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Release of PCDD and PCDF from biomass combustion such as forest and agricultural crop fires has been nominated as an important source for these chemicals despite minimal characterisation. Available emission factors that have been experimentally determined in laboratory and field experiments vary by several orders of magnitude from <0.5 μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1 to >100 μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of experimental methods on the emission factor.A portable field sampler was used to measure PCDD/PCDF emissions from forest fires and the same fuel when burnt over a brick hearth to eliminate potential soil effects. A laboratory burn facility was used to sample emissions from the same fuels. There was very good agreement in emission factors to air (EFAir) for forest fuel (Duke Forest, NC) of 0.52 (range: 0.40-0.79), 0.59 (range: 0.18-1.2) and 0.75 (range: 0.27-1.2) μg TEQWHO2005 (t fuel consumed)−1 for the in-field, over a brick hearth, and burn facility experiments, respectively. Similarly, experiments with sugarcane showed very good agreement with EFAir of 1.1 (range: 0.40-2.2), 1.5 (range: 0.84-2.2) and 1.7 (range: 0.34-4.4) μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1 for in-field, over a brick hearth, open field and burn facility experiments respectively. Field sampling and laboratory simulations were in good agreement, and no significant changes in emissions of PCDD/PCDF could be attributed to fuel storage and transport to laboratory test facilities.  相似文献   
The transmission of water-borne pathogens typically occurs by a faecal–oral route, through inhalation of aerosols, or by direct or indirect contact with contaminated water. Previous molecular-based studies have identified viral particles of zoonotic and human nature in surface waters. Contaminated water can lead to human health issues, and the development of rapid methods for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms is a valuable tool for the prevention of their spread. The aims of this work were to determine the presence and identity of representative human pathogenic enteric viruses in water samples from six European countries by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) and to develop two quantitative PCR methods for Adenovirus 41 and Mammalian Orthoreoviruses. A 2-year survey showed that Norovirus, Mammalian Orthoreovirus and Adenoviruses were the most frequently identified enteric viruses in the sampled surface waters. Although it was not possible to establish viability and infectivity of the viruses considered, the detectable presence of pathogenic viruses may represent a potential risk for human health. The methodology developed may aid in rapid detection of these pathogens for monitoring quality of surface waters.  相似文献   
Copepod grazing impact on planktonic communities has commonly been underestimated due to the lack of information on naupliar feeding behaviour and ingestion rates. That is particularly true for small cyclopoid copepods, whose nauplii are mainly in the microzooplankton size range (<200 μm). The trophic role of Oithona spp. nauplii was investigated off Concepción (central Chile, ~36°S) during the highly productive upwelling season, when maximum abundances of these nauplii were expected. Diet composition, ingestion rates, and food-type preferences were assessed through grazing experiments with different size fractions of natural planktonic assemblages (<3, <20, <100, and <125 μm) and cultures of the nanoflagellate Isochrysis galbana. When the Oithona spp. nauplii were offered a wide range of size fractions as food (pico- to microplankton), they mostly ingested small (2–5 μm) nanoflagellates (5–63 × 103 cells nauplius−1 day−1). No ingestion on microplankton was detected, and picoplankton was mainly ingested when it was the only food available. Daily carbon (C) uptake by the nauplii ranged between 28 and 775 ng C nauplius−1, representing an overall mean of 378% of their body C. Our relatively high ingestion rate estimates can be explained by methodological constraints in previous studies on naupliar feeding, including those dealing with “over-crowding” and “edge” effects. Overall, the grazing impact of the Oithona spp. nauplii on the prey C standing stocks amounts up to 21% (average = 13%) for picoplankton and 54% (average = 28%) for nanoplankton. These estimates imply that the nauplii of the most dominant cyclopoid copepods exert a significant control on the abundances of nanoplankton assemblages and, thereby, represent an important trophic link between the classical and microbial food webs in this coastal upwelling system.  相似文献   


The coexistence of agricultural production with and without the use of genetically modified (GV) crops is supposed to be made possible in Germany by regulations, which include minimal distances of GV-fields to potentially susceptible crop fields and habitats. To explore the impact of these regulations on region specific coexistence potentials, we broadened the applicability of an existing method for the simulation of the spatial distribution of arable fields cropped with conventional, organic and GV-maize. We used simulations which combine a variety of minimum distances of GV-maize fields to assess regional specific options and limitations for coexistence.


