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This study was undertaken to assess 2,4-D mineralization in an undulating cultivated field, along a sloping transect (458 m to 442 m above sea level), as a function of soil type, soil microbial communities and the sorption of 2,4-D to soil. The 2,4-D soil sorption coefficient (Kd) ranged from 1.81 to 4.28 L kg(-1), the 2,4-D first-order mineralization rate constant (k) ranged from 0.04 to 0.13 day(-1) and the total amount of 2,4-D mineralized at 130 days (M(130)) ranged from 24 to 39%. Both k and M(130) were significantly negatively associated (or correlated) with soil organic carbon content (SOC) and Kd. Both k and M(130) were significantly associated with two fatty-acid methyl esters (FAME), i17:1 and a18, but not with twenty-two other individual FAME. Imperfectly drained soils (Gleyed Dark Grey Chernozems) in lower-slopes showed significantly lesser 2,4-D mineralization relative to well-drained soils (Orthic Dark Grey Chernozems) in mid- and upper-slopes. Well-drained soils had a greater potential for 2,4-D mineralization because of greater abundance and diversity of the microbial community in these soils. However, the reduced 2,4-D mineralization in imperfectly drained soils was predominantly because of their greater SOC and increased 2,4-D sorption, limiting the bioavailability of 2,4-D for degradation. The wide range of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization in this undulating cultivated field is comparable in magnitude and extent to the variability of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization observed at a regional scale in Manitoba. As such, in-field variations in SOC and the abundance and diversity of microbial communities are determining factors that require greater attention in assessing the risk of movement of 2,4-D by runoff, eroded soil and leaching.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to quantify 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) mineralization in soil profiles characteristic of hummocky, calcareous-soil landscapes in western Canada. Twenty-five soil cores (8 cm inner diameter, 50 to 125 cm length) were collected along a 360 m transect running west to east in an agricultural field and then segmented by soil-landscape position (upper slopes, mid slopes, lower slopes and depressions) and soil horizon (A, B, and C horizons). In the A horizon, 2,4-D mineralization commenced instantaneously and the mineralization rate followed first-order kinetics. In both the B and C horizons, 2,4-D mineralization only commenced after a lag period of typically 5 to 7 days and the mineralization rate was biphasic. In the A horizon, 2,4-D mineralization parameters including the first-order mineralization rate constant (k 1), the growth-linked mineralization rate constant (k 2) and total 2,4-D mineralization at the end of the experiment at 56 days, were most strongly correlated to parameters describing 2,4-D sorption by soil, but were also adequately correlated to soil organic carbon content, soil pH, and carbonate content. In both B and C horizons, there was no significant correlation between 2,4-D mineralization and 2,4-D sorption parameters, and the correlation between soil properties and 2,4-D mineralization parameters was very poor. The k 1 significantly decreased in sequence of A horizon (0.113% day?1) > B horizon (0.024% day?1) = C horizon (0.026% day?1) and in each soil horizon was greater than k 2. Total 2,4-D mineralization at 56 days also significantly decreased in sequence of A horizon (42%) > B horizon (31%) = C horizon (27%). In the A horizon, slope position had little influence on k 1 or k 2, except that k 1 was significantly greater in upper slopes (0.170% day?1) than in lower slopes (0.080% day?1). Neither k 1 nor k 2 was significantly influenced by slope position in the B or C horizons. Total 2,4-D mineralization at 56 days was not influenced by slope positions in any horizon. Our results suggest that, when predicting 2,4-D transport at the field scale, pesticide fate models should consider the strong differences in 2,4-D mineralization between surface and subsurface horizons. This suggests that 2,4-D mineralization is best predicted using a model that has the ability to describe a range of non-linear mineralization curves. We also conclude that the horizontal variations in 2,4-D mineralization at the field scale will be difficult to consider in predictions of 2,4-D transport at the field scale because, within each horizon, 2,4-D mineralization was highly variable across the twenty-five soil cores, and this variability was poorly correlated to soil properties or soil-landscape position.  相似文献   
The herbicide 2,4-D [2,4-(dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] is one of the most widely used pesticides in the Canadian prairies and is frequently detected as a ground and surface water contaminant. The objective of this paper was to determine the magnitude and extent of variation of 2,4-D mineralization in a cultivated undulating prairie landscape. Microcosm incubation experiments, using a 4 × 3 × 2 factorial experimental design (soil moisture, 4 levels: 60, 85, 110, 135% of field capacity; slope position, 3 levels: upper-, mid- and lower-slopes; soil depth, 2 levels: 0–5 and 5–15 cm), were used to assess 2,4-D mineralization. The first-order mineralization rate constant (k1) varied from 0.03 to 0.22 day? 1, while total 2,4-D mineralization varied from 31 to 52%. At near-saturated conditions (110 and 135% of field capacity), the onset of 2,4-D degradation was delayed in soil obtained from the upper- and mid-slopes but not in soils obtained from the lower-slope position. The k1 and total 2,4-D mineralizationwas significantly influenced by all three factors and their interactions. The Freundlich sorption coefficient of 2,4-D ranged from 0.83 to 2.46 ug 1–1/ng? 1 mL1/n and was significantly influenced by variations in soil organic carbon content across slope positions. The infield variability of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization observed across slope positions in this undulating field was comparable in magnitude and extent to the regional variability of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization observed in surface soils across Manitoba. The large variability of 2,4-D mineralization and sorption at different slope positions in this cultivated undulating field suggests that landform segmentation models, which are used to delineate slope positions, are important considerations in pesticide fate studies.  相似文献   
