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The pesticide usages are controlled by comparing residue concentrations in treated commodities to legally permitted maximum levels (MRLs) determined based on supervised trials designed to reflect likely maximum residues occurring in practice following authorised use. The number of trials available may significantly affect the accuracy of estimated maximum residues. We conducted a study with synthetic lognormal distributions with mean of 1 and standard deviations of 0.8 and 1.0, which reflect the residue distributions observed in practice. The likely residues in samples were modelled by drawing random samples of size 3, 5, 10 and 25 from the synthetic populations. The results indicate that the estimations of highest residues (HR), used for calculation of short-term intake, and the MRLs, serving as legal limits, are very uncertain based on 3–5 trials indicated by the calculated HR0.975/HR0.025 and MRL0.975/MRL0.025 ratios of 12 and 9, and 13 and 10, respectively, which question the suitability of such trials for the intended purpose. As the 95% range of HR and MRL rapidly decreases with number of trials, ideally ≥15 but minimum 6–8 trials should be used for estimation of HR and MRL according to the current typical practice of Codex Alimentarius.  相似文献   
Cobalt is a naturally occurring element found in rocks, soil, water, plants, and animals and has diverse industrial importance. It is cycled in surface environments through many natural processes (e.g. volcanic eruptions, weathering) and can be introduced through numerous anthropogenic activities (e.g. burning of coal or oil, or the production of cobalt alloys). The environmental behaviour of cobalt in terrestrial environment is relatively poorly studied and in particular where Co is used in industrial processes, the baseline information to support wider and long-term environmental impacts is widely dispersed. To support the adoption of new EU regulations on the risk assessment of chemicals, we review here the various aspects of the environmental chemistry, fate and transport of Co across environmental interfaces and discuss the toxicology and potential for bio magnification and food chain accumulation. The soil-to-plant transfer of Co appears to be viable route to expose lower trophic levels to biologically significant concentrations and Co is potentially accumulated in biomass and top soil. Evidence for further accumulation through soil-invertebrate transfer and to higher trophic levels is suggested by some studies but this is obscured by the relatively high variability of published transfer data. This variation is not due to one particular aspect of the transfer of Co in terrestrial environments. Influences are from the variability of geological sources within soil systems; the sensitivity of Co mobility to environmental factors (e.g. pH) and the variety of life strategies for metal elimination/use within biological species. Toxic effects of Co have been suggested for some soil-plant animal studies however, uncertainty in the extrapolation from laboratory to field is a major limitation.  相似文献   
Ecotoxicological effects associated with contaminants present in dredged material from Spain were determined using a marine biotest based on the determination of metallothionein-like-protein concentrations (MTLPs) in the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Intermoult female C. maenas were exposed in the laboratory to sediments from three Spanish ports, Ría de Huelva (SW, Spain), La Coru?a (NW, Spain) and Bahía de Cádiz (SW, Spain) per replicate during 21 days. Hepatopancreas samples from crabs were taken for metallothioneins analysis on days 0, 7 and 21. Furthermore, chemical analysis was performed in the stations to determine the degree and nature of sediment contamination (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, As, PAHs and PCBs). A significant increase (p<0.05) in metallothionein concentration was observed over time in individuals exposed to sediment from the port Ría de Huelva characterized by high concentrations of metals. A toxicokinetic approach is proposed in this study related to the use of this biomarker in C. maenas to evaluate bioavailability associated with metals present in dredged material. As a first step, this toxicokinetic approach might reveal as a sensitive tool for evaluating bioavailability of contaminants present in dredged material.  相似文献   
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the leading infectious cause of prenatal neurological damage, which is particularly severe when primary maternal infection occurs during the first 16 weeks of gestation, at the time of organ development and neuronal migration. Vascular involvement has been suggested to be among thepossible pathogenic mechanisms of virus-induced pathology, in addition to direct viral effects. We report on a fetus with cerebral CMV infection, which had intraventricular haemorrhage, together with oligohydramnios and hyperechogenic bowel, following maternal primary CMV infection. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Calls for supporting sustainability through more and better research rest on an incomplete understanding of scientific evidence use. We argue that a variety of barriers to a transformative impact of evidence arises from diverse actor motivations within different stages of evidence use. We abductively specify this variety in policy and practice arenas for three actor motivations (truth-seeking, sense-making, and utility-maximizing) and five stages (evidence production, uptake, influence on decisions, effects on sustainability outcomes, and feedback from outcome evaluations). Our interdisciplinary synthesis focuses on the sustainability challenge of reducing environmental and human health risks of agricultural pesticides. It identifies barriers resulting from (1) truth-seekers’ desire to reduce uncertainty that is complicated by evidence gaps, (2) sense-makers’ evidence needs that differ from the type of evidence available, and (3) utility-maximizers’ interests that guide strategic evidence use. We outline context-specific research–policy–practice measures to increase evidence use for sustainable transformation in pesticides and beyond.  相似文献   
