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The determination of the sensible heat flux over urban terrain is challenging due to irregular surface geometry and surface types. To address this, in 2006–07, a major field campaign (LUCE) took place at the école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne campus, a moderately occupied urban site. A distributed network of 92 wireless weather stations was combined with routine atmospheric profiling, offering high temporal and spatial resolution meteorological measurements. The objective of this study is to estimate the sensible heat flux over the built environment under convective conditions. Calculations were based on Monin–Obukhov similarity for temperature in the surface layer. The results illustrate a good agreement between the sensible heat flux inferred from the thermal roughness length approach and independent calibrated measurements from a scintillometer located inside the urban canopy. It also shows that using only one well-selected station can provide a good estimate of the sensible heat flux over the campus for convective conditions. Overall, this study illustrates how an extensive network of meteorological measurements can be a useful tool to estimate the sensible heat flux in complex urban environments.  相似文献   
Active biomonitoring of the air quality in Belgrade, Serbia, was performed using the moss Sphagnum girgensohnii. Moss bags were exposed in parallel with and without irrigation for 3 and 6 months, respectively, at three different sites. Twenty-nine elements were determined in the exposed moss samples by INAA. For all exposure periods, higher uptake in the irrigated moss bags was evident for Al, Cr, Fe, Zn and Sr. Elements such as Cl, K, Rb and Cs were depleted in the moss tissue during the time of exposure. For most of the elements the accumulation after 6 months exceeded that observed after 3 months.  相似文献   
Sediments play an important role for aquatic ecosystem functions. However, they also act as sink, storage and source of lipophilic toxicants and metals. Effect-directed analysis (EDA) is a powerful tool to identify compounds causing adverse effects. In order to avoid misinterpretations and biased prioritization bioavailability needs to be considered together with effects. Bioavailability is a complex process finally resulting in the transfer of a so far particle bound molecule to the target location within the organism where it causes an effect. In order to operationalize this concept for EDA it can be divided into several partial processes. These include desorption from sediments and thus bioaccessibility, equilibrium partitioning of desorbable compounds between sediment, water and organisms driven by activity, and toxicological bioavailability as a result of toxicokinetics including resorption, transport, metabolization and excretion. Bioaccessibility is based on desorption kinetics and can be simulated with mild extraction methods e.?g. using TENAX. Equilibrium partitioning can be simulated with partition-based dosing techniques. First results with these approaches indicate that consideration of bioavailability increases the significance of polar sediment-associated toxicants relative to classical non-polar contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
Background and aim Despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s, fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River (Germany). In order to assess 1) possible links between molecular/biochemical responses and ecologically relevant effects, and 2) if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catches in the upper Danube river, sediment samples and fish were collected at different locations and analyzed using a weight-of-evidence (WOE) approach with several lines of evidence. The objective of the presentation is to introduce the conceptual framework and to review results of the ongoing study. As previously addressed by Chapman and Hollert (2006) a variety of lines of evidence can be used in WOE studies. Briefly, 1) a comprehensive battery of acute and mechanism-specific bioassays was used to characterize the ecotoxicological hazard potential. 2) Histopathological investigations and the micronucleus assay with erythrocytes were applied, analyzing in situ parameters. 3) Diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish as well as 4) persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disrupting substances, limnochemical parameters and the concentration of heavy metals were recorded. To identify organic contaminants a spotential causes of sediment toxicity assays, 5) effect directed analysis was applied.  相似文献   
Background and scope The principle and applications of stable isotope dilution assays (SIDAs) in food analysis is critically reviewed. This method is based on the application of internal standards labelled with stable isotopes. General topics The general section includes historical aspects of SIDAs, the prerequisites and limitations of the use of stable isotopically labelled internal standards along with possible calibrations procedures. The syntheses and availability of labelled food compounds for the use as internal standards is reviewed. Results The complete compensation for losses of analytes during clean-up as well as for ion suppression during LC-MS/MS and the so-called carrier effect are major advantages of SIDAs. However, deficient equilibration, spectral overlap and isotope effects can lead to false results. Discussion With regard to specificity and recovery, SIDAs generally are considered as the reference methods in clinical chemistry. In food chemistry, this method has been applied in flavour and pesticide analysis. However, it is becoming increasingly important also in the analysis of mycotoxins, further contaminants and vitamins. Conclusions The increasing access to isotopologic standards creates continuously new applications for SIDAs, particularly for bioactive compounds in foods.