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Models for the formation of biogenic iodine in marine aerosols have been proposed in the literature. Here, we analyse the possible species and reactions that could occur in the proposed models. We calculate the enthalpies of formation for the species and the enthalpies of corresponding reactions. We propose a modified model using iodous acid (HOIO) and reactions that are particularly suited to humid conditions.Selected article from the Regional Symposium on Chemistry and Environment, Krusevac, Serbia, June 2003, organised by Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic  相似文献   
The -N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC from prawn (Penaeus vannamei) was purified by extraction with 30% ethanol solution and ammonium sulfate fractionation, then chromatographed on Sephadex G-100 followed by DEAE-cellulose (DE-32) columns. The purified enzyme determined to be homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 1,560 U mg–1. Enzyme molecular weight was determined to be 105,000 Da; it contained two subunits of the same mass (45,000 Da). The pI value was calculated to be 4.8 by isoelectric focusing. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of the enzyme for the hydrolysis of pNP--D-GlcNAc (enzyme substrate) were determined to be pH 5.2 and 45°C, respectively. The behavior of the enzyme during hydrolysis of pNP--D-GlcNAc followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics, with Km=0.254 mM and Vm=9.438 M min–1, at pH 5.2 and 37°C. The stability of the enzyme was investigated, and the results showed that the enzyme was stable in a pH range from 4.2 to 10.0 and at temperatures <40°C. The effects of metal ions on the enzyme were also studied. Li+, Na+ and K+ had no influence on enzyme activity. Mg2+, Ca2+ and Mn2+ activated the enzyme, while Ba2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Cd2+, Hg2+, Pb2+ Cu2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ showed various degrees of inhibitory effects on the enzyme.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
Guira cuckoos, Guira guira, exhibit a rare polygynandrous reproductive system with groups containing several male and female breeders, allowing for important tests of reproductive skew models. Female reproductive strategies involve leaving the group, varying clutch size, egg ejection and infanticide, among others. Here we examined the predictions of reproductive skew models relative to reproductive partitioning among females in groups. We used yolk protein electrophoresis to identify individual females eggs in joint nests. We found that reproductive partitioning favors early-laying females, which lay and incubate more eggs than females that begin laying later. Because the female that lays first tends to switch between repeated nesting bouts, and females do not always contribute eggs to each bout, female reproductive success tends to equalize within groups over time. The pattern of reproductive partitioning differs from that described for anis, another crotophagine joint-nester. We calculated reproductive skew indices for groups in 2 years, for both laying and incubation, as well as an overall population value. These were compared to random skew generated by simulations. Varying degrees of skew were found for different groups, and also across sequential nesting bouts of the same groups. Overall, however, skew did not deviate from random within the population. Nests that reached incubation tended to have lower skew values during the laying phase than nests terminated due to ejection of all eggs followed by desertion. Groups had higher reproductive skew indices in their first nesting bout of the season, and these nests frequently failed. These results illustrate the importance of social organization in determining not only individual, but group success in reproduction, and highlight the flexibility of vertebrate social behavior.Communicated by J. Dickinson  相似文献   
Maternal-offspring interactions are important in a variety of animals. Understanding the evolution of these interactions requires that we also study the broader social context in which they occur. To date, behavioral studies on burrower bugs, Sehirus cinctus, have focused exclusively on interactions between mothers and offspring. Here we ask whether these interactions occur in a social context that extends beyond the family unit of a mother and her own genetic offspring. Such social structure can arise from behaviors that occur before eggs are laid, or from actions of individuals that occur post-hatching. We present field data showing that lay sites of mothers are spatially aggregated on a scale that would lead to behavioral interactions among families. Microsatellite markers suggest neighboring mothers are unrelated. Laboratory experiments do not support the hypothesis that spatial aggregation results from a direct attraction of females to one another. Other laboratory studies reported here indicate that, after hatching, unrelated clutches sometimes join together to form multifamily groups. Experiments reveal that mothers are not necessary for these joining events to occur. In sum, these data suggest that both mothers and offspring play active, but different, roles in generating the social environment in which offspring rearing occurs.Communicated by N. Wedell  相似文献   
Free-ranging adult male baboons give loud two-syllable wahoo calls during dawn choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive interactions with other males. Previous research has shown that the rate and duration of these contest wahoos are correlated with a males competitive ability: high-ranking males call more often, call at faster rates, and call for longer bouts than do low-ranking males. Here we report that acoustic features of wahoos also reveal information about male competitive ability. High-ranking males give wahoos with higher fundamental frequencies (F0) and longer hoo syllables. Within-subject analyses revealed that, as males fall in rank, the hoo syllables tend to shorten within a period of months. As males age and continue to fall in rank, F0 declines, hoo syllables shorten, and formant dispersion decreases. Independent of age and rank, within bouts of calling F0 declines and hoo syllables become shorter. Because wahoos are often given while males are running or leaping through trees, variation in these acoustic features may function as an indicator of a males stamina. The acoustic features of contest wahoos thus potentially allow listeners to assess a males competitive ability.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   
