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Negatively charged carboxymethylated polyethersulfone (CMPES) and positively charged quaternized polyethersulfone (QAPES) ultrafiltration (UF) membranes were prepared by bulk chemical modification and non-solvent induced phase separation method. The effects of PES membrane interfacial electrokinetic property on the bovine serum albumin (BSA) membrane fouling behavior were studied with the aid of the membrane-modified colloidal atomic force microscopy (AFM) probe. Electrokinetic test results indicated that the streaming potential (ΔE) of QAPES membrane was not consistent with its expected IEC value, however, within the pH range of 3–10, the ζ potentials of two charged-modified PES membranes were more stable than the unmodified membrane. When pH value was 3, 4.7 or 9, the interaction behavior between charged PES membrane and BSA showed that there was significant linear correlation between the jump distance r 0 of membrane-BSA adhesion force (F/R) and the ζ potential absolute value. Charged modification significantly reduced the adhesion of PES membrane-BSA, and the adhesion data was good linear correlated with the flux decline rate in BSA filtration process, especially reflected in the CMPES membrane. The above experimental facts proved that the charged membrane interfacial electric double layer structure and its electrokinetic property had strong ties with the protein membrane fouling behavior.
Field experiments were done in two sites, Yixing and Changshu, Jiangsu province, China, to study P movement and leaching in flooded paddy soils. P movement in soil was investigated by using the KH2 32PO4 tracker method, and the amount of P leached from the soil layer in different depths was estimated by measuring P concentrations in the soil solution and saturated hydraulic conductivities in field. Determination was done about one month after P application. There was 46% and 42% of total 32P retained in the 0–5cm layer of soil in the Yixing site and in the Changshu site respectively. The 32P retained in the 25–30 cm layer was only about 1–2% of the total 32P added. Furthermore, 8.01% of 32P in the soil of Yixing site and 16.8% of 32P in the soil of Changshu site was lost from the layer 0–30cm soil. The seasonal amounts of P leached from the top soil layer and from bottom layer are about 4.5–5.8% and 1.6–2.1% of the total P application, respectively. Changes of total P concentrations in soil solutions during rice growth showed that the fertilizer P applied before flooding of the paddy fields suffered a flash leaching loss and a slow leaching loss. We concluded that the fertilizer P could quickly move in the flooded paddy rice field and parts of it can enter into surface water and ground water. Unless the P application is well managed the risk of P loss and consequently environmental pollution exist.  相似文献   