Alpine livestock farms consist of pastures, buildings, people and animals, and are a key element for the economy in the Alps. Pastures and huts are often owned by the local municipalities, who lease them to private tenants. However, this activity is often no longer profitable, and thus pastures and huts remain unused and abandoned. This research provides an economic estimate of pastoral farming using the choice experiment (CE) method, also assessing the willingness to pay (WTP) for pastoral farming functions. The study examines different scenarios of upland farm management in order to provide recommendations for public owners on how to better manage these assets. The case study is located in an alpine area in northern Italy. Our results show a higher WTP for the attributes related to the traditional Alpine agricultural economy, with an emphasis on grazing. Several policy implications regarding agricultural renewal and support for mountain livelihoods are highlighted in the conclusions.  相似文献   
Total concentrations and extractable fractionations of As and Sb were determined in soil samples from former mining sites in Scotland and Italy. Pseudo-total levels of As and Sb in the sample were between 50–17,428 mg/kg and 10–1,187 mg/kg (Scotland), and 16–691 mg/kg and 1.63–11.44 mg/kg (Italy). Between 0.001–0.63% and <0.001−8.82% of the total soil As and Sb, were extractable using, a single extraction bioavailability estimate. Data from an As-specific extraction procedure revealed that up to 60% of As was associated to amorphous Fe-Al oxyhydroxide phase in all soils. A non-specific-sequential extraction test also showed As to be strongly associated with Fe (and Al) oxyhydroxides at both locations. In the case of Sb, in addition to the crystalline Fe-oxide bound Sb the Al-silicate phase also appeared to be significant. At both sites Sb appears to be chemically more accessible than As with consistent availability despite the varied origin and host soil properties.  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) exposure was investigated through feathers of Olrog's Gull and related to health parameters in adults (hematocrit, total plasma proteins, morphometric measures, sex) and chicks (hematocrit, total plasma proteins, immunoglobulins G and M) from a colony located in estuary of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Mercury concentrations were 5.50 ± 2.59 μg g?1 (n = 44) in live adults, 1.85 ± 0.45 μg g?1 (n = 45) in live chicks and 1.81 ± 0.41 μg g?1 (n = 41) in dead chicks. Large differences were observed between live adults and live or dead chicks and small differences between live and dead chicks. In the adults, the sex of the birds was the variable that best explained Hg concentrations. Male birds had higher concentrations than females; this suggests that the clutch provides a sink for mercury during egg laying. Hg concentrations in both adults and live chicks were associated with higher hematocrits. This could be associated with upregulated erythropoiesis to compensate for increased rate of destruction of prematurely senescent, Hg-contaminated erythrocytes. Based on our results, on the levels of Hg pollution in the past in the study area, and on the dietary specialization of Olrog's Gull, we must be vigilant about potential negative effects of Hg pollution on this population and recommend continued monitoring on this threatened species.  相似文献   
Leitgib L  Kálmán J  Gruiz K 《Chemosphere》2007,66(3):428-434
The harmful effects of contaminants on the ecosystems and humans are characterised by their environmental toxicity. The aim of this study was to assess applicability and reliability of several environmental toxicity tests, comparing the result of the whole soils and their water extracts. In the study real contaminated soils were applied from three different inherited contaminated sites of organic and inorganic pollutants. The measured endpoints were the bioluminescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri (bacterium), the dehydrogenase activity inhibition of Azomonas agilis (bacterium), the reproduction inhibition of Tetrahymena pyriformis (protozoon), and Panagrellus redivivus (nematode), the mortality of Folsomia candida (springtail), the root and shoot elongation inhibition of Sinapis alba (plant: white mustard) and the nitrification activity inhibition of an uncontaminated garden soil used as "test organism". Besides the standardised or widely used methods some new, direct contact ecotoxicity tests have been developed and introduced, which are useful for characterisation of the risk of contaminated soils due to their interactive nature. Soil no. 1 derived from a site polluted with transformer oil (PCB-free); Soil no. 2 originated from a site contaminated with mazout; Soil no. 3 was contaminated with toxic metals (Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, As). In most cases, the interactive ecotoxicity tests indicated more harmful effect of the contaminated soil than the tests using soil extracts. The direct contact environmental toxicity tests are able to meet the requirements of environmental toxicology: reliability, sensibility, reproducibility, rapidity and low cost.  相似文献   
Oil sands mining companies in Alberta, Canada, are evaluating the feasibility of using wetlands to detoxify oil sands process material (OSPM) as a reclamation strategy. Reproductive success, nestling growth, survival and ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD) activity were measured in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) on experimental wetlands. In 2003, harsh weather triggered a widespread nestling die-off. Mortality rates on the control site reached 48% while they ranged from 59% to 100% on reclaimed wetlands. The odds of dying on the most process-affected sites were more than ten times higher than those on the control site. In 2004, weather was less challenging. Mortality rates were low, but nestlings on reclaimed wetlands weighed less than those on the control site, and had higher EROD activity. These results indicate that compared with reference birds, nestlings from OSPM-impacted wetlands may be less able to withstand additional stressors, which could decrease their chances of survival after fledging.  相似文献   
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