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The Waigang River, a major tributary of the Qinhuai River system, has suffered from long-standing pollution because of lack of management. Restoration was commenced in April 2006 to reduce pollutants and improve water quality. Four ecological areas and ten surface carriers were constructed for the culture of plants (mainly water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)) for phytoremediation. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus, total nitrogen (TN), ammonia?Cnitrogen (NH3?CN), water transparency, and variations in phytoplankton population were investigated to evaluate the effects of restoration. Over 36?months, TSS, COD, TN, and NH3?CN levels decreased by 91.1, 55.3, 91.5, and 86.5?%, respectively. Transparency increased from 25?cm in 2006 to 165?cm in 2009. Improvements in water quality significantly enhanced the diversity of phytoplankton, which were harmed by pollution stress. Our results show that the water hyacinth and ryegrass cultured in the ecological areas and the surface carriers can be used to restore other heavily polluted rivers with conditions similar to those of the Waigang River, especially in the initial stages of restoration.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) can catalyze the reversible hydration reaction of CO2 at a maximum of 1.4?×?106 molecules of CO2 per second. The crude intracellular enzyme extract containing CA II was derived from Chlorella vulgaris. A successful CO2 capture experiment with the presence of calcium had been conducted on the premise that the temperature was conditioned at a scope of 30?C40?°C, that the biocatalyst-nurtured algal growth period lasted 3?days, and that pH ranged from7.5 to 8.5. Ions of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ at 0.01, 0.1, and 0.5?M were found to exhibit no more than 30?% inhibition on the residual activity of the biocatalyst. It is reasonable to expect that calcification catalyzed by microalgae presents an alternative to geological carbon capture and sequestration through a chain of fundamental researches carried on under the guidance of sequestration technology.  相似文献   
考察了不同粒径零价铁(ZVI),包括200目普通铁粉(200m-ZVI)、800目超细铁粉(800m-ZVI)和纳米铁粉(nZVI,粒径=20 nm),对污水污泥的硫化氢和甲烷释放速率的影响。研究发现:(1)在22 d内,添加0.1%的200m-ZVI使污泥的硫化氢释放速率提高48.0%,而添加0.1%的800-ZVI和nZVI,则使污泥的硫化氢释放速率分别降低33.1%和77.1%;(2)不同粒径ZVI均可以提高污泥沼气中的甲烷浓度,且依次为nZVI〉800m-ZVI〉200m-ZVI;(3)在23 d内,添加0.1%的200m-ZVI和nZVI使污泥的甲烷累计产生量分别提高了15.5%和40.6%,而添加0.1%800m-ZVI则使甲烷产生量降低了12.5%。nZVI可以有效控制污泥的硫化氢释放,并显著提升污泥在厌氧发酵过程的产甲烷速率。  相似文献   
以钛基掺硼金刚石为基体,采用电沉积的方法制备了Ti/BDD/PbO2复合电极,并将其用于化学需氧量(COD)的测定。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射谱图(XRD)表征了电极的微观形貌及结构,采用电化学工作站考察了电极对有机物响应特性。实验结果表明,在1.45 V的低电位条件下,线性范围为0.5~175 mg/L,检测限为0.3 mg/L(S/N=3)。采用Ti/BDD/PbO2复合电极测定法和重铬酸钾标准方法对市政污水、食品废水及印染废水的对比结果表明,2种方法的相对误差小于10%,具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   
以从我国最大的石油污水灌区之一——沈抚灌区污染土壤分离到的以芘为惟一碳源、能源生长的高效降解菌株ZQ5为实验材料,通过对菌株ZQ5培养条件的优化,以及采用摇瓶振荡培养方法测定菌株ZQ5对不同浓度芘的降解率,表明:菌株ZQ5在30℃振荡培养16 d后对150 mg/L芘的降解率为90.31%。通过模拟稻田施用N、P和K肥等的土壤环境,探索了无机营养元素对降解菌ZQ5降解能力的影响,发现土壤中混合加入N、P和K无机营养元素的降解率能达到82%以上,比单加某种营养元素对降解菌ZQ5的降解效果好。本研究结果可以指导稻田PAHs的原位生物修复。  相似文献   
兰伟兴  蒋建平  刘栩男 《安全》2022,43(1):53-58
为研究食品生产企业员工安全行为的影响因素,本文基于安全领导力、安全氛围、个体认知等方面对员工安全行为的重要影响作用,研究上述各维度对安全行为的影响,结果表明:可感知的安全领导力、良好的安全氛围及对安全的个体认知情况,均会促进员工主动安全行为的产生,且安全领导力对安全行为的影响作用最大,其次是个体认知,再次是安全氛围;安全氛围会抑制员工安全道德行为的产生,个体认知会抑制员工自律守纪行为的产生。  相似文献   
城市污水处理厂第二沉淀池出水的污染物浓度较低,经过矿化及灭菌等深度处理后可以回用,从而减轻对淡水资源的需求。本实验采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了负载TiO2的浮石光催化剂,对城市污水处理厂第二沉淀池出水进行了矿化及灭菌处理研究。采用低压汞灯对处理水样照射2h,有机物降解率可以达到50%,灭菌效率达到100%。处理后的水可以作为农作物灌溉、城市绿化和娱乐用水。负载在浮石表面的TiO2薄膜经过10次的光催化循环实验后,没有明显破损,可以再次循环使用。TiO2浮石具有质轻、机械性能好和价格低等优点,该方法处理废水的适用浓度低,可以广泛应用于微污染水和城市污水处理厂出水的深度处理。  相似文献   
