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响应面分析法优化稀土废水MAP沉淀法脱氮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过预处理后的稀土生产废水,其氨氮浓度大幅降低,但并未达到中华人民共和国《稀土工业污染物排放标准》(GB26451-2011)中氨氮浓度限值。实验通过响应面分析法中的Box-Behnken实验设计(BBD),取pH、n(Mg):n(N)、n(P):n(N)3因素,采用Design-Expert 8.0.6,建立合适的剩余氨氮浓度及剩余总磷浓度模型,得到回归方程,并分析模型各项指标,各因素及其相互作用对剩余氨氮浓度及剩余总磷浓度的影响。利用预测模型预测最佳实验条件,在最佳实验条件下验证预测结果,并对沉淀物进行X射线衍射(XRD)分析。结果显示,二次响应模型适用于剩余氨氮浓度及剩余总磷浓度,2个模型均拥有较好的拟合程度、可信度及精密度,最优反应条件为:pH=9.88、n(Mg):n(N)=1.50:1、n(P):n(N)=1.38:1时,剩余氨氮浓度为46.58 mg/L,剩余总磷浓度为7.85 mg/L。在最优条件下所得到的沉淀物并非纯净的MgNH4PO4·6H2O,还有Mg3(PO42·22H2O生成。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIn recent thirty years, due to the decreasing fertility andincreasing life expectancy, China's population is aging ata very rapid pace and the elderly population size is keepingon growing. During the dramatic aging progress, the oldestold group in China is catching our eyes. More and moreold people of China are becoming the oldest old. Theextremely old population (aged 80 and above) is increasingat 5.1% annually, while the old population above 65 isincreasing at 2.9%, and the…  相似文献   
Sewage and industrial effluents from biological treatment plant have been widely used for agricultural irrigation in north part of China. However, effluents after biological treatment still contain heavy metals and persistent organic contaminants. The persistent organic contaminants accumulated in soil may transfer through the food chains and cause adverse health effects on human or biological effects on soil fauna and flora after long-term application. In present study, field surveys were carried out in the farmlands irrigated by effluents from biological treatment plants that receive sewage wastewater and industrial discharges. Residues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the soils irrigated using both ground water and effluents were compared. The origins of PAHs in the soils were discussed. The results showed that wastewater irrigation could cause accumulation of PAHs in soils close to the pollution discharge. Significantly higher concentrations of PAHs were observed in the sampling sites close to the entrance of main channel in contrast to those along branches and the reference sites. There was no significant relationship between the accumulation of persistent organic pollutants and organic matter content in soil (TOC). Soil contamination of these persistent organic pollutants as affected by effluent irrigation was characterized by the dominant accumulation of high-molecular-weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs). In the case study, concentration of benzo[a]pyrane (BaP, 45.6 ng/g), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (IcP, 86.3 ng/g), benzo[g,h,i]perlene (BgP, 66.9 ng/g) could exceed