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沂北水稻主产区田间土—水磷素流失潜能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取嘉善、余姚、德清、余杭4个具有代表性浙北水稻主产区,研究了水田土-水磷素流失潜能及环境意义。4稻区高水平磷肥投入促进了土壤高磷化,土壤Olsen-P积累的同时,相应地提高了土壤生物性有效磷、水浸提磷,并提高了土壤磷素的流失潜能。稻区土壤在富磷化过程中,存在着土壤磷素的农学意义向环境意义方向演变的趋势。在非植稻期,稻区农田水体,包括沟渠水、田表水、排渠水、暗管排水等总磷(TP)平均超过了易诱发水体富营养化临界值,其中溶解磷(DRP)占总磷40%;主要是源于绿肥田表水及部分排渠中的溶解磷对稻区外水体构成了直接危害。在非植稻期,因稻区间农耕措施的差异导致了土壤富磷水平与对应田表水磷素水平不具相关性;在植稻期,施磷措施促进水田土壤富磷,相应地提高了田表水磷素水平。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an integrated ecological, economic and social model to assist sustainable rural development in villages in Bangladesh. In the model, renewable energy technologies (RETs) create income-generating activities for male landless and marginal farmers and for women from such households, while reducing environmental problems, like deforestation and indoor air pollution from cooking with poor-quality fuels. Because of the high capital costs of RETs, the model proposes an extension of the well-known micro-credit approach developed by such NGOs as the Grameen Bank and BRAC. With the assistance of an External Agency composed of NGO, business, government and university representatives, such groups of villagers would form Village Organizations, comprising cooperatives or other forms of business, borrow money from a bank or large NGO, and purchase a RET based on biogas, solar or wind, depending upon location. By selling energy to wealthier members of the village, the Village Organizations would repay their loans, thus gaining direct ownership and control over the technology and its applications.  相似文献   
Sathaye  J.A.  Makundi  W.R.  Andrasko  K.  Boer  R.  Ravindranath  N.H.  Sudha  P.  Rao  S.  Lasco  R.  Pulhin  F.  Masera  O.  Ceron  A.  Ordonez  J.  Deying  X.  Zhang  X.  Zuomin  S. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2001,6(3-4):185-211
This paper summarizes studies of carbon (C) mitigation potential and costs of about 40 forestry options in seven developing countries. Each study uses the same methodological approach – Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process (COMAP) – to estimate the above parameters between 2000 and 2030. The approach requires the projection of baseline and mitigation land-use scenarios. Coupled with data on a per ha basis on C sequestration or avoidance, and costs and benefits, it allows the estimation of monetary benefit per Mg C, and the total costs and carbon potential. The results show that about half (3.0 Pg C) the cumulative mitigation potential of 6.2 Petagram (Pg) C between 2000 and 2030 in the seven countries (about 200× 106 Mg C yr-1) could be achieved at a negative cost and the remainder at costs ranging up to $100 Mg C-1. About 5 Pg C could be achieved, at a cost less than $20 per Mg C. Negative cost potential indicates that non-carbon revenue is sufficient to offset direct costs of these options. The achievable potential is likely to be smaller, however, due to market, institutional, and sociocultural barriers that can delay or prevent the implementation of the analyzed options.  相似文献   
Lower urinary tract obstruction has a significant impact on neonatal and child health. Pulmonary hyperplasia and renal impairment could be direct or indirect consequences of this condition leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Evaluation of fetuses with suspected lower urinary tract obstruction is performed not only to confirm the diagnosis but also to assess renal prognosis. Ultrasound examination and urinary analysis aid in the evaluation of these fetuses. The decision to perform fetal intervention in these cases is a difficult one. Vesico‒amniotic fetal shunting, open fetal surgery and more recently endoscopic fetal surgery for this condition are available as possible modalities of fetal intervention. Case selection for fetal intervention is extremely important in order to both avoid unnecessary intervention in those unlikely to survive, and also to avoid procedure related complications in fetuses likely to do well without intervention. Vesico‒amniotic shunting has the advantage of bypassing the obstruction, however it is often associated with complications. Open fetal surgery is not usually recommended because of the complications and high fetal loss rate. Endoscopic surgery to visualise and treat the cause of lower urinary tract obstruction has been tried. Fetal endoscopic surgery is in its infancy and endoscopic procedures are limited to a few groups. This current review addresses evaluation, case selection and therapeutic options for lower urinary tract obstruction in utero. It also discusses the limited data against which the efficacy of the various options can be assessed. The current state of fetal intervention is detailed in the present review. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Forchhammer  K.  Böck  A. 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1991,78(11):497-504
The importance of selenium as an essential trace element has progressively emerged during the last years due to the analysis of selenium deficiency diseases and to the identification and characterization of a number of selenoenzymes. Selenium is incorporated in the catalytic site of the enzymes as an integral selenocysteine residue. The pathway of selenocysteine biosynthesis and incorporation has been elucidated recently for Escherichia coli. This article presents an overview on these subjects and describes the mechanisms which confer selenocysteine specificity in the framework of protein biosynthesis. In addition, some considerations concerning the phylogeny of selenocysteine incorporation are presented and a model for the evolution of the selenocysteine pathway is proposed.  相似文献   
