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Artificial groundwater recharge plays a vital role in sustainable management of groundwater resources. The present study was carried out to identify the artificial groundwater recharge zones in Bist Doab basin of Indian Punjab using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) for augmenting groundwater resources. The study area has been facing severe water scarcity due to intensive agriculture for the past few years. The thematic layers considered in the present study are: geomorphology (2004), geology (2004), land use/land cover (2008), drainage density, slope, soil texture (2000), aquifer transmissivity, and specific yield. Different themes and related features were assigned proper weights based on their relative contribution to groundwater recharge. Normalized weights were computed using the Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process. Thematic layers were integrated in ArcGIS for delineation of artificial groundwater recharge zones. The recharge map thus obtained was divided into four zones (poor, moderate, good, and very good) based on their influence to groundwater recharge. Results indicate that 15, 18, 37, and 30 % of the study area falls under “poor,” “moderate,” “good,” and “very good” groundwater recharge zones, respectively. The highest recharge potential area is located towards western and parts of middle region because of high infiltration rates caused due to the distribution of flood plains, alluvial plain, and agricultural land. The least effective recharge potential is in the eastern and middle parts of the study area due to low infiltration rate. The results of the study can be used to formulate an efficient groundwater management plan for sustainable utilization of limited groundwater resources.  相似文献   
Zardari, Noor ul Hassan, Ian Cordery, and Ashish Sharma, 2010. An Objective Multiattribute Analysis Approach for Allocation of Scarce Irrigation Water Resources. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):412-428. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00410.x Abstract: In this study, end user (farmer) and decision maker (water allocator) opinions were surveyed and a conjoint analysis (CA) based method was applied to the quantitative and qualitative data to assess the utility associated with each attribute that plays a role in forming the final thinking of the water users. The application of CA for estimating the utility for each attribute level is a novel approach, which helps provide a formal, objective basis for assigning relative scales for each attribute interval within a multiattribute decision-making model. The utilities (part-worths) obtained from the CA have a cardinal scale and were found to be comparable within and across the attributes. A farmers’ survey on five water allocation attributes was completed from 62 farmers and their opinions on the relative importance of attributes were elicited for a subarea of the Indus River Basin. The CA method was then applied to the survey data and the utilities for each attribute level were determined. This allowed, for instance, decisions to be made, which take account of the perceived value of the water and of the availability of local labor to work on the farm. Finally, these interval scales were used within the specification of the ELECTRE multiattribute decision-making method to provide a complete and objective ranking of nine irrigation districts so that the best decisions on water allocation could be made.  相似文献   
Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals worldwide, particularly, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), is of concern. Endosulfan, a POP, is used by various developing/developed nations and is known to adversely affect the development and the hormonal profiles of humans and animals. However, little is known about the molecular players/pathways underlying the adverse effects of endosulfan. We therefore analyzed the global gene expression changes and subsequent adverse effects of endosulfan using Drosophila. We used Drosophila melanogaster keeping in view of its well annotated genome and the wealth of genetic/molecular reagents available for this model organism. We exposed third instar larvae of D. melanogaster to endosulfan (2.0 μg mL−1) for 24 h and using microarray, we identified differential expression of 256 genes in exposed organisms compared to controls. These genes are associated with cellular processes such as development, stress and immune response and metabolism. Microarray results were validated through quantitative PCR and biochemical assay on a subset of genes/proteins. Taking cues from microarray data, we analyzed the effect of endosulfan on development, emergence and survival of the organism. In exposed organisms, we observed deformities in hind-legs, reminiscent of those observed in higher organisms exposed to endosulfan. In addition, we observed delayed and/or reduced emergence in exposed organisms when compared to their respective controls. Together, our studies not only highlight the adverse effects of endosulfan on the organism but also provide an insight into the possible genetic perturbations underlying these effects, which might have potential implications to higher organisms.  相似文献   


??-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), ??-HCH, and lindane (??-HCH) were listed as persistent organic pollutants by the Stockholm Convention in 2009 and hence must be phased out and their wastes/stockpiles eliminated. At the last operating lindane manufacturing unit, we conducted a preliminary evaluation of HCH contamination levels in soil and water samples collected around the production area and the vicinity of a major dumpsite to inform the design of processes for an appropriate implementation of the Convention.


