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Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) is a frequent autosomal-dominant condition (affecting 1 in 6000 individuals) caused by various mutations in either the hamartin (TSC1) or the tuberin gene (TSC2). This allelic and non-allelic heterogeneity makes genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis difficult, especially as a significant proportion of TSC cases are due to de novo mutations. For this reason the identification of the disease causing mutation is mandatory for accurate counseling, yet current mutation detection methods such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) or denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) are labor intensive with limited detection efficiency. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) is a high-throughput, semi-automated mutation detection system with a reported mutation detection rate close to 100% for PCR fragments of up to 800 bp. We used a recently described DHPLC assay allowing the efficient detection of mutations in TSC1 to analyze the DNA extracted from a chorion villus sample in order to perform a prenatal diagnosis for TSC. The fetus was found not to have inherited the deleterious mutation and the DHPLC diagnosis was confirmed by haplotype analysis. This represents the first DHPLC-based prenatal diagnosis of a genetic disease. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Non-mosaic trisomy 20 is rare in fetuses surviving beyond the first trimester. We report a case of a fetus with non-mosaic trisomy 20 in amniotic fluid cultures obtained during the prenatal evaluation of an unusual thoraco-abdominal mass which was found at autopsy to be pulmonary sequestration. Gross inspection and autopsy of the fetus revealed multiple anomalies. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report three siblings from consecutive pregnancies affected with restrictive dermopathy (RD). During the second pregnancy, fetal behavioural development and growth were studied extensively using ultrasound at 1–4 week intervals. Dramatic and sudden changes occurred in fetal body movements and growth but not until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. Prominent at that time were prolonged periods of fetal quiescence and very low heart rate variability, together with abnormally executed body movements of short duration. Retarded femoral development and jerky abrupt fetal body movements (abnormal movement quality) were already present in the early second trimester of pregnancy. Facial anomalies emerged despite the presence of fetal mouth movements. The clinical features of RD were only partly explained by present knowledge of skin development and the fetal akinesia deformation sequence hypothesis. Quantitative assessment of fetal movements proved to be a poor early marker for antenatal diagnosis of this disorder. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In a group of 149 women who had undergone routine first trimester screening using fetal nuchal translucency thickness (NT) and maternal serum free β-hCG and pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) in two consecutive pregnancies the within person between pregnancy biological variability of these markers has been assessed. For fetal NT there was no correlation between NT MoM in the first and second pregnancy (r=0.0800). For maternal serum free β-hCG MoM a significant correlation was observed (r=0.4174) as was also found for PAPP-A MoM (r=0.3270). The implications for such between pregnancy marker association is that women who have an increased risk of Down syndrome in their first pregnancy are 1.5–2 times more likely to repeat this event in their next pregnancy. This observation may be useful in counselling women in the first trimester screening of a subsequent pregnancy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The modern consumer is very much interested in healthy food. The reason is that a special group of consumers is focusing more and more attention on health and nutrition problems. Further, there is increased emphasis on education in food science at universities as well as polytechnics. For some years worldwide dietary goals are published with the intention to reduce nutrition-based sickness. For the first time in our nutrition report 1988, clear proposals for optimal nutrition were formulated.  相似文献   
In Brazil, the state of São Paulo contains both preserved areas (Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station) and extremely impacted ones (Cubatão Municipality). This study evaluated the concentrations of five metals (Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Hg) in two mangroves with different levels of anthropogenic impact and the apparent genotoxicity to Ucides cordatus. Water and sediment samples were obtained, and metal concentrations were determined with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The genotoxic impact was quantified based on the number of micronucleated cells per 1,000 analyzed (MN‰), using hemolymph slides stained with Giemsa. Metal concentrations in water were below the detection limit, except for lead, although no significant difference was observed between the areas (P?>?0.05). Sediment from Cubatão had higher concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, and Cu than sediment from Juréia-Itatins (P?<?0.05), but no significant differences in metal concentrations were detected among depth strata of the sediment (P?>?0.05). Crabs from Cubatão had a 2.6 times higher mean frequency of micronucleated cells (5.2?±?1.8 MN‰) than those from Juréia-Itatins (2.0?±?1.0 MN‰; P?<?0.0001). The more-polluted conditions found in the mangrove sediments of Cubatão were reflected in the micronucleus assay, demonstrating their genotoxic effect; however, genetic damage should be attributed to a synergistic effect with other kinds of pollutants previously recorded in different environments of Cubatão. U. cordatus proved to be an excellent bioindicator of mangrove pollution. This study established, for the first time, the normal frequency of MN‰ in a population of this species within an ecological station.  相似文献   
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