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In order to examine the role of position in the tidal range on biomass production and nutrient pools in Spartina alterniflora in an Argentinian estuary, we estimated productivity, the concentration of C, N and P in tissues and pools (concentration×biomass) of these elements in low (LM) and high (HM) zones. Aboveground biomass of S. alterniflora was higher in HM than in LM. Aboveground primary productivity was 106 and 439 g dry wt m?2 year?1 in LM and HM, respectively. Belowground biomass was similar in LM and HM. Belowground primary productivity was 526 and 744 g dry wt m?2 year?1 for LM and HM, respectively. Nutrient pools were higher in HM than in LM. Biomass and productivity values were low, which makes nutrient pools low. The lower values of the parameters analysed in LM than in HM indicate that position in the tidal range is an important factor in this system, possibly due to the effect of flooding. Moreover, this pattern is opposite to the general one observed in the northern hemisphere, meaning that studying marshes from different environments is worth doing. Because pools were higher in HM, this zone would be more important for nutrient input to the estuary.  相似文献   
Effective coordination of behaviors such as foraging and avoiding predators requires an assessment of cues provided by other organisms. Integrating cues from multiple sensory modalities may enhance the assessment. We studied cue integration by tadpoles of Oophaga pumilio, which live in small arboreal water pools. In this species, mothers periodically visit their tadpoles and feed them with unfertilized eggs. When mothers visit, tadpoles beg conspicuously by vibrating until fed. However, animals other than mother frogs including potential predators may visit water pools. Thus, when a visitor appears, tadpoles must use visitor cues to decide whether to beg or to remain inactive to avoid predation. To elucidate the cues that prompt these behaviors, we videotaped behavior of O. pumilio tadpoles in response to isolated and multimodal cues. Tadpoles swam more when exposed to visual or visual and chemical cues of adult O. pumilio but only exhibited begging when exposed to visual, chemical, and tactile cues together. Visual, chemical, and tactile cues from either male or female adult O. pumilio stimulated swimming and begging, but the same cues from similarly sized heterospecific frogs did not. Lastly, tadpoles exposed to a potential predator did not beg and swam less than tadpoles with no stimulus. Together, these findings suggest that O. pumilio tadpoles use multimodal cues to modulate swimming behavior accordingly in the presence of egg provisioners, predators, and other visitors and that tadpole begging is induced by multimodal cues of conspecific frogs such that tactile and perhaps chemical cues supplement visual cues.  相似文献   
In the environmental health sciences, measurements of toxic exposures are often constrained by a lower limit called the limit of detection (LOD), with observations below this limit called non-detects. Although valid inference may be obtained by excluding non-detects in the estimation of exposure effects, this practice can lead to substantial reduction in power to detect a significant effect, depending on the proportion of censoring and the closeness of the effect size to the null value. Therefore, a variety of methods have been commonly used in the environmental science literature to substitute values for the non-detects for the purpose of estimating exposure effects, including ad hoc values such as ${LOD/2, LOD/\sqrt{2}}$ and LOD. Another method substitutes the expected value of the non-detects, i.e., E[X|X ≤?LOD] but this requires that the inference be robust to mild miss-specifications in the distribution of the exposure variable. In this paper, we demonstrate that the estimate of the exposure effect is extremely sensitive to ad-hoc substitutions and moderate distribution miss-specifications under the conditions of large sample sizes and moderate effect size, potentially leading to biased estimates. We propose instead the use of the generalized gamma distribution to estimate imputed values for the non-detects, and show that this method avoids the risk of distribution miss-specification among the class of distributions represented by the generalized gamma distribution. A multiple imputation-based procedure is employed to estimate the regression parameters. Compared to the method of excluding non-detects, the proposed method can substantially increase the power to detect a significant effect when the effect size is close to the null value in small samples with moderate levels of censoring (?≤ 50%), without compromising the coverage and relative bias of the estimates.  相似文献   
