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A study of the effectiveness of ozonation for the removal of nabam (disodium ethylenebisdithiocarbamate) from aqueous solutions was carried out. Nabam is the parent compound of a commonly used group of fungicides. The process of nabam degradation was followed in terms of several parameters such as nabam concentration, chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulphate ion concentration as a measure of the relative degree of mineralization of nabam, and the pH value of the solution. Ozonation accelerates the decomposition of nabam with the formation of sulphates and nitrates as final products. The intermediate decomposition products of nabam are more resistant to degradation by ozone than the parent compound. The amounts of ozone which are used in wastewater treatment plants for disinfection may be sufficient to remove both nabam and its decomposition products, at a low level of contamination, but if the concentration of nabam is too high the intermediate decomposition products can still be present. Lowering the pH of the medium favours the oxidation of nabam.  相似文献   
Early in 1992, Bangladesh experienced an influx of Burmese refugees, reaching a total of 263,000 by May. As the health and nutritional status of the refugee population was reportedly poor, a need was felt to collect dependable data through epidemiological surveillance, on which interventions could be based. The nutritional and health status of children was dramatically poor in all camps surveyed and a deterioration was expected in the coming monsoon. Several problem areas could be identified. Based on these findings it was possible to undertake appropriate action and to avert threatening calamities. Epidemiological surveillance is an important monitoring tool to provide reliable data on the health and nutritional status of refugee populations and to help the organizations involved to prioritize and evaluate their actions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: An automated extraction of channel network and sub-watershed characteristics from digital elevation models (DEM) is performed by model DEDNM. This model can process DEM data of limited vertical resolution representing low relief terrain. Such representations often include ill-defined drainage boundaries and indeterminate flow paths. The application watershed is an 84 km2 low relief watershed in southwestern Oklahoma. The standard for validation is the network and subwatershed parameters defined by the blue line method on USGS 7.5–minute topographic maps. Evaluation of the generated and validation networks by visual comparisons shows a high degree of correlation. Comparison of selected network parameters (channel length, slope, drainage density, etc.) and of drainage network composition (bifurcation, length, slope, and area ratios) shows that, on the average, the generated parameters are within 5 percent of those derived from the validation network. The largest discrepancies were found for the channel slope values. The results of this application demonstrate that DEDNM effectively addresses network definition problems often encountered in low relief terrain and that it can generate accurate network and subwatershed parameters under those conditions.  相似文献   
This paper examines safety issues, with emphasis on central refrigeration plant for process applications. Plantroom hazards including refrigerant leakage, excess pressure, fire and noise are covered. It is concluded that routine surveys which are being conducted in connection with the chlorofluorocarbon and hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-outs present an opportunity for examining safety issues.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Most hydrologic models require input parameters which represent the variability found across an entire landscape. The estimation of such parameters is very difficult, particularly on rangeland. Improved model parameter estimation procedures are needed which incorporate the small-scale and temporal variability found on rangeland. This study investigates the use of a surface soil classification scheme to partition the spatial variability in hydrologic and interrill erosion processes in a sagebrush plant community. Four distinct microsites were found to exist within the sagebrush coppice-dune dune-interspace complex. The microsites explained the majority of variation in hydrologic and interrill erosion response found on the site and were discernable based on readily available soil and vegetation information. The variability within each microsite was quite low and was not well correlated with soil and vegetation properties. The surface soil classification scheme defined in this study can be quite useful for defining sampling procedures, for understanding hydrologic and erosion processes, and for parameterizing hydrologic models for use on sagebrush range-land.  相似文献   
