The accelerated biodegradation of 3-nitrophenol (3-NP) in the rhizosphere of giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrrhiza) was investigated.
Materials and methods
Biodegradation of 3-nitrophenol in the rhizosphere of a floating aquatic plant, S. polyrrhiza, was investigated by using three river water samples supplemented with 10?mg?l?1 of 3-NP. Isolation and enrichment culture of 3-NP-degrading bacteria were performed in basal salts medium containing 3-NP (50?mg?l?1). The isolated strains were physiologically and phylogenetically characterized by using an API20NE kit and 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
Results and discussion
Accelerated removal of 3-NP (100%) was observed in river water samples with S. polyrrhiza compared with their removal in plant-free river water. Also, 3-NP persisted in an autoclaved solution with aseptic plants, suggesting that the accelerated 3-NP removal resulted largely from degradation by bacteria inhabiting the plant rather than from adsorption and uptake by the plant. We successfully isolated six and four strains of 3-NP-degrading bacteria from the roots of S. polyrrhiza and plant-free river water, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene divided the 3-NP-degrading bacteria into two taxonomic groups: the genera Pseudomonas and Cupriavidus. The strains belonging to the genus Cupriavidus were only isolated from the roots of duckweed. All strains isolated from the roots utilized 3-NP (0.5?mM) as a sole carbon and energy source, indicating that they could have contributed to the accelerated degradation of 3-NP in the rhizosphere of S. polyrrhiza.
The rhizoremediation using S. polyrrhiza and its rhizosphere bacteria can be an effective strategy for cleaning up the 3-NP-contaminated surface waters. 相似文献
Aimed to give a preliminary image of dioxin pollution in China, chemometric analysis was performed to determine background dioxin levels during the period 1994-2002 and potential emission sources. Using principal components analysis (PCA), the congener profiles of 71 sediment samples from rivers, lakes, and sea bays around China were compared with the congener profiles of various known or suspected industrial, residential, and municipal dioxin sources to determine whether the dioxin residues typically found in a broad range of potential environmental sources could explain the presence of these chemicals in China. It was found that the background dioxin levels of China were similar to those of lightly polluted samples from other countries during the period 1994-2002. Primary ferrous ore sintering and secondary lead and aluminum smelters were the major sources of dioxin emission in China. Chloranil and wastewater from chemical plants, sodium pentachlorophenate, and pulp bleaching were also important sources of dioxin emission. Open burning of e-waste as well as diesel-fueled and leaded gas-fueled vehicles were additional possible sources of dioxin. In contrast to other countries, in China, flue gases from incineration of municipal waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste might be minor sources of dioxin emission. 相似文献
Sub-Saharan African countries are being strongly urged to enhance their rice production, because their rice consumption and importation rates have been rapidly increasing in recent years. Areas planted to rice in Africa are classified agro-ecologically into rainfed upland, rainfed lowland, and irrigated. Rainfed lowland includes extensive areas of unexploited land that has great potential for the promotion of rice growing. For the unexploited rainfed lowlands of Ghana, we have been studying the development of low-cost rice-farming systems that require no large-scale irrigation or land reclamation. For such systems, it is important to select suitable areas where water for rice farming can be obtained naturally; floodwaters offer promise for this purpose. Delineation and mapping of floodwater prone areas suitable for rice production is important for successful utilization of this land resource. Here, we propose a method of assessing flood probability from submergence frequency, as estimated from satellite imagery and geospatial data. ALOS/PALSAR images acquired in May, June, August, and September 2010 were used to classify land and water, and then a submerged-area map was produced. From the results, we were able to accurately detect non-submerged areas and submerged areas with water depths of at least 3?cm. The number of times classified into submerged area was defined as submergence frequency, and it was approximated by distance from reservoirs representing White Volta River, ponds, and swamps. In addition, flood extent derived from reservoirs was simulated using digital elevation model (DEM). Finally, a flood probability assessment map was produced by integration of the estimated submergence frequency and flood extent simulation. The results of a comparison of soil moisture data measured at 69 points in the field and the NDVIs computed by ALOS/AVNIR showed that areas with high potential for flooding retained high levels of soil moisture and were more likely to show less deterioration of vegetation in the dry season. The validation of these results confirmed the adequacy of the flood probability assessment method. 相似文献
Microplastic pollution is occurring in most ecosystem, yet their presence in high altitude clouds and their influence on cloud formation and climate change are poorly known. Here we analyzed microplastics in cloud water sampled at the summits of Japan mountains at 1300–3776 m altitude by attenuated total reflection imaging and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. We observed nine microplastics including polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polymethyl methacrylate, polyamide 6, polycarbonate, ethylene–propylene copolymer or polyethylene–polypropylene alloy, polyurethane, and epoxy resin. Microplastic were fragmented, with mean concentrations ranging from 6.7 to 13.9 pieces per liter, and with Feret diameters ranging from 7.1 to 94.6 μm. Microplastics bearing hydrophilic groups such as carbonyl and/or hydroxyl groups were abundant, suggesting that they might have acted as condensation nuclei of cloud ice and water. Overall, our finding suggest that high-altitude microplastics cloud influence cloud formation and, in turn, might modify the climate.