The pelagic copepod Calanus pacificus ranges nearly continuously across temperate-boreal regions of the North Pacific Ocean and is currently divided into three subspecies—C. pacificus oceanicus, C. pacificus californicus, C. pacificus pacificus—based on subtle morphological differences and geographic location. The relation between geography and genetic differentiation was examined for 398 C. pacificus individuals sampled from six widely distributed locations across the North Pacific, including an open ocean site and coastal sites on both sides of the North Pacific basin. For each individual copepod, the DNA sequence was determined for a 421-bp region of the mitochondrial coxI gene (mtCOI). A total of sixty-three different mtCOI sequences, or haplotypes, were detected, with a sequence divergence between haplotypes of 0.2–3.1%. The number and distribution of haplotypes varied with sampling location; 12 haplotypes were distributed across multiple sampling locations, and 51 occurred at only one location. Five genetically distinct populations were detected based on F ST values. Haplotype minimum spanning networks, nucleotide divergence and F ST values indicated that individuals from coastal sites in the North Pacific Ocean were more closely related to each other than to individuals from the open ocean site at Station P. These results provide genetic support for the designation of two subspecies—a coastal subspecies that consists of what is currently referred to as C. p. pacificus and C. p. californicus and an open ocean subspecies C. p. oceanicus. This work also indicates that planktonic copepods with potentially high dispersal capacity can develop genetically structured populations in the absence of obvious geographic barriers between proximate locales within an ocean basin.  相似文献   
One potential trade-off that bold individuals face is between increased predation risks and gains in resources. Individuals experiencing high predation and hungry individuals (or individuals with low body condition) are predicted to show increased boldness. We examined one behavioral trait previously reported to be associated with boldness (the time individual fish needed to emerge from shelter) in various populations of mollies (Poecilia spp.). Our study system included several southern Mexican surface streams with high piscine predation and high food availability, sulfidic surface streams with high avian predation, in which the inhabiting fish show reduced body condition, and a sulfidic cave, where predation and body condition are low. Our comparison revealed very short times to emerge from the start box in populations from non-sulfidic streams. In sulfidic habitats (whether surface or cave), it took individual Poecilia mexicana considerably longer to emerge from the start box, and the same difference was also found in an independent comparison between P. mexicana and the closely related, highly sulfide-adapted Poecilia sulphuraria. Fish reared under common garden conditions (in the absence of predators and hydrogen sulfide) showed intermediate boldness scores to the extremes observed in the field. Our data thus indicate that (a) boldness is shaped by environmental conditions/experiential effects, but is not heritable, (b) predation affects boldness in the predicted direction, but (c) low body condition leads to reduced boldness. Extremophile Poecilia spp. spend most of their time surfacing to survive under sulfidic and hypoxic conditions, which exposes them to increased levels of predations, but the fish forage on the bottom. Hence, in this system, increased boldness does not increase foraging success. We argue that energy limitation favors reducing energetically costly behaviors, and exploring novel environments may be just one of them.  相似文献   
The genus Callinectes encompasses 16 species of commercially important swimming crabs. Most (13) occur on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas. We compare mtDNA regions corresponding to 964 basepairs of the large (16S) and small (12S) ribosomal subunits among American Callinectes in order to examine phylogenetic relationships. The status of Callinectes affinis Fausto-Filho and Callinectes maracaiboensis Taissoun is questioned, and C. maracaiboensis is concluded to be a junior synonym of Callinectes bocourti A. Milne-Edwards, from which it cannot be consistently distinguished. We find two major lineages, one of which includes C. affinis, C. bocourti, Callinectes rathbunae Contreras, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, and Callinectes toxotes Ordway. A second lineage is comprised of Callinectes arcuatus Ordway, Callinectes bellicosus (Stimpson), Callinectes danae Smith, Callinectes exasperatus (Gerstaecker), Callinectes larvatus Ordway, Callinectes ornatus Ordway, and Callinectes similis Williams. Definition of these clades is supported by previously described morphological differences in the length of the gonopods and shared physioecological adaptations. A calibrated molecular clock is used to estimate divergence of the two lineages near 13 mybp. Our analyses suggest that C. ornatus is the closest relative of C. arcuatus, and that C. affinis is closest to C. bocourti.  相似文献   
This paper reports (222)Rn concentrations in ground and drinking water of nine cities of Chihuahua State, Mexico. Fifty percent of the 114 sampled wells exhibited (222)Rn concentrations exceeding 11Bq/L, the maximum contaminant level (MCL) recommended by the USEPA. Furthermore, around 48% (123 samples) of the tap-water samples taken from 255 dwellings showed radon concentrations over the MCL. There is an apparent correlation between total dissolved solids and radon concentration in ground-water. The high levels of (222)Rn found may be entirely attributed to the nature of aquifer rocks.  相似文献   
Argentinian agricultural production is fundamentally based on a technological package that combines no-till and glyphosate in the cultivation of transgenic crops. Transgenic crops (soybean, maize and cotton) occupy 23 million hectares. This means that glyphosate is the most employed herbicide in the country, where 180–200 million liters are applied every year.  相似文献   
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