Soil and water samples on and around the production site and a major waste dumpsite were measured for HCH levels.


All soil samples taken at the lindane production facility and dumpsite and in their vicinity were contaminated with an isomer pattern characteristic of HCH production waste. At the dumpsite surface samples contained up to 450?g?kg?1 ?? HCH suggesting that the waste HCH isomers were simply dumped at this location. Ground water in the vicinity and river water was found to be contaminated with 0.2 to 0.4?mg?l?1 of HCH waste isomers. The total quantity of deposited HCH wastes from the lindane production unit was estimated at between 36,000 and 54,000?t.


The contamination levels in ground and river water suggest significant run-off from the dumped HCH wastes and contamination of drinking water resources. The extent of dumping urgently needs to be assessed regarding the risks to human and ecosystem health. A plan for securing the waste isomers needs to be developed and implemented together with a plan for their final elimination. As part of the assessment, any polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) generated during HCH recycling operations need to be monitored.  相似文献   
Ontario's MISA program is intended to reduce all municipal and industrial waste loadings and to virtually eliminate the release of persistent toxic contaminants to surface waters. Based on 12-months of effluent monitoring data, effluent limit guidelines will be issued for 9 industrial and municipal sectors. The effluent limits will be based on the best available technology economically achievable and will involve extensive statistical analyses of the monitoring data. Proposed statistical methods for the derivation of effluent limits and assessing compliance are presented, along with brief information on the criteria for selection of pollutants and sample size requirements for the MISA effluent monitoring program. The proposed methods are not the policies of the Ministry of the Environment and may or may not be used for the development of effluent limits.  相似文献   
Larvicidal potential of the extracts from different parts viz. green and red fruits, seeds, fruit without seeds, leaves and roots of Withania somnifera in different solvents was evaluated against larvae of Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus, the important disease vectors prevalent in the semi-arid region. Experiments were carried out on late 3rd or early 4th instar larvae of these mosquitoes using standard WHO technique. 24 and 48 hr LC50 values along with their 95% confidence limits, regression equation, chi-square (chi2)/heterogeneity of the response have been determined by log probit regression analysis. The 24 hr LC50 values as observed for whole green fruits in water, methanol and petroleum ether were 350.9, 372.4, 576.9; 115.0, 197.1, 554.6; 154.9, 312.0, 1085.0 while corresponding values for red fruits were 473.5, 406.4,445.2; 94.7, 94.5, 1013.0; 241.8, 535.0, 893.3 mg l(-1) for An. stephensi, Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus respectively showing that methanol extracts were more effective against anophelines as compared to culicines when whole fruits were taken. The 24 hr LC50 values as observed for seeds in acetone, methanol and petroleum ether were 188.1, 777.5, 822.5; 245.5, 769.0, 1169.0; 140.3, 822.9, 778.4 and for fruit without seeds were 80.2, 97.6, 146.6; 88.4, 404.4, 1030.0; 30.0, 44.5, 54.2 mg l(-1) for the above mosquito species respectively showing that extract of fruit without seeds were most effective in petroleum ether followed by acetone and methanol extracts. However, experiments conducted with methanol extracts of leaves and roots of this plant species did not show any appreciable larvicidal activity and a 20-40% mortality was observed up to 500 mg l(-1) of the extracts. Overall larvae of anophelines were found more susceptible as compared to culicines to all the extracts tested. Petroleum ether extract of fruit without seeds was found most effective against all the mosquito species showing that active ingredient might be present in this part of the plant species. The study would be of great importance while planning vector control strategy based on alternative plant derived insecticides.  相似文献   
The comparative effect of dual inoculation of native N fixer (Rhizobium) and AM fungi consortia with different organic fertilizers (vermicompost and farm yard manure) on fodder production and quality of two leguminous tree species (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de. Wit. and Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.) in silvopastoral system and their impact on the fodder production of un-inoculated Panicum maximum Jacq. under cut and carry system. After three years of plantation maximum tree survival was in L. leucocephala in all the treatments in comparison to S. sesban while fodder production was more in S. sesban for initial two years and in third year it accelerated in L. leucocephala. Dual inoculation with vermicompost significantly improved fodder production, fodder quality and rhizosphere microflora in L. leucocephala but in S. sesban dual inoculation was at par with single inoculation of N fixer, AM fungi and control (without inoculation). The grass production was higher with L. leucocephala for two years while in third year it was more with S. sesban. The association of Rhizobium with AM fungi in L. leucocephala was better than in S. sesban.  相似文献   
