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ABSTRACT: The Rural Clean Water Program has provided a unique opportunity to study the economics of agricultural nonpoint source pollution control. Several implications for improving the economic efficiency of future agricultural nonpoint source pollution control programs can be drawn from the results. First, individual projects should be targeted towards water bodies that have water quality problems causing economic damages. Considerable variation can exist among areas in the magnitude of economic damages, which may not be proportional to physical impacts. Second, the relative costs and effectiveness of the practices selected to reduce the delivery of pollutants can vary dramatically from one location to another. Early identification and emphasis on cost-effective BMPs can substantially reduce project costs and may make a project economically justifiable that would not otherwise be so. Finally, some projects that do not hive potential economic benefits from water quality improvements exceeding government cost may have on-farm benefits from reduced costs and increased long-term yields that are sufficient to make total benefits (water quality and on-farm) exceed costs.  相似文献   
The high-level radioactive, Al-rich, concentrated alkaline and saline waste fluids stored in underground tanks have accidentally leaked into the vadose zone at the Hanford Site in Washington State. In addition to dissolution, precipitation is likely to occur when these waste fluids contact the sediments. The objective of this study was to investigate the solid phase transformations caused by dissolution and precipitation in the sediments treated with solutions similar to the waste fluids. Batch experiments at 323 K were conducted in metal- and glass-free systems under CO2 and O2 free conditions. Results from X-ray diffraction (XRD), quantitative X-ray diffraction (QXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF) indicated that significant solid phase transformations occurred in the sediments contacted with Al-rich, hyperalkaline, and saline solutions. The XRD and QXRD analyses confirmed that smectite and most likely biotite underwent dissolution. The SEM and the qualitative EDS analyses confirmed the formation of alumino-silicates in the groups of cancrinite and probably sodalite. The morphology of the alumino-silicates secondary phases changed in response to changes in the Si/Al aqueous molar ratio. The transformations in the sediments triggered by dissolution (weathering of soil minerals) and precipitation (formation of secondary phases with high specific surface area and probably high sorption capacities) may play a significant role in the immobilization and ultimate fate of radionuclides and contaminants such as Cs, Sr, and U in the Hanford vadose zone.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a summary of the findings and recommendations of the studies of severe, sustained drought reported in this special issue. The management facilities and institutions were found to be effective in protecting consumptive water users against drought, but much less effective in protecting nonconsumptive uses. Changes in intrastate water management were found to be effective in reducing the monetary value of damages, through reallocating shortages to low-valued uses, while only water banking and water marketing, among the possible interstate rule changes, were similarly effective. Players representing the basin states and the federal government in three gaming experiments were unable to agree upon and effect major changes in operating rules. The conclusions are (1) that nonconsumptive water uses are highly vulnerable to drought, (2) that consumptive uses are well-protected, (3) that drought risk is greatest in the Upper Basin, (4) that the Lower Basin suffers from chronic water shortage but bears little drought risk, (5) that opportunities exist for win-win rule changes, (6) that such rule changes are extremely difficult to make, and (7) that intrastate drought management is very effective m in reducing potential damages.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper is a computer simulation analysis of an agricultural nonpoint pollution problem. Computer modeling is a universally applicable tool that can be used for establishing the linkages between and the quality of agricultural runoff in both surface and subsurface flow. The tradeoffs between the costs of soil conservation practices and water quality are reported, and the economic implications of such tradeoffs are discussed. Soil and nutrient losses resulting from crop production practices are analyzed using a field-scale computer simulation model (CREAMS). No-till planting, reduced tillage, and sod waterway systems are more cost effective than other practices for controlling soil and nutrient runoff losses. Nitrate leaching losses are increased slightly by most soil conservation practices. Terrace systems and permanent vegetative cover impose the greatest societal cost for water quality protection. Public cost sharing and tax incentives encourage farmers to adopt expensive structural practices, and policies are needed to get cost-effective practices implemented on critical acreage. Extensive treatment of land is necessary for agricultural best management practices (BMPs) to significantly improve water quality in areas that are intensively farmed.  相似文献   
Both intraspecific spatial aggregation and temporal priority effects have the potential to increase long-term species coexistence. Theory and models suggest that intraspecific aggregation can facilitate coexistence via limited dispersal or asymmetric interaction distances. During community assembly, intraspecific aggregation may also delay interactions between more and less competitive species, thus creating opportunities for priority effects to facilitate longer-term coexistence. Few empirical studies have tested predictions about aggregation and coexistence, especially in the context of community assembly or ecological restoration. We investigated (1) impacts of intraspecific aggregation on the assembly of eight-species communities over three years, (2) the scale dependence of these impacts, and (3) implications for California prairie restoration. We planted eight native species in each of 19, 5 m wide, octagonal plots. Species were either interspersed throughout the plot or aggregated into eight, 2.2-m(2), wedge-shaped, monospecific sectors. Over three years, species diversity declined more quickly in interspersed plots than in aggregated plots. Two species had higher cover or increased more in interspersed than aggregated plots and were identified as "aggressives." Four species had higher cover or increased more in aggregated than interspersed plots and were identified as "subordinates." Within aggregated plots, aggressive species expanded beyond the sector in which they were originally seeded. Cover of aggressive species increased faster and reached higher values in sectors that were adjacent to the originally planted sector, compared to nonadjacent sectors. Cover of aggressive species also increased more and faster near plot centers, compared to plot edges. Areas near plot centers were representative of smaller aggregation patches since species were planted closer to heterospecific neighbors. Two subordinate species maintained higher cover near plot edges than near plot centers. Moreover, two subordinate species maintained higher cover when seeded in sectors farther away from aggressive species. These results suggest that initial intraspecific aggregation can facilitate species coexistence for at least three years, and larger aggregation patches may be more effective than smaller ones in the face of dispersing dominants. The creation of temporal priority effects may represent an underappreciated pathway by which intraspecific aggregation can increase coexistence. Restorationists may be able to maintain more diverse communities by planting in a mosaic of monospecific patches.  相似文献   