Summary. The leaf beetle Ophraella communa infests almost exclusively Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the fields of Japan, even though it normally feeds on several Asteraceous plants. A filter paper bioassay showed that the feeding of O. communa is strongly stimulated by methanolic extracts of A. artemisiifolia. The feeding stimulants for O. communa have been isolated from methanolic extracts of A. artemisiifolia. -Amyrin acetate, -amyrin acetate, 5-caffeoylquinic acid (chlorogenic acid) and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid from A. artemisiifolia have been identified as feeding stimulants for O. communa. Triterpenoid derivatives (-amyrin acetate or -amyrin acetate) and caffeic acid derivatives (3, 5-dicaffoylquinic acid or 5-caffeoylquinic acid) showed feeding stimulant activity when mixed together.  相似文献   
The genetic basis of morphological traits in social insects remains largely unexplored. This is even true for individual body size, a key life-history trait. In the social insects, the size of reproductive individuals affects dispersal decisions, so that small size in queens is often associated with reduced dispersal, and large size with long-range dispersal and independent colony founding. Worker size is connected to division of labour when workers specialize in certain tasks according to their size. In many species, variation in worker size has been shown to increase colony performance. In this study, we present the first evidence of an additive genetic component to queen size in ants, using maternal half sib analysis. We also compared intra-colony size variation in colonies with high (queen doubly mated) versus low (queen singly mated) genetic variability. We found a high and significant heritability (h2=0.51) for queen size in one of the two study years, but not in the other. Size variation among queens was greater in colonies headed by a doubly mated queen in one of the study years, but not in the other. This indicates that genetic factors can influence queen size, but that environmental factors may override these under some circumstances. The heritability for worker size was low (h2=0.09) and non-significant. Increased genetic diversity did not increase worker size variation in the colonies. Worker size appeared largely environmentally determined, potentially allowing colonies to adjust worker size ratios to current conditions.Communicated by J. Heinze  相似文献   
The common occurrence of food transfers within human hunter–gatherer and forager–horticulturalist groups presents exciting test cases for evolutionary models of altruism. While kin biases in sharing are consistent with nepotism based on kin selection, there is much debate over the extent to which reciprocal altruism and tolerated scrounging provide useful explanations of observed behavior. This paper presents a model of optimal sharing breadth and depth, based on a general non-tit-for-tat form of risk-reduction based reciprocal altruism, and tests a series of predictions using data from Hiwi and Ache foragers. I show that large, high variance food items are shared more widely than small, easily acquired food items. Giving is conditional upon receiving in pairwise interactions and this correlation is usually stronger when the exchange of value rather than quantities is considered. Larger families and low producing families receive more and give less, consistent with the notion that marginal value may be a more salient currency than quantity.
Michael GurvenEmail: Phone: +1-805-8932202
Cyanobacterial symbionts in the sponge Diacarnus erythraenus from the Red Sea were identified in both adult sponges and their larvae by 16S rDNA sequencing. A single cyanobacterial type was found in all samples. This cyanobacterial type is closely related to other sponge cyanobacterial symbionts. The cyanobacterial rDNA, together with the morphological analysis by electron and fluorescence microscopy, provided evidence for vertical transmission of the symbionts in this sponge. In addition, we show phenotypic plasticity of the symbionts inside the sponge, probably as a result of variability in light availability inside the sponge tissue. Finally, the reproduction of Diacarnus erythraenus is also described.Matan Oren, Laura Steindler have contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption and tail beat frequency were measured on saithe (Pollachius virens) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) during steady swimming. Oxygen consumption increased exponentially with swimming speed, and the relationship was described by a power function. The extrapolated standard metabolic rates (SMR) were similar for saithe and whiting, whereas the active metabolic rate (AMR) was twice as high for saithe. The higher AMR resulted in a higher scope for activity in accordance with the higher critical swimming speed (U crit) achieved by saithe. The optimum swimming speed (U opt) was 1.4 BL s−1 for saithe and 1.0 BL s−1 for whiting with a corresponding cost of transport (COT) of 0.14 and 0.15 J N−1 m−1. Tail beat frequency correlated strongly with swimming speed as well as with oxygen consumption. In contrast to swimming speed and oxygen consumption, measurement of tail beat frequency on individual free-ranging fish is relatively uncomplicated. Tail beat frequency may therefore serve as a predictor of swimming speed and oxygen consumption of saithe and whiting in the field.  相似文献   
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