The efficiencies of neutral salts, strong acids, and chelates were tested for extracting cadmium (Cd) from three paddy soils. The higher the selectivity of the cations of the added neutral salts toward soil adsorption sites, the lower the pH in the extracts and the more soil Cd could be extracted. In addition, soil carbon and nitrogen contents and mineral composition were closely associated with the amount of Cd extracted. Calcium chloride and iron(III) chloride were selected as wash chemicals to restore Cd-contaminated paddy soils in situ. Washing with calcium chloride led to the formation of Cd chloride complexes, enhancing Cd extraction from the soils. The washing also substantially decreased soil levels of exchangeable and acid-soluble Cd, which are the major forms of bioavailable Cd for rice (Oryza sativa L.). The optimum conditions for in situ soil washing were also determined for calcium chloride. 相似文献
The objective of this study is to obtain information on the calorimetric behaviors of aqueous solutions of hydroxylamine (HA), hydroxylamine chloride (HACl), and hydroxylamine nitrate(HAN) caused by different Fe(III) states (free Fe(III) from Fe(NH4)(SO4)2, Fe(CN)63−, and Fe(EDTA)−). The calorimetric data were obtained with a small-scaled reaction calorimeter, Super-CRC.
In the mixing with Fe(III), HA showed the highest reactivity among three substrates. Free Fe(III) and Fe(EDTA)− showed catalytic effects in the reactions. In the overall heat of reactions, Fe(EDTA)− exceeded free Fe(III), which precipitated as Fe(OH)3 and decreased the chances of interactions with HA. It was suggested that the generation of NH3 had taken place in the process of reducing HA along with Fe(II) oxidation. Fe(CN)63− was less reactive than free Fe(III) and Fe(EDTA)−.
