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Dissolved organic nitrogen(DON)extracted from Lake Shankou sediments using KCl was isolated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions.The bioavailabilities of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions to three types of bacterial communities collected from sediments,activated sludge and compost products were examined.The DON recoveries obtained by DAX-8 and cation exchange resins treatment were 96.17% ± 1.58% and 98.14% ±0% for the samples obtained from N4 and N14 stations,respectively.After 25 days of incubation at 25°C,most DON(59% to 96%)was degraded.Hydrophilic DON exhibited a higher reduction rate than hydrophobic DON during the growth phase.Untreated wastewater from Changshuihe town was the main degradable DON source to station N4,and 93% of hydrophilic DON and 80% of hydrophobic DON were degraded.Station N14 received a large amount of refractory DON from forest soils and exhibited DON degradation rates of 82% and 71% for the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions,respectively.Amino acid contents and fluorescence intensities were also analyzed.Approximately 27% to 74% of amino acids were taken up by day 5,and their concentration gradually increased in the following days due to the decomposition of dissolved proteins.Parallel factor analysis resulted in identification of tryptophan-like proteins,tyrosine-like proteins and FA-like substances.During the growth phase,40%–51% of the tryptophan-like proteins were taken up by bacteria,and the accumulation of tyrosine-like proteins was attributed to the release of biotic substances.The concentration of the FA-like substances decreased due to microbial decomposition.  相似文献   
A mesophilic,Gram-negative,arsenite[As(Ⅲ)]-oxidizing and arsenate[As(V)]-reducing bacterial strain,Pseudomonas sp.HN-2,was isolated from an As-contaminated soil.Phylogenetic analysis based on 16 S r RNA gene sequencing indicated that the strain was closely related to Pseudomonas stutzeri.Under aerobic conditions,this strain oxidized 92.0%(61.4 μmol/L) of arsenite to arsenate within 3 hr of incubation.Reduction of As(V) to As(Ⅲ) occurred in anoxic conditions.Pseudomonas sp.HN-2 is among the first soil bacteria shown to be capable of both aerobic As(Ⅲ) oxidation and anoxic As(V) reduction.The strain,as an efficient As(Ⅲ) oxidizer and As(V) reducer in Pseudomonas,has the potential to impact arsenic mobility in both anoxic and aerobic environments,and has potential application in As remediation processes.  相似文献   
为了解保定臭氧污染状况,利用2013年各环境空气自动监测点位监测数据,对臭氧污染状况及其时空变化特征进行分析.研究结果表明:①臭氧浓度的日变化呈单峰型结构,最高值与最低值分别出现在14点和6点,臭氧呈现明显的"周末效应".②臭氧浓度的月和季度变化具有典型的季节特征,春、夏季高,秋、冬季低,与太阳辐射强度呈正相关性.③各监测点位的臭氧浓度值差异明显,最高值与最低值分别出现在游泳馆点位和华电二校点位.  相似文献   
随着城市的快速发展,工业化越来越深入人心,很多交通、化工类的重金属污染产业也迅速发展起来,这些造成了农村垃圾中重金属的种类和含量都在不断攀升.由于大气、水源的传播以及通过农作物进入人体,污染的范围不断扩大,造成的危害也越来越严重.文章利用布点采样分析的方法,调查了污染不同区域的农村垃圾重金属污染状况,对数据进行统计分析,为政府部门正确判断与决策提供科学的依据.  相似文献   
中国页岩气开发过程环境管理现状与对策分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国页岩气资源储量丰富,随着页岩气商业勘探开发的不断推进,引发的生态环境问题日益突出.从页岩气开采工艺来看,开发对水、大气、土壤及生态地质环境等都有一定的影响.此外,中国页岩气开发过程中还存在法规标准体系不健全、监管机制缺乏、环境准入机制不明等问题.因此,针对页岩气开发所带来的环境风险,亟需完善法律法规与标准体系、严格监督管理、制定开发环境规划.同时,建设环保示范工程,加大环保科研投入,降低页岩气开发的环境影响,实现页岩气开发的绿色可持续发展.  相似文献   
粉尘是露天采矿过程的主要污染物之一,露天采矿中粉尘要达到环保要求,需要从生产过程中的凿岩、爆破、装卸、运输、堆存各环节进行污染控制.采用对上述各生产环节中的粉尘产生原理进行分析的方法,找出各个生产环节粉尘的主要产生点,通过对比前人在各个生产环节粉尘控制的研究成果,找出控制粉尘产生的主要影响因素,总结出露天采矿中各个环节上技术经济上最有效的粉尘防治措施,为露天矿山开采污染防治提供系统的解决方案.通过对前人研究成果的总结,汇总形成一套完善的粉尘控制方案.  相似文献   
海洋垃圾污染问题是一个国际性的难题,海洋垃圾污染防治是改善中国近岸海域环境质量的一项重要内容.目前中国的海洋垃圾监测尚处于起步阶段,仍有许多工作需进行研究和实践.鉴于此,本文对中国海洋垃圾业务现状及需求进行分析,对海洋垃圾监测与评价体系存在的有关问题进行了探讨,并进一步提出了相关对策和建议,以完善中国海洋垃圾监测与评价体系,制定具有针对性的预防和控制措施,为中国的海洋环境保护工作提供技术支持.  相似文献   
作为核燃料循环过程中一种兼具辐射危害和化学毒性的中间产物,UF6的泄漏事故,特别是事故的环境评价技术越来越受到人们的重视.SAFUIT/UF6是专门针对此类事故的环境评价模型,目前已经开展了初步的验证工作.根据1987年法国UF6释放实验条件,对SAFUIT/UF6模型计算结果进行了误差分析,并与HG-SYSTEM/UF6模型进行了对比.初步认为SAFUIT/UF6模型可准确地模拟UF6扩散.此外,SAFUIT/UF6模型在某设施核事故应急评价系统中也得到了应用.  相似文献   
介绍了采用UASB+ A/O工艺处理大豆蛋白生产废水的工程,包括大豆蛋白生产废水的特点、废水处理的工艺流程、主要构筑物以及工艺运行的控制事项、处理效果和效益分析.工程实践表明,采用UASB+ A/O工艺处理大豆蛋白生产废水效果良好,运行稳定,出水能够达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)三级标准,并且工艺过程能够产生经济效益,减少了系统的运行费用,达到了资源化的目的.  相似文献   
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