During the period of 1972 through 1993, Environmental Concern Inc. (EC) and its recent (1989) affiliate Environmental Construction Company (ECC) have completed 216 marsh construction projects to control upland bank erosion in tributaries of the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay. Of these projects, 26 have involved marsh construction on unaltered existing shores and 190 have utilized marsh construction on shores that have been restored to former increased elevations through shoreline filling and grading. This paper describes the latter restoration technique. Throughout the 21-year period of applying the technique for long-term upland bank erosion control, refinements to the design standards and criteria for site suitability have been made so as to optimize its successful application. As a result of this experience, a reliable bioengineering restoration technique has evolved to control upland bank erosion. This paper describes the details of this successful technique through a review of: (1) its objectives and benefits, (2) suitability of sites for its application, (3) the design of its shore restoration, (4) its construction, (5) its maintenance, and (6) comparison of its cost with those of structural techniques for bank erosion control. Although the technique has only been applied in the Maryland portions of Chesapeake Bay, its applicability should, with modifications, be broadly applicable to all water bodies.  相似文献   
EG&G is a Fortune 200 company with annual sales of $2.7 billion. It designs and manufactures laboratory and field-test instruments and electronic and mechanical components for commercial customers. EG&G provides systems engineering, precision component manufacturing, and test-site operating and management services to many government agencies and laboratories. It employs 34,000 people worldwide. Recognizing the need to improve its business practices as they related to environmental excellence, EG&G initiated policies, procedures, and programs to establish itself as an environmentally responsible company. Waste reduction was designated priority number one in EGG's environmental program. Our major customers are also making waste reduction a high visibility program. For example, on August 3, 1993, the president signed Executive Order 12856 making pollution prevention at federal facilities a goal of this administration. This article describes the EG&G Waste Reduction Pays (WARP) program, developed for use by all its operating entities, and why it is a model program to implement Executive Order 12856. It also depicts how the implementation of the program at federal facilities differs, in some respects, from that at other EG&G operating units.  相似文献   
Summary Pesticide residues in soil, water, food, wildlife and other media have been analysed in several monitoring studies. The purpose was to establish the distribution of these residues across a defined area, ascertain their trend over a specific period and use the results to assess environmental compliance and safety. In the present review the availability of information on pesticide residues in various Canadian environmental components was sought. With the possible exception of localized pesticide contamination of some private water supply wells, ground and surface water, most analyses revealed concentrations below guideline limits. Only a few cases were reported of mishandling, misuse and poisoning from pesticides. Continuing surveillance programmes and in-depth and well-organized monitoring studies, with special focus on areas that are vulnerable to contamination, by both provincial and federal governments, are largely responsible for the encouraging results. This experience in the control of pesticide use and monitoring of residues in the environment should be of particular interest in developing countries.Dr A.Y. Sangodoyin is a senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Ibadan. He was recently involved in a study visit to the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G7, where his co-author Dr D.W. Smith is a member of staff in the Department of Civil-Engineering.  相似文献   
There is some concern in the environmental quality management (EQM) community that small and mid-sized companies do not have the technical, economic, and personnel resources or expertise to carry out significant programs of pollution prevention or waste reduction in the way that large corporations do. Thus, a very significant proportion of the economy may not be contributing to or benefiting from EQM approaches. This article begins to clarify what small and mid-sized companies that are committed to EQM can actually do and how this compares with the efforts of larger plants or plants operated as part of large multiplant corporations.  相似文献   
Summary In the present paper efforts have been made to identify an environmentally sustainable and economically gainful strategy for agricultural development in the Himalayan region in Uttar Pradesh State, India. In the underdeveloped rural habitat that exists, a strategy, where the economics of environmentally sustainable development can be studied, is urgently required. The findings have been based on an empirical investigation of 150 sampled households spread over fifteen villages. It was found that the state of Himalayan agriculture and allied activities was in a critical condition, requiring urgent attention in order to improve the human environment. Suggested viable improvements in Himalayan agricultural development may be grouped into four categories, viz., an expansion of the cultivated area, where the land use pattern and other factors are discussed; full utilisation of irrigation potentialities, in which water management is discussed; improvement in the cropping pattern, where the whole system of cropping is analysed; and modifications in the use of agricultural appliances, specially in hoeing, ploughing and inter-culturing implements. Based on a critical analysis of these four identified aspects, economically viable, ecologically sound and socially justified environmental planning may be effectively framed.Dr H.C. Pokhriyal is Head of the Department of Economics at Garhwal University Campus, Tehri, and Dr N.S. Bist is Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Himalaya, U.P., India.  相似文献   
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