the limits of the soil quality standard for biodegraded soils. In identification of the sources, the IcP/BgP values of PAHs in soils were more close to that in air particulates from coal/coke source (1.09+/-0.03 ng/g) [Dickhut RM, Canuel EA, Gustafson KE, Liu K, Arzayus KM, Walkers E, et al. Automotive sources of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with particulate matter in the chesapeake bay region. Environ Sci Technol 2000;34:4635-40]. Therefore, both of the PAHs residues in effluents and emission from a nearby coal/coke plant were responsible. Also in this case study, low levels of the OCPs were observed and were not of significant concern in this wastewater irrigation area. Among the different OCPs analyzed, DDTs (mean 8.41 ng/g) and HCHs (mean 2.91 ng/g) were the major components. From the ratios of DDT/DDTs and beta-HCH/HCHs, it indicated that OCPs residues should be from historical usage.  相似文献   
分别采用石灰乳化学沉淀法和低温结晶法去除烟气脱硫溶液中的SO42-。实验结果表明:在室温、CaO溶液质量分数25%的条件下,石灰乳化学沉淀法对SO42-的去除率仅为59.51%,且向溶液中引入了Ca2+,产生的硫酸钙固体废物难以再生利用;采用低温结晶法处理烟气脱硫溶液,在结晶温度7 ℃、结晶时间3 h、NaOH加入量34.8 g/L的条件下,SO42-的去除率为82.04%、滤液中的ρ(Na+)为3.88 g/L。在现场工业应用试验中,采用低温结晶法去除烟气脱硫溶液中的SO42-,平均SO42-的去除率可达70.00%以上,滤液中的ρ(Na+)小于15.00 g/L。该法可有效抑制烟气脱硫溶液中SO42-含量的增加。  相似文献   
Mechanisms of soil Pb immobilization by Bacillus subtilis DBM, a bacterial strain isolated from a heavy-metal-contaminated soil, were investigated. Adsorption and desorption experiments with living bacterial cells as well as dead cells revealed that both extracellular adsorption and intracellular accumulation were involved in the Pb2+removal from the liquid phase. Of the sequestered Pb(II), 8.5% was held by physical entrapment within the cell wall, 43.3% was held by ion-exchange, 9.7% was complexed with cell surface functional groups or precipitated on the cell surface, and 38.5% was intracellularly accumulated.Complexation of Pb2+with carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, amido, and phosphate groups was demonstrated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis. Precipitates of Pb5(PO4)3OH, Pb5(PO4)3Cl and Pb10(PO4)6(OH)2that formed on the cell surface during the biosorption process were identified by X-ray diffraction analysis. Transmission electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopic analysis confirmed the presence of the Pb(II)precipitates and that Pb(II) could be sequestered both extracellularly and intracellularly.Incubation with B. subtilis DBM significantly decreased the amount of the weak-acid-soluble Pb fraction in a heavy-metal-contaminated soil, resulting in a reduction in Pb bioavailability, but increased the amount of its organic-matter-bound fraction by 71%. The ability of B.subtilis DBM to reduce the bioavailability of soil Pb makes it potentially useful for bacteria-assisted phytostabilization of multi-heavy-metal-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