Ambient particulate matter (PM) can cause adverse health effects via their ability to produce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Water-Soluble Organic Compounds (WSOCs), a complex mixture of organic compounds which usually coexist with Transition Metals (TMs) in PM, have been found to contribute to ROS formation. However, the interaction between WSOCs and TMs and its effect on ROS generation are still unknown. In this study, we examined the ROS concentrations of V, Zn, Suwannee River Fulvic Acid (SRFA), Suwannee River Humic Acid (SRHA) and the mixtures of V/Zn and SRFA/SRHA by using a cell-free 2′,7′-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) assay. The results showed that V or Zn synergistically promoted ROS generated by SRFA, but had an antagonistic effect on ROS generated by SRHA. Fluorescence quenching experiments indicated that V and Zn were more prone to form stable complexes with aromatic humic acid-like component (C1) and fulvic acid-like component (C3) in SRFA and SRHA. Results suggested that the underlying mechanism involving the fulvic acid-like component in SRFA more tending to complex with TMs to facilitate ROS generation through π electron transfer. Our work showed that the complexing ability and complexing stability of atmospheric PM organics with metals could significantly affect ROS generation. It is recommended that the research deploying multiple analytical methods to quantify the impact of PM components on public health and environment is needed in the future.  相似文献   
三峡工程对下荆江径流变化影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下荆江作为长江最不稳定的江段之一,三峡工程的运行必然会对该江段的水文过程产生深远影响。以监利水文站日均流量数据为基础,研究分析了1983~2012年近30 a来下荆江年径流量、各月月均流量的变化趋势。结合三峡工程的阶段性蓄水,以蓄水前流量的自然波动幅度为基础,定量分析了三峡工程对下荆江径流变化的影响程度。趋势性分析结果显示,近30 a来下荆江年径流量呈波动性变化,无显著趋势。1~3月月均流量有极显著的增加趋势,10月份有极显著的下降趋势。从三峡工程蓄水前后各月份月均流量的绝对变化量来看,10、7和8月的变化量最大,但结合三峡工程蓄水前各月月均流量的自然波动幅度,相对变化率最大的月份为1、2和10月,其相对变化量均超过其自然波动幅度的1.5倍。对于相对变化量较大的月份可能产生的潜在影响亟需进一步的深入研究  相似文献   
土地利用总体规划需要统筹区域发展多元目标以增强对区域发展的指导力和约束性,因此全面了解我国土地利用总体规划的政策目标偏好,能为优化规划技术方法和改革规划管理体制提供政策参考。鉴于此,本文在分析我国土地利用总体规划多元目标及其关系的基础上,采用内容分析法基于全国土地利用总体规划纲要进行词频挖掘构建目标偏好测量维度及体系,进而对两轮省级土地利用总体规划文本进行目标偏好的定量测度,结果表明:(1)土地利用总体规划是多目标规划,通过内容分析法可以构建由经济、社会、生态三大目标构成的目标偏好测量体系;(2)从目标偏好排序来看,三大目标中社会目标始终是两轮土地利用总体规划的首要偏好目标,生态目标是土地利用总体规划的次要偏好目标,经济目标排在最后;同时相比上轮规划,本轮规划耕地保护子目标次序提前,土地整治子目标次序推后;(3)从目标偏好程度来看,社会目标的首位偏好程度有所下降,但其中耕地保护子目标的首位偏好度明显上升;生态目标和经济目标的首位偏好程度基本不变,总体而言本轮规划三大目标偏好程度的差异缩小。研究结果说明,我国土地利用总体规划始终坚持以耕地保护为核心的社会目标偏好,符合其是国土资源管理部门主导的部门规划的定位;虽然土地利用总体规划对经济、社会、生态三大目标的偏好程度差异缩小,但其若要在空间规划体系中发挥更大的作用,还需要通过优化规划技术和改革规划管理体制进一步均衡经济、社会、生态目标,以承担起统领全区域空间发展的要求。  相似文献   
樊华  陈然 《环境科学与管理》2009,34(8):49-52,81
以某校区的水体(A水库、B湖)为受纳水体,对降雨产生的路面径流及A水库和B湖水体进行采样,水质分析项目分别为pH、COD(化学需氧量)、SS(悬浮物)、TN(总氮)、TP(总磷)。以COD、SS作为主要的水质分析项目进行比较分析,确定路面降雨径流污染的主要特征,径流污染对校园水库、湖泊水质的影响。经过比较分析,提出采用植被控制法作为该校区路面径流污染控制措施对受纳水体进行保护。  相似文献   
本文利用我国东部亚热带地区315个站点的资料,采用农业气候带分界指标,分析了北亚热带北界、中亚热带北界、南亚热带北界3个界限近百年的动态变化以及农业气候带界限波动变化对农业生产的影响。  相似文献   
文章阐述了陆梁油田在开发过程中采用油气混输技术、天然气发电机橇技术、锅炉烧湿气等技术,将伴生气回收率提高至92.10%;油气混输技术能够实现边缘区块油气全密闭输送;集中处理站锅炉燃烧湿气技术可增加处理站天然气外输气量,降低运行成本;小型活动天然气发电机橇的应用,可以充分利用富裕天然气降低生产成本,同时减少富裕天然气火炬放空燃烧量,收到了良好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   
介绍了秦皇岛市创建国家环境保护模范城市的意义,重点阐述了完成创模任务的主要对策,包括:构建以旅游业为中心、特色产业互融互促的现代产业体系;加快城乡一体化建设;提升城镇发展质量和水平;加强重大基础设施建设;积极推广清洁能源,深入开展工程节能;积极推进循环经济发展等。秦皇岛市创建国家环境保护模范城市,将会在环境、经济和社会三方面产生明显的综合效益。  相似文献   
对一株海洋发光细菌保存方法的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从乌贼体表及内脏中提取一株海洋发光细菌,进行分离、纯化。通过四种不同保存方法对该株发光菌进行保存,测定了发光菌在存活期内的相对发光强度,探讨了最佳保存方法,比较发现:低温甘油法可在短期内替代条件苛刻的冷冻干燥法,可保存至少一年,沙土管保存法发光菌复苏效果差,不适宜保存发光菌,常温石蜡保存在实验室条件下可短期保存半年。  相似文献   
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