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) result from incomplete combustion of almost every organic materials, e.?g. due to forest fires, residential heating, combustion engines, grilling, or smoking. PAH are predominantly distributed over the air-path. Their usage in products (e.?g. moth-balls) has been limited strictly or completely forbidden in the past. In the context of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the single substances anthracene, fluoranthene and naphthalene, as well as PAHs as group of substances, are listed as “priority” substances. Background of this work is a first compilation of sources of PAH emissions, and in this context, the collection of all relevant data and information to calculate the total emissions into surface waters in Germany. Materials and methods Within the scope of diverse research projects, funded by the German Environmental Agency, the available data material concerning PAH input in surface waters has been analyzed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research. On the basis of the collected data, a first evaluation of relevance of the different sources has been conducted using the model MONERIS. Results As a result of the atmospheric deposition, PAHs enter, to a large extent, surface waters directly or indirectly through surface runoff (e.?g. urban areas, wastewater treatment plants, erosion). Discussion Although there is still additional research need for some of the covered PAH sources, a noticeable distribution pattern of relevance emerges. Conclusions The scenarios, based on the currently known sources, show that the implementation or the neglect of emission reduction measures in the field of diffuse air-borne PAHs are crucial for the further development of the deposition of PAHs in surface waters. More far-reaching studies are necessary, e.?g. concerning emissions from inland navigation/motor boats, the inhomogeneous source “products”, or the path “erosion”. Recommendations and perspectives According to the EU-WFD, all depositions, emissions and losses of “priority hazardous” classified substances, such as the group of PAHs, have to be stopped or gradually finished in the long term. Until the year 2015, environmental quality standards (EQS) have to be met for all “priority substances”. Presently, the EQS often are not completely fulfilled for many substances of the PAH group, including benzo(a)pyrene. Reduction measures are necessary within diverse areas, especially concerning diffuse atmospheric emissions (e.?g. “residential heating”).  相似文献   
The scale of problems caused by pesticides in Europe and the awareness about this is growing. The new European pesticide legislation implies a chance to strengthen the protection of the environment and consumers health. The revised pesticide authorization regulation implements the concept of comparative assessment in order to induce dynamic risk reduction. Mandatory national action plans for member states have to provide clear targets and timetables for the reduction of pesticide risk and use intensity. If and when serious improvements for consumer and the environment become perceptible depends on relevant details on how to implement the legislation into practice and on the engagement of governments and stakeholder to work on an efficient implementation.  相似文献   
This paper introduces an innovative modelling strategy aimed at simulating the main terms of net forest carbon budget (net primary production, NPP and net ecosystem exchange, NEE) in Tuscany (Central Italy). The strategy is based on the preliminary calibration and application of parametric and bio-geochemical models (C-Fix and BIOME-BGC, respectively), which simulate the behaviour of forest ecosystems close to equilibrium condition (climax). Next, the ratio of actual over-potential tree volume is computed as an indicator of ecosystem distance from climax and is combined with the model outputs to estimate the NPP and NEE of real forests. The per-pixel application of the new modelling strategy was made possible by the collection of several data layers (maps of forest type and volume, daily meteorological data and monthly normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) images for the years 1999–2003) which served to characterize the eco-climatic and forest features of the region. The obtained estimates of forest NPP and NEE were evaluated against ground measurements of accumulated woody biomass and net carbon exchange. The results of these experiments testify the good potential of the proposed strategy and indicate some problem areas which should be the subject of future research.  相似文献   
Termination of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and coexistence of phytoplankton–zooplankton populations are of great importance to human health, ecosystem, environment, tourism and fisheries. In this paper, we propose a three component model consisting of non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP), toxin producing phytoplankton (TPP) and zooplankton (Z). The growth of zooplankton species is assume to reduce due to toxic chemicals released by TPP population. We have extended the model proposed by Chattopadhyay et al. [Chattopadhyay, J., Sarkar, R.R., Pal, S., 2004. Mathematical modelling of harmful algal blooms supported by experimental findings. Ecol. Comp. 1, 225–235] by including competition terms between TPP and NTP. We observe the effect of competition factors both in the presence and absence of the environmental fluctuation. From our field as well as model analysis we observe that competition helps in the coexistence of the species, but if the effect of competition is very high on the TPP population, it results in planktonic bloom. It is shown that the coexistence equilibrium loses its stability when the competition coefficient crosses a critical value and resulting Hopf-bifurcation around the positive equilibrium depicting oscillations phenomena of the populations.  相似文献   
Associated plant and animal diversity provides ecosystem services within crop production systems. The importance of the maintenance or restoration of diversity is therefore increasingly acknowledged. Here we study the population dynamics of associated annual plants (‘weeds’) during the growth of a crop in a season and introduce a minimal model to characterize the recruitment and attrition of the associated plants under the influence of shading by the crop. A mechanistically based, logistic, light interception model was parameterized with light interception measurements in two single crops (barley and rye) and in mixtures of these cereals with peas. Population dynamics data were collected for the annuals Papaver rhoeas, Centaurea cyanus, Chrysanthemum segetum, and Misopates orontium. A minimal population dynamics model was identified for each annual plant species, using system identification techniques as model selection and calibration.  相似文献   
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