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采用颗粒流方法对岩体爆炸破岩过程进行数值模拟,将集中药包作用下的爆炸球面波等效为三角形波脉冲,根据颗粒离散元原理建立了点膨胀加载法和动边界处理法,结合动三轴试验标定的细观力学参数,建立了颗粒离散元爆炸应力波传播分析模型。利用数值模拟进行了爆破破岩机理分析,探讨了不同埋深、炸点膨胀比、炮孔压力对爆破效果的影响,给出了数值模拟时合适的炸点膨胀比与峰值压力取值范围,并根据爆破工程实践对爆破漏斗效应、微差爆破效应进行了验证。研究方法简单可靠,可反映岩体爆炸应力波传播规律,动态表征岩体的破坏过程,有助于进一步加深对工程爆破效应的认识。  相似文献   
青藏工程走廊整体呈东北-西南走向,加之青藏高原强烈的太阳辐射及大气透明度高,导致廊内路基工程存在显著的\"阴阳坡\"效应。在阴阳坡热效应作用下,路基阳坡路肩沉降变形普遍大于阴坡路肩,由此引发包括路基倾斜、边坡滑塌、纵向裂缝等一系列路基路面病害问题,严重影响了路基工程的长期稳定性,大幅增加了工程后期运营维护成本。针对这一问题,从青藏工程走廊阴阳坡效应的成因、阴阳坡效应作用下路基体冻融过程及地基温度场分布、路基的横向差异沉降变形、阴阳坡效应相关路基路面病害以及防控措施5个方面系统论述了目前的研究和工程实践现状,并结合阴阳坡效应的量化研究、防治措施的有效性等方面就未来需要开展的研究工作进行了展望,以期为青藏工程走廊内路基工程的建设与维护提供参考。  相似文献   
为了建立碳纤维布或外包钢套震损加固型钢混凝土柱的抗剪承载力计算式,基于碳纤维布或外包钢套加固型钢混凝土柱试验研究,分析了原柱材料的地震损伤以及混凝土受剪机理的差异,比较了不同抗剪模型建立的抗剪承载力计算值的差异性。经验证,计算值与其试验值吻合较好,说明基于强度退化的震损加固型钢混凝土柱抗剪承载力计算公式是可行的。基于GB50010-2010、ACI318-08和CSA-04三种不同抗剪模型建立的抗剪承载力计算值差异较大,说明震损加固柱中钢筋混凝土承担剪力的分析不容忽视。  相似文献   
土石混合体作为一种土和石的特殊混合体,其宏观变形破坏及力学性质与块石的空间定向性密切相关。为了研究块石定向性对土石混合体变形破坏机理的影响,采用二维颗粒流软件中FISH语言编写算法生成不同角度的椭圆形块石,建立土石混合体二维颗粒流数值模型,分别进行了单块石和多块石条件下土石混合体双轴试验数值模拟,对其变形破坏机理进行了深入分析。结果表明:块石角度不同时,土体中裂纹萌生位置不同;随着块石短轴方向与最大主压力轴夹角增大,土石混合体黏聚力先减小后增加,内摩擦逐渐减小;在应力峰值前的应力平缓增长阶段,土体中裂纹迅速增长,在试样强度达到峰值后进入残余强度阶段,裂纹的增速也逐渐降低;块石角度不同时,土石混合体的剪切带破坏形式不同。  相似文献   
依据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)关于定量结构-活性关系(QSAR)模型构建和使用导则,将780个有机化合物,以4:1的比例随机划分为训练集(624个化合物)和验证集(156个化合物),通过多元线性回归(MLR)方法构建了一个包含12个描述符的有机化合物鱼类生物富集因子(BCF)的QSAR模型。QSAR模型的调整决定系数Radj2=0.809,去一法交叉验证系数QLOO2=0.803,外部验证系数QEXT2=0.732,表明模型具有较好的拟合优度、稳健性和预测能力。采用欧几里德距离方法表征模型应用域,通过威廉姆斯图分析模型离群点,并对模型进行机理解释。所构建的模型,可以用于预测应用域内有机化学品的生物富集因子。  相似文献   
UV can induce damages on mRNA consistently among different genes. SOS response was more active after UV treatment. Programmed cell death was not found to be more active after UV treatment. The efficacy of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection has been analyzed and validated by numerous studies using culture-based methods, yet the discovery of the viable but nonculturable state necessitates the investigation of UV disinfection based on viability parameters. Paired regulators of the SOS response system, recA-lexA, and the programmed cell death system, mazEF, in Escherichia coli were chosen as the target genes, and the effect of UV irradiation on the mRNAs of the four genes was studied. This research showed that, after UV irradiation, the responses of the mRNAs were highly consistent, with reduction percentages of approximately 60% at 20 mJ/cm2, 70% at 40 mJ/cm2, and 90% at 80 mJ/cm2, and these reductions were believed to be the result of direct UV damage to nucleic acids. After 24 h of dark incubation, recA and lexA were both upregulated but to a lesser extent for repressor lexA; and mazE and mazF were both downregulated. This result implies that UV irradiation induces the dark repair system more actively, and the cells will proceed to death at a rate similar to that associated with natural decay.  相似文献   
A novel SBM-C-PBR was constructed for microalgae cultivation. Membrane fouling was greatly mitigated by membrane carbonation. NH4+ and P removal rates were around 80% in SBM-C-PBR. Biomass was completely retained by membrane. In this study, a novel sequence batch membrane carbonation photobioreactor was developed for microalgae cultivation. Herein, membrane module was endowed functions as microalgae retention and CO2 carbonation. The results in the batch experiments expressed that the relatively optimal pore size of membranes was 30 nm, photosynthetically active radiation was 36 W/m2 and the CO2 concentration was 10% (v/v). In long-term cultivation, the microalgal