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Abstract: The endangered grassland daisy Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides has been subject to severe habitat destruction and fragmentation over the past century. Using allozyme markers, we examined the genetic diversity and structure of 16 fragmented populations. The species had high genetic variation compared to other plant species, and both polymorphism and allelic richness showed strong positive relationships with log reproductive population size, reflecting a loss of rare alleles (frequency of q < 0.1) in smaller populations. Fixation coefficients were positively related to size, due either to a lack of rare homozygotes in small populations or to Wahlund effects (owing to spatial genetic structure) in large ones. Neither gene diversity nor heterozygosity was related to population size, and other population parameters such as density, spatial contagion, and isolation had no apparent effect on genetic variation. Genetic divergence among populations was low , despite a large north-to-south break in the species' current distribution. To preserve maximum genetic variation, conservation strategies should aim to maintain the five populations larger than 5000 reproductive plants, all of which occur in the north of the range, as well as the largest southern population of 626 plants at Truganina. Only one of these is currently under formal protection. High heterozygosity in smaller populations suggests that they are unlikely to be suffering from inbreeding depression and so are also valuable for conservation. Erosion of allelic richness at self-incompatibility loci, however, may limit the reproductive capacity of populations numbering less than 20 flowering plants.  相似文献   
A general theory known as the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm has been developed to describe the flow and the generation of potential environmental impact through a chemical process. The theory defines indexes that characterize the generation and the output of potential environmental impact from a process. The existing theory has been extended to include the potential environmental impact of the energy consumed in a chemical process. Energy will have both an environmental impact as well as an economic impact on process design and analysis. Including energy into the analysis of environmental impact is done by re-writing the system boundaries to include the power plant which supplies the energy being consumed by the process and incorporating the environmental effects of the power plant into the analysis. The effect of this addition on the original potential impact indexes will be discussed. An extensive engineering economic evaluation has been included in the process analysis which inherently contains the cost of the consumed energy as an operating cost. A case study is presented which includes a base process design and two modifications to the base design. Each design is analyzed from an economic perspective and an environmental impact perspective. The environmental impact analysis is partitioned into the impacts of the non-product streams and the impacts of the energy generation/consumption process. The comparisons of these analysis procedures illustrate the consequences for decision making in the design of environmentally friendly processes.  相似文献   
新西兰卫生部已宣布,从2001年12月7日起,将对所有转基因食品,即该食品最终成品中引入了新的DNA或异源蛋白,实行强制标签制度。任何进口和国产的食品只要含有转基因成分都将要求贴上标签。新西兰食品主管部门在2000年12月上旬根据食品标准法典18款修正案(转基因技术生产的食品法规)公布了以上决定。  相似文献   
Genetic (allozyme) variation and population genetic structure of the rare shrub Daviesia suaveolens , found in only a few large populations on the eastern escarpment of the southern tablelands of New South Wales, were compared to those of its abundant and widespread relative D. mimosoides at both spatially equivalent and rangewide scales. We hypothesized that the rare species is genetically depauperate relative to the common one. We also generated baseline data on D. suaveolens to provide management recommendations for its conservation. Both species had high variation relative to other widespread woody angiosperms. Rangewide, the rare species exhibited lower species-level genetic variation than its common relative but a similar level of variation to that found in D. mimosoides over an equivalent spatial scale. Population-level genetic variation was similar for the two species. Over its small geographic range, D. suaveolens populations were three times as genetically differentiated as D. mimosoides over the same scale, showing a clear northsouth genetic disjunction and as much interpopulation divergence as the common species exhibited rangewide. These results confirm that not all types of rarity have the same genetic implications. Conservation strategies for D. suaveolens need not be concerned about low population-level variation unless populations become significantly smaller than is currently typical. Of more importance is to maintain the high interpopulation differentiation by conserving populations from both the north and south of the species' range.  相似文献   
Nyctiphanes australis was collected from the east coast of Tasmania between January 1989 and April 1991. Density and biomass were significantly higher in autumn than in any other season. The population was dominated by juveniles, except in autumn and spring 1990 when there was a significant increase in the proportion of adults. Our data indicated that N. australis does not regularly migrate vertically and that it forms aggregations of particular size classes which vary both temporally and spatially. Stomach fullness in Trachurus declivis, a major predator of N. australis, rose to a peak in autumn when N. australis stocks and the monthly catches by the fishery for T. declivis were at their highest. The stomachs of T. declivis were also dominated by adult size classes during this period. The virtual absence of N. australis in 1989 and the subsequent failure of the T. declivis fishery in that year underline the interrelationship between these two species. We suggest that this was the result of an influx of subtropical northern waters low in nutrients onto the shelf, which corresponded with a major La Niña cold event at that time.  相似文献   
Summary Activity patterns were documented over a 20-month period in six groups of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Group size varied both among groups and within groups through time. The home ranges of two groups were located in Acacia xanthophloea habitat whereas those of four adjacent groups were located in A. tortilis habitat. Repeated measures analysis of variance, three-way analysis of variance, and meta-analysis of group size effects were carried out on feeding, moving, resting, scanning, allo-grooming, and other behavior. Time spent feeding varied seasonally, peaking during periods when A. tortilis seeds were eaten. However, time spent feeding did not vary within or among groups, or between habitats, males and females, or dominants and subordinates. Males spend more time scanning and less time allo-grooming than females, and high-ranking individuals of both sexes spent more time scanning than low-ranking individuals. Among females, subordinates spent more time moving, whereas among males, dominants spent more time moving. Groups living in A. xanthophloea habitat spent more time moving and allo-grooming than groups in A. tortilis habitat but this may have been confounded by the fact that these two groups were on average larger than the others. Significant differences in activity budgets among groups demonstrate that activity patterns observed in one group are not always readily generalized to other groups even when they come from the same population. Group size analyses examined potential costs and benefits of group living. Increased intragroup competition, measured by time spent moving and feeding, was only weakly evident in larger groups. Individuals in larger groups allo-groomed more than individuals in smaller groups. Self-grooming also increased in larger groups. Individuals in larger groups spent less time scanning than individuals in smaller groups, but there was more scanning per group in larger groups than in smaller groups. Correspondence to: L.A. Isbell  相似文献   
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