The Singrauli region in the southeastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India is one of the most polluted industrial sites of Asia. It encompasses 11 open cast coalmines and six thermal power stations that generate about 7,500 MW (about 10% of India’s installed generation capacity) electricity. Thermal power plants represent the main source of pollution in this region, emitting six million tonnes of fly-ash per annum. Fly-ash is deposited on soils over a large area surrounding thermal power plants. Fly-ashes have high surface concentrations of several toxic elements (heavy metals) and high atmospheric mobility. Fly ash is produced through high-temperature combustion of fossil fuel rich in ferromagnetic minerals. These contaminants can be identified using rock-magnetic methods. Magnetic susceptibility is directly linked to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, primarily high values of magnetite. In this study, magnetic susceptibility of top soil samples collected from surrounding areas of a bituminous-coal-fired power plant were measured to identify areas of high emission levels and to chart the spatial distribution of airborne solid particles. Sites close to the power plant have shown higher values of susceptibility that decreases with increasing distance from the source. A significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal content in soils is found. A comparison of the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility with heavy-metal concentrations in soil samples suggests that magnetic measurements can be used as a rapid and inexpensive method for proxy mapping of air borne pollution due to industrial activity.  相似文献   
Rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries may significantly contribute in heavy metal contamination of vegetables through atmospheric depositions. In the present study, an assessment was made to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in deposition rates of heavy metals and its contribution to contamination of palak (Beta vulgaris). Samples of bulk atmospheric deposits and Beta vulgaris for analysis of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were collected from different sampling locations differing in traffic density and land use patterns. The results showed that the sampling locations situated in industrial or commercial areas with heavy traffic load showed significantly elevated levels of Cu, Zn and Cd deposition rate as compared to those situated in residential areas with low traffic load. The deposition rates of Cu, Zn and Cd were significantly higher in summer and winter as compared to rainy season, however, Pb deposition rate was significantly higher in rainy and summer seasons as compared to winter season. Atmospheric depositions have significantly elevated the levels of heavy metals in B. vulgaris collected during evening as compared to those collected in morning hours. The study further showed that local population has maximum exposure to Cd contamination through consumption of B. vulgaris. The present study clearly points out the urban and industrial activities of a city have potential to elevate the levels of heavy metals in the atmospheric deposits, which may consequently contaminate the food chain and thus posing health risk to the local population.  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones are prominent weather systems characterized by high atmospheric pressure gradients and wind speeds. Intense tropical cyclones occur in India during the pre-monsoon (spring), early monsoon (early summer), or post-monsoon (fall) periods. Originating in both the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS), these tropical cyclones often attain velocities of more than 100 km h?1 and are notorious for causing intense rain and storm surge as they cross the Indian coast. In this study, we examine the changes in the aerosol properties associated with an intense tropical cyclone “SIDR”, that occurred during 11–16 November 2007 over BoB. This cyclone, accompanied with very strong surface winds reaching 223 km h?1, caused extensive damage over Bangladesh. Ground-based measurements of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in the neighboring urban environment of Hyderabad, India, showed significant variations due to changes in wind velocity and direction associated with the cyclone passage. The Terra-MODIS and AVHRR satellite images showed prevalence of dust particles mixed with emissions from anthropogenic sources and biomass-burning AS, while the aerosol loading over BoB was significantly lower. The positive values of Aerosol index (AI) obtained from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) suggested the presence of an elevated aerosol layer over the West coast of India, AS and Thar Desert during and after the cyclone episode. Meteorological parameters from the MM5 mesoscale model were used to study the variations in winds associated with the cyclonic activity. Particulate matter loading over the region during the cyclone period increased by ~45% with an accompanying decrease in columnar aerosol optical depth. The variations in Angstrom parameters suggested coarse-mode particle loading due to dust aerosols as observed in satellite data.  相似文献   
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