Analysis of endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, and their nonpolar metabolites in extracts from environmental aqueous and soil samples was performed using a gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) technique. Full-scan GC–MS analysis showed poor sensitivity for some of the metabolites (endodiol and endosulfan ether). A multisegment MS/MS method was developed and MS/MS parameter isolation time, excitation time, excitation voltage, and maximum excitation energy were optimized for chosen precursor ions to enhance selectivity and sensitivity of the analysis. The use of MS/MS with optimized parameters quantified analytes with significantly higher accuracy, and detection limits were lowered to ~1/6th compared with the full-scan method. Co-eluting compounds, chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos oxon, were also analyzed successfully in the MS/MS mode by choosing exclusive precursor ions. Analysis of soil and water phase samples from contaminated soil slurry bioreactors showed that the MS/MS method could provide more reliable estimates of these pesticide and metabolites (especially those present in low concentrations) by annulling interferences from soil organic matter.  相似文献   
Field experiments were carried out during 1996–97at Gulawathi, Muthiani and Salarpur Villages, IARI Farm, NewDelhi and NCPP Campus, Dadri to evaluate changes in soilcharacteristics and growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),mustard (Brassica juncea L.), lentil (Lence esculentaMoench.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) byvarying amounts of flyash addition (up to 50t ha-1) in soils atsowing/transplanting time of crops. Flyash addition in areasadjoining NCPP Thermal Power Plant, Dadri, Ghaziabad, U.P.ranged from 5–12 t ha-1 yr-1 in 1995–96. Shoot and root growthand yield of test crops at different locations after flyashincorporation resulted in beneficial effects of flyashaddition in most cases. The silt dominant texture of flyashimproved loamy sand to sandy loam textures of the surfacesoils at the farmers' fields. The increased growth in yield ofcrops with flyash incorporation was possibly due tomodifications in soil moisture retention and transmissioncharacteristics, bulk density, physico-chemical characterssuch as pH and EC and organic carbon content. The response offlyash addition in the soil on soil health and cropproductivity needs to be evaluated on long-term sustainableaspects.  相似文献   
Indoor environmental health is now recognized as an important factor in preventing respiratory health problems in the United States. It is also a concern in Canada due to the amount of time that Canadians spend indoors because of cold weather and the potential for increased time indoors during the summer if theclimate warms. The negative health effects are often labeled assick building syndrome, but diagnosing a building or itsoccupants as sick is complicated by the variety of symptoms, thepresence of chronic versus acute symptoms and social andpsychological (socio-psychological) factors that may reduce theeffectiveness of an engineering solution. As a case study, thecontribution of various factors to indoor environmental health,in three buildings at the University of Toronto, was examinedusing five different methods. The results indicate that theinhabitants of the buildings consider features other than airquality in considering building health such as design,maintenance, funding cuts and socio-psychological factors.  相似文献   
As the health impact of air pollutants existing in ambient addresses much attention in recent years, forecasting of airpollutant parameters becomes an important and popular topic inenvironmental science. Airborne pollution is a serious, and willbe a major problem in Hong Kong within the next few years. InHong Kong, Respirable Suspended Particulate (RSP) and NitrogenOxides NOx and NO2 are major air pollutants due to thedominant diesel fuel usage by public transportation and heavyvehicles. Hence, the investigation and prediction of the influence and the tendency of these pollutants are ofsignificance to public and the city image. The multi-layerperceptron (MLP) neural network is regarded as a reliable andcost-effective method to achieve such tasks. The works presentedhere involve developing an improved neural network model, whichcombines the principal component analysis (PCA) technique and theradial basis function (RBF) network, and forecasting thepollutant levels and tendencies based in the recorded data. Inthe study, the PCA is firstly used to reduce and orthogonalizethe original input variables (data), these treated variables arethen used as new input vectors in RBF neural network modelestablished for forecasting the pollutant tendencies. Comparingwith the general neural network models, the proposed modelpossesses simpler network architecture, faster training speed,and more satisfactory predicting performance. This improvedmodel is evaluated by using hourly time series of RSP, NOx and NO2 concentrations collected at Mong Kok Roadside Gaseous Monitory Station in Hong Kong during the year 2000. By comparing the predicted RSP, NOx and NO2 concentrationswith the actual data of these pollutants recorded at the monitorystation, the effectiveness of the proposed model has been proven.Therefore, in authors' opinion, the model presented in the paper is a potential tool in forecasting air quality parameters and hasadvantages over the traditional neural network methods.  相似文献   
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