The ability of masking Fe(III) was estimated for CyDTA. The HA including CyDTA had no exothermic peak; however, there was an endothermic peak of the heat flow at Fe(III) injection. CyDTA was found to have the ability to inhibit a violent exothermic reaction of HA. 相似文献
Serious adverse impacts on the environment and human health from e-waste recycling have occurred in the past and continue to occur in China today, due to a lack of national management strategies. China has made great efforts to face the challenges of the approaching peak increase in the domestic generation of e-waste and the illegal shipment of e-waste from other countries. This study examined recent progress and analysed the main problems associated with this issue in China. It was found that the material and the financial flows of e-waste in China had their own specific characteristics. Nearly 60% of the generated e-wastes were sold to private individual collectors and passed into informal recycling processes. More than 90% of Chinese citizens are reluctant to pay for the recycling of their e-waste. This is due to their traditional understanding that there remained value in these end-of-life products. Regulations concerning e-waste in China have been drafted but their deficiencies are obvious. The extended producer responsibilities (EPR) have been introduced but are not well defined. Eight formal facilities have been planned and are under construction or are in operation along the eastern coast of China but it will be difficult for them to compete with the informal processes for the reasons identified during the study. 相似文献
Objectives: The ultimate goal of this research is to reduce thoracic injuries due to traffic crashes, especially in the elderly. The specific objective is to develop and validate a full-body finite element model under 2 distinct settings that account for factors relevant for thoracic fragility of elderly: one setting representative of an average size male and one representative of an average size Japanese elderly male.Methods: A new thorax finite element model was developed from medical images of a 71-year-old average Japanese male elderly size (161cm, 60 kg) postmortem human subject (PMHS). The model was validated at component and assembled levels against original series of published test data obtained from the same elderly specimen. The model was completed with extremities and head of a model previously developed. The rib cage and the thoracic flesh materials were assigned age-dependent properties and the model geometry was scaled up to simulate a 50th percentile male. Thereafter, the model was validated against existing biomechanical data for younger and elderly subjects, including hub-to-thorax impacts and frontal impact sled PMHS test data. Finally, a parametric study was conducted with the new models to understand the effect of size and aging factors on thoracic response and risk of rib fractures.Results: The model behaved in agreement with tabletop test experiments in intact, denuded, and eviscerated tissue conditions. In frontal impact sled conditions, the model showed good 3-dimensional head and spine kinematics, as well as rib cage multipoint deflections. When properties representative of an aging person were simulated, both the rib cage deformation and the predicted number of rib fractures increased. The effects of age factors such as rib cortical thickness, mechanical properties, and failure thresholds on the model responses were consistent with the literature. Aged and thereby softened flesh reduced load transfer between ribs; the coupling of the rib cage was reduced. Aged costal cartilage increased the severity of the diagonal belt loading sustained by the lower loaded rib cage.Conclusions: When age-specific parameters were implemented in a finite element (FE) model of the thorax, the rib cage kinematics and thorax injury risk increased. When the effect of size was isolated, 2 factors, in addition to rib material properties, were found to be important: flesh and costal cartilage properties. These 2 were identified to affect rib cage deformation mechanisms and may potentially increase the risk of rib fractures. 相似文献
Reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) policies form the basis of waste management and global warming countermeasures globally, so we conducted a comparative study of 3R and waste management policies in the European Union (EU), USA, Korea, Japan, China, and Vietnam. An international workshop for 3R and waste management policymakers was held in Kyoto, Japan, and a bibliographic survey was also conducted to collect data. 3R policies are clearly given priority in the hierarchy of waste management in every country studied. Thermal recovery, which includes power generation from waste heat and methane gas collected from organic waste, is also a priority; this is consistent with the increased use of countermeasures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the EU, waste management is characterized by practical and effective 3R policies through the development of realistic regulations and by the policymakers??desire to simplify management systems. The policy ideal in China, however, is the development of a circular economy that targets reductions in the amount and hazardousness of waste. Limits on the number of final disposal sites, strategies for procuring resources, and GHG emission countermeasures are closely linked with 3R policies, and further development of 3R policies in parallel with such issues is expected. 相似文献
To assist in the efficient surveillance against illegal dumping, this study examined and evaluated two methods to illustrate the illegal dumping potential of sites using GIS (Geographic Information System) data. One approach focused on the occurrence of illegal dumping sites; the other on the size of the illegal dumping. Both approaches to zoning were implemented for the Kanto region of Japan, utilizing seven or eight major geographical attributes most closely related to illegal dumping. The zoning results revealed the areas requiring patrols against illegal dumping. Evaluation of the zoning results using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve showed the number of illegal dumping sites detectable under certain surveillance conditions and that the size-based zoning was superior, but this superiority was insignificant for revealing sites with higher potential for large illegal dumping, for which it would be sufficient to use the occurrence-based zoning. The evaluation also showed the contribution of each geographical attribute. Finally, application of the ROC curve to the surveillance planning process was examined, which enables the total social cost of pollution by illegal dumping, rehabilitation of dumping sites, and illegal dumping surveillance to be minimized. 相似文献