Dust aerosols play an important role in modulating the hydrologic cycle. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is little polluted by human activities as an ideal site to study the effect of dust aerosol on precipitation. In this study, observational data of dust storms and precipitation in the TP and its vicinities as well as CALIPSO satellite data were used to analyze the distributions and vertical structure of dust storms on the plateau. The results showed that dust storms occur with high frequency and raise dust particles into the troposphere from ground level to a height of 5–9 km to modulate the hydrologic cycle in the TP. There are significant negative correlations between dust aerosol and precipitation in the dust source regions during the period of both 40 and 200 years. It is found that the role of precipitation in suppressing dust storms could be unimportant, while dust aerosol may play an important role in suppressing precipitation in the hinterland of the TP. Our study provides a potential approach to better understand the climate changes in the TP.  相似文献   
An ozone (O3) exposure study was conducted in Nashville, TN, using passive O3 samplers to measure six weekly outdoor, indoor, and personal O3 exposure estimates for a group of 10- to 12-yr-old elementary school children. Thirty-six children from two Nashville area communities (Inglewood and Hendersonville) participated in the O3 sampling program, and 99 children provided additional time-activity information by telephone interview. By design, this study coincided with the 1994 Nashville/Middle Tennessee Ozone Study conducted by the Southern Oxidants Study, which provided enhanced continuous ambient O3 monitoring across the Nashville area. Passive sampling estimated weekly average outdoor O3 concentrations from 0.011 to 0.O30 ppm in the urban Inglewood community and from 0.015 to 0.042 ppm in suburban Hendersonville. The maximum 1- and 8-hr ambient concentrations encountered at the Hendersonville continuous monitor exceeded the levels of the 1- and 8-hr metrics for the O3 National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Weekly average personal O3 exposures ranged from 0.0013 to 0.0064 ppm (7-31% of outdoor levels). Personal O3 exposures reflected the proportional amount of time spent in indoor and outdoor environments. Air-conditioned homes displayed very low indoor O3 concentrations, and homes using open windows and fans for ventilation displayed much higher concentrations.  相似文献   
Feng S  Kong Z  Wang X  Zhao L  Peng P 《Chemosphere》2004,56(5):457-463
Imidacloprid [1-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-N-nitro-imidazolidin-2-ylideneamine] and RH-5849 [2'-benzoyl-l'-tert-butylbenzoylhydrazinel] are two pesticides used in China since 1992. In the present study we conducted acute toxicity test, micronucleus (MN) test and comet assay of the two pesticides on amphibian, Rana N. Hallowell, a sensitive organism suitable for acting as the bio-indicator of aquatic and agricultural ecosystems. The values of LC50-48 h of imidacloprid were found to be 165 mg l(-1) for tadpoles of Rana limnocharis and 219 mg l(-1) for tadpoles of Rana N. Hallowell. On the other hand, RH-5849 showed no acute toxicity to tadpoles during the 96 h exposure even it was saturated in the test solutions. There were significant differences in the MN frequencies between the negative controls and the treated groups at the dose of 8 mg l(-1) for imidacloprid (p < 0.05) and 40 mg l(-1) for RH-5849 (p < 0.01). Comet assay found significant differences (p < 0.01) in the distributions of DNA damage grades between the negative controls and groups treated in vitro with 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l(-1) of imidacloprid and 5, 25, 50 and 100 mg l(-1) of RH-5849, respectively. DNA damage scores increased with the exposure levels of the two pesticides and dose-effect relationships were observed for both imidacloprid (r2 = 0.92) and RH-5849 (r2 = 0.98). The MN test and comet assay revealed potential adverse effects of the two pesticides on DNA in the erythrocytes of amphibians in aquatic and agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   
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