An existing method was extended to be applicable for different spatial scales, from the large (e.g. Federal State) to small (e.g. municipality). Input data consisted of cropping statistics, geometry of arable fields and protected areas. Scenarios of cropping situations included various minimal distances between GV-maize fields and protected areas and various proportions of maize within the areas. The results of the simulations represent possible distribution patterns of non-GV and GV-maize fields as well as the size of the remaining area in which additional GV-maize can be grown without violating the minimal distance rules. As suspected, increasing proportions of GV-maize and increasing minimal distances lower the areas suitable for additional GV-maize. However, the relation between the area of GV-maize grown and those suitable for GV-maize cultivation varied between the scenarios. Moreover, the variability between the municipalities was even more evident, due to varying landscape structure (proportion of maize, the ratio total arable land to maize, proportion of protected areas). Areas with high proportions of GV-maize, of protected areas and of maize could be problematical for coexistence. We discuss these parameters with regard to other coexistence studies.


Our method is suitable to simulate the spatial distribution of fields cultivated with GV-crops and non-GV-crops on various scales. Simulations on the scale of a Federal State reveals those areas, in which coexistence could be problematical. Simulations on a county scale, however, allow more insight into options and restrictions for coexistence in relation to landscape structural characteristics, which also can be transferred to larger scales. On the scale of municipalities simulations can help to analyse the limits of coexistence in areas of high conflict potential, moreover this level is more realistic with regard to practical agricultural decisions on the farm level.



Die Koexistenz verschiedener landwirtschaftlicher Produktionsformen ?C mit und ohne Anbau von gentechnisch ver?nderten Pflanzen (GVO) ?C soll durch gesetzlich fixierte Regeln erm?glicht werden, die unter anderem die Mindestabst?nde von GVO-Anbaufl?chen zu potenziell empfindlichen anderen Ackerfl?chen und Biotopen festlegen. Hier wurde eine Methode weiterentwickelt zur Simulation der r?umlichen Verteilung der Anbaufl?chen von konventionellem, ?kologischem und GV-Mais um regionsspezifische Koexistenzpotenziale von gentechnisch ver?ndertem Mais, sowie potenzielle Konfliktgebiete zu identifizieren.


Eine für Brandenburg entwickelte GIS-Simulationsmethode wurde durch die Verwendung fl?chendeckend vorhandener Daten so erweitert, dass sie bundesweit übertragbar ist und auf unterschiedlichen r?umlichen Skalenebenen angewandt werden kann, von gro?r?umig (Bundesland) bis lokal (Gemeinde). Als Eingangsdaten wurden Anbaustatistiken sowie Geometrien der Ackerfl?chen und von FFH- und Naturschutzgebieten verwendet. In den Szenarien wurden Abstandsregelungen zwischen Maisanbaufl?chen und zu Schutzgebieten und der GV-Maisanteil variiert. Die Ergebnisse der Simulation sind m?gliche r?umliche Verteilungen von Nicht-GV-Mais und GV-Mais sowie die potenziell für den Anbau von GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehende Fl?che. Mit zunehmendem GV-Maisanteil und Mindestabst?nden zu Schutzgebieten wird die für den GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehende Fl?che st?rker ausgesch?pft. Der Anteil des GV-Mais an der potenziell für den Anbau von GV-Mais zur Verfügung stehenden Fl?che variierte zwischen den Szenarien, und noch st?rker jedoch regional zwischen den Landkreisen, verursacht durch deren verschiedene agrar- und landschaftsstrukturelle Ausstattung (Maisanbauanteil, Verh?ltnis Ackerlandsanteil/Maisanbauanteil, Schutzgebietsanteil). Ein r?umliches Konfliktpotenzial bei der Umsetzung der Koexistenz ist in Gebieten hohen Nutzungsdrucks zu erwarten, d.h. in denen sowohl der Maisanbauanteil an der Ackerfl?che und der Anbauanteil von GV-Mais, als auch der Schutzgebietsanteil hoch sind. Diese Faktoren werden diskutiert in Bezug zu Ergebnissen weiterer Koexistenzstudien.