苦马豆素是疯草主要有毒成分,抑制α-甘露糖苷酶的活性,引起N-聚糖加工过程失调。笔者课题组前期研究得出:苦马豆素致糖蛋白激素(促卵泡素和促黄体素)糖基化位点上糖链结构发生改变,引起促性腺激素功能发生改变。而苦马豆素中毒对家畜生殖激素分泌的调节机制尚不明确。苦马豆素腹腔注射对小鼠进行染毒,收集妊娠期和分娩期小鼠的血液、子宫和卵巢组织,检测糖基转移酶活性、生殖激素水平及其受体mRNA和类固醇限速酶蛋白质表达量。结果表明:在妊娠和分娩期,苦马豆素致子宫内膜固有层大量低聚糖蓄积,显著抑制N-聚糖加工过程关键糖基转移酶的活性(P<0.05);染毒组小鼠血液的生殖激素包括促卵泡素(FSH)、促黄体素(LH)、雌激素(E2)和孕酮(P4)水平显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。在整个妊娠周期,染毒组小鼠4种激素受体mRNA的表达量显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。在妊娠后期,染毒组小鼠3-β羟基类固醇脱氢酶(3-βHSD)和芳香化酶(CYP19A1)蛋白表达量显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。苦马豆素可使N-聚糖加工紊乱,引起促性腺激素分泌降低,进一步降低生殖激素受体和性类固醇激素限速酶的表达量,致使性类固醇激素分泌下降,导致生殖激素分泌紊乱,最终结果造成机体繁殖性能下降。  相似文献   
为了更好地从基因角度研究亚硝态氮对贝类的生态毒性,需要筛选一个合适的内参基因作为参考,对其毒性相关基因进行定量表达分析。本研究以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)作为研究对象,以亚硝态氮胁迫的鳃组织cDNA作为模板,利用geNorm软件和NormFinder软件对6个候选内参基因进行表达稳定性分析,并对2个结果做了综合赋权分析。结果显示,geNorm分析的基因表达稳定性结果为Actin>CyPA>EF1α>Ubi>18S>Tubu,NormFinder软件分析的结果为Actin>Ubi>CyPA>EF1α>18S>Tubu,最后经加权赋值法综合分析获得6个候选基因的表达稳定性为Actin>CyPA>Ubi>EF1α>18S>Tubu,即Actin为表达最稳定的基因。因此,Actin可以作为衡量亚硝态氮胁迫后菲律宾蛤仔鳃组织中基因表达的内参基因。  相似文献   
三氯乙烯(TCE)作为脱脂和清洗剂被广泛应用于五金、电镀和电子等行业。TCE的职业暴露会产生一系列健康风险,包括过敏症和致癌等。2012年TCE被美国环保局(US EPA)和国际癌症研究机构列为1类致癌物。采用吸附管采样-热脱附/气相色谱-质谱法分析了大连市某企业车间生产工况下空气中TCE浓度。基于生理学的药代动力学(PBPK)模型预测了呼吸暴露途径下TCE在职业工人体内组织中的动态分布、代谢产物生成情况和致癌风险。TCE在不同组织中预测的最大浓度呈现出脂肪 > 肠 > 充分灌注室 > 支气管 > 非充分灌注室 > 肝脏 > 静脉血 > 动脉血的趋势。预测的与致癌有关的代谢产物最大浓度表现为三氯乙酸 > 二氯乙酸 > 三氯乙醛 > S-二氯乙烯基-L-半胱氨酸。在监测的TCE水平(39.2±24.4)μg m-3下,暴露8 h d-1,连续暴露20年,基于外暴露评价的职业工人致癌风险均值为1.31×10-5,该暴露水平下,基于PBPK模型预测的TCE内暴露与外暴露计算的致癌风险水平相近,但基于具有致癌性主要代谢产物的内暴露致癌风险值是外暴露风险值的1.17~1.73倍。TCE的暴露水平越高,基于内暴露方法和外暴露方法的致癌风险评价结果差异越大。敏感性分析表明,心输出血流量和充分灌注室血流量对PBPK模型输出结果具有重要影响。不确定性分析表明,模型参数变化会显著地影响PBPK模型输出结果,但变异在可接受水平。本研究结果说明,评价TCE暴露对人的致癌风险需要考虑其在体内的分布和代谢过程。  相似文献   
微塑料对环境中有机污染物吸附解吸的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微塑料已成为新的全球性环境污染问题。作为强吸附剂,微塑料可以吸附共存的有机污染物,进而改变其环境行为和毒性;也可以通过解吸作用促进污染物在不同介质中的迁移。因而,微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用强度和机理是全面评估两者的环境风险和深度研究微塑料毒性机制的必要信息。目前微塑料研究处于快速发展的起始阶段,加之微塑料本身成分、粒径、表面风化情况的复杂性及共存有机污染物的多样性使两者的相互作用十分复杂,亟需理清微塑料吸附解吸作用的影响因素和相关机制。因而,本文详细综述了微塑料对有机污染物吸附解吸作用的研究进展,并着重从微塑料性质(成分、粒径和表面风化)、有机污染物性质和水环境介质性质方面探讨了吸附的影响因素和相互作用机制,希望为微塑料吸附有机污染物及吸附的后续影响研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
由于大量人类活动的影响,大气CO2浓度持续增加,其中约1/3被海洋吸收,导致表层海水pH值降低和碳酸盐平衡体系波动,即“海洋酸化”现象。污染物的海洋环境效应一直是全球环境科学领域研究的热点。在实际环境中,海洋酸化往往与污染物共同存在并作用于海洋生态系统,且海洋酸化极有可能改变污染物的海洋环境行为从而影响其毒性效应。但现有研究大多针对海洋酸化或者污染物单独作用下的毒性效应展开,对海洋酸化与污染物的联合毒性效应的研究不足、亟待加强。为此,综述了近年来海洋酸化与典型污染物(重金属、有机污染物)及新型污染物(人工纳米颗粒)的相关文献,重点阐述了海洋酸化对污染物环境行为的影响和海洋酸化与污染物对海洋生物的联合毒性效应,指出当前的研究不足,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
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