concentration separately accumulated up to 1179.0 mg/L and 1296.4 mg/L in two periods. The concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids were increased about 23.2, 14.9 and 6.3 mg/L respectively in period I; meanwhile, the accumulation was about 25.0, 14.5, 6.6 mg/L respectively in the period II. Furthermore, the pH was kept about 5.5–7.5 due to intermittent carbonation mode, which was suitable for the growth of microalgae. Transmembrane pressure (TMP) was only increased by 0.19 and 0.16 bar in the end of periods I and II, respectively. The pure flux recovered to 75%–80% of the original value by only hydraulic cleaning. Scanning electron microscope images also illustrated that carbonation through membrane module could mitigate fouling levels greatly.  相似文献   
Resin adsorption and subsequent electrodeposition were used for nickel recovery. Treated wastewater can meet the Electroplating Pollutant Discharge Standard. The spent resin is completely regenerated by 3 BV of 4% HCl solution. 95.6% of nickel in concentrated eluent was recovered by electrodeposition. Effective recovery of high-value heavy metals from electroplating wastewater is of great significance, but recovering nickel ions from real electroplating wastewater as nickel sheet has not been reported. In this study, the pilot-scale fixed-bed resin adsorption was conducted to recover Ni(II) ions from real nickel plating wastewater, and then the concentrated Ni(II) ions in the regenerated solution were reduced to nickel sheet via electrodeposition. A commercial cation-exchange resin was selected and the optimal resin adsorption and regeneration conditions were investigated. The resin exhibited an adsorption capacity of 63 mg/g for Ni(II) ions, and the average amount of treated water was 84.6 bed volumes (BV) in the pilot-scale experiments. After the adsorption by two ion-exchange resin columns in series and one chelating resin column, the concentrations of Ni(II) in the treated wastewater were below 0.1 mg/L. After the regeneration of the spent resin using 3 BV of 4% (w/w) HCl solution, 1.5 BV of concentrated neutral nickel solution (>30 g/L) was obtained and used in the subsequent electrodeposition process. Using the aeration method, alkali and water required in resin activation process were greatly reduced to 2 BV and 3 BV, respectively. Under the optimal electrodeposition conditions, 95.6% of Ni(II) in desorption eluent could be recovered as the elemental nickel on the cathode. The total treatment cost for the resin adsorption and regeneration as well as the electrodeposition was calculated.  相似文献   
浅覆地层盾构掘进时支护力过大极易导致开挖面前方土体发生被动破坏,造成地表隆起。基于筒仓理论,通过优化传统三维楔形体模型,建立楔形块+倒棱台的土体被动破坏三维计算模型(修正三维楔形体模型),并推导被动极限支护力计算公式;对不同埋深下滑动破裂角β分析研究;采用有限元分析软件MIDAS-GTS对盾构隧道开挖面的被动破坏进行模拟,揭示被动破坏支护力变化规律及破坏模式。结果表明:本文研究计算模型更符合开挖面土体被动破坏模式;通过对破裂角β分析,解析土体被动破坏时其最优解30°左右;在浅覆盾构开挖面中,揭示S/(γD)受土体内摩擦角φ、埋深比K的影响,文中S/(γD)随内摩擦角φ的增大呈非线性增加,埋深比K越大,其幅度越明显;破坏模式分析中,K越小,土体位移变形对S/(γD)越敏感,越容易发生开挖面被动破坏;发生被动破坏时,土体纵向位移变形大于横向位移变形。  相似文献   
为揭示EGR(废气再循环)对柴油机颗粒表面形态以及空间结构的影响,针对不同EGR率下产生的柴油机颗粒,采用颗粒粒径分析仪以及X射线小角散射等分析手段,研究了EGR对柴油机排气颗粒粒径、数浓度和质量浓度的影响,分析了颗粒团聚程度、团粒间隙尺寸以及表面形态等参数随EGR率的变化规律.结果表明:随着EGR率从10%增至30%,颗粒数浓度峰值粒径向大粒径方向偏移,粒径在10~50 nm的核模态颗粒数浓度分别降低了14.7%和29.4%;粒径在50~500 nm的积聚态颗粒数浓度分别增加了17.1%和139.4%;总颗粒数浓度也有较大幅度增加,分别增加了4.5%和72.1%.采用EGR后,颗粒的质量分形维数和表面分形维数分别增加了12.1%和18.2%,表明EGR会使颗粒的质量分布不均匀,表面粗糙程度增加.随着EGR率的增加,颗粒的团粒间隙分布有明显差异,EGR率为0时的团粒间隙尺寸主要分布在8~11 nm,EGR率为30%时的团粒间隙尺寸主要分布在4~6 nm,表明EGR可在总体上降低团粒间隙尺寸和数浓度,增加了颗粒的团聚程度和空间结构的紧密程度.研究结果对于拓宽EGR的工况使用范围、提高DPF等后处理装置的工作效率、进一步降低柴油机的NOx和颗粒排放具有重要意义.   相似文献   
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