Livestock manure applied to agricultural land is one of the ways natural steroid estrogens enter soils. To examine the impact of long-term solid beef cattle (Bos Taurus) manure on soil properties and 17β-estradiol sorption and mineralization, this study utilized a soil that had received beef cattle manure over 35 years. The 17β-estradiol was strongly sorbed and sorption significantly increased (P < 0.05) with increasing soil organic carbon content (SOC) and with an increasing annual rate of beef cattle manure. The 17β-estradiol mineralization half-life was significantly negatively correlated, and the total amount of 17β-estradiol mineralized at 90 days (MAX) was significantly positively correlated with 17β-estradiol sorption. The long-term rate of manure application had no significant effect on MAX, but the addition of fresh beef cattle manure in the laboratory resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) smaller MAX values. None of the treatments showed MAX values exceeding one-third of the 17β-estradiol applied.  相似文献   
This laboratory study examined the interactions between an algal species found in wetlands (Selenastrum capricornutum) and two agricultural pesticides (atrazine and lindane). Pesticide additions had a positive effect on the chlorophyll a concentrations of the treatments. The presence of algae decreased the aqueous persistence of both pesticides. It is speculated that the algae either provided sites for pesticide sorption or facilitated pesticide degradation.  相似文献   
Mineralization studies of natural steroid hormones (e.g., 17β-estradiol, E2) are performed in environmental incubators, usually under a constant temperature such as 20°C. In this paper, we present a microcosm protocol that quantified the mineralization of E2 in soils under field temperatures. The nine agricultural soils tested had a wide range of soil organic carbon (1.1 to 5.2%) and clay (9 to 57%) contents. The calculated time over which half of the applied E2 was mineralized (E2-½) ranged from 299 to 910 d, and total E2 mineralization at 48 d (E2-TOT48) ranged from 4 to 13%. In subsequent laboratory incubations, the same soils were incubated under a constant temperature of 20°C, as well as under cyclic temperatures of 14.5°C (14 h) and 11.5°C (10h), which was within the temperature extremes observed in the field microcosms. E2-½ ranged from 157 to 686 d at 20°C and from 103 to 608 d at the cyclic temperatures, with the E2-TOT48 ranging from 6 to 21% at 20°C and from 7 to 30% under cyclic temperatures. Despite the overall 6.75°C lower mean temperatures under the cyclic versus constant temperatures, E2 mineralization was stimulated by the temperature cycles in three soils. Regardless of the incubation, the same loamy sand soil always showed larger E2 mineralization than the other eight soils and this loamy sand soil also had the smallest E2 sorption. Current modeling approaches do not take into consideration the effects of temperature fluctuations in the field because the input parameters used to describe degradation are derived from laboratory incubations at a constant temperature. Across the eight soils, E2-½ was on average 1.7 times larger and E2-TOT48 was on average 0.8 times smaller under field temperatures than under a constant 20°C. Hence, we conclude that incubations at 20°C give a reasonable representation of E2 mineralization occurring under field conditions to be expected in a typical Prairie summer season.  相似文献   
Microbial inhibitors such as mercuric chloride are frequently used to sterilize soil or soil-water slurries in experimental studies on the fate of xenobiotics in the environment. This study examined the influence of mercuric chloride additions to soil-water slurries on the sorptive behaviour of a phenoxy herbicide (2,4-D) in soil. The results demonstrated that mercuric chloride strongly decreased the capacity of the soil to retain herbicides, and that the interference of mercuric chloride with herbicide sorption increased with increasing soil organic carbon contents. Because of the competitive sorption between mercuric chloride and the phenoxy herbicide, we conclude that mercuric chloride may not be a good soil sterilization procedure for use in xenobiotic fate studies.  相似文献   
Using the soil-water sorption partitioning coefficient (Kd), this study quantified the spatial variation of 2,4-D sorption by soil in an undulating-to-hummocky terrain landscape near Minnedosa, MB, Canada. Herbicide sorption was most strongly related to soil organic matter content and slope position, with greatest sorption occurring in lower landscape positions with greater soil organic matter content. The relation between sorption and slope position was more pronounced under conventional tillage (CT) than under long-term zero-tillage (ZT). Using multivariate regression and three independent variables (soil organic matter content, soil clay content and soil pH), the prediction of herbicide sorption by soil was very good for CT (R2 = 0.89) and adequately for ZT (R2 = 0.53).  相似文献   
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