Die vorgestellte Methode ist geeignet, die r?umliche Verteilung des Anbaus von Nicht-GV-Mais und GV-Mais auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen zu simulieren: Die Ebene eines Bundeslandes liefert Hinweise auf Gebiete, in denen die Koexistenz problematisch sein k?nnte und kann als Grundlage weiterer Berechnungen, wie zum Beispiel der Modellierung von Genflüssen auf Landesebene dienen. Die Simulation auf der Ebene eines Landkreises oder einer Gemeinde erm?glicht genauere Aussagen über die M?glichkeiten und Grenzen der Koexistenz. Auf der Ebene der Landkreise k?nnen z.B. unterschiedliche agrar- und landschaftsstrukturelle Situationen untersucht und für eine nachfolgende Regionalisierung angewandt werden. Die Ebene der Gemeinden erlaubt die Analyse der Grenzen der Koexistenz für Gebiete mit h?herem r?umlichen Konfliktpotenzial. Simulationen auf lokaler Ebene erscheinen darüber hinaus n?her an den Entscheidungsm?glichkeiten der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis.  相似文献   
A key controversy in conservation is the framing of the relationship between people and nature. The extent to which the realms of nature and human culture are viewed as separate (dualistic view) or integrated is often discussed in the social sciences. To explore how this relationship is represented in the practice of conservation in Europe, we considered examples of cultural landscapes, wildlife (red deer, reindeer, horses), and protected area management. We found little support, for a dualistic worldview, where people and nature are regarded as separate in the traditional practice of conservation in Europe. The borders between nature and culture, wild and domestic, public land and private land, and between protected areas and the wider landscape were blurred and dynamic. The institutionalized (in practice and legislation) view is of an interactive mutualistic system in which humans and nature share the whole landscape. However, more dualistic ideals, such as wilderness and rewilding that are challenging established practices are expanding. In the context of modern day Europe, wilderness conservation and rewilding are not valid for the whole landscape, although it is possible to integrate some areas of low‐intervention management into a wider matrix. A precondition for success is to recognize and plan for a plurality of values concerning the most valid approaches to conservation and to plan for this plurality at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
A substantial extension of the electricity grid seems to be necessary in Germany in the coming decades for technical, economic, and ecological reasons. The increased usage of electricity from environmentally conscious sources is not undisputed and the question of where and how to extend the grid is at the centre of a controversial public discussion. One crucial point in this discussion concerns the fair sharing of the costs and benefits of such an extension. It is necessary to create a fair compensation mechanism. Therefore, an innovative mechanism is proposed in this paper that consists of cooperative game theory as well as auction elements. We interpret the German grid extension as a cooperative cost reduction game that allows the identification of fair cost shares and compensation payments. To solve the problem of non-cooperative behaviour, we propose the involvement of a sealed-bid auction. We show that this novel procedure is incentive compatible.  相似文献   
Phosphorus export coefficients (kg/ha/yr) from selected land covers, also called phosphorus yields, tend to get smaller as contributing areas get larger because some of the phosphorus mobilized on local fields gets trapped during transport to regional watershed outlets. Phosphorus traps include floodplains, wetlands, and lakes, which can then become impaired by eutrophication. The Sunrise River watershed in east central Minnesota, United States, has numerous lakes impaired by excess phosphorus. The Sunrise is tributary to the St. Croix River, whose much larger watershed is terminated by Lake St. Croix, also impaired by excess phosphorus. To support management of these impairments at both local and regional scales, a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model of the Sunrise watershed was constructed to estimate load reductions due to selected best management practices (BMPs) and to determine how phosphorus export coefficients scaled with contributing area. In this study, agricultural BMPs, including vegetated filter strips, grassed waterways, and reduction of soil‐phosphorus concentrations reduced phosphorus loads by 4‐20%, with similar percentage reductions at field and watershed spatial scales. Phosphorus export coefficients from cropland in rotation with corn, soybeans, and alfalfa decreased as a negative power function of contributing area, from an average of 2.12 kg/ha/yr at the upland field scale (~0.6 km2) to 0.63 kg/ha/yr at the major river basin scale (20,000 km2). Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   
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