and 10 g/L TS is an efficient reagent combination reconciling extraction performance and reagent costs. Under these conditions, the removal efficiencies of HOCs and heavy metals are 93.5 and 91.2 %, respectively, after 2 cycles of 60-min ultrasound-assisted washing cycles. By contrast, 86.3 % of HOCs and 88.4 % of metals are removed from the soil in the absence of ultrasound after 3 cycles of 120-min washing. The ultrasound-assisted soil washing could generate high removal efficiency and decrease the operating time significantly. Finally, the feasibility of regenerating and reusing the spent washing solution in extracting pollutants from the soil is also demonstrated. By application of this integrated technology, it is possible to recycle the washing solution for a purpose to reduce the consumption of surfactant solutions. Collectively, it has provided an effective and economic treatment of e-waste-polluted soil.

用从马铃薯中提纯,经吸附交联得到的固定化多酚氧化酶与氧电极组装设计而成的酚传感器,可检测大多数酚类化合物,其灵敏度、准确度、线性范围、响应速度、稳定性及抗干扰性,均可基本满足要求。研究证明,该法具有一定的开发实用价值。  相似文献   
TiO2纳米管的水热合成表征及其光催化性能研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用水热化学反应的方法制备了TiO2纳米管,并采用TEM、XRD等分析手段对TiO2纳米管的形貌和晶相进行了表征,对比了管与粉的光催化性能.结果表明,采用该方法制得的TiO2纳米管的管径小、管形均匀,TiO2纳米管的光催化性能明显高于TiO2纳米粉.  相似文献   
Many epidemiologic studies have observed, in different contexts, a slight short-term relationship between particles in air and cardiopulmonary mortality, even when air quality standards were respected. The causality of this relationship is important to public health because of the number of people exposed. Our aim was to make a critical assessment of the arguments used in 15 reviews of published studies. We explain the importance of distinguishing validity from causality, and we systematically analyze the various criteria of judgment within the context of ecologic time studies. Our conclusion is that the observed relationship is valid and that most of the causality criteria are respected. It is hoped that the level of exposure of populations to these particles be reduced. In Europe, acting at the root of the problem, in particular on diesel emissions, will also enable the reduction of levels of other pollutants that can have an impact on health. In the United States, the situation is more complicated, as particles are mainly secondary. It is also essential to continue with research to become better acquainted with the determinants of personal global exposures and to better understand the toxic role of the various physicochemical factors of the particles.  相似文献   
油气田环境保护与控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如何控制和减少钻井、采油等作业过程中对环境的危害,一直是国内外众多科学家所研究的问题。介绍了一种从根本上解决和消除钻井、采油过程中对环境污染的油气田环境污染控制技术和各种废钻井液、钻屑、钻井废水及采油污水的处理方法。  相似文献   
Phylogenetic diversity of Archaea in prawn farm sediment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure and diversity of the Archaea collected from prawn farm sediment were investigated for the first time. A partial 16S ribosomal DNA library was constructed with Archaea-specific primers. Subsequently, 80 randomly selected archaeal clones from the library were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and resulted in 50 different RFLP patterns. Sequence analysis of representatives from each unique RFLP type revealed high diversity in the archaeal populations, and the majority of archaeal clones were either members of novel lineages or most closely related to uncultured clones. In the phylogenetic analysis, the archaeal clones could be grouped into discrete phylogenetic lineages within the two kingdoms Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. Euryarchaeota dominated in our archaeal library, with up to 72.2% of the total clones, and Crenarchaeota represented 27.8%. Of all the Euryarchaeota clones, three clones (5.6%) were affiliated with Methanosarcinales, four clones (7.4%) were related to Methanomicrobiales, three clones (5.6%) were related to Halobacterium (with 93% similarity), and the remaining clones (81.5%) were related to those uncultured Euryarchaeota in the aquatic sediment ecosystem. None of the crenarchaeal clones were associated with any known cultured lineages. The selective dispersal of the archaeal population indicates that their ecological niches are associated with environmental characteristics. Novel phylotypes of Archaea would expand our understanding of the genetic diversity of Archaea in aquatic sediment systems and would be significant in the phylogenetic study of Archaea.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
利用SMART-1台阵3次地震的水平分量加速度记录统计了局部场地上地震动加速度最大幅值、到时的变化特性。统计结果表明:在局部场地上,地震动加速度的最大幅值随土层厚度和测点坐标的变化是显著的,而到时变化仅依赖于测点坐标  相似文献   
我国沙漠化灾害的发展及其危害   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
沙漠化灾害是在特定自然环境背景下产生的,严重危及人类生产和生存。文章着重阐述沙漠化发展对农、牧业、工矿交通及环境等方面造成的经济损失。据初步统计,全国每年因沙漠化遭受的直接经济损失达36~45亿元,间接经济损失高达292亿元以上。同时,指出沙漠化的实质是从根本上毁损土壤肥力,丧失人类赖以生存的土地。因此,从沙漠化发生时间的频繁性、经常性,空间分布的广泛性,致害的多样性及造成的经济损失严重性看,沙漠化灾害是我国严重自然灾害之一。  相似文献   
Ag - BiVO4催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Bi2O3和V2O5为原料,通过高温固相反应合成BiVO4;并采用浸渍法对BiVO4进行Ag掺杂,制备具有较好可见光催化活性的Ag - BiVO4.采用X射线衍射仪、紫外-可见分光光度仪、比表面分析仪对所制得的AgBiVO4进行了表征.实验结果表明:Ag掺杂不会引起BiVO4的晶型变化,可提高其对可见光的吸光性能;在...  相似文献   
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