We report observations on spawning and early development in bone-eating worms of the genus Osedax. Individual females of Osedax rubiplumus were observed at 1820 m depth freely spawning hundreds of oocytes, and females of an undescribed species, Osedax “orange collar”, were observed spawning in laboratory aquaria. Cytological and molecular analysis of the spawned oocytes of two Osedax species revealed no evidence for the bacterial endosymbionts that the female worms require for their nutrition, suggesting that the bacteria must be acquired later from the environment, as they are in other siboglinids. Individual O. “orange collar” females released an average of 335 (±130) eggs per day, but the number of oocytes spawned per day varied greatly, suggesting that not all the females spawned daily. Fertilization rates of the spawned oocytes varied from 0 to 100%, though most females showed nearly 100% fertilization rates. Oocytes spawned in the laboratory at 4–6°C were negatively buoyant. If fertilized, these oocytes extruded polar bodies and then after at least four hours cleaved unequally. Subsequent cleavages occurred in a spiral pattern at roughly 2-h intervals, resulting in free-swimming trochophore larvae after 24 h. These lecithotrophic trochophores swam for 9–16 days before settling with several hooked chaetae, similar to those of dwarf Osedax males. The larval life span of the Osedax species studied in the laboratory appears to be shorter than in closely related Vestimentifera. Osedax rubiplumus, on the other hand, has much larger oocytes and so may have greater dispersal potential than these other Osedax species. The high fecundity and apparently continuous reproduction of Osedax boneworms permits the opportunistic exploitation of sunken vertebrate bones. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Muscle tissue was collected for stable isotope analysis (SIA) from the main fish predators and their fish and cephalopod prey from oceanic waters off eastern Australia between 2004 and 2006. SIA of δ15N and δ13C revealed that the species examined could be divided into three main trophic groups. A “top predator” group consisted mainly of large billfish (Xiphias gladius and Tetrapturus audax), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (T. obesus) and southern bluefin (T. maccoyii) tunas and sharks; with mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) the highest. Below this tier was a second group composed of mid-trophic level fishes including albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), lancet fish (Alepisaurus ferox), mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippuris) and ommastrephid squid. Underlying both groups was a grouping of small fishes including myctophids, small scombrids and nomeids as well as surface fishes including macrorhamphosids. These groupings were based largely on mean animal size which showed a positive linear relation to δ15N (r 2 = 0.58). Some species showed significant ontogenetic variation in either δ15N (swordfish, lancet fish, yellowfin and albacore tuna) or δ13C (mako shark). We also noted a consistent latitudinal change in δ15N and δ13C at ~28°S for the top predator species, particularly albacore and yellowfin tuna. The differences were consistent with a change from oligotrophic Coral Sea to nutrient rich Tasman Sea waters. These differences suggest that predatory fishes may have extended residence time in distinct regions off eastern Australia.  相似文献   
Providing food to developing offspring is beneficial for offspring but costly for carers. Understanding patterns of provisioning thus yields important insights into how selection shapes (allo-) parental care strategies. Broadly, offspring development will be influenced by three components of provisioning (prey type, size and delivery rate). However, all three variables are rarely considered simultaneously, leading to suggestions that the results of many studies are misleading. Additionally, few studies have examined the provisioning strategies of breeders and non-breeding helpers in obligate cooperative breeders, wherein reproduction without help is typically unsuccessful. We investigated these components of provisioning in obligately cooperative chestnut-crowned babblers (Pomatostomus ruficeps). Prey type was associated with size, and delivery rate was the best predictor of the overall amount of food provided by carers. As broods aged, breeders and helpers similarly modified the relative proportion of different prey provided and increased both prey size and delivery rate. Breeding females contributed less prey than male breeders and adult helpers, and were the only carers to load-lighten by reducing their provisioning rates in the presence of additional carers. While our results suggest that breeders and helpers follow broadly comparable provisioning rules, they are also consistent with the idea that, in obligately cooperative species, breeding females benefit more from conserving resources for future reproduction than do helpers which have a low probability of breeding independently.  相似文献   
Distributions of heavy metals in the sediments of South Korean harbors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bottom sediments of harbors in the South Korea have been long suspected for metal contamination due to ship-based and urban-based activities for the past several decades. A number of areas have been suspected to impair ecosystem services to the local residents and drawn complaints from main stakeholders. Twelve contamination suspected harbors were subject to evaluate the level of contamination of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb and Hg. The level of sediment contamination for each metal was evaluated comparing the relative enrichment of a given metal to pollution-insensitive aluminum. Regional background concentration of a given metal was also determined based on its down core measurement and sediment texture. Ecological risk posed by the presence of heavy metals was evaluated using the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) developed by United States National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration (US NOAA) as benchmarks for evaluating sediment chemistry to aquatic organisms. Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg in the surface sediment were found to be higher than a factor of 1.5 than background sediments, and the overall metal contaminations of surface sediment can be regarded as medium-high- to high-priority sites in the sense